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Author Topic: Have you ever thought paying normal girl?  (Read 1686 times)


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Hi guys....

Just curious...have you ever tried to pay normal girl for sex? Like you went let's say on dating site and offered a girl money for sex? I did try it when I was back in London and I was able to convince 5 girls in one day for £200.
I never went in the end (as I can bang a prossie for £60/30mins) but I'm just striving something new. I would die to bang 18-23yrs normal girls for money...but £200 is bit too much, and I wasn't brave enough to ask them to go for £100 :)

Let me know your thoughts :)

Offline King Kenny

Did it once a few years back with a woman who worked in a clothes shop. She was helping me try stuff on, and one thing lead to another. Turned out she'd always been turned on at the thought of getting fucked for money.


Offline Robert44

Now that is something different for sure, I wonder if an old bloke would get the same response?

Offline opal

If you knock on enough doors and have the right approach it could work, mind you probably better on dating sites as you could loose a few teeth trying otherwise :cry:

Offline Deepstroker

I think this could work and its something i have considered. I may sign up and conduct some experiments if i have time.

Offline opal

Would suggest free dating sites. I have a friend who has been banned from some dating sites as some women have complained about him making comments about their appearance!

Offline sinbad52

I did many many years ago offer an ex the equivalent  of 150 in today's money to spend the night with me. Turned out she was more than on by the thought of sex for money. I don't suppose an ex counts really.

Offline Gordon Bennett

I'd worry that they'd not be "professional" and act like they're doing me a favour, y'know, just lie back and think of England sort of thing. Basically I feel far more comfortable with a mature and established indie on the basis we both know the score - a random civvie might be confused or emotionally up the creek and I'd feel a bit sort of predatory and taking advantage of them. You'll gather that I'm a shy, sensitive and timid beast so its just a step too far for me!

Offline ProtocolDroid

Check out what may be the biggest thread ever on UKP, the one on


  • Guest
Ive thought about it almost every day lmao. Never quite worked up the courage to actually ask though.


  • Guest
When I was with my now ex wife it happened for me, 1 of her friends who we used to see a lot on nights out really took my eye, 10 years my younger at the time she was 23, blonde petite size 8 and lovely pair on her, anyway when I got to know her better I started to flirt with her (never in front of anyone), I used to show her my tongue and say "i would love to go down on you and give you multiple orgasms", this used to become a thing with us and one night I said to her that I was that desperate to go down on her that I would give her 100 quid if she let me, this again became the common joke, me saying things like "if your ever skint don't forget I will give you 100 to go down on you", a few months passed by and every time I saw her I always reminded her of the offer and although it was sort of just a joke/flirt thing going on I really did want it to happen, then 1 day when she knew I was alone I got a tex message that simply said "Have you still got that 100 quid? xxx" We planned it and it happened, only once, we did everything and it was amazing, she was single at the time and is now a single mother, I still see her out and about and I often look at her fb profile and have to say ive got off over her photos and the memory of that day, after the event occurred we carried on as normal as though nothing ever happened, but it did and it was very good, so it can happen, its just how to go about it.

Offline Donnie69

I've tried to arrange a punt with a sexy 21 year old friend of a regular prossie, but the girl chickened out at the last minute.  I still have designs on her, so I am thinking of offering to take her for a Chinese meal with my regular.  Then I'll offer her the money for sex, if she says no, I'll just have sex with my regular.   


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Ive had a few private messages asking if she is a single mother because of me, the answer is no, she only became a single mother about 3 years ago, our event was 13 years ago, she is still fit but now she is 36, I don't know if she would do the deed again but for all those who have asked me I will reply to you all with location details, picture, hangouts etc

alchemy 21

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I used to work with a woman who I had serious crush on and tried to get into her knickers but she always refused.So I offered her cash ,a few hundred quid but she still said no. Eventually persuaded her to let me wank over her whilst she watched in the office after everyone had left!