Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Busty_@Monica Basingstoke  (Read 738 times)

5 review(s) for Hot%izabella (2 positive, 0 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline TallnHung

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£60 for 30 minutes.

The girl - Tiny around 5ft 3 at most, slim with big natural tits on a small frame.
Not sure it is the girl in the pictures, she has longer hair, I know that can change, but also much longer legs.

Venue - Basingstoke flat opposite railway station, easy enough to find and tidy enough.

The punt - Was offered and took a shower.  Once in room paid the money and dropped the towel.  Very perfunctory tease of the cock, a short blowjob but definitely not deep-throat as in the profile.  As soon as I was hard she bagged me up and jumped on.  To be honest by this time I just wanted it over as she wasn't as enthusiastic as Im used to so let her ride me whilst I cupped her tits.  Shot into the bag.

15 minutes gone and nothing else offered, she stood at edge of the bed and I dressed and left.

I'd read a few good reviews of this girl which is why I don't think its her, at least for everyone else I hope its not.
May have to stick to my MILFy more enthusiastic punts methinks?

Offline Cunning Punt

Thanks for the review and warning.

While Monica has a mixed reputation on here, her friend Melisa had had some decent feedback. She is often in Basingstoke but seems to be on holiday at the moment. I doubt she is in Jersey, but in fact back in Poland for Xmas.

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Offline Uoti2

Good review, TnH: thanks for posting.

When I first read the good reviews of Monica(a) on UKP, I was puzzled, like you, because my experience with Monicaa was so much worse than theirs. I was left wondering, had I even seen the same person?

After reading your review, I think it was the same person. Also, I take a little comfort from the knowledge that maybe it wasn't just me who had poor service from her.

That said, I'd rather have had a good punt than a vague sense of justification. And it should have been good. I mean, look at those tits!