Sugar Babies

Author Topic: AMANDA LOVEE - Paddington London  (Read 6314 times)


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I saw Amanda Lovee and here is my report - this punt actually started off with a bit of a mixup, but ended well.

The Experience:
I snatch a glimpse of Amanda Lovee after seeing Nicole (who works in the same flat) and thought I would go see her next. Initially I thought her profile was that of Naught Natt and when I got there I was unsure how to explain the mix up. Natt was cool with it and said its ok and I can meet her friend Amanda.

She is very much like the girl in the  pictures – very slim, petite, great boobs and face is as the pictures, so I decided to stay for 30 mins. It is a £100 per 30mins, which is probably pricy for some (she did say I could pop more than once if I could manage). At first I thought it was going to be a cold-ish punt as she explained she had “others” waiting for her, but after a quick shower we got to the room and straight away she snogged without let! I undressed her to reveal a killer body – slim, petite, and nicely tones.
We went onto the bed and she gave an great owo with was smothering style while I fondled her boobs. During this I was not sure if she would allow CIM (at least I was not sure I caught the answer) so I told her I was about to pop. She initially said “no”…but then continued on and took it all in – every last bit. Infact she swallowed it – but most likely by accident as the tissues were a distance away.
After a rest we tried round 2 with the rubber. The grind was good, and she has a great figure – I exploited the mirror to get a good view. In the 30 mins I figured I would only finish way past I time, so I let and decided to shower, say good bye and head off.

•   It is the same girl in the pictures with the same figure.
•   Good OWO with CIM – but I think swallow was accidental.
•   Good tongue wrestling during kissing (before OWO).
•   No smoking in flat.
•   Smooth skin.
•   £100 for 30 mins with CIM maybe pricey for some.

The Journey:
I think there are 4 girls here – Young Sexy Nicole, Naught Natt, Cindy (blonde haired blue eyed girl – more girl next door kinda look), and Amanda.
I probably will return again and stay longer next time.

Offline PLeisure

Nice find, fbm  :thumbsup:

She does look great, although £150/hr is beyond budget personally. Aren't Nat & Nicole working at £120/hr?
Glad it was a good 'un, sweet bod on her  :angelgirl:


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Thanks for the review - any links for the 4 girls in the flat?

And do any do 3somes?


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I think so, but not sure who will mix with who and how price differences would be adjusted for. As for links, young sexy Nicole and Natt have been reviewed recently so sorry if I didn't post their links. Admin can you do so?
« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 07:03:32 pm by flyingbreadman »


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Is she really that fit. And pretty?
Only review on here so far
Would like to visit


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It is definitely the girls own PIC, but obviously they are glossy and magazine quality. Her figure is really good and so are her boobs.

Offline barnstorm123

Thought I'd add this here as it doesn't deserve a review of its own:

I tried to see Amanda. Texted to see if she would do half an hour for £80, got a reply saying no problem but be on time. When I got there she insisted the price was £100. That's the price on her profile but then Sergei shouldn't be offering discounts if the girl doesn't know about it. I walked. Some would say this should be a negative review but I can't blame Amanda, she didn't have any clue about the rate I was given but it's made me even more determined to stick with independent girls as far as I can.

This was just the highlight of a shit punting day for me. I tried to arrange a TOFTT punt with Candy Lady and Gorgeous Vicki but couldn't get a response from Candy and Vicki didn't start work until late. A last minute effort to book Sweet Maria failed as well. So I kept my money and knocked one out to a Lily Carter video (Anal Students, she looks great in that one).

Offline The_Don

Thought I'd add this here as it doesn't deserve a review of its own:

I tried to see Amanda. Texted to see if she would do half an hour for £80, got a reply saying no problem but be on time. When I got there she insisted the price was £100. That's the price on her profile but then Sergei shouldn't be offering discounts if the girl doesn't know about it. I walked. Some would say this should be a negative review but I can't blame Amanda, she didn't have any clue about the rate I was given but it's made me even more determined to stick with independent girls as far as I can.

Well done for walking  :thumbsup:

You booked and confirmed £80 for 30 min, then was told £100 on arrival. 

IMO that's a negative, as the pimps are hoping to get punters in and then hoping they will pay.

I only take the advertised fee and ask for confirmation and have walked when they try to up sell or added extra that I didn't agree to and want/ask for!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2015, 11:40:28 pm by The_Don »


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Well done for walking  :thumbsup:

You booked and confirmed £80 for 30 min, then was told £100 on arrival. 

IMO that's a negative, as the pimps are hoping to get punters in and then hoping they will pay.

YES definitely a +1 Negative

Offline poi

YES definitely a +1 Negative

I saw her when I went to see Cindyy , she is cute with great body but definitely NO for £100/half hour

Good you walk out ,I think you should write Neg review .


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 :dance: :yahoo:

Saw her before she left in July. One of my favourites. She's gorgeous indeed.

Some other pics of her here:

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Thanks for the heads up Poi  :hi:

Online collector

Already gone  :dash: I didn't have the time to save the new pics.
However she doesn't look like her. If it's her those photos are rubbish, she is so much much better in the flesh.

Her old profile was still active, distribute content only, don't know why the pimp/maid has created a new one.


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Are the pics accurate in the Anna angels links?

Offline somerandomfella

The one that got away. I was due to see her in August but couldn't get round to seeing her. Regret it now, badly. She is gorgeous. Thanks for the linkage there though.  :)


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Are the pics accurate in the Anna angels links?

Yep the bottom picture was used on her original profile. A bit photoshopped but she is genuinely gorgeous. As good as anything I have ever seen facially. She has plump lips which are amazing to kiss and more so when she gives you oral.

The photos above do look a bit rough by comparison though don't they.

Wonder why she has gone into hiding.


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She looks yummy! I hope she comes back :angelgirl: :angelgirl: :angelgirl: :angelgirl:


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She's recreated her old profile clever girl, or clever Sergei!

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Obviously following this thread and realised how popular she is.

Bagsy first pop!

 :P :D :P


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This profile has an Alert though :angry:

Online collector

Pics are photoshopped, she's got some tattoes.
I admit that she looks bit older in this pics, strange because I saw her just 4 months ago. BTW age is 25 as she said.

Offline somerandomfella

This profile has an Alert though :angry:

Have my doubts but I hope her profile is real. If so......  :yahoo:

Online collector

I believe is on alert just because it's a new profile. As soon as the veri pic is uploaded, the alert disappears.


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It's definitely her. I've also had a look at her PG, it's very tame nothing undressed but I would never forget that face or body.

She had aged a bit tho.

Offline somerandomfella

If this is definitely her, its time to right a few wrongs and see her. Been regretting not seeing her so this is an itch I have to scratch.

Online collector

I've also had a look at her PG, it's very tame nothing undressed but I would never forget that face or body.
Any chance to see them?

If this is definitely her, its time to right a few wrongs and see her. Been regretting not seeing her so this is an itch I have to scratch.
I read above you tried to see her in August. Her last day was around the 6th of July.


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Am I allowed to post them on here? Not sure how to do that if someone can tell me how.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 03:19:31 pm by GolfNut »

Offline somerandomfella

Any chance to see them?
I read above you tried to see her in August. Her last day was around the 6th of July.

I cant actually remember what date. But now on the HL and will try and see soon.

Online collector

The only complains are only when the WG doesn't show face pic in the free gallery. Amanda does, so I don't find any problem posting them.


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Not sure how to show images if you can tell me how to do it please.  :dash:

Online collector

Click to the camera button below the B and between img][/img copy the URL code of the image.


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Don't think that works with a pg does it??

See below.

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I read above you tried to see her in August. Her last day was around the 6th of July.

Yeah I saw her a few days before she left. 6th July rings a bell. Was tempted to go back at the weekend too she was that good.

Offline barnstorm123

Great looking girl, but as I said earlier on this thread, I got dicked around when I went to see her. Shame she's working back at the same brothel, I'd be tempted to go see her if she went indie.


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Here is another profile of hers, this one has a photo of her without make up

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Online collector

Thanks a lot GolfNut.
Here is my contribution, I uploaded the PG of her old profile External Link/Members Only

Most are modelling pics, in some she looks very young, maybe she was 18-20 years old.
The two pics on the bed I'm sure they've been done in the Paddington flat (bed and mirror are familiar) and she looks exactly how she was when I met her.

Offline somerandomfella

Thanks a lot GolfNut.
Here is my contribution, I uploaded the PG of her old profile External Link/Members Only

Most are modelling pics, in some she looks very young, maybe she was 18-20 years old.
The two pics on the bed I'm sure they've been done in the Paddington flat (bed and mirror are familiar) and she looks exactly how she was when I met her.

Astonishing.  :dance: Does she have tattoos now though, or did she get them removed? Not a deal breaker though. That arse in the red top!  :angelgirl:

Online collector

I don't think she removed them. It's just photoshop.

Offline somerandomfella

Had an appointment booked via text for this afternoon. I originally booked Friday, and had to change from a Saturday to a Sunday, she said it wasn't a problem. So I turned up, no text reply, her phone wasn't picking up.. Did she make a mess of her bookings? I was dreaming about seeing her the last few days, so in a way, I knew it wasn't going to happen... Poor form though.

Offline somerandomfella

« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 09:22:34 pm by somerandomfella »

Online collector

Did she make a mess of her bookings?
Must be the maid who messed something. Not the first time.

Offline somerandomfella

Must be the maid who messed something. Not the first time.

That must be it. Doesn't explain the non replying to my text when I was at the location. Not a ruiner for me, was actually meeting friends for pints not far away but may try again soon. Very frustrating though.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2015, 10:21:11 pm by somerandomfella »