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Author Topic: Sergi, Leroy and Davemate fixing the market?  (Read 5178 times)


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Deleted because it's the holidays - and there's time enough for this stuff later.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2014, 07:36:58 pm by Curious6705 »


  • Guest
I agree with what the OP wrote. Also, I'm noticing that for half hour punts, £70 is the new £60. Like what the fuck? Can't we deal with increments in smaller denominations than a tenner? I.e a jump to £65 would already be above inflation. More and more brand new WGs are starting at £70 when they look like £60 hookers to me  :D


  • Guest
backpedalling eh!

I didn't count. I didn't intend to make a career of it. Suffice to say, enough.

No I don't. But by the same token I don't like people misrepresenting what I said in order to try and support their own flaky position, and when it's so blatant I tend to point such things out.

Nor should you, it's really for others to make their minds up what they think of the discussion. That's a lot more important than whatever it is you think.

But there again, if you have gone to all the trouble of reading through my past posts, it would seem that you are a lot more interested than you are making out to be the case.

I looked at the first few pages of your posting history as I do with many posters I haven't encountered before.

As for my punting record - £100K and 1000+ WGs over 25 years is IMO quite reasonable, and probably typical of many punters who've been active over the same length of time. There are punters on here who spend at a faster rate than that.


  • Guest
I agree with what the OP wrote. Also, I'm noticing that for half hour punts, £70 is the new £60. Like what the fuck? Can't we deal with increments in smaller denominations than a tenner? I.e a jump to £65 would already be above inflation. More and more brand new WGs are starting at £70 when they look like £60 hookers to me  :D

As the price rises I tend to cut out the tip and explain th the girl why. Having said that I would much raher have a half hour for £60 and, at my discretion, give her a £10 tip than £70 and give her nought extra.
I often at the start will hint at a tip if service is up to scratch.........can't think I am alone doing that.

Offline Sedlmayer


As the price rises I tend to cut out the tip and explain th the girl why. Having said that I would much raher have a half hour for £60 and, at my discretion, give her a £10 tip than £70 and give her nought extra.
I often at the start will hint at a tip if service is up to scratch.........can't think I am alone doing that.

Why tip a prostitute?

Offline Jimmyredcab

Why tip a prostitute?

Just what I was thinking.      :unknown: :unknown:

Why tip someone who is earning £120+ an hour.    :unknown:

She should give a good service without the need for a tip.   


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Why tip a prostitute?

To be honest prior to joining UKP I always tipped prossies & threw my money about like a pikey lottery winner, Lets call it a lesson well learnt as I can't remember the last time I did it. Cheers guys  :drinks:


  • Guest
Just what I was thinking.      :unknown: :unknown:

Why tip someone who is earning £120+ an hour.    :unknown:

She should give a good service without the need for a tip.
Err........why tip a cabbie??

Offline Jimmyredcab

Why not??

Simple answer ----------------------- you are already paying a premium rate for her services, tipping prostitutes is sheer madness, they will think no more of you.      :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Err........why tip a cabbie??

You could ask the same question about a waitress, a barber, a chambermaid  ------------------ none of these people earn £120 an hour.

You are under no obligation to tip a cab driver.     :hi:


  • Guest
Jimmy, Lie a pro$$ie a cabbie is charging a premium rate, Where as a waitress / chambermaid etc are paid minimum wage

Err........why tip a cabbie??
You could ask the same question about a waitress, a barber, a chambermaid  ------------------


  • Guest
Simple answer ----------------------- you are already paying a premium rate for her services, tipping prostitutes is sheer madness, they will think no more of you.      :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown: :thumbsdown:

....Not quite sure how you can write that its neccessarily a 'PREMIUM rate'.....surely as with a cabbie, its 'THE Rate' whatever that may be.
....nor can I agree that giving a tip to whoever is to make them 'think more of you' ;but lets move on.

Ok, so whats the difference between a prossie giving me good sex for an hour for an agreed price of say £100 and that if I feel she has delivered that to a standard that exceeded my expectaions I give her a tip to acknowledge that.
I have a taxi ride, on an agreed tariff that gives the cabbie a fair return/income for his services but that again where I think he/she has delivered more then I give a tip to acknowledge that!


  • Guest
You could ask the same question about a waitress, a barber, a chambermaid  ------------------ none of these people earn £120 an hour.

You are under no obligation to tip a cab driver.     :hi:
Absoulutly 100% agree. But amount they earn is not relevent. What they earn is the rate for the job. If you've got a nice pair of tits, can fuck for England ( or Romania) then you might get in excess of £100 ph. If on the other hand you can drive a taxi, relatively unskilled job, then the rate is probably going to be lower but, that is not the issue when giving a tip. I don't look at the waitress and think she is on a low income and tip. I tip relative to what service I received against what service I expected. option, and I tip (but not always)
« Last Edit: December 27, 2014, 02:12:43 pm by Dodo »

Offline Jimmyredcab option, and I tip (but not always)

Your money, your choice ---------------------- as long as the habit doesn't spread, tipping prostitutes is mad beyond belief.   :crazy:

Offline Jimmyredcab

Absoulutly 100% agree. But amount they earn is not relevent. What they earn is the rate for the job. If you've got a nice pair of tits, can fuck for England ( or Romania) then you might get in excess of £100 ph. If on the other hand you can drive a taxi, relatively unskilled job, then the rate is probably going to be lower but, that is not the issue when giving a tip. I don't look at the waitress and think she is on a low income and tip. I tip relative to what service I received against what service I expected. option, and I tip (but not always)

Would you tip your Dentist or your Solicitor -------------------- of course not, so why tip a pro$$ie.     :crazy:


  • Guest
What the fuck have they got to do with it???

Tell you what Jimmy I'll give you a tip........stop disrupting so many threads with senseless (IMHO) posts.

Offline Jimmyredcab

What the fuck have they got to do with it???

Tell you what Jimmy I'll give you a tip........stop disrupting so many threads with senseless (IMHO) posts.

When you get Moderator status I will no longer be around.       :hi:


  • Guest
Your money, your choice ---------------------- as long as the habit doesn't spread, tipping prostitutes is mad beyond belief.

Yeah, almost as mad as suggesting they increase their fees!

Offline Jimmyredcab

Yeah, almost as mad as suggesting they increase their fees!

As I have said 567 times ----------------------- under identical circumstances I would do exactly the same thing again, no regrets at all.     :hi:


  • Guest
As I have said 567 times ----------------------- under identical circumstances I would do exactly the same thing again, no regrets at all.

In that case you'd be giving them a tip.

I'll give you a tip too - I won't tell anyone if you don't.

Offline akauya

"Any" evidence, huh. Bullshit

Bullshit. I don't indulge in DFK but owo has always been around, so total bullshit on that one.

More bullshit

I think an EE pimp would say much the same things that you are.

I reckon they must love you.

Aspen I don't know how long you have been punting but when I started punting about 30 years ago OWO was never on offer, so in my experience it hasn't "always been around". It was only when EE girls "invaded" the UK and started offering a broad range of services that the home-grown prossies had to up their game in order not to lose customers.

Same with kissing, it was only for their boyfriends or husbands. Even worse, in the early 80s some English prossies even used to charge extra for taking their fucking bra off!

Like Smiths said, thank God for the EE girls arriving and changing the punting scene for the better for us. Yes I agree that with every good EE prossie 10 shit ones came along but this idea that English prossies were better or gave better services I think it's just misconceived wishful nostalgia.

Offline Jimmyredcab

In that case you'd be giving them a tip.

No, the price increase was for others --------------------- not me.     :hi:

Offline akauya

Your money, your choice ---------------------- as long as the habit doesn't spread, tipping prostitutes is mad beyond belief.   :crazy:

Just like advising prostitutes to increase their rates is mad beyond belief.   

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when I started punting about 30 years ago OWO was never on offer

Obviously you didn't go to the right places then.

I remember in those days there were ads like 'Sarah Swallows' - and she did too!

I didn't imagine that someone whose been with 1,000 WG's could be so wet behind the ears. But there you go, it takes all sorts I suppose.

Offline akauya

Obviously you didn't go to the right places then.

I remember in those days there were ads like 'Sarah Swallows' - and she did too!

I didn't imagine that someone whose been with 1,000 WG's could be so wet behind the ears. But there you go, it takes all sorts I suppose.

Hmmm touchy bugger aren't you? You seem to have a very confrontational attitude the moment someone disagrees with you. Hiding some deep seated insecurities perhaps?

OK, first off when did I ever say that I have fucked a 1000 prostitutes?

Also you said you started punting "In the 90's I can't say I had a lot of experience" now suddenly you remember the ads of 30 years ago and you're are an expert on the punting scene 10 years before you even started?

Nice try fantasist boy, nice try.


  • Guest

OK, first off when did I ever say that I have fucked a 1000 prostitutes?

Also you said you started punting "In the 90's I can't say I had a lot of experience" now suddenly you remember the ads of 30 years ago and you're are an expert on the punting scene 10 years before you even started?

Obviously I confused you with the other guy with the thousand WG's.

I remember ads of 35 years ago, but that doesn't mean I punted on the scale of 1,000 WG's.

My perception (and of course it may not have been so common in your areas) was that owo was quite commonplace in the 80's, let alone the 90's. There were places in Ilford and around Manchester where it seemed to be freely available. What was rare was bareback, but it's seemingly on offer all over the place now, and I wonder if we can thank the EE's for that?

I can't really be bothered arguing with self-appointed promoters of EE's claiming that they have benefitted the industry so much. Especially when they misrepresent what others have said. I don't agree for the reasons already discussed. It doesn't matter what you think anyway, and the rest will have to make up their own minds.

Not touchy - just don't like being patronised.

Offline smiths

Your money, your choice ---------------------- as long as the habit doesn't spread, tipping prostitutes is mad beyond belief.   :crazy:

You rank hypocrite. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: The punter who advises a WG to raise her prices AND says he would do so again has the nerve to post this. Now that really is mad beyond belief :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline smiths

Would you tip your Dentist or your Solicitor -------------------- of course not, so why tip a pro$$ie.     :crazy:

Would YOU advise your Dentist or Solicitor to charge more, of course not, but you would and have a WG. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Offline Sedlmayer

Aspen I don't know how long you have been punting but when I started punting about 30 years ago OWO was never on offer, so in my experience it hasn't "always been around". It was only when EE girls "invaded" the UK and started offering a broad range of services that the home-grown prossies had to up their game in order not to lose customers.

Same with kissing, it was only for their boyfriends or husbands. Even worse, in the early 80s some English prossies even used to charge extra for taking their fucking bra off!

Like Smiths said, thank God for the EE girls arriving and changing the punting scene for the better for us. Yes I agree that with every good EE prossie 10 shit ones came along but this idea that English prossies were better or gave better services I think it's just misconceived wishful nostalgia.

Agree with this - without the influx of foreign (often, but not exclusively from Eastern Europe) we would be paying more than £200/hr (as the norm so some elite courtesans would be charging more) for restricted services.

Within London in the 80's OWO was very rare - the French flat with Lily and Josette was an exception - as was anal (Jackie in Peter St was my sole provider for a bit of bum), let alone kissing. Some girls in Soho used to charge extra for "positions", and with others it was "missionary only". Far more recently that the 80's (well into the 90's) in establishments like Soho Cottage and Les Girls it was still OW only and no kissing. Only about 10 years ago Soho Cottage sacked their most popular girl (English blonde with fake tits, can't remember her name) because they discovered that she was doing OWO at another establishment where she also worked.

Aspen talks about Ilford and Manchester as being full of prostitutes who did OWO back in the 80's - he may be right, I have no experience there and then, but he is definitely wrong when it comes to London. He talks about a girl called Sarah Swallows, but she was active much later than the 80's I'm sure. He seems to have an anti-EE agenda (up to him, of course), and of course he is right to say that you have to have your wits about you and do your research (with this site as your best resource).
However if he wishes to deny that there are some great value EE girls out there, giving great service in the £80 - £120/hr price range, then he simply doesn't live in the same world as many of the rest of the members here.

Offline The_Don

Agree with this - without the influx of foreign (often, but not exclusively from Eastern Europe) we would be paying more than £200/hr (as the norm so some elite courtesans would be charging more) for restricted service

He seems to have an anti-EE agenda (up to him, of course), and of course he is right to say that you have to have your wits about you and do your research (with this site as your best resource).
However if he wishes to deny that there are some great value EE girls out there, giving great service in the £80 - £120/hr price range, then he simply doesn't live in the same world as many of the rest of the members here.


Offline The_Don

Offline Jimmyredcab

4.3 billion to the economy, that's more than tesco profits

Could someone explain to a thick cab driver how they arrived at those figures.     :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:


  • Guest
Obviously I confused you with the other guy with the thousand WG's.

I remember ads of 35 years ago, but that doesn't mean I punted on the scale of 1,000 WG's.

My perception (and of course it may not have been so common in your areas) was that owo was quite commonplace in the 80's, let alone the 90's. There were places in Ilford and around Manchester where it seemed to be freely available. What was rare was bareback, but it's seemingly on offer all over the place now, and I wonder if we can thank the EE's for that?

I can't really be bothered arguing with self-appointed promoters of EE's claiming that they have benefitted the industry so much. Especially when they misrepresent what others have said. I don't agree for the reasons already discussed. It doesn't matter what you think anyway, and the rest will have to make up their own minds.

Not touchy - just don't like being patronised.

Easily confused, confrontational attitude, comically arrogant, and a fantasist.

It's almost as though nurse has allowed Wayang access to an internet connection. 

Offline Sedlmayer

Could someone explain to a thick cab driver how they arrived at those figures.     :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:

They make them up, like they always do. I thought that was obvious  :hi:, but then that's what you're driving at, isn't it  ;)


  • Guest
Could someone explain to a thick cab driver how they arrived at those figures.     :unknown: :unknown: :unknown:
From a variety of sources
If you're genuinely interested to find read here...

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Offline akauya

Agree with this - without the influx of foreign (often, but not exclusively from Eastern Europe) we would be paying more than £200/hr (as the norm so some elite courtesans would be charging more) for restricted services.


Aspen [...] seems to have an anti-EE agenda (up to him, of course), and of course he is right to say that you have to have your wits about you and do your research (with this site as your best resource).
However if he wishes to deny that there are some great value EE girls out there, giving great service in the £80 - £120/hr price range, then he simply doesn't live in the same world as many of the rest of the members here.

Indeed, the fact that some of us acknowledge the positive effect that foreign prossies had on the punting scene in the UK doesn't mean we ignore the shit that came along with it too. As I said on one of my earlier posts, for every good EE prossie ten shit ones came along (OK I'm just throwing figures off the top of my head but you get the idea).

Luckily with the help of UKP and good punters who share their experiences with us we are able, to a degree, avoid the shit prossies and enjoy great experiences with the good ones. But to tar them all with the same brush just because one has an anti-EE agenda is ludicrous.

I'm a consumer and I go where I get best value for my money, be that an EE prossie or a British one. Value for money is my only agenda.


  • Guest
Easily confused, confrontational attitude, comically arrogant, and a fantasist.

You seem to be describing yourself. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

You may be intolerant of hearing about people having different experiences from yourself, and regard anything different from your own view as an intolerable challenge, but fortunately not everyone is like that.

You seem like a sociopath to me. Not the only one either.


  • Guest
You rank hypocrite. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: The punter who advises a WG to raise her prices AND says he would do so again has the nerve to post this. Now that really is mad beyond belief :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

He (jimmy R C) is presumably putting in a late entry for 'Wanker of the Year' ...... What a knob
« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 02:22:08 pm by Dodo »

Offline smiths

Indeed, the fact that some of us acknowledge the positive effect that foreign prossies had on the punting scene in the UK doesn't mean we ignore the shit that came along with it too. As I said on one of my earlier posts, for every good EE prossie ten shit ones came along (OK I'm just throwing figures off the top of my head but you get the idea).

Luckily with the help of UKP and good punters who share their experiences with us we are able, to a degree, avoid the shit prossies and enjoy great experiences with the good ones. But to tar them all with the same brush just because one has an anti-EE agenda is ludicrous.

I'm a consumer and I go where I get best value for my money, be that an EE prossie or a British one. Value for money is my only agenda.

Same here, i dont discriminate on nationality, i go on a WGs attitude, had great punts with WGs from all over, and some bad ones. Like you VFM as i see it is what i am looking for. :thumbsup:


  • Guest
You seem to be describing yourself. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

You may be intolerant of hearing about people having different experiences from yourself, and regard anything different from your own view as an intolerable challenge, but fortunately not everyone is like that.

You seem like a sociopath to me. Not the only one either.

I think you're just throwing out random insults now.  :crazy:

Offline The_Don