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Author Topic: Pet hate of no reply!  (Read 5861 times)

Little Katie

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I think the delays you have mentioned between sending a message and receiving a reply is very much dependent on the escorts popularity and demand. Some girls may get 2 or 3 messages a day where others may receive 50+.. Clearly the girls receiving the latter will be unable to communicate as efficiently so I think the individual circumstances of the WG should be taken into account before any final conclusion is made.
How are you guys writing to the girls in question???
For those that can afford to be slightly more discerning to which men they see, it really is the little things in your email that make a big difference..
This list may or may not help you but could be worth a try..

1. Addressing the WG as a person is always a good start.. Start the message with her name and end it with yours.
2. Read her profile properly and use your common sense.. If she says she is unavailable then don't message her asking if she is available tonight. What is it about her profile that attracted you to contact her? A picture? Her vital stats? Her feedback? A mutual 'Like'?.. Tell her.. In doing so you are proving intellectual competence and genuine interest which instantly makes your message stand apart from the ones sent to her by time-wasters. Most women respond well to flattery.
3. Tell her a little about yourself.. There's no need to write pages but a brief description of who you are and what you enjoy breaks the ice, gives her an idea of what to expect/how best to satisfy you and prompts her to decide whether or not your proposition is of mutual interest.
4. It's all about the details.. The more detail you put into your email, the less time is spent "to-ing" and "fro-ing".. What day is best for you? What time? How long for? It's your booking so make your preferences your priority. If you can be flexible.. mention that too. This way she really has no excuse to decline your offer if she is serious about escorting.

If she still doesn't respond to said efforts then I would agree.. The profile is more than likely a scam or a simple case of an idle WG.. Neither of which deserve a moments more of your consideration.
Good Luck! xxx


  • Guest
Not always scammers sometimes I'm sure they just can't be fucking bothered. These days I never bother chasing up. If they can't be fucked to reply fuck em

Agreed and Well Said!


  • Guest
I think the delays you have mentioned between sending a message and receiving a reply is very much dependent on the escorts popularity and demand. Some girls may get 2 or 3 messages a day where others may receive 50+.. Clearly the girls receiving the latter will be unable to communicate as efficiently so I think the individual circumstances of the WG should be taken into account before any final conclusion is made.

How are you guys writing to the girls in question???
For those that can afford to be slightly more discerning to which men they see, it really is the little things in your email that make a big difference..
This list may or may not help you but could be worth a try..

1. Addressing the WG as a person is always a good start.. Start the message with her name and end it with yours.
2. Read her profile properly and use your common sense.. If she says she is unavailable then don't message her asking if she is available tonight. What is it about her profile that attracted you to contact her? A picture? Her vital stats? Her feedback? A mutual 'Like'?.. Tell her.. In doing so you are proving intellectual competence and genuine interest which instantly makes your message stand apart from the ones sent to her by time-wasters. Most women respond well to flattery.
3. Tell her a little about yourself.. There's no need to write pages but a brief description of who you are and what you enjoy breaks the ice, gives her an idea of what to expect/how best to satisfy you and prompts her to decide whether or not your proposition is of mutual interest.
4. It's all about the details.. The more detail you put into your email, the less time is spent "to-ing" and "fro-ing".. What day is best for you? What time? How long for? It's your booking so make your preferences your priority. If you can be flexible.. mention that too. This way she really has no excuse to decline your offer if she is serious about escorting.

If she still doesn't respond to said efforts then I would agree.. The profile is more than likely a scam or a simple case of an idle WG.. Neither of which deserve a moments more of your consideration.
Good Luck! xxx

I would think that may be a little OTT for a first email. The other stuff you said is okay, but more detail of preferences, maybe role play, could be discussed when a booking date/time is agreed.

Don't get me wrong. if you're receiving 50+ emails a day, some from reg's or newer clients, then I understand a delay in reply of a few days. Some on this thread just get read and deleted without a bye or leave.  :unknown:


  • Guest
I would think that may be a little OTT for a first email. The other stuff you said is okay, but more detail of preferences, maybe role play, could be discussed when a booking date/time is agreed.

Don't get me wrong. if you're receiving 50+ emails a day, some from reg's or newer clients, then I understand a delay in reply of a few days. Some on this thread just get read and deleted without a bye or leave.  :unknown:
To be fair to LK, I took it that it was a 'menu' of suggestions that could be incorporated into the email/txt......a pick and choose if you like.
I found her post helpful as I am generally  a

                       ' Hi Gladys, are you free tomorrow mid morningish for an hour. cheers'

Had never thought about a more informative enquiry.....that said I do normally get a reply .
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 08:29:11 pm by Dodo »

Redhead Lover

  • Guest
I had one that just deleted my email without even reading it (you can see this in your sent items on AW)!

She was offering services, seemed to be online quite regular and I sent a short email along the lines of "request to meet - what days are you free next week".



  • Guest
I myself use webcam and phone services so use email a lot but no bookings.

Offline cueball

Little Katy is correct in what she says, be articulate in your emails, describe yourself, compliments are free and go a long long way, start with the wg's name and state when you are looking for a booking rather than "can I fuck you at 10 o'clock in the morning"

There must be some truth in it as I rarely don't get a reply, even from wg's that state no feedback on aw no meet, I've never been turned away n I've no feedback on there (phone booking every time for me). Women like to be sweet talked


  • Guest
Some girls may get 2 or 3 messages a day where others may receive 50+.. Clearly the girls receiving the latter will be unable to communicate as efficiently so I think the individual circumstances of the WG should be taken into account before any final conclusion is made.

50 e-mails at what? 1 minute to reply = 50 minutes (lets call it 1 hour) for  potential income of £4k (£80/session?) Lets call it £2k with 50% fall off.
I wish I could develop suck a revenue stream with so little effort, just go to bed later you silly cows  :wackogirl:

Offline Dani

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                    ' Hi Gladys, are you free tomorrow mid morningish for an hour. cheers'

Had never thought about a more informative enquiry.....that said I do normally get a reply .

Nothing wrong with that email at all.  You used her name and were to the point.  Some girls wont bother reading a first email from someone if it goes on and on so polite, brief and to the point email is all that is needed for first contact. 
Flattery is all well and good on a dating site but this is paid for sex, its a service so flattery is not really needed.  Nor do you need to describe what you like sexually on first contact, leave this until the 2nd contact or you will likely be seen as a fantasist who gets off on writing his fantasies and sending them to prossies.
You can tell us about yourself if you want but it is not really needed as age, looks etc are not really important to most of us as we don't need to know.


  • Guest
I had one that just deleted my email without even reading it (you can see this in your sent items on AW)!

Thats probably the worst - deleting our emails without even reading it!

Offline punterstanding

Thats probably the worst - deleting our emails without even reading it!

If they have detailed notifications enabled, they can read the email without being logged in to AW, decide if they want to reply or not then delete when they log in already knowing the contents. It would look to you that it was deleted without being read but may have been digested and decided against......

Offline Qwerty

Well... all my mails are complimentary about the girl - I wouldn't want to book them if there wasn't something I liked about them...I  say a little bit about me - not a lot as I don't want to spend half an hour composing something that might not even get read, or bore them with an essay... and I ask if they're interested, and if so when they might be free to meet.

So as far as i can see, I'm doing everything recommended in this thread. And yet, as stated earlier, out of 10 attempts in the last few days, absolutely zilch.

Offline j122

Could have hidden notes against your profile that only escorts can see......

Offline Qwerty

Could have hidden notes against your profile that only escorts can see......

I've asked about this in the past, and been told not - there's no reason why there should be.

But if any WGs are reading this who'd be prepared to look for me, I'd be grateful to be in touch via PM.

Offline cueball

So as far as i can see, I'm doing everything recommended in this thread. And yet, as stated earlier, out of 10 attempts in the last few days, absolutely zilch.

Might be your profile picture, wanna borrow mine to get you going?

Ha ha, only kidding bro


  • Guest

 I do not agree with what Katie is saying. If a working girl is serious about her escorting then you shouldn't need to pick her ego up for her with a compliment or some other fluffy introduction or bother to seperate yourself from her other clients. Lets keep that to the dating scene.

Frankly if a working girl only responds to E-mails with a compliment or some other fluffy nonsence than shes probably not worth seeing anyway.

Having good feedback and a well written message with the dates and times you wish to meet are all that is needed. Just like with any other business service. If a working girl chooses to ignore than this is her problem and not the punters.

Offline jake_6969

Could have hidden notes against your profile that only escorts can see......

I'm pretty sure that a vindictive WG has put something in my notes. Sent a few emails out, most unread, a couple deleted, 1 reply.

I'd appreciate a friendly PM if any of the girls on here would like to check for me as I may just be paranoid!


  • Guest

 I do not agree with what Katie is saying. If a working girl is serious about her escorting then you shouldn't need to pick her ego up for her with a compliment or some other fluffy introduction or bother to seperate yourself from her other clients. Lets keep that to the dating scene.

Frankly if a working girl only responds to E-mails with a compliment or some other fluffy nonsence than shes probably not worth seeing anyway.

Having good feedback and a well written message with the dates and times you wish to meet are all that is needed. Just like with any other business service. If a working girl chooses to ignore than this is her problem and not the punters.
As in any trade if you do good work you can pick and choose the best jobs to take on. I know lots of builders who deliberately quote way over the odds with jobs that look a bit tedious, or even just customers they think they won't get on with.  There are plenty of other jobs out there if you're well rated.

Sure if a WG is desperate for the business she might well just have to deal with any punter that comes along regardless what she thinks of them. But if she has customers lining up to see her because she has a great reputation then of course she can choose to vet them however she sees fit.   Her body, her choice. All sorts of wankers and nutters out there who are best avoided.  :hi: 


  • Guest
Probably a good indication that any meet would be crap anyway.

Definitely. Polite replies/comms are indicative of the customer service you'll get


  • Guest
What really grips my shit is when you can see they've read them  and then don't reply. I'd have more respect even if she said "No chance , do one loser"
Typical women's behaviour - When they're uninterested in something then they won't  even acknowledge, let alone respond to it


  • Guest
Just to pick up the point that we expect them on call 24/7 - that is not what I meant and I am sure most of the others.  We were talking about emails and it is hardly unreasonable that someone active on AW checks emails say once a day and sends a quick response to politely written emails requesting a meeting.

As for texts I accept that they may get loads of rubbish ones and I am more relaxed - but even so if they want business you would think they would spend some time to find the reasonable ones.

The point is not that we get annoyed about a late reply - it is we get no reply!
+ infinity!


  • Guest
As in any trade if you do good work you can pick and choose the best jobs to take on. I know lots of builders who deliberately quote way over the odds with jobs that look a bit tedious, or even just customers they think they won't get on with.  There are plenty of other jobs out there if you're well rated.

Sure if a WG is desperate for the business she might well just have to deal with any punter that comes along regardless what she thinks of them. But if she has customers lining up to see her because she has a great reputation then of course she can choose to vet them however she sees fit.   Her body, her choice. All sorts of wankers and nutters out there who are best avoided.  :hi:
   Unfortunately this superior attitude wont help her in the long run and usually overflows into the punt itself. She'll start to get bad reviews. No one finds a god complex attractive.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 11:04:17 pm by Ben4454 »


  • Guest
Not sure if anyone else has this pet hate, but I hate it when you take the time to email a girl on AW, you check, and see she has read the email, but not bothered her arse to reply!

I'm happy with a negative reply - not working, not free then etc

Not happy with no reply, leads you to think they are scammers!

Even worse is when you reply to their reply and then they don't reply. This has happened to me several times and I then wonder whether I have said something stupid to upset them.


  • Guest
If they have a number displayed its better to call them. All of the email ping pong does my head in.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 11:21:31 pm by Ben4454 »


  • Guest
   Unfortunately this superior attitude wont help her in the long run and usually overflows into the punt itself. She'll start to get bad reviews. No one finds a god complex attractive.
Said it before and I'll say it again - some punters take the view "I punt to suit me not the WG" and yet are unable to respect when a WG takes the same view.  It's her body she is not a piece of meat, she can pick and choose who she sees, when, where, what she does with them and for how much.  That's hardly a god complex in my view, it's having some self-respect.

Having met Katie I can say she has not the slightest hint of arrogance about her.  At the end of the day different punters look for different qualities and I find her quiet self-confidence extremely attractive, she has a real life which takes priority over escorting which I also find attractive.  Good comms are always a plus to be sure but for me they fall way, way down the list of qualities I am particularly looking for in a WG.

But to each their own.  Plenty of WG's out there who no doubt will be more reliable on comms! :hi:

Offline Silver Birch

I suspect some wgs don't want to reply too promptly in case it makes them appear not busy/desperate.

Doesn't work for me though. When planning a punt, I will usually contact 2 or 3 from my hotlist, and the first to reply will ususally be the one that gets my cash.


  • Guest
I suspect some wgs don't want to reply too promptly in case it makes them appear not busy/desperate.

Doesn't work for me though. When planning a punt, I will usually contact 2 or 3 from my hotlist, and the first to reply will ususally be the one that gets my cash.

Most pro$$ies are so useless at replying, I only email them if it's for a long-term planned punt. If it's on the day hooking, I only go for ones with phone numbers displayed - tends to get better results.


  • Guest
I wish I had seen this a few days ago when I posted a thread with the title Bad Manners, as I was annoyed at having a few pms sent to escorts and none of them bothered replying, despite I said a time and a date and it was over 24 hours before the booking I wanted.

I even named the escorts as to me they are getting those who do reply a bad name, so for the time being if I don't get a reply I just post their name as not being worth while contacting, and will continue to do so.

Today I went to two parlours and got satisfaction, and have posted a reverse booking which has got a few escorts replying to me about their availability, it might not be ideal but for me its a better way to go than to just wait and hope that a chosen escort will bother replying, some escorts are worth while trying to sort a booking out as they do care, sadly some others deserve to be named as "cant be arsed escorts".


  • Guest
Said it before and I'll say it again - some punters take the view "I punt to suit me not the WG" and yet are unable to respect when a WG takes the same view.  It's her body she is not a piece of meat, she can pick and choose who she sees, when, where, what she does with them and for how much.  That's hardly a god complex in my view, it's having some self-respect.

Having met Katie I can say she has not the slightest hint of arrogance about her.  At the end of the day different punters look for different qualities and I find her quiet self-confidence extremely attractive, she has a real life which takes priority over escorting which I also find attractive.  Good comms are always a plus to be sure but for me they fall way, way down the list of qualities I am particularly looking for in a WG.

But to each their own.  Plenty of WG's out there who no doubt will be more reliable on comms! :hi:

It is not about a lack of respect it is about choosing not to jump through unnecessary 'hoops' to be vetted. She can choose to see anyone she wants this is true - but if i see a profile with a lot of do's and don'ts then I find this off putting and so do many other punters.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 09:54:44 pm by Ben4454 »


  • Guest
Good comms are always a plus to be sure but for me they fall way, way down the list of qualities I am particularly looking for in a WG.

But to each their own.  Plenty of WG's out there who no doubt will be more reliable on comms! :hi:

Escorting is a business, and for many escorts its their main method of income, so if they are dependant upon the work they can attract then it should be one of the first things they care about when they advertise, and a well written pm asking for a booking is an opening gambit in the act of making a booking.
To be forgotten about, or ignored, does not make the escort appear to care about the service she provides, she might be great at anal, or OWO, but if she does not reply then as its been said before "punters vote with their feet".


  • Guest
It is not about a lack of respect it is about choosing not to jump through unnecessary 'hoops' to be vetted. She can choose to see anyone she wants this is true - but if i see a profile with a lot of do's and don'ts then I find this off putting and so do many other punters.
Fair enough Ben - as I've said before there are different types of punters looking for different things. You prefer someone low maintenance and available to book on your terms.  I don't care about that at all and am quite willing to jump through hoops to get what I want.  To me a "genuine GFE" requires you to actually get to know a bit about the WG first so a profile with a bit of information, do's and don't etc tells me a lot.  Sometimes the do's and don'ts genuinely do not suit me and come across as someone totally up their own arsehole - in which case I happily move on, but as long as she offers the services I'm after and there are no show stoppers it's not a problem for me at all.

The fact that a particular WG is actually a bit more discerning about who she sees makes her much more interesting to me than a WG who'll see any tom dick or harry. 

Someone like e.g. Little Katie who has bad comms and doesn't always reply I know it's simply because she's so damned popular - and I really wanted to find out if everything I'd read about her were true so I hung in there despite patchy comms.

In the end she far exceeded my expectations and was one of my punts of the year.  I could have just said "nah it's not worth it" and then missed out on one of my best punts.

Her comms have been even worse since but now I know how good she is I'm more than happy to be patient and work around her schedule.  :yahoo:

For me it's a two way street but to each their own.  :hi:


  • Guest
Escorting is a business, and for many escorts its their main method of income, so if they are dependant upon the work they can attract then it should be one of the first things they care about when they advertise, and a well written pm asking for a booking is an opening gambit in the act of making a booking.
To be forgotten about, or ignored, does not make the escort appear to care about the service she provides, she might be great at anal, or OWO, but if she does not reply then as its been said before "punters vote with their feet".
Yes they do and mine have not let me down yet. 

Many of the WG's I've come across who have really bad comms are the ones that are the most popular and simply haven't the time to answer e-mails.  Answering e-mails does not pay bills, seeing punters does - so if you can fill your diary for weeks ahead without any problem then keeping on top of e-mails becomes a lower priority. 

As you say, many punters will vote with their feet - if you think about it - for a WG who is flat out busy weeks or months ahead that's all to the good! It's natural selection!! She already has too many customers so if the ones who are impatient simply drop out that's made her life easier.

She knows that the ones who are still interested and waiting are genuinely very serious about meeting her which means less chance of cancellations etc. 


  • Guest

She knows that the ones who are still interested and waiting are genuinely very serious about meeting her which means less chance of cancellations etc.

I cant speak for anyone else, but when I try to book an escort, and suggest a time and date that suits me a few days ahead, I am being serious about a meeting, and would never cancel unless something drastic happened. I can understand why some escorts will reply more to regulars than others who are just a one off booking, but its from the one off bookings that we get regulars.

As someone else said, if an escort gets 50 requests a day, how long does it take to reply to them all even a few words is enough to show some respect, to just ignore someone is not good practice.


  • Guest
She knows that the ones who are still interested and waiting are genuinely very serious about meeting her which means less chance of cancellations etc.

Who's going to be serious about meeting someone who pisses around like most of them do?

I laugh when I see all the stuff they write about no-shows and time wasters. That must be the case to a certain extent, but as a group they are a lot worse and they are the ones making the money out of all this, and a handsome amount as well.


  • Guest
Who's going to be serious about meeting someone who pisses around like most of them do?

I laugh when I see all the stuff they write about no-shows and time wasters. That must be the case to a certain extent, but as a group they are a lot worse and they are the ones making the money out of all this, and a handsome amount as well.
I've cancelled WG's a few times myself due to illness / work commitments but I've only had one WG cancel on me in something like 40 punts - and with a very legit reason.

Never been messed around other than having to wait to see someone I really wanted to see - purely because she is too popular which is quite understandable.   :unknown:

Offline smiths

It is not about a lack of respect it is about choosing not to jump through unnecessary 'hoops' to be vetted. She can choose to see anyone she wants this is true - but if i see a profile with a lot of do's and don'ts then I find this off putting and so do many other punters.

Absolutely right. :thumbsup: To ME a WG is the service seller and as i am the one paying its my way or no way. What WGs choose to do is their business of course, they just wont get my business unless its by my way.


  • Guest
It would be interesting if a WG was to answer and say roughly how many booking requests she gets per day ( actual bookings with time and dates) and how long it can take to reply to them!.

I send out 2-3 every 2 weeks and am lucky if I get one reply from that.


  • Guest
There is a lot of timewasters on Adultwork and some escorts obviously decide which emails to respond to and which ones they wont waste there time with depending what is wrote.

Saying that though, those are usually the more professional escorts that make a point of saying on there profile that they wont respond to silly emails or ones where they know there messers and the rest of them are just ones where they cannot be bothered to respond as maybe they have money for that day/week and don't need plain rude in a lot of cases.


  • Guest
There is a lot of timewasters on Adultwork and some escorts obviously decide which emails to respond to and which ones they wont waste there time with depending what is wrote.

Yes that's true, that's why so many of us are polite and send a detailed pm of what service we are interested in, with a preferred date, and use the name of the escort.
I realise that the escort has a working life/social life, and cant be around to answer all the time, but neither are we punters going to just sit back and wait for a reply, if we don't hear within 24-36 hours we move on and look for another whilst remembering the name of those escorts who don't reply.


  • Guest
Yes that's true, that's why so many of us are polite and send a detailed pm of what service we are interested in, with a preferred date, and use the name of the escort.
I realise that the escort has a working life/social life, and cant be around to answer all the time, but neither are we punters going to just sit back and wait for a reply, if we don't hear within 24-36 hours we move on and look for another whilst remembering the name of those escorts who don't reply.

Yes very true if you know they have read the email and still not got back to you.

Some escorts I have seen on there profile that they don't want emails about what services they do as they tell you to read the likes as they wont discuss it on phone or email and if you do they block you!!!

Offline cueball

As I've said earlier most seem to reply but I have had a couple of no replies and email deleted without being read, the second aren't worth bothering about, if she does that then she goes straight on my black list.
If they read and don't reply then hard luck on them, my money goes elsewhere. There are more than enough happy to take my money and let me have my wicked way.

It's their loss


  • Guest
A lot of escorts just put anything down on their do list, there is nothing wrong with saying what services you want despite reading what they say, as if they agree to a booking they know what you expect, there has been times when ive read the list of do's, only to be told that's now changed and needs bringing up to date, some profiles are 3-4 years old.

But escorts whomever they are can at least reply and say "sorry but no", id accept that. its a lkot better than reading it and not replying, or just ignoring costs nothing to reply to a pm.

Offline smiths

A lot of escorts just put anything down on their do list, there is nothing wrong with saying what services you want despite reading what they say, as if they agree to a booking they know what you expect, there has been times when ive read the list of do's, only to be told that's now changed and needs bringing up to date, some profiles are 3-4 years old.

But escorts whomever they are can at least reply and say "sorry but no", id accept that. its a lkot better than reading it and not replying, or just ignoring costs nothing to reply to a pm.

Indeed, over the years i have learned to regard an enjoys list which should be called a services offered list in my view with a huge pinch of salt. Its a guide only for the WG to confirm when i speak to her on the phone. When i didnt used to seek confirmation but took the list as being correct and up to date i found some WGs saying i dont offer such and such service anymore but "forgot" to up date the list. What use is that to me if the service i require isnt actually on offer once i arrive.

 So i always seek confirmation when booking, before i leave my place for the WGs and once again in person before i hand my money over. Any WG that doesnt like this wont get my money.


  • Guest

Lets be honest here - some working girls do not do themselves any favours by not including a phone number for punters to phone. Myself I would prefer to phone as it cuts out all of the unnessary e-mail ping pong that goes on. Working girls argue that they get timewaster calls and texts but in my opinion this is part of the business and something that will never change. No job is perfect but surely listing a phone number will attract the most serious punters and make the job easier without having a inbox of 50 E-mails to respond to.


  • Guest
And what about the punters who have a hearing problem, who don't prefere to use a mobile for fear of missing something in the conversation, that's why some people use the e-mail system.


  • Guest
Lets be honest here - some working girls do not do themselves any favours by not including a phone number for punters to phone. Myself I would prefer to phone as it cuts out all of the unnessary e-mail ping pong that goes on. Working girls argue that they get timewaster calls and texts but in my opinion this is part of the business and something that will never change. No job is perfect but surely listing a phone number will attract the most serious punters and make the job easier without having a inbox of 50 E-mails to respond to.
Many of the WG's I've seen are part-timers with a real day job or at uni. Not going to get very far taking calls from punters at work / in class! :)

For full time WG's who are on call all hours of the day it makes sense to publish a phone number. 


  • Guest
I named 3 on another thread who didn't bother acknowledging my pms to them, if we want to change the situation we have to tell who is the main escorts who don't bother, and that way we can forget about trying to book them again, otherwise its just going to go round in a circle and nothing happening.


  • Guest
I've possibly missed this in the thread, but a lot of girls don't seem to control their AW page. So the 'other' person doesn't bother to reply.

Business is business to me and i think it is abhorrent not to acknowledge a well thought out message. You pay for the roof over my head after all! I just try to make you happy boys!

V xx