Sugar Babies

Author Topic: La Maison or Cosmo  (Read 738 times)

Offline Tomsmith86

Hi guys, just after a general consensus or pointers, I am looking to keep it pretty cheapish for my first full punt, after scoping a few reviews out and using the wiki it looks like the above 2 have caught my eye. Can anyone suggest which one to go for, looking at 30 mins I think first time around!

Offline SpunkStreet

Hi Tom.  :)

Although I have never punted in either parlour (as yet anyway) :D  from what I've heard and read from the more respected punters on this forum is that LM is more a higher standard in terms on you get more for your money style parlour with generally fitter girls who can offer more of a PSE style punt.

However, it does all depend on what type of service and girl you are after, also Cosmo, I've heard can get rather busy in peak times and you may bump into other punters in the waiting room, it depends how you feel about that too. Cosmo is slightly cheaper on the basic price but you could end up paying for a few extras whereas at LM, (I think) most of the girls include OWO in their service.

Personally my next punt will most likely be at Cosmo though, I've only had two punts and I don't think I'm filly confident enough to tackle LM or even Sandys yet.  :D

If any of this comment is read by any of you more respected punters and it's a bit inaccurate please correct it  :rolleyes: 



Offline Tomsmith86

Hi SS, thanks for the info! Sounds like la Maison might be for somebody more experienced in the punting world! Haha. I think the thing that puts me off Cosmo a little is the public entrance, not sure what la Maison is like, but I know bury has a few suspect characters anyway! Thanks again.



  • Guest
La Maison 100%. OWO included and no rush policy at La Maison, you won get that at cosmo.

Offline SpunkStreet

No problem Tom,  :hi:

Yeah that's the same feeling I have about Cosmo Tom, I've walked past the entrance a fair few times and think that it's too public and on a really busy street but saying this I've had a punt in Picaddilly Selecta which was good and that's on a very busy road too but you just need to let your knob guide you up the stairs  :D

I hope you don't mind me asking but have you been to a parlour and had a punt before?


Offline Tomsmith86

Hey man, no punts, only massages with hand relief, bit nervy going there for my first one though, not sure what to expect! Aside from the obvious!

Offline SpunkStreet

Where have you been for the massage with HE Tom? You should get a review together and post it in the review section. I've yet to experience a massage with HE.

No punts yet, I was in your shoes around two months ago until my first parlou punt at Passions in Manchester. If you're nervous about the whole parlour thing then maybe start with a visit to Picaddilly Selecta during the daytime or go to Passions just down the street.


Offline Tomsmith86

Ah cool, yeah that sounds good then, just need to pluck up the courage I guess to axtually go in! Would your recommend Piccadilly selecta then?

Went to a place in Chinatown for a noru with hr, will try to think of the name of the place! Was expensive though at £50!

Second was a partial noru at Nana in Whitefield, not really up to much, safe to say I haven't had the best experience yet!

Offline Dickled

Hi Tom.  :)

Although I have never punted in either parlour (as yet anyway) :D  from what I've heard and read from the more respected punters on this forum is that LM is more a higher standard in terms on you get more for your money style parlour with generally fitter girls who can offer more of a PSE style punt.

However, it does all depend on what type of service and girl you are after, also Cosmo, I've heard can get rather busy in peak times and you may bump into other punters in the waiting room, it depends how you feel about that too. Cosmo is slightly cheaper on the basic price but you could end up paying for a few extras whereas at LM, (I think) most of the girls include OWO in their service.

Personally my next punt will most likely be at Cosmo though, I've only had two punts and I don't think I'm filly confident enough to tackle LM or even Sandys yet.  :D

If any of this comment is read by any of you more respected punters and it's a bit inaccurate please correct it  :rolleyes: 


You can't get much more PSE style than Ling and Chloe who both work at Cosmo (Chloe has recently returned there.)

Offline Tomsmith86

I think that's settled it, Chloe appears to be working today too from when I called before!

Offline lewisjones23

Cosmo is a pump and dump place

La Maison is a bit tired round the edges

Why not GFE which is 30 seconds round the corner from La Maison and is recently refitted out

Offline Tomsmith86

GFE? Don't think I have seen that one before! Oh the pitfalls of being a newbiei Easily accessible on public transport? Had a couple of drinks to calm the nerves of a first punt!

Offline lewisjones23

Its literally 30 seconds from La Maison so if you were considering there then you should also have GFE in mind

Offline SpunkStreet

Yeah please do. I'd love to give the Asian Massage places a try one day but I just don't know what the best VFM is in Manchester City Centre.

Yeah everyone starts somewhere and the first punt can be the most nervous and walking towards the parlour and up the stairs can be a little bit nerve wracking but it's all good from then on. Yeah I would recommend Picaddilly Selecta Tom. There is normally a few girls waiting in reception area when you walk in and you then choose whoever you like the most.

Also you could try Cherry's, if you're nervous around other punters then I don't think that gets too busy.

When are you thinking of having your first punt Tom?


Offline Donnie69

I think that's settled it, Chloe appears to be working today too from when I called before!
Chloe is indeed working today, I popped in for an hour. 
I think Chloe is working on Thursday too. 

Chloe is PSE or GFE, whatever you want. 

Offline SpunkStreet

Hi Donnie  :hi:

It's good to hear that you've seen her. Was she on top form? Did she mention anything to do about her regular working days?



Offline Donnie69

I have no complaints about Chloe, she's always good. 

I'm not sure about her regular shifts yet.  It's a question of wait and see.

Offline tickle12345

Go to La Maison, not too busy, relaxed atmosphere compared to Sandys. I'd recommend Sasha, absolutely cracker and service is first class. OWO is included in the price of the punts.

Offline TomTank

La Maison is great if you can cope with the website !!

Offline Marquis

Have had 3 successive 'no-shows' from girls I booked the day before at La Maison, most recently last week. When I mentioned this to the receptionist on my most recent visit – in a vain attempt to see Kourtney - she didn't seem interested. Eventually booked in with Sasha, who was fine, but I didn't get the feeling that customer service was top of the receptionist's priority list. lewisjones23 had a similar experience a while back which he reported on here, so it seems that making an advance booking at LM is somewhat hit and miss.

Have never been to Cosmo so can't comment about that establishment.

Offline lewisjones23

Have had 3 successive 'no-shows' from girls I booked the day before at La Maison, most recently last week. When I mentioned this to the receptionist on my most recent visit – in a vain attempt to see Kourtney - she didn't seem interested. Eventually booked in with Sasha, who was fine, but I didn't get the feeling that customer service was top of the receptionist's priority list. lewisjones23 had a similar experience a while back which he reported on here, so it seems that making an advance booking at LM is somewhat hit and miss.

Have never been to Cosmo so can't comment about that establishment.

La Maison are a joke outfit

Ran by a bunch of clowns

Treat punters with zero respect

When i got there for my no show the receptionist was still telling people on the phone that Frankie was working that day