My first post and its a bit long so please bear with me, anyway I wanted to give other punters a warning about booking Kateboro her link below after my experience today.
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External Link/Members OnlyThis morning feeling the itch I decided to have a punt, I live close to boro and didn't want to go far so decided on a few ladies, times didn't match up and wound up agreeing to meet Kateboro who's number I got on AW, booking was done through txt messages and agreed on a time of 1:30pm with me ringing to confirm at 1pm when I set off.
first warning sign, I get in my car and set off to kate' place which is 25 mins from mine, in the car, I ring kate's phone to confirm I am on my way as agreed earlier, no answer, didn't think much of it, I get close to Kate's place, stop the car then ring again, no answer, rang 3 times no answer. I then send a txt to see if she was still available, I wait 5 minutes no answer, so I decided to head back home and call it a loss. 5 minutes after I set off for back home, i get a txt from Kate saying she was avail.
second warning sign: I ring kate whilst in the car on the way back home, this time she answers, she didn't sound with it and sounded a little confused, I ask if she was aware of our planned booking for 1:30pm, by this time its around 1:45pm, she confirms yes, she says she still was available. I know I should have kept driving back home, especially after my initial feeling that sounded a little confused, however, I still have the itch and decide to turn back and head to Kate's thinking this will all work out fine. Anyway I agree to meet her 10minutes late at her place.
third warning sign: I drive up into Kate's street in north omersby (I wont name the street), however, its a very rough looking terraced street with some houses in the street boarded up. Not a good first impression, but hey ho. As I drive down looking for Kate's door, I notice 2 a rough looking chavy young man in their 20s waiting on one of the houses with the door open, this house I noticed was a few doors across the street from kate's house which I have spotted, my internal alarm starts to kick in, I don't feel comfortable with this, nosy neighbours who look dodgy and chavy, all I need. I drive to the end of the street then turn back, and park up a few door's away from Kate's house which looks ragged, the door of Kate's place does not look good it has a paper cello-taped to the door with note written in pen which I cant quite make up. As I look up a police car comes driving from up the street, this time I get really nervous, the cop makes eye contact with me briefly but also looks at the two chavy looking young man, I was on my phone at this point ringing Kate who by the way is not answering her phone, the cop car goes to the end of the street then turns back around and starts to drive back up, however, as this car is turning around a police van is coming down the street. The cop car which had turned around parks at a house a few doors across from Kate, the police van parks infront of the police car. My heart by now is pounding, in my mind, I am like shit!!! time to get out of here. I drive up the street and away thinking what the fuck and swearing to never book Kate again.
I cant say for certain wheather the police where there due to Kate or not, however, I wouldn't be surprised if they were. I unfortunately ignored a few warning signs which I should have taken note off such as not answering the phone the time of the appointment and when she did sounding a little confused and dazed.
Anyway 10 minutes later after calming down, I still have the itch, I wound up calling a well known former friend of Kate or work colleague who I wont name but is well reviewed here, to arrange a short notice booking, she is not available, I tell her my little tale above, her partner was in the background he goes on speaker phone and he confirms that unfortunately Kate is well known drug user and very unreliable and they are no longer working with her. Anyway that's my experience to share, hopefully it may help others make an informed choice about booking Kate just like other posts on this board have helped me rule certain escorts out.
On another note, I wound up getting a half decent scratch by redhotsash, who was available short notice after the above experience, wont be everyone's cup of tea, however, I found her to be very a nice woman, bit talkative but still half decent in the sack, went home feeling much more calmer after my earlier experience in the day.
hope this may help someone, anyway stay safe, happy punting.