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Author Topic: Tommy Robinson case is thrown out as his supporters say it is a "win"  (Read 13934 times)

Offline puntingking

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He was banned from entering anywhere within the M25 but after today's ruling he can now enter London.

It doesn't matter if you like tommy or don't but nobody should be banned from entering our capital city. I don't see the met police banning every criminal from entering London so why should the met ban tommy? who is not a criminal.  :unknown:

The court got this case right today so I am hoping the police take a long look at themselves and be impartial to any views or beliefs.
Tommy Robinson even prased one mainstream media news channel presenter - Michelle Dewbury for keeping on challening her two guests.  :hi:

Offline fudi_maar

Firsrly, Id like to make it clear that i am person of colour and am immigrant.

I have to say, looking at it impartially, Tommy was, and probably still is, the most persecuted man in the country. He has been hounded by the police to the point that he constantly wore a gopro for evidence. There is a video of him enjoying a pub lunch with his family and friends (including little kids) and he was told by the police to not only leave the pub, but to leave the town (Cambridge).
Another incident. There were news reports in the national
papers during elections reporting "Violence erupts during Tommy R campaign". What they didnt report was that the violence was commited by 200+ Asians (i myself am of Asian origin) who proceeded to pelt Tommy and the dozens of innocent people who came to hear him speak with rocks and bricks, all with the implicit consent of the police. The Asians then posted videos of them doing it ln FB groups, proudly boasting about it.
The police, the papers, the law all looked the other way.

As a kid, i lost count of the number of times i was chased down the street and beaten up by white kids. But what i see happening in this wonderful country now is the exact opposite of that. Both are racist acts. Both shouldnt be happening. But society is now so crippled by woke culture, by political correctness that we cannot even talk about the 'reverse racism' thats taking place, not just here, but all over Europe.
I hope somehow we can change as a society and be able to freely discuss difficult topics instead of getting "cancelled" under the pretence of hate speech.

« Last Edit: April 23, 2024, 08:42:40 pm by fudi_maar »

Offline berksboy

Offline badsin

Firsrly, Id like to make it clear that i am person of colour and am immigrant.

I have to say, looking at it impartially, Tommy was, and probably still is, the most persecuted man in the country. He has been hounded by the police to the point that he constantly wore a gopro for evidence. There is a video of him enjoying a pub lunch with his family and friends (including little kids) and he was told by the police to not only leave the pub, but to leave the town (Cambridge).
Another incident. There were news reports in the national
papers during elections reporting "Violence erupts during Tommy R campaign". What they didnt report was that the violence was commited by 200+ Asians (i myself am of Asian origin) who proceeded to pelt Tommy and the dozens of innocent people who came to hear him speak with rocks and bricks, all with the implicit consent of the police. The Asians then posted videos of them doing it ln FB groups, proudly boasting about it.
The police, the papers, the law all looked the other way.

As a kid, i lost count of the number of times i was chased down the street and beaten up by white kids. But what i see happening in this wonderful country now is the exact opposite of that. Both are racist acts. Both shouldnt be happening. But society is now so crippled by woke culture, by political correctness that we cannot even talk about the 'reverse racism' thats taking place, not just here, but all over Europe.
I hope somehow we can change as a society and be able to freely discuss difficult topics instead of getting "cancelled" under the pretence of hate speech.

Well said.
I don't agree with everything TR says, however his contribution to bringing rape gangs to public knowledge has to be a good thing.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2024, 08:53:27 pm by badsin »

Offline RadioKid

I'm all for dialogue and freedom of expression, but to suggest Tommy Robinson [aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon] is some champion of free speech is beyond absurd and venturing into the realms of sheer fantasy! :lol:

The guy doesn't even use his real name and amongst his antics, include convictions ranging from:
  • Use of Fake Passports and Immigration Fraud - Found himself locked up there
  • Assaulting a Police Officer
  • Stalking
  • Contempt of Court
  • Misuse of funds/donations allegedly on Prostitutes and Coke (as per his own Camera Team and Media Man)
  • Possession of Drugs
  • Numerous Public Order Offences and crimes involving violence.
  • Has openly recorded himself saying pathetic racist tirades (Against Asians funnily enough)
  • Refusal to acknowledge or address the presence of convicted sex offenders within his own political circle, (So much for protecting vulnerable girls right?)
  • Confirmed reception of financial backing from obscure far-right organizations in the US to promote his extremist agenda
  • Declared Bankrupt despite having assets worth an eye-watering £3million and a string of businesses under names of his family and friends.

Let's not make out this is some harmless family man being harassed and victimized.
Stephen is a classic example of a professional BS merchant, self-serving opportunist and professional hate-peddler. His antics are well documented and his trail of destruction he leaves everywhere is evident.

Numerous individuals have dedicated their entire lives to serving the needs of the ordinary British citizen - Stephen isn't one of them.


Offline badsin

Sounds perfectly qualified to become an MP  :scare:

Offline fudi_maar

I'm all for dialogue and freedom of expression, but to suggest Tommy Robinson [aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon] is some champion of free speech is beyond absurd and venturing into the realms of sheer fantasy! :lol:

No one on this thread has said that he is a champion of free speech.

Your hate for him is making your imagination go crazy.

I dont want to get into a tit-for-tat argument with anyone as this is a sensitive topic, but i - as someone who was attacked by people like him in my youth - am willing to listen objectively to what he has to say. You may, or may not, want to do the same. Totally your choice. But other people who want to listen to him (rightly or wrongly) are also exercising their freedom of choice. Thats what makes democracy so great. But our very democracy will be under threat in 30-40 years unless people like him are allowed to stand up and say "our way of life may be under threat".

Offline RadioKid

No one on this thread has said that he is a champion of free speech.

No, but your last paragraph suggested it.

Your hate for him is making your imagination go crazy.

Not really. Everything I said is just a snapshot of his well documented activities.

I dont want to get into a tit-for-tat argument with anyone as this is a sensitive topic, but i - as someone who was attacked by people like him in my youth - am willing to listen objectively to what he has to say. You may, or may not, want to do the same. Totally your choice. But other people who want to listen to him (rightly or wrongly) are also exercising their freedom of choice. Thats what makes democracy so great. But our very democracy will be under threat in 30-40 years unless people like him are allowed to stand up and say "our way of life may be under threat".

That's your view. Personally I'd rather not have a little sit-down with thugs, criminals, groomers, rapists, fascists etc. They don't represent anyone or anything but themselves. I doubt you or your families were beaten up for your views. You were beaten up because of the colour of your skin.

But totally your choice to entertain such thugs. Personally, I think its more important to call out these dangerous people who do nothing except harm every aspect of society.

Offline RedKettle

External Link/Members Only

He was banned from entering anywhere within the M25 but after today's ruling he can now enter London.

It doesn't matter if you like tommy or don't but nobody should be banned from entering our capital city. I don't see the met police banning every criminal from entering London so why should the met ban tommy? who is not a criminal.  :unknown:

The court got this case right today so I am hoping the police take a long look at themselves and be impartial to any views or beliefs.
Tommy Robinson even prased one mainstream media news channel presenter - Michelle Dewbury for keeping on challening her two guests.  :hi:

The article is nothing to do with banning him from being within the M25, it was an order banning him from a particular march at which the police believed he would cause trouble. He won the case because the paperwork was wrong.

Offline JontyR

The article is nothing to do with banning him from being within the M25, it was an order banning him from a particular march at which the police believed he would cause trouble. He won the case because the paperwork was wrong.
Yep. It could be portrayed that he got off on a technicality, if it were a speeding ticket for a Beckham then they would have used Mr. Loophole for this kind of thing.

This is not a sign of the Police or wider authorities persecuting him, it's just a sign of them being inept.

If the argument around this matter is not about freedom of speech can someone tell me what it is about. The only issue I can see here is that SY-L could claim that he is having his right to protest either removed or not honoured.

The counter argument is that he could be permitted to protest but such actions should be done in a way that do not impinge on the rights of others or to the detriment of wider public safety. Why did SY-L have to protest at this location on this presumption, and I am happy to be corrected, is because there were those of the opposite viewpoint there.

That's not, the actions of someone who wants to exercise their democratic rights, thats someone that is deliberately trying to either intimidate or worse.

The impact on police resources and wider communities would be significant too.

And to what end? Seems that most of this is basically to promote "brand Tommy".

Online scutty brown

Well said.
I don't agree with everything TR says, however his contribution to bringing rape gangs to public knowledge has to be a good thing.

Well he fucked that up in Barrow-in-Furness didn't he?
Created a campaign against one Asian bloke who was completely innocent: the girl lied. Marches, speeches, all completely bogus.
Thick twat.

Offline jeanphillipe

He is basically out for himself.

Sells a story people like to hear and gets rich off it.

Offline sir wanksalot

He is basically out for himself.

Sells a story people like to hear and gets rich off it.

What is the story that people like to hear?

We're in danger of throwing the baby out with the bath water......

Offline Ali Katt

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I'm not going to go into political opinion, but like Paul and Jade Golding, Paul Pitt and group National Action. They were all at best paid actors or more likely government agents designed to split the Brexit vote and derail any progress the likes of Farage made by associating voters with thugs, racists and morons.

We've seen the same thing Corbyn being marred with anti semitism, not saying it didn't exist in his party, but made the public lose faith in him.

It's quite telling Robinson (a then virtual nobody) could get on newsnight with no real trouble, but Nick Griffin a then leader of a political party albeit an unpopular had 1 appearance on QT which was a near impossible gig.

I've said some bollox on here in the past which I no longer believe, but anyone who thinks Tommy's persecution is real and not a staged event are ignoring nearly two decades of pantomime and circus. Supporting Tommy doesn't make a rebel or a free thinker it's what they want in a run up to local elections and when new restrictions are proposed with regards age gating on the internet. Don't be a plank.

Offline puntingking

This is somewhat related (as i am pro free speech) -

If I could have my own news media platform and run it I would makw it dedicated to the free thought and expression of every idea to man. It would be better than Gb news as that is more focussed on centre right of the polutical scale.

To prove that I personally would not have any polutical persuasion (other than free speech) my presenters would include Lawrence fox, tommy robinson, katie hopkins from the Right and george galloway, owen Jones and jeremy gorben from the left. Then for the really out there of ideas i would also have david icke, piers corben and a flat earther presenter.

This would be the most free speach news media in the world but still adhering ofcom rules.

Now I woke up from my dream..

P,s ignore the spelling mistakes
« Last Edit: April 24, 2024, 12:36:23 pm by puntingking »

Offline Ali Katt

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No one on this thread has said that he is a champion of free speech.

Your hate for him is making your imagination go crazy.

I dont want to get into a tit-for-tat argument with anyone as this is a sensitive topic, but i - as someone who was attacked by people like him in my youth - am willing to listen objectively to what he has to say. You may, or may not, want to do the same. Totally your choice. But other people who want to listen to him (rightly or wrongly) are also exercising their freedom of choice. Thats what makes democracy so great. But our very democracy will be under threat in 30-40 years unless people like him are allowed to stand up and say "our way of life may be under threat".
What exactly is our way of life? We don't have true democracy like most western countries we have pay to play politics. When was the last time we had a working class prime minister?

We've never had a constitution or free speech. We can vote, but when was it a fair and representative system.

In some areas we have more freedom than ever before you can say cunt on TV at 9pm with impunity or show full frontal nudity on naked attraction, but you can't legally stream song of the south which is utterly bizarre.

Offline lostandfound

Deleted - some random philosophising which would be a waste of everyone's time.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2024, 04:42:41 pm by lostandfound »

Offline fudi_maar

What exactly is our way of life?

We are really fortunate to be living in a society where our sisters and daughters can find jobs, have relationships, live on their own if they so choose. (The sad thing is that even in this country, many women of immigrant origin cannot do that due to social pressure. "Honour killings" are on the rise.) We can be an atheist if we so choose, without fear of being jailed or executed because of 'blasphemy laws'. We can even critise the government publicly in the form of protests. None of these things are possible in, say.....Pakistan. This is our way of life. This is what is under threat in the long term. It's easy to take our way of life for granted if that is all we've grown up with, and assume things will continue like this. But societies change, freedoms are lost, and oppression is just one dictator away. (I'm looking at you Iran, 1979.)

I for one, would like to maintain our levels of freedom.

Offline mrwhite

It doesn't matter if you like tommy or don't but nobody should be banned from entering our capital city.

So from your quote there I'm guessing you support allowing Shamima Begum to return to her home in Bethnal Green?

Offline Adoniron

External Link/Members Only

He was banned from entering anywhere within the M25 but after today's ruling he can now enter London.

It doesn't matter if you like tommy or don't but nobody should be banned from entering our capital city. I don't see the met police banning every criminal from entering London so why should the met ban tommy? who is not a criminal.  :unknown:

The court got this case right today so I am hoping the police take a long look at themselves and be impartial to any views or beliefs.
Tommy Robinson even prased one mainstream media news channel presenter - Michelle Dewbury for keeping on challening her two guests.  :hi:

Not a criminal?

His criminal record says different.

Offline mills_and_bhuna

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But societies change, freedoms are lost, and oppression is just one dictator away. (I'm looking at you Iran, 1979.)

I for one, would like to maintain our levels of freedom.
Just FYI. Iran did not have freedom of speech before 1979.
They had a puppet dictator kept in power by the US.
He was in charge for 25 years because the USA and UK fomented a coup overthrowing a democratically elected leader so they could continue stealing their oil.
That's why the US hates them. That and their support for Palestine
Not because of anything whatsoever to do with free speech, women's rights or anything else they posture about.

Offline puntingking

So from your quote there I'm guessing you support allowing Shamima Begum to return to her home in Bethnal Green?

Tommy did not do anything bad as the judge said what the met police dud was unlawful.

You cant just ban people from entering a city just because you dont agree witg their politics.

You also cant compare tommy with a terroist organisation.

Offline Thephoenix

We are really fortunate to be living in a society where our sisters and daughters can find jobs, have relationships, live on their own if they so choose. (The sad thing is that even in this country, many women of immigrant origin cannot do that due to social pressure. "Honour killings" are on the rise.) We can be an atheist if we so choose, without fear of being jailed or executed because of 'blasphemy laws'. We can even critise the government publicly in the form of protests. None of these things are possible in, say.....Pakistan. This is our way of life. This is what is under threat in the long term. It's easy to take our way of life for granted if that is all we've grown up with, and assume things will continue like this. But societies change, freedoms are lost, and oppression is just one dictator away. (I'm looking at you Iran, 1979.)

I for one, would like to maintain our levels of freedom.

 :thumbsup:  :hi:

It's easy to take so many freedoms for granted.

Offline David1970

It would be better than Gb news as that is more focussed on centre right of the polutical scale.

You say GB news focussed on Centre Right of politics, I am struggling to find the center of politics in there presentation.
Broadcasters in the UK are to give a balance view legally, something GB has never done, but OFCOM under Government pressure ignores this.

Offline southcoastpunter

Broadcasters in the UK are to give a balance view legally, something GB has never done, but OFCOM under Government pressure ignores this.

what evidence do you have to justify this claim?

Offline Milf Hunter

Well said.
I don't agree with everything TR says, however his contribution to bringing rape gangs to public knowledge has to be a good thing.

What he actually did was live-stream on Facebook from a trial giving the defendants details. Causing the trial to be abandoned at great expense to the tax payer, then restarted.

All he was bringing “to public knowledge” was himself. If he’d left it alone, the guys would have been convicted at trial (as they eventually were) and been sentenced to jail time.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2024, 09:44:40 am by Milf Hunter »

Offline puntingking

You say GB news focussed on Centre Right of politics, I am struggling to find the center of politics in there presentation.
Broadcasters in the UK are to give a balance view legally, something GB has never done, but OFCOM under Government pressure ignores this.

To be fair gb news gave both sides with regards to the covid vaccine which was one side or the argument being pro vaccine and the other side being anti covid vaccine. Something the bbc news never done.

Also, they always have one side of any debate that have the opposite opinion to the person on the other side.

My judgement of gb news being centre right seems a fair assesment.  :unknown:

Offline puntingking

You say GB news focussed on Centre Right of politics, I am struggling to find the center of politics in there presentation.
Broadcasters in the UK are to give a balance view legally, something GB has never done, but OFCOM under Government pressure ignores this.

Im not sure if this is true.  :unknown:

Offline puntingking

Tommy robinson is planning a protest on 1st June in centre london.

Not too sure what he be protesting about but be interesting to know how the met police will handle in what could be tens of thousands of people. :unknown:

Offline mills_and_bhuna

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You say GB news focussed on Centre Right of politics, I am struggling to find the center of politics in there presentation.
Broadcasters in the UK are to give a balance view legally, something GB has never done, but OFCOM under Government pressure ignores this.
I would like to see OFCOM done away with.
They are just window dressing to send a message that they are concerned about balance and truth.
GBNews is about as far right as you can go without actually advocating for apartheid in this country.
And as for Talk TV :wacko:
Having said that give me Neil Oliver before Jeremy Vine, Andrew Marr, or Nick Robinson any day of the week.

Offline mills_and_bhuna

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Tommy robinson is planning a protest on 1st June in centre london.

Not too sure what he be protesting about but be interesting to know how the met police will handle in what could be tens of thousands of people. :unknown:
Do you mean tens of thousands of his supporters or are you including possible counter protests?

Offline fudi_maar

Tommy robinson is planning a protest on 1st June in centre london.

Not too sure what he be protesting about

I think the protest will be about two-tier policing. There are many videos online of the police acting like wimps and turning a blind eye when Hamas supporters promote death to Israel, attacks on Jews etc and yet come in very heavy handed when a bunch of English guys are singing patriotic songs in a pub to celebrate St Georges day etc.

Offline JontyR

come in very heavy handed when a bunch of English guys are singing patriotic songs in a pub to celebrate St Georges day etc.
Oh come on. I'd suggest that the policing of situations such as this is straight out of the policiing of football on a Saturday. Again the treatment of that demographic is very different to what is seen elsewhere.

There's probably a fair amount of cross over too.

And, frankly, I reckon that a lot of these hard lads are dependent on the police presence as a number are dependent on that presence to stop them having the shit kicked out of them. I bet little Tommy is one of those guys who's dead hard when there's no chance of him having to go one on one with someone.

Offline mills_and_bhuna

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I think the protest will be about two-tier policing. There are many videos online of the police acting like wimps and turning a blind eye when Hamas supporters promote death to Israel, attacks on Jews etc and yet come in very heavy handed when a bunch of English guys are singing patriotic songs in a pub to celebrate St Georges day etc.
Hamas supporters?
Get a grip. The Palestine protests have been overwhelmingly peaceful and have been attended by Jews who are understandably upset that they are being tarred with association with a rogue state that targets innocent civilians and foreign embassies.

Offline fudi_maar

Hamas supporters?
Get a grip.

Grip already gotten.

I hope we can keep our comments impersonal and non-confrontacional. If you search on YouTube, you will find videos of people shouting for the death of Israel, for the rape of Jewish women. (In the American protests, you can even see videos of people shouting "Death to America".)

There is also a video of the peaceful protestors shooting fireworks at the London police who were too afraid to take action.

The evidence is there for all to see. Whether we choose to see it or pretend it doesnt exist is totally up to each individual.

Offline mills_and_bhuna

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Grip already gotten.

I hope we can keep our comments impersonal and non-confrontacional. If you search on YouTube, you will find videos of people shouting for the death of Israel, for the rape of Jewish women. (In the American protests, you can even see videos of people shouting "Death to America".)

There is also a video of the peaceful protestors shooting fireworks at the London police who were too afraid to take action.

The evidence is there for all to see. Whether we choose to see it or pretend it doesnt exist is totally up to each individual.
Come come.
You implied that the protests were largely confrontational and glorifying Hamas which is blatantly false.
I have no doubt that in a very large demonstration that you may find such views but I also wouldn't be surprised if agents provocateur were operating. A bit like that clown Gideon Falter with his security attachment trying to goad someone into chinning him so that he could film it(he just happened to have a cameraman at hand as he 'stumbled' around London trying to get police to arrest him.
I bet one of your goto channels is Mahyar Tousi.
You have that whiff of Zionist apartheid apologist about you.

Offline fudi_maar

I bet one of your goto channels is Mahyar Tousi.
You have that whiff of Zionist apartheid apologist about you.

I had never heard of that channel, but now that youve mentioned it, ill check it out.

You have that whiff of Zionist apartheid apologist about you.

And there was me hoping to keep this impersonal. Your comment is like me saying "You have a whiff of anti-semetic religious extremist about you". Thats something i would not say, cos youre allowed to disagree with me and it would be immature of me to attach labels to you.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2024, 04:31:38 pm by fudi_maar »

Offline Thephoenix

I had never heard of that channel, but now that youve mentioned it, ill check it out.

And there was me hoping to keep this impersonal. Your comment is like me saying "You have a whiff of anti-semetic religious extremist about you". Thats something i would not say, cos youre allowed to disagree with me and it would be immature of me to attach labels to you.

Best of luck with that approach chum.

Many of us have tried and given up.  :hi:

Offline fudi_maar

Best of luck with that approach chum.

Many of us have tried and given up.  :hi:

Thanks Phoenix! As one THE most respected guys on this forum, ill have to heed your words.

Offline RedKettle

I think the protest will be about two-tier policing. There are many videos online of the police acting like wimps and turning a blind eye when Hamas supporters promote death to Israel, attacks on Jews etc and yet come in very heavy handed when a bunch of English guys are singing patriotic songs in a pub to celebrate St Georges day etc.

I am fairly supportive of Isreal generally, although not the current government or their actions now in Gaza. However I think you are being fooled about the protests as I believe in the UK they are generally well behaved and friendly in nature. Many Jewish people have no problem with them and state that in their view they are not anti Jewish. Of course they are large events and you will get some nutters being unpleasant and nasty.  This gives those with an agenda an excuse to demonise them and you have a few video clips that look terrible.  Beware video clips, we have for example one poster on the Ukraine thread who sees a couple of clips and thinks that is the simple truth.

The police have a tough job made worse by political interference. By and large I think they do a job job policing these events.

Oh and I totally disagree with you about the scum also known as Tommy Robinson!


Offline Blackpool Rock

I had never heard of that channel, but now that youve mentioned it, ill check it out.

And there was me hoping to keep this impersonal. Your comment is like me saying "You have a whiff of anti-semetic religious extremist about you". Thats something i would not say, cos youre allowed to disagree with me and it would be immature of me to attach labels to you.
Don't worry mate he pisses people off on every thread he posts on, most people have him on ignore  :hi:

Offline mills_and_bhuna

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, most people have him on ignore  :hi:
Can you provide evidence of this claim

Offline mills_and_bhuna

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I had never heard of that channel, but now that youve mentioned it, ill check it out.

And there was me hoping to keep this impersonal. Your comment is like me saying "You have a whiff of anti-semetic religious extremist about you". Thats something i would not say, cos youre allowed to disagree with me and it would be immature of me to attach labels to you.
It will be right up your street.
One of Yaxley-DisingenuousTosspot's biggest supporters he is.
It would be strange to call me an anti-Semitic religious extremist.
If you called me an anti-apartheid , anti-Zionist secular atheist that would be a label closer to the mark.

Offline mills_and_bhuna

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I am fairly supportive of Isreal generally, although not the current government

Any particular Apartheid government that you were okay with?
This present one is the logical conclusion of what will happen eventually it you transplant white Ashkenazi settlers into a land inhabited by indigenous people, steal their land, drive them out of their communities, fling them into an open air prison, instal checkpoints to treat them like criminals, disrespect their religious sites, and call them terrorists when they understandably resist.
Israel is now an extremist society.
They are openly racist in their hatred of the Arab population.
And our country has been groomed for decades to see this anomaly of a state as a 'democracy'.
I'm utterly horrified by the current situation but if there is a silver lining it's that people with no previous interest and knowledge of the history are opening their eyes and questioning how this came to be.
And the establishment's efforts to shut down debate and demonize marchers and protesters speaks volumes about their complicity .

Online scutty brown

Offline puntingking

I would like to see OFCOM done away with.
They are just window dressing to send a message that they are concerned about balance and truth.
GBNews is about as far right as you can go without actually advocating for apartheid in this country.
And as for Talk TV :wacko:
Having said that give me Neil Oliver before Jeremy Vine, Andrew Marr, or Nick Robinson any day of the week.

Gb news is not far right. They are centre right.

To avoid any confussion - british national party, nazis and KKK are far right.

To be honest its hard to know what opinions and belef systems are right wing seeing as though our conservative party is not even remotly right wing.

Offline puntingking

Come come.
You implied that the protests were largely confrontational and glorifying Hamas which is blatantly false.
I have no doubt that in a very large demonstration that you may find such views but I also wouldn't be surprised if agents provocateur were operating. A bit like that clown Gideon Falter with his security attachment trying to goad someone into chinning him so that he could film it(he just happened to have a cameraman at hand as he 'stumbled' around London trying to get police to arrest him.
I bet one of your goto channels is Mahyar Tousi.
You have that whiff of Zionist apartheid apologist about you.

I also never heard of him but thank you for informimg me of that channel too.


Offline fudi_maar

Israel is now an extremist society.
They are openly racist in their hatred of the Arab population.

Strange comment to make given that Israel has a 21% Arab population. Can you name a single Arab country which would allow this many Jews to live there?
In fact, in the last century, Jews have been driven out of tons of Arab countries due to them being persecuted. To  the point that there are now almost no Jews left in countries which once had thriving communities.