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Author Topic: Annastasya sophie001 taunton  (Read 1878 times)


  • Guest
I've followed the forum for sometime..
But tonight decided i would write a review..
Tonight I had a meeting with Annastaysa..
Tonight I booked one hour
There are absolutely no extras to pay
I have met her many times before.
The comunications where perfect as usual.
The location  (holiday inn) was perfect, easy access from the m5 motorway
On arrival Anna was dressed to impress  as usual..
She looked stunning..
I can guarantee you that all listed services where gladly given and nothing is ever too much hAstle
I would 110 percent recommend to anybody
You will not get a better service :-)
Here's the link on adultwork
 External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only
I have tried my best to give a good and accurate review.. and I'm happy to answer any questions regarding my meeting
Treat her well guys

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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treat her well guys :rolleyes:

sorry but your review sounds a little fake
Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
Banned by: Head1


  • Guest
treat her well guys :rolleyes:

sorry but your review sounds a little fake

Sorry to agree but this girl has history of fake reviews.

Hope this is genuine

Anyway Danny did you get the souvenir ?

And what are all the hearts about on AW ?

I would 110 percent recommend to anybody

Even to bbw lovers ?   :lol: :lol:
« Last Edit: March 01, 2017, 11:42:42 pm by vw »


  • Guest
Business must be slow. Not really suprised at £170 for an incall :wackogirl:.

Cornish sub

  • Guest
I've followed the forum for sometime..
But tonight decided i would write a review..
Tonight I had a meeting with Annastaysa..
Tonight I booked one hour
There are absolutely no extras to pay
I have met her many times before.
The comunications where perfect as usual.
The location  (holiday inn) was perfect, easy access from the m5 motorway
On arrival Anna was dressed to impress  as usual..
She looked stunning..
I can guarantee you that all listed services where gladly given and nothing is ever too much hAstle
I would 110 percent recommend to anybody
You will not get a better service :-)
Here's the link on adultwork
 External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only
I have tried my best to give a good and accurate review.. and I'm happy to answer any questions regarding my meeting
Treat her well guys

Offline Mij

Such a fake must be quiet.

Plus she has a dubious history of BB in previous profiles.....  :thumbsdown:

Offline TerryTibbs

Looks hot to me!

She is on my HL, but what's the point of her working in Taunton ???

Surely Bristol has many many more punters and Taunton is a shit hole anyway!!

Just saying  :D


Terry  :timeout:


  • Guest
Looks hot to me!

She is on my HL, but what's the point of her working in Taunton ???

Surely Bristol has many many more punters and Taunton is a shit hole anyway!!

Just saying  :D


Terry  :timeout:

Ah the non reviewet that thinks the word revolves around Bristol.   :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :bomb: :bomb:


  • Guest
I have met her many times before.
I'm happy to answer any questions

Are you her Pimp?


  • Guest
Fake review?
Definitely not
I've seen Anna now maybe 20 times in total..
In bristol, Plymouth exeter
I didn't take the free gift as I wasn't interested my self to be honest.
I can assure you all that not on any occasion meeting with her have I been offered any kind of unprotected penetration..
I can tell you that filming and pictures she is fine with
And you will not get a better blow job anywhere!!!
To be honest I'm not bothered if people think it's fake
I had a great time last time.. just been watching it back !
If your worried about 170 for the hour
There's plenty of cheaper girls around.. I'm not sure they are the same quality though.. I've had some proper disastrous experiences with cheap girls!!
If you don't go and see her
No skin off my nose. I'm not missing out


  • Guest
Ok think what you like about my review
Was just trying to be helpful to the genuine guys out there that are actually interested in meeting her
Shes a diamond
As I say I've met with her maybe 20 or so


  • Guest
If she's as fit as you say, why so much crap photoshop used in her profile?


  • Guest
You'd have to ask her that
All I can tell you is she is fit..
Always dressers amazing
Smells good
And gives a great service
I have never been hurried ..
Up to you guys whether you give her a try or not
Makes no difference to me


  • Guest
treat her well guys :rolleyes:

sorry but your review sounds a little fake

I'm really not worried what people think
Ive met her loads of times
I will continue to do so in the future.


  • Guest
If she's as fit as you say, why so much crap photoshop used in her profile?
Sorry James. .
Have you ever met her?


  • Guest
Such a fake must be quiet.

Plus she has a dubious history of BB in previous profiles.....  :thumbsdown:
Just read your review on sexy Angelina. .
Ive seen her too a hanfull of times.. once at a hotel in Exeter. . And twice in a her private apartment in bristol. ..
Cracking arse on her and amazing dt
Just so you know..
Not ever once a mention of bb from annastasya


  • Guest
I'm really not worried what people think

Your defensive replies say differently. 

Reminds me of when she was posing here.  this one is a  from her.

:D really you speake fluent in devon...and another coples of englis areas  :wacko: you deserve a Nobel :D
Mrs sorry cause i disturbed you apologises.     :thumbsup:    i m very shure cause you never do mistakes when you write in german spanis italian or french...i think you are to good for this wold. Why you have a problem cause i m still here ,cause i bring in front of people ...what  reviws did you puted?(from 9 rewiews 6 are negative , is so hard to make you someone happy?)  I think is faire to  can  have right of replay   or not? Is still inquisiton ...people can acuse but accused person is not allowed to defender ?  Btw...the universal language of bulshits probably is the first language what you learned you still use...specialy in your reviews.
 Have a nice day.

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


  • Guest
As I say try her for yourselves
I have no reason to make anything up

Offline Blue Suede Goo

Was there some bareback controversy with her?

Offline Mij

Just read your review on sexy Angelina. .
Ive seen her too a hanfull of times.. once at a hotel in Exeter. . And twice in a her private apartment in bristol. ..
Cracking arse on her and amazing dt
Just so you know..
Not ever once a mention of bb from annastasya

Danny / Anna,

Good! So you've read my review of someone else. That's what a review should be like, with detail and specifics, not the general wishy-washy crap you posted as a 'review'!

You're not fooling anyone.

If you're trying to drum up more business, lower your rates and see if that helps.


  • Guest
also her profile is closely tied to theses other 3 roms who duo together

External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only

and  if you look at the AW feedback for them its some of the most incestuous i've ever seen. fair enough that they leave feedback on each other  if they duo, but several of the most recent 'punters' on all 4 profiles have themselves feedback almost entirely or entirely from these prossies. e.g see Hardcoock - thats real customer loyalty, hmmm  :sarcastic:
Edy.speedy almost as bad and a couple others similar :rolleyes:

mostly well reviewed on ukp and i think would likely be good punts (fwiw) but they/ sergei seems not averse to some right dodginess when it comes to their reviews and feedbacks. probably fools plenty of punters who only give it a glance though...

Offline Jawbreak

I've followed the forum for sometime..
There are absolutely no extras to pay
On arrival Anna was dressed to impress  as usual..
She looked stunning..
I can guarantee you that all listed services where gladly given and nothing is ever too much hAstle
I would 110 percent recommend to anybody
You will not get a better service :-)
Here's the link on adultwork
 External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only
I have tried my best to give a good and accurate review.. and I'm happy to answer any questions regarding my meeting
Treat her well guys

Hi Danny,

Let me say one thing firstly, I get slated for my fluffy reviews and I accept it.
Secondly, a piece of advice for you, even with my fluffy as fuck reviews I try not to use lines like the ones Ive highlighted in red above.
You are doing your self no favours by writing stuff like that as it does look like touting.

plenty of reviews on here that im sure nobody would mind you copying and pasting and editing to your liking.
( just don't write that touty stuff when editing).
As much as it pains me to say this, Virtual waster has a good format for review writing.
Where as James99 may be too busy policing the forums to ever write a review.

Just a small piece of advice from a forum fluffy, to a review writing noobie  :hi:
Banned reason: White-knight
Banned by:

Offline Mij

Just read your review on sexy Angelina. .
Ive seen her too a hanfull of times.. once at a hotel in Exeter.

And just in case you want to use the Sexy Angelina example again as part of your defence (??!), whenever she was in Exeter it was in a rented apartment that she used. She didn't stay in hotels there.

Just saying.......!  :hi:

Offline nigel4498


  • Guest

As much as it pains me to say this, Virtual waster has a good format for review writing.

Thanks, knew you would learn to like me !   :lol: :lol: :lol:

5th Musketeer

  • Guest
treat her well guys :rolleyes:

sorry but your review sounds a little fake
Too true.  He managed just under 12 hours as a poster on this forum.  And I suspect that the "18" in his handle denotes his age, since it is unlikely that it represents the year of his birth.  And it appears that the profile of the lady in question is no longer available - at least for me to see.


  • Guest
Sorry James. .

Apology accepted, Crap photoshop is as evident as your fake review  :music:

Offline Jawbreak

Thanks, knew you would learn to like me !   :lol: :lol: :lol:

I want to throw up  :lol: :D :lol:
Banned reason: White-knight
Banned by:

Jessica English

  • Guest
I'm sorry to contridict what people have said but I'm not 100% sure it's her as her English isn't that good I remember seeing her profile when she came to Salisbury for a day or two her prices were a bit to high for here and Southampton so she now mainly tours Somerset Watford and London and glousershire from what I can see as she is often featured so I see her profile at the top of the page when I log in . I also remember a thread on here were she denied doing bareback and her English wasn't good on that either so maybe it was someone doing it for her to help boost clients


  • Guest
I'm sorry to contridict what people have said but I'm not 100% sure it's her as her English isn't that good I remember seeing her profile when she came to Salisbury for a day or two her prices were a bit to high for here and Southampton so she now mainly tours Somerset Watford and London and glousershire from what I can see as she is often featured so I see her profile at the top of the page when I log in . I also remember a thread on here were she denied doing bareback and her English wasn't good on that either so maybe it was someone doing it for her to help boost clients

She gets punters to write them for her, then hours later a crazy new account appears with her posting like the florrina on quoted before.

Wish she would join UKE ! 

Jessica English

  • Guest
She gets punters to write them for her, then hours later a crazy new account appears with her posting like the florrina on quoted before.

Wish she would join UKE !
sorry my apologies  her English must have improved .


  • Guest
sorry my apologies  her English must have improved .

az yorz ?   :lol: :lol: :lol:

Really wish this anna never got banned though her posts just do it for me.  :kissgirl:

Btw...the universal language of bulshits probably is the first language what you learned you still use...specialy in your reviews.
 Have a nice day.

Offline TerryTibbs

She is back in Bristol today  :thumbsup:

Moves around a lot this one does!

Terry  :timeout: