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Author Topic: TS Áthynna Nicolle - Bait and Switch. Disgusting Behaviour! Avoid!  (Read 17335 times)

Offline TheMagnet

Warning this is a TS review.

This took place last year circa January/February (before the world changed!).

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I had seen a profile on Shemale UK of a pretty Brazilian TS that I quite fancied and there was a mixture of professional photos and selfies which gave me no reason to believe it was a fake profile/bait and switch.  The link above is of the TS I saw when I arrived not the one in the Ad that I wanted to see (cannot find this ad now unfortunately).

Comms were easy I remember messaging her on Whatapp and receiving prompt replies.  She was located at the time in a modern apartment block between Kensington High Street and Earls Court.  I had been to that building sometime before and punted a cis girl quite late at night and the reception staff asked me to sign in! Obviously used a fake name! :D  This time round there was no need to do this as it was early evening.

The hide behind the door trick was used as I entered the flat and then instantly saw this was not the right person. 

When in the bedroom I told her there must be some confusion and she was not the girl I came to see.  She insisted that it was.  I showed her the ad on my phone and it clearly was two different people, she kept insisting it was her.  I said sorry I wasn’t going to stay and this is where she turned on me.  She insisted that I paid her £50 as she had turned down other customers to see me, which I refused, again telling her I am not paying to see the wrong person.  :scare:

She then snatched my phone and positioned herself between me and the door and told me if I wanted my phone back, I would have to pay her!  I tried to reason with her but all she wanted was money and I could have my phone back and leave.  After a few minutes neither of us were getting anywhere! So she basically detained me and committed theft all in one moment!   :dash:

She then tried a smart manoeuvre and moved over to the bed; the door was now available for me to leave but she still had my phone (her plan was obviously to encourage me to leave without it).  I was growing weary of these childish games and then before I knew it, she tried to kick me in my crown jewels but missed and got my inner thigh, so that was it!  :wackogirl:

I grabbed her by both wrists to which she performed a theatrical fall onto the bed (almost in slow motion!).  I fell on top of her and asked her why was she doing this and to just give me back my phone! This would be kinky in most situations but not in this one!  :lol: She then (not very loudly) shouted out in Portuguese “help” a couple of times and now I was worried that if another person came into the room I would be in trouble and would have no option but to fight my way out! Gladly no one came.

I think she then realised that she wasn’t going to win, loosened her grip on my phone, I grabbed it, got up and walked to the door, through the hall way, out her front door without looking back! I walked past the lift and went towards the stairs.  Getting to the end of the hall way I found a dead end, no stairs here!!! I turned around and guess who’s in front of me about 3 metres away?  :scare: Yep, you guessed it “Phone thief!”.  What was hilarious is she was wearing a full white lingerie outfit with stockings and suspenders (the neighbours looking through the peep hole must have loved it!).  She was standing between me and the lift, second time she was in my way tonight!  :unknown:

I then walked towards her in and she got the picture I had had enough, she ran back to her door and I walked to the lift pushed the button and waited for it to come whilst we both looked at each other, I vaguely remember her shouting some abuse! The lift came I walked in and pressed ground and the door closed slowly, I was ready just in case this banshee of a woman tried to come at me in the lift but she didn’t.  I went back to the car with heart beating at a million miles an hour thinking what in the hell just happened?!?

This was a disgusting experience and I look back on it thinking whether I should have just given her the £50 but I’m a fair person who does not like to be taken advantage of.  Thankfully she was quite slim and at no point did I feel I would lose in a one to one fight, if she had been a bigger, taller TS maybe my approach would have been different? 

I saw her ad today appear on Shemale UK as she is back in London from wherever she’s been.  If this review even stops one person from visiting her then that would be enough for me! A deceptive and disgusting person.  By far my worst punting experience and a shame my first review on here is negative one.  I have some very positive reviews to post soon!  :cool:

Thanks for reading...

Offline TheMagnet

Ok this was obviously supposed to be rated as a negative, could anyone advise how to change please?

Offline RAJEC


Sorry this happened to you op, but glad you got out safe.

Thanks for the warning to the community  :hi:

Offline TheMagnet


Sorry this happened to you op, but glad you got out safe.

Thanks for the warning to the community  :hi:

Thanks for changing, school boy error on my first review!  :timeout:

Offline Discoballs

Always keep calm in these situations.  She tried to use any kind of embarrassment  against  you . I would have just sat down on the bed calmly and said give me the phone as you're holding me against my will and trying to extort money out of me . Call the police . Once they realise you cant be intimidated the have no power.  Be calm .

Offline TheMagnet

Always keep calm in these situations.  She tried to use any kind of embarrassment  against  you . I would have just sat down on the bed calmly and said give me the phone as you're holding me against my will and trying to extort money out of me . Call the police . Once they realise you cant be intimidated the have no power.  Be calm .

Truthfully I was shocked that this was happening to me, couldn’t threaten to call the police as she had my phone.  I think you’re right if I had just sat on the bed and just waited for her to give in maybe it would have been different. 

On the other hand because I was on my feet and ready on the offence as it were, there was no chance of her leaving the room with my phone, who knows?

Offline teddyking

O my god.. reading this just made me so pissed off for some reason. I would have happily beat the shit the out of “it”. But I guess OP is lucky no one else was in the flat. I’m happy you stuck up for yourself. I remember a few months ago, this tramp of an escort trying to pickpocket me while I was in the shower. I couldn’t believe it because I thought we clicked and had a great time. Then suddenly something in just clicked and I saw red and started shouting “hand me back what you stole you bitch,” and started grabbing her. Next thing you know her pimp comes in, some balding old dude and I told him in these specific words “why is this bitch stealing from me while I’m in the shower” He must have sensed I was pissed because I was and he spoke in their language to hand what she robbed and it was me £800 phone with IDs in there. Pisses me off just thinking about it again and I always shower at home now before punts
Banned reason: Sarcastic twat of a troll
Banned by: daviemac

Offline TheMagnet

O my god.. reading this just made me so pissed off for some reason. I would have happily beat the shit the out of “it”. But I guess OP is lucky no one else was in the flat. I’m happy you stuck up for yourself. I remember a few months ago, this tramp of an escort trying to pickpocket me while I was in the shower. I couldn’t believe it because I thought we clicked and had a great time. Then suddenly something in just clicked and I saw red and started shouting “hand me back what you stole you bitch,” and started grabbing her. Next thing you know her pimp comes in, some balding old dude and I told him in these specific words “why is this bitch stealing from me while I’m in the shower” He must have sensed I was pissed because I was and he spoke in their language to hand what she robbed and it was me £800 phone with IDs in there. Pisses me off just thinking about it again and I always shower at home now before punts

Thanks Teddy, this experience still pisses me off to this very day! You go for a punt with good intentions and you get drama. 

Thankfully it’s a rare situation.  Glad you got your phone back.

Offline Iceman90

Disgusting thieving tranny whore I hope she tries that shit on the wrong guy and gets knocked out. This situation is why I’m very uneasy with other people being in the flat during a punt. You never know if there’s some scumbag pimp in another room. Another reason to go for a well reviewed girl, look up her social media and failing that, demand to FaceTime her before you meet.

Offline Discoballs

Truthfully I was shocked that this was happening to me, couldn’t threaten to call the police as she had my phone.  I think you’re right if I had just sat on the bed and just waited for her to give in maybe it would have been different. 

On the other hand because I was on my feet and ready on the offence as it were, there was no chance of her leaving the room with my phone, who knows?

I meant get her to phone the police lol. Shes the one breaking the law . Show her you're  not scared.  In my opinion in no way should you threaten violence or actual react with it . This would be a hate crime as well as assault  .wont look good on your cv .assault of tranny prostitute..
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 01:04:16 pm by Discoballs »

Offline TheMagnet

Disgusting thieving tranny whore I hope she tries that shit on the wrong guy and gets knocked out. This situation is why I’m very uneasy with other people being in the flat during a punt. You never know if there’s some scumbag pimp in another room. Another reason to go for a well reviewed girl, look up her social media and failing that, demand to FaceTime her before you meet.

I agree Iceman, social media is very useful as you can see them upload daily pics and you can clearly see that they are in London for example and gives you a chance to decide if you fancy her enough to pay her a visit based on seeing more pics.  Also these SPs sometimes post BB videos on Twitter with their customers so this is useful in order to stay away from them.

As for the thieving TS, karma is a bitch and I’m sure her deceptive ways will catch up with her!

Offline lamboman

Well done OP for keeping calm not sure I would have been,would a punch have been classed as hitting a woman though?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 03:02:44 pm by lamboman »
Banned reason: Shit stirrer and blocking moderator's PMs
Banned by: daviemac

Offline teddyking

Well done OP for keeping calm not sure I would have been,would a punch have been classed as hitting a woman though?

Neither a man or a woman but a fucking thieving pig
Banned reason: Sarcastic twat of a troll
Banned by: daviemac

Offline cotton

I bet your heart was beating out your chest at the end of it but by the sound of it you dealt with it in good style.  Nasty experience but you came out of it ok  :thumbsup:

Offline S1MPLEK1NG

This is why I generally take two phones with me; one is the main and the other is a decoy for situations like this.

Unfortunate that this happened to you, take care of yourself and I'm glad it didn't escalate into anything violent.

Offline S1MPLEK1NG

O my god.. reading this just made me so pissed off for some reason. I would have happily beat the shit the out of “it”. But I guess OP is lucky no one else was in the flat. I’m happy you stuck up for yourself. I remember a few months ago, this tramp of an escort trying to pickpocket me while I was in the shower. I couldn’t believe it because I thought we clicked and had a great time. Then suddenly something in just clicked and I saw red and started shouting “hand me back what you stole you bitch,” and started grabbing her. Next thing you know her pimp comes in, some balding old dude and I told him in these specific words “why is this bitch stealing from me while I’m in the shower” He must have sensed I was pissed because I was and he spoke in their language to hand what she robbed and it was me £800 phone with IDs in there. Pisses me off just thinking about it again and I always shower at home now before punts

I would suggest just taking your belongings with you to the bathroom - it's what I aim to do for avoiding situations like this, my things are always stuck to me like glue :lol:
« Last Edit: January 30, 2021, 06:51:07 pm by S1MPLEK1NG »

Offline TheMagnet

I bet your heart was beating out your chest at the end of it but by the sound of it you dealt with it in good style.  Nasty experience but you came out of it ok  :thumbsup:

Thanks Cotton.  After stealing my phone, preventing me from leaving, trying to extort me for money and then kicking me I’m glad I got out in one piece! Funnily enough afterwards I bought a bottle of wine and went to punt one of my regulars to celebrate!  :yahoo:

Offline Discoballs

Its bare minimum for punt . Keys cash  phone.  Always take them with me to the bathroom in a zipped up pocket. 

Offline Straightsix

Well done for standing your ground and not losing any money. It'll make her think twice for sure.
I had a stand off once when a SP disappeared with my money. I called the police and they told me they 'don't get involved in domestics'. Unfortunately I had parked my car on her drive so my options were limited. In the end I gave up and walked out. I was quite a way from home and had a early start the next day. Had to swallow the loss of £30 but it was going to get violent for sure. Never park your car on their drive if it can be avoided.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2021, 07:07:41 pm by Straightsix »
Banned reason: Warned before but doesn’t seem to learn
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline Straightsix

Its bare minimum for punt . Keys cash  phone.  Always take them with me to the bathroom in a zipped up pocket.
The right amount of cash, a battered burner cheap phone and a second set of fake keys if you're really professional.
Banned reason: Warned before but doesn’t seem to learn
Banned by: Kev40ish

Offline Gspunk

Christ!!! Thanks to the OP for posting this, it was even a bit harrowing to read! But this is exactly what these message boards are for - to inform, appraise and warn. Luckily for me, in my years of punting I've never encountered something like this so I'm assuring myself it's rare. But having this name crossed off makes the chances of meeting such a catastrophic TS even slimmer. Cheers

Offline JontyR

I had seen a profile on Shemale UK of a pretty Brazilian TS that I quite fancied and there was a mixture of professional photos and selfies which gave me no reason to believe it was a fake profile/bait and switch.  The link above is of the TS I saw when I arrived not the one in the Ad that I wanted to see (cannot find this ad now unfortunately).

I appreciate its been quite a while now but would the photos be the ones attributed on this thread?

Nicolle was my first TS punt.  Just prior to joining here so over 2 1/2 years ago. I think I did review on HA as that was still live. She definitely was the person in the photos here. And whenever she returns to my area these are the photo she seems to use. It's strange that she had different ones when you visited.

For reference my review would have been a neutral. There were issues with the service but these were possibly my fault as I didn't confirm expectations prior to confirming booking. This did lead to an update of my punting rules, and an extra set for TS bookings.

Offline TheMagnet

I appreciate its been quite a while now but would the photos be the ones attributed on this thread?

Nicolle was my first TS punt.  Just prior to joining here so over 2 1/2 years ago. I think I did review on HA as that was still live. She definitely was the person in the photos here. And whenever she returns to my area these are the photo she seems to use. It's strange that she had different ones when you visited.

For reference my review would have been a neutral. There were issues with the service but these were possibly my fault as I didn't confirm expectations prior to confirming booking. This did lead to an update of my punting rules, and an extra set for TS bookings.

No these weren’t the photos she was using as her bait.  It was a younger looking, more passable girl in the pics.  If I ever find a listing with the girl I wanted to see on that I will post here.  Night and day difference between her and the fake/bait ad she was using, thanks Jonty

Offline joculeur

Thought about seeing her when she was in Manchester, looks like i dodged a bullet, lesson learned from a post i issued last week with a similar experience, make sure of verification and video, my scammer was Sasha Dias, similar scene hid behind the door then wouldn't put the light on and attacked me on the way out

Offline TheMagnet

Thought about seeing her when she was in Manchester, looks like i dodged a bullet, lesson learned from a post i issued last week with a similar experience, make sure of verification and video, my scammer was Sasha Dias, similar scene hid behind the door then wouldn't put the light on and attacked me on the way out

In the 2 and a bit years I’ve been punting TSs one thing has become apparent.  It’s a lot more of a riskier punt. 

Firstly they’re a lot more expensive than your average cis girl SP so if the punt is rubbish you’re left with a massive hole in your wallet and that hollow empty dissatisfied feeling. 

Then you’ve got the potential of arguments if the session goes south, especially as many are on hormones and drugs.  Ultimately it’s a dude you’re dealing with so they don’t tend to be scared to speak their mind/show their disapproval.  And don’t get me started on the photoshop!  :scare:

Putting a positive spin on it, some of the best punts I’ve ever had have been with TSs, especially the sexy Brazilian ones!  :D

Offline TheMagnet

This is the advert of the girl I wanted to see but was bait and switched by Áthynna Nicolle when she was in London:

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Be careful lads she’s violent!  :angry: :angry: :angry:

Offline JontyR

Fair play Magnet, reporting back as promised.

That profile that now says Leicester has been lying in Bham/West Midlands for weeks.

Offline Chrispy

Glad you got out in one piece mate. Been some good advice on this thread. Off to get my burner phone .
And now I only taking the exact cash needed with no cards

Offline ichigo00

Thanks for the warning!
Glad you made it out without handing her the £50.

Offline TheMagnet

This scammer is back, watch out people:

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Going by the name Scarlett Micaelly now.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2022, 05:40:21 pm by TheMagnet »

Offline ppk001

I got catfished by this one also about 3 or 4 years ago. Fortunately never happens again with any other escorts
Speaking of potential red flags, trying to get some intel on TS Coco Thai (used to be called TS Coco Huge).

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I’ve made a few posts on this but not gained any additional conclusive info yet.

I will post a review if her story makes sense. Just need to find out any of the following:
- confirmation of a video call from her (she’s unwilling to do)
- socials
- review
- DM about her in more depth to confirm she’s legit

Offline TheMagnet

I got catfished by this one also about 3 or 4 years ago. Fortunately never happens again with any other escorts
Speaking of potential red flags, trying to get some intel on TS Coco Thai (used to be called TS Coco Huge).

External Link/Members Only

I’ve made a few posts on this but not gained any additional conclusive info yet.

I will post a review if her story makes sense. Just need to find out any of the following:
- confirmation of a video call from her (she’s unwilling to do)
- socials
- review
- DM about her in more depth to confirm she’s legit

Sorry to hear that but at least others can get a heads up now.

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

Thankfully she was quite slim and at no point did I feel I would lose in a one to one fight
:D After all the horrid shenanigans the punter in you still clocked she was slim ;)  👏🎖
I was imagining she’d come at you through the lift like a scene from “Terminator”.
Glad you made it out.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2022, 06:24:17 am by Prifessionallondinguy »

Offline TheMagnet

:D After all the horrid shenanigans the punter in you still clocked she was slim ;)  👏🎖
I was imagining she’d come at you through the lift like a scene from “Terminator”.
Glad you made it out.

 :lol: Well now that you mentioned it she was definitely acting like a cyborg assassin!

I think she knows we’re onto her as she’s changed her name again to luxurious Julie trans (nothing luxurious about her) and in Bristol now with this number 07713774139 (copy and paste this number into the search bar above and for more pics).

Some pics of her for reference:

Hidden Image/Members OnlyHidden Image/Members OnlyHidden Image/Members Only
« Last Edit: November 27, 2022, 12:07:31 pm by TheMagnet »

Offline TheMagnet

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Now advertising as Scarlet Julie, be careful people!

« Last Edit: April 21, 2023, 06:08:50 pm by TheMagnet »

Online Nick1042

External Link/Members Only

Now advertising as Scarlet Julie, be careful people!


Sorry to hear of the trouble that you had, appreciate you taking the time to warn us all about this one. I have seen the same pictures come up in the last few months for some girls in Slough & Milton Keynes (can't remember the name being used though) and been very tempted so will definitely avoid now thanks to your post !