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Author Topic: The Bareback Issue  (Read 8663 times)

Offline munterhunter

I know there have been endless debates and opinions on this subject and I say each to their own. It's not somethind I wantto experience with anyone other than a long term partner. II'm aware that the majority of ladied that offer bb on AW seem to be eastern european. However during the last couple of days whilst aw was down I was searching the net for escorts in yorkshire. Following one of the links led to another site which seems to cater for gay and bi men. One of the ladies listed in my escorts in yorks search was a sheffield based escort offering bb and she was listed onaa section of another site dealing with female bb escorts. It was a forum and frankly I found the content shocking.
One poster asked "has anyone who is pos bread her. Im not a bug chaser but I love the risk" I assume the guy was asking ifanyone who is hiv positive had been with the woman and if so he was up for seeing her too!! Makes you wonder where these guys keep their brains and common sense doesn't it?

Offline kryn

I am glad there is a thread on this as I was going to post something regarding this, BTW hello first time poster been looking a ling time.

I read through that another site thread and noticed a girl in my area who I saw two years ago was mentioned on it. When I saw here it was protected she is now offering Bareback.

There was discussion on her saying people had been and infected her as they were "positive" I thought the only right thing to do was email her through AW and let her know what was going on.


1. Took her 3 days to read the email even though she was logging in each day
2. The message was deleted
3. I never got a reply.

And I shall leave the best till last... she is still offering Bareback. :dash:

Worth bearing in mind this isnt some fly by night eastern european either she is British and works from her own home and has a partner and kids.
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I know there have been endless debates and opinions on this subject and I say each to their own. It's not somethind I wantto experience with anyone other than a long term partner. II'm aware that the majority of ladied that offer bb on AW seem to be eastern european. However during the last couple of days whilst aw was down I was searching the net for escorts in yorkshire. Following one of the links led to another site which seems to cater for gay and bi men. One of the ladies listed in my escorts in yorks search was a sheffield based escort offering bb and she was listed onaa section of another site dealing with female bb escorts. It was a forum and frankly I found the content shocking.
One poster asked "has anyone who is pos bread her. Im not a bug chaser but I love the risk" I assume the guy was asking ifanyone who is hiv positive had been with the woman and if so he was up for seeing her too!! Makes you wonder where these guys keep their brains and common sense doesn't it?

I to have briefly very briefly looked at this site. Not a pleasant experience felt like I had stumbled across something quite disturbing. Everyone is entitled to punt for whatever they want I will make no judgements as long as everyone involved is consenting. I personally would never again look at this site and consider anything on their to be as far from my personal punting objectives as I could imagine.

Joe Blob

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Oh good, a bareback thread. It's a while since we had one of those   :wackogirl:

Offline Dani

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There are a few sites out there for bug chasers and bug givers and they often list prossies they hope is either already infected or who they have been to see BB knowing they are in fact infected and may pass it on to her.  Its a sick hobby and one the police should be looking in to rather than pissing around trying to close brothels.  These guys are actually talking about and admitting to try and hopefully succeed in passing on an infection such as HIV which has to be GBH at the very least and those that admit to trying to pass it on should be arrested and charged on that admission alone.

Whilst I agree everyone has different fetishes from foot worship to scat play and they should be entitled to participate in which ever fetish they have but only with someone who is consenting and has full knowledge.  However these guys hide their fetish as they are hoping to actually cause serious harm or worse to someone else and this cannot be agreeable to any sane person.


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There are a few sites out there for bug chasers and bug givers and they often list prossies they hope is either already infected or who they have been to see BB knowing they are in fact infected and may pass it on to her.  Its a sick hobby and one the police should be looking in to rather than pissing around trying to close brothels.  These guys are actually talking about and admitting to try and hopefully succeed in passing on an infection such as HIV which has to be GBH at the very least and those that admit to trying to pass it on should be arrested and charged on that admission alone.

Whilst I agree everyone has different fetishes from foot worship to scat play and they should be entitled to participate in which ever fetish they have but only with someone who is consenting and has full knowledge.  However these guys hide their fetish as they are hoping to actually cause serious harm or worse to someone else and this cannot be agreeable to any sane person.

Fuck I didn't even know bug chasers or givers was a fetish and I thought I was a open minded punter who had seen a lot in real life and on the net. Must be a lot more vanilla than I thought.

Offline Dani

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The HIV givers call themselves GIFTERS as if they are giving someone something they really want or need.  It really is sickening and there are quite a lot of AW girls listed on these forums and I should imagine these guys visit trying to either catch or gift to the prossie.  I just hope the girls listed get very regular STI screening or they could be spreading it to all and sundry.  The thought is awful even though HIV is no longer the death sentence it used to be I should imagine no sane person would want to catch it


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The HIV givers call themselves GIFTERS as if they are giving someone something they really want or need.  It really is sickening and there are quite a lot of AW girls listed on these forums and I should imagine these guys visit trying to either catch or gift to the prossie.  I just hope the girls listed get very regular STI screening or they could be spreading it to all and sundry.  The thought is awful even though HIV is no longer the death sentence it used to be I should imagine no sane person would want to catch it

Surely if you know you have HIV and without telling the other person before having sex with them (Unprotected).  Then that must be attempted murder, GBH or something along those lines.  If it is then why aren't more resources allocated to stopping this or at least raising awareness.  Or and I do fear this is the answer the 'Establishment' and Ms Harman and her ilk, value the lives of prossies and punters less than that of her 'Normal' people. It does seem that sometimes the more liberal a politician claims to be the more wiling they are to marginalise the people who they disagree with.


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Fuck I didn't even know bug chasers or givers was a fetish and I thought I was a open minded punter who had seen a lot in real life and on the net. Must be a lot more vanilla than I thought.

Every once in a while I will stumble across a forum like this - one that serves a bizarre little subculture of freaks - and it seriously weirds me out of a few days.

I remember, many years ago, discovering furries. That one had me in a state of shock. But this is so much worse!


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Surely if you know you have HIV and without telling the other person before having sex with them (Unprotected).  Then that must be attempted murder, GBH or something along those lines.

It is and people have been jailed for knowingly infected someone with HIV.  External Link/Members Only (although not long enough, should be life - or firing squad - I'm not fussy)

As for the shitlifters on that website.  I truly wish they had their medication withdrawn so they die a slow, agonising death.


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 :( not good.

Cant even bring myself to click the link, reminds me of a film called 'Kids' I think from back in the 80's

... A quick scan was enough for me, things like this really put me off visiting Libra or Retroclub :(

I remember reading a review claiming that in a swinging club a man had lay down for the wg to sit on his face and while he was getting busy another man swooped in and started sucking his dick while he couldnt see :scare: Obviously being 'gifted' HIV is worse than an opportunistic bi man giving you a secret sly BJ, but both really make me worried to try these things  :unknown: :(
« Last Edit: January 12, 2014, 07:41:03 pm by MrDaveSmith »


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I had to dig around a bit to find the non-homosexual discussions. And when I did... I saw the name of Wife4Rent recommended! She scares me. On SAAFE it is forbidden to cast aspersions on the business practices of other SP's. But I think she horrifies just about everyone who posts there.


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I had to dig around a bit to find the non-homosexual discussions. And when I did... I saw the name of Wife4Rent recommended! She scares me. On SAAFE it is forbidden to cast aspersions on the business practices of other SP's. But I think she horrifies just about everyone who posts there.

Yes I remember something about this Wife4Rent claiming to see 9 punters in three hours or something like that. Another reason why I dislike SAAFE so much, on UKP the insults are thrown around thick and fast.  I however am sure if a punter went around talking about trying to infect people deliberately with HIV etc they would find very little if any support and probably be banned. The punter does indeed come first but not before being a decent human being, not for me anyway.

Offline smiths

I had to dig around a bit to find the non-homosexual discussions. And when I did... I saw the name of Wife4Rent recommended! She scares me. On SAAFE it is forbidden to cast aspersions on the business practices of other SP's. But I think she horrifies just about everyone who posts there.

That creature Wife4Rent was a member on here, she posted she purposely double booked punters and if the first guy turned up just let the second one hanging. A real low life.

Offline smiths

I know there have been endless debates and opinions on this subject and I say each to their own. It's not somethind I wantto experience with anyone other than a long term partner. II'm aware that the majority of ladied that offer bb on AW seem to be eastern european. However during the last couple of days whilst aw was down I was searching the net for escorts in yorkshire. Following one of the links led to another site which seems to cater for gay and bi men. One of the ladies listed in my escorts in yorks search was a sheffield based escort offering bb and she was listed onaa section of another site dealing with female bb escorts. It was a forum and frankly I found the content shocking.
One poster asked "has anyone who is pos bread her. Im not a bug chaser but I love the risk" I assume the guy was asking ifanyone who is hiv positive had been with the woman and if so he was up for seeing her too!! Makes you wonder where these guys keep their brains and common sense doesn't it?

These kind of sites have been posted about on here before, all the more reason to use a condom in my opinion. I have always posted i think there are some who are infected who wish to infect others, i just hope they are in a huge minority, filthy skanks, men and women. If its consentual it just shows what kind of idiots they are in my view.


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Yes I remember something about this Wife4Rent claiming to see 9 punters in three hours or something like that. Another reason why I dislike SAAFE so much, on UKP the insults are thrown around thick and fast.  I however am sure if a punter went around talking about trying to infect people deliberately with HIV etc they would find very little if any support and probably be banned. The punter does indeed come first but not before being a decent human being, not for me anyway.

I don't agree with all of SAAFE's rules, but I think they have an idea that the forum serves a particular primary purpose (to help women who are in the industry and isolated and perhaps vulnerable) and they avoid certain topics that will lead to flame wars. Debating what services should or shouldn't be offered is one of them. After all, while most of us provide OWO and CIM, those who don't probably think we're doing something bad. It wouldn't be conducive to the overall mission of SAAFE if that sort of argument were allowed to flare up all the time

SAAFE is a very valuable resource, even if there are some screwed-up people posting there.

Offline kryn

Anyway.. if anybody is tempted to go on a protected punt and running the risk of a condom split.

External Link/Members Only Stay away
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Offline Corus Boy

Fuck I didn't even know bug chasers or givers was a fetish and I thought I was a open minded punter who had seen a lot in real life and on the net. Must be a lot more vanilla than I thought.

I'm not sure fetish is the correct word, you would hardly call the desire to be a Kamikaze pilot to be a fetish as much as you would call it a long term career choice.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2014, 05:44:31 am by Corus Boy »


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im in complete shock - i cant believe what i read on tht site...and girls on AW alao offering bareback.
That shit is sick :thumbsdown:

Offline punk

Anyway.. if anybody is tempted to go on a protected punt and running the risk of a condom split.

External Link/Members Only Stay away

pure class

Online wristjob

I'm not inclined to visit that site and while I accept some people will deliberately try and pass HIV on i think mostly this kind of thing is just sick fantasizing. Of course with fantasies sometimes people do go to far. There's all the questions on internet  censorship but site like that should be blocked.


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I think all that stuff is all bullshit. Designed to shock and outrage people, which is exactly what it does. If it was real it would get stamped on, but evidently forums like that have been going for years untouched.

Reminds me of what you read on the net of so-called real life sex stories. All complete rubbish. They used to publish books full of crap like that.

As far as actual bareback is concerned, I am sure it goes on a lot, but people who discuss it are mostly in denial. Even in these threads there are lots of self righteous posts, with a couple of notable exceptions. I'm not advocating bareback at all, quite the opposite, but I'm not so stupid as to think it's not common practice. I've had it offered to me several times, including an attempt to just do it, and if you do a search of AW a surprisingly high percentage of nearly 8% offer it. That's 1 in 13! Even if you suppose that half of them are fakes, that's an awful lot. I'm sure there's an ongoing trade of WG's and clients who habitually bareback with each other, and occasionally innocents will stumble across it.

I'd rather hear the true facts and how likely it really is to pick up an infection. Such as from OWO.  It scares me a lot, especially as I am allergic to many antibiotics, and the mere thought of getting something like gonhorrea is horrifying.

Online Rickrabbit

I think all that stuff is all bullshit. Designed to shock and outrage people, which is exactly what it does. If it was real it would get stamped on, but evidently forums like that have been going for years untouched.

Reminds me of what you read on the net of so-called real life sex stories. All complete rubbish. They used to publish books full of crap like that.

As far as actual bareback is concerned, I am sure it goes on a lot, but people who discuss it are mostly in denial. Even in these threads there are lots of self righteous posts, with a couple of notable exceptions. I'm not advocating bareback at all, quite the opposite, but I'm not so stupid as to think it's not common practice. I've had it offered to me several times, including an attempt to just do it, and if you do a search of AW a surprisingly high percentage of nearly 8% offer it. That's 1 in 13! Even if you suppose that half of them are fakes, that's an awful lot. I'm sure there's an ongoing trade of WG's and clients who habitually bareback with each other, and occasionally innocents will stumble across it.

I'd rather hear the true facts and how likely it really is to pick up an infection. Such as from OWO.  It scares me a lot, especially as I am allergic to many antibiotics, and the mere thought of getting something like gonhorrea is horrifying.

I have yet to read on this or any other forum of anyone catching an infection from a punt with a pro$$ie and naming that pro$$ie, not one sti. As I have never caught anything I cannot find it totally hard to believe that everyone here has had clean liaisons.... including our resident barebacker. Punting must be safer that you would believe from what you read.


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Anyway.. if anybody is tempted to go on a protected punt and running the risk of a condom split.

External Link/Members Only Stay away

What a lovely genital wart she has.


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I have yet to read on this or any other forum of anyone catching an infection from a punt with a pro$$ie and naming that pro$$ie, not one sti. As I have never caught anything I cannot find it totally hard to believe that everyone here has had clean liaisons.... including our resident barebacker. Punting must be safer that you would believe from what you read.

True but is it safer because people are aware and use protection or is it just safe anyway.  Much like inoculation programme if more people went BB it would logically become worse.

Online wristjob

True but is it safer because people are aware and use protection or is it just safe anyway.  Much like inoculation programme if more people went BB it would logically become worse.

Probably a combination of things. If WGs get a disease they presumably get checked more often than most and get it cleared up. Maybe your newbies less so but if a girl has been doing it for a while you would assume that's how her mindset gets.

After that I guess diseases aren't guaranteed to infect you every time - the more sex a punter has the more risk they are, and veyr few punters have nearly as much sex with WGs as an average guy would with a regular partner.

Probably one other factor is immune system. If you are fit and healthy your immune system can fight off diseases before they take hold. Having one illness makes it easier to catch another. You'd shag your mrs when you have the sniffles but probably wouldn't be booking a WG when you are dripping snot.