Sugar Babies

Author Topic: First post  (Read 566 times)


  • Guest
Hi gents,

Just to say hello in acknowledgment I couldn't quite let SteveDave do the majority of groundwork on this forum. Whatever happened to KingKenny? His reviews were also the stuff of legend.

I've clearly crossed some paths with some of you so it's only fair to add my thoughts. Look forward to sharing an experience or two...

Offline stevedave

Kingkenny was logged on about a week ago by the looks of it.

I certainly wouldn't say I've done the groundwork here, far from it! I'm a relative newcomer in comparison to some, I just perhaps have more time on my hands to post than others.

Welcome to UKP! How could our paths have crossed...I'm presuming you mean in punting terms, who would you recommend?


  • Guest
Ah, SD, I expected you.

Paths crossing only in so much as I've appreciated your reviews of certain ladies we "may" have both seen and that I'm not going to admit to due the potential of cross-referencing because I'll be a twat that way.

But you're a TOFFT'er of others I've considered and to me that makes you someone to look to for guidance my good man. (The very fact my post elicited an almost instant response being empirical evidence)

I have appreciated your Yorkshire input ;-)

Offline stevedave

If you've appreciated any of my toftt, then I'm pleased it may have helped you. Though, if you read through all the Yorkshire reviews, there are plenty other chaps that have toftt more than I have.

You have avoided my question...who have you seen/who would you recommend? Not for myself, obviously, as you seem to think I know everything (I don't), but for the reading masses...
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 12:22:12 am by stevedave »


  • Guest
Fair question. I would absolutely endorse Kendall and cheeky Chelsea for example. Fact is I've been incredibly lucky to this point that there hasn't been anyone I would put other potential parties off .. but one of many reseaons I've joined by this site tonight is that if it happened I most certainly would.

I'll work on your trust fella, I'm just introducing myself to the forum for now.

Offline stevedave

Chelsea and Kendall are both lovely, and very good sp's, I agree with you there. And it is good to know if there is anything thta would put you off a lass, that you'd be open about that - we need that clarity as punters, so I welcome that. Respect is earned, not granted. We all start from post 1.


  • Guest
Appreciate that mate, I'm just starting "somewhere" as everyone before me did.

My aim is to contribute. The reviews and opinions on this site have been an eye-opener.

Offline stevedave

Genuinely curious...what's an eye opener? Any reviews you'd specifically point to?

You pay for sex, so I'd have thought your embarrassment threshold was fairly good  :P


  • Guest
I'm talking more the same searches we presumably all do in a certain location. I can only tell you how many I add to my own hotlist that I've since deleted by reading the reviews on this site, specifically the Yorkshire forum.

Have i passed the interview? ;-)

Offline stevedave

No interview required on here pal - just good, honest opinion and feedback about lasses in the area.

We are all here for the same reason. Some are more gobby than others, some just pipe up now and then...but all feedback about girls is invaluable. Us chaps spend lot of money on our favourite hobby, so any and all information pointing us in the right direction is appreciated.


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In which case I trust we're off on the right foot.

I mentioned your name in my opening post in acknowledgment of your posts on this forum. I hope over time to help your (and the other terrific contributors') decisions too ;-)

Offline cueball

I'm with fu$, I love Steve Dave too  :D

A word to the wise though fu$..... he don't look like his avatar, he looks more like mine
« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 08:01:29 am by cueball »


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It looks like stevedave has a new bum chum  :rolleyes:

Sorry to disappoint you F.U.$ but as far as I'm aware steve is more of a liver man than a sausage fancier. For that you need to go a little west or even south of the promised land to find a couple of willing participants.

Offline cueball

For that you need to go a little west or even south of the promised land

Keep on driving, nothing to see here,  :D