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Author Topic: State of German FKK's  (Read 10046 times)

Offline Graeme387

I was in Sharks Darmstadt, Germany the other night. Wednesdays there are often the busiest weekday because they discount the entry fee. Upon entry, my temperature was taken, I was not allowed in before demonstrating country of citizenship (Don't speak German! and they're excluding Italians and Asians) and had to sanitise hands in reception before entry into the vast hall area.

Usually on a Wednesday (I'm a frequent visitor over the years) there are over 200 guys and around 150 working girls. I counted 25 guys and easily over 150 girls, mostly sitting around bored as fuck since most of the 25 guys weren't engaging in private sessions. Upon speaking to three of my regular girls, they were terrified about the virus and were concerned about whether they would be able to travel back to Romania (Club is predominately full of Roms).

Suffice to say, the industry is in the doldrums and there are not very many girls (And Sharks is quite full of girls above 8/10 on a scale of attractive) making money.

I wouldn't be surprised if Merkels government closes these places down for a few months to try to limit the spread of the virus.

Probably best to get online and wank one out to your preferred entertainer until the whole thing settles down. (Mind sanitise after your wank!!)

Offline kal77uk

I was in Sharks Darmstadt, Germany the other night. Wednesdays there are often the busiest weekday because they discount the entry fee. Upon entry, my temperature was taken, I was not allowed in before demonstrating country of citizenship (Don't speak German! and they're excluding Italians and Asians) and had to sanitise hands in reception before entry into the vast hall area.

Usually on a Wednesday (I'm a frequent visitor over the years) there are over 200 guys and around 150 working girls. I counted 25 guys and easily over 150 girls, mostly sitting around bored as fuck since most of the 25 guys weren't engaging in private sessions. Upon speaking to three of my regular girls, they were terrified about the virus and were concerned about whether they would be able to travel back to Romania (Club is predominately full of Roms).

Suffice to say, the industry is in the doldrums and there are not very many girls (And Sharks is quite full of girls above 8/10 on a scale of attractive) making money.

I wouldn't be surprised if Merkels government closes these places down for a few months to try to limit the spread of the virus.

Probably best to get online and wank one out to your preferred entertainer until the whole thing settles down. (Mind sanitise after your wank!!)

Germany (Berlin and other big cities in particular) has in general changed...the laufhaus, FKK, RLD no longer pays the keep of the women, especially the EE/Romanian ones. Berlin for example had 3 flatrate places, now only has 1. The girls there were majority EE, most returned home. The streets of Kufurstenstrasse at certain hours are deserted. Even Frankfurt some laufhaus close at 2200 hours with a minority of room occupation and the "famous" Pascha in Koln is like a library. Maybe a result of the condom caws but Corona virus is like a bonus, another reason to close venues or make them less appealing.

Offline DarknessFalls

I’m supposed to be going to Sharks next month but that looks in serious doubt. I know one of the girls who works there so I can find out from her if the club will be closed before I travel. It seems very likely that all FKKs will be shut very soon until further notice.

Offline Sullivan

I have a hotel in Darmstadt in mid April, specifically to go to Sharks. Hopefully things have calmed down by then.

Offline bristolman123

There's an announcement on the Artemis (Berlin) website which translates roughly as follows:

Dear Sirs and Madames, due to the decree of the governing mayor of Berlin to contain the coronavirus, we will temporarily close our business operations until April 19, 2020.

I'm guessing other cities might take very similar action soon.

Offline Hiratioblowmyhorn

I was in Artemis thismorning... I still have my wristband on and considering going again shortly. I think I shall phone ahead of time before leaving.

Offline Eeyore

I often go to Sharks and was there last week, Friday 6th March.
It was the start of the temperature checks (which are largely pointless as the virus can remain dormant in the body for five days) but I wasn't asked about my citizenship. Maybe because they recognised me or that I was with a German guy they didn't bother ?

I'm really glad I went as it may be a while before I return as this virus issue is not going away quickly.

Although there were the usual high volume of ladies present there were certainly less men for a Friday night. However on my third room I still had to wait upstairs for a room with my companion for a good 20 minutes. Some ladies were doing little or no business but the high level performers were still in high demand.

I've been told by my German friend who is an FKK expert that many clubs in Germany have been suffering from a lack of male attendance due to the virus. Sharks because of its huge size is one of the few that although it's been affected it hasn't been as bad as other Clubs.

I think it is almost certain that Sharks and other Clubs will be closing soon so I won't be making any plans until things settle down. There are rumours that it could be as early as next week !

Hopefully the situation will ease during the summer, you cannot beat laying on a sun lounger in the warm sunshine watching fully naked ladies walk around and often engaging in fluffy conversation with you.

I don't like the food much at Sharks or any other FKK I've visited but the one dish I like, the Asian chicken was not available, the cook was ill ! (Maybe one of the first virus victims ?)

I will certainly miss my visits (last Friday was only my second visit of the year) but for some of the girls depending on their situation it will be a bigger issue.

Offline Hiratioblowmyhorn

I can confirm, all FKK clubs presently closed until 19th April.

Bastards! I paid my 80 euro, had a one hour punt and left intending to return a couple of hours ago. Wish I’d stayed now. There were some absolutely gorgeous girls there :/

Offline Graeme387

One of my regular girls confirmed last night Sharks will be closed for the next few weeks. It';ll just drive the girls to street work or escort work. Not good all round

Offline Graeme387

Last Wednesday, the girls were panicking about being able to travel back to Romania, some with cars have already left.

Offline Macca74

From 6pm on Saturday evening (14.03) all brothels in Berlin were ordered to close. Artemis say on their website that they won’t be able to open until 19.04 at the earliest. All bars, clubs, gyms, museums and galleries and schools are also closed. Serious times...

Offline Hiratioblowmyhorn

Bars didn’t all shut last night. If they serve food then they’re allowed to stay open. I was in Dicke Wiritn (oo err mrs!) and it was absolutely packed. Not a single table empty. No idea why, the food was dogshit. The beer on the other hand...

Offline Hansolo69

I believe all FKK's are now closed until mid April

Offline Sullivan

By the looks of things, I’ll get a refund on my flight, hire car and hotel in Darmstadt. Either directly or else through my travel insurance. I’ll live to FKK another day.

Offline trickyd2

All FKKs, massage parlours and Laufhaueser in Germany, Switzerland and, I believe, the Netherlands are closed by government decree until further notice. A good friend in Germany told me today that websites like (equivalent of AW) are full of new working girls offering their services.
Two of my favourites from Goldentime near Duesseldorf anticipated this problem when the first cases were reported in the immediate area and hurried back to Poland to wait out the end of the crisis. They will not return until at least two weeks after Goldentime has opened its doors again.

Offline Swisshunter

I can confirm that FKK etc are closed in Switzerland and a lot of the WG on site such as External Link/Members Only have left or are creating multiple profiles and posts to try get customers, so slim pickings for punters at the moment
Banned reason: Tout.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Eeyore

I can confirm that FKK etc are closed in Switzerland and a lot of the WG on site such as External Link/Members Only have left or are creating multiple profiles and posts to try get customers, so slim pickings for punters at the moment

I'm missing the Clubs greatly, especially Sharks even though my last visit was under four weeks ago.

It's become so bad that I'm currently reading a book supposedly a true account of a Romanian girl working in a German FKK.

Now if that's not desperation I don't know what is ?

Plus lurking in the back of my mind is the fact that I know it will be a long time before the Clubs reopen again.

Offline Graeme387

I have to admit I am missing my regular visits to Sharks, Oase, Goldentime and other glorious haunts. Upside is that I have contact details for my regular girls and keep in touch. Most are back in their motherland but a few are lodging in Germany waiting to open their legs again for us punters. It's killing them financially but providing they didn't waste it when they were making decent money, they should survive and maybe even have lost a few kilos!! I suspect I will be saving money all through April. At least in this case its a life saving exercise closing the FKK's. No doubt I will return to open wallet surgery once this shithole virus subsides.

Offline Azucar D Artagnan

I have to admit I am missing my regular visits to Sharks, Oase, Goldentime and other glorious haunts. Upside is that I have contact details for my regular girls and keep in touch. Most are back in their motherland but a few are lodging in Germany waiting to open their legs again for us punters. It's killing them financially but providing they didn't waste it when they were making decent money, they should survive and maybe even have lost a few kilos!! I suspect I will be saving money all through April. At least in this case its a life saving exercise closing the FKK's. No doubt I will return to open wallet surgery once this shithole virus subsides.

Sat in a dingy apartment eating carbs and smoking dope without banging 8 times a day to keep their figures  :scare: How's that mean they will lose weight ?

Offline midlandsguy

[quote author=Eeyore link=topic=275997.msg2836605#msg2836605 date=1585769927

It's become so bad that I'm currently reading a book supposedly a true account of a Romanian girl working in a German FKK.


Hi - what book is this please?

Offline Eeyore

My life in a German Brothel by J K Normal.

It wasn't a particularly good book however there are numerous accounts of life in a FKK Club from which I can relate too.

Offline nugget4eva

Germany is lifting some of its lockdown restrictions on Monday but I haven't seen anything mentioned about the sex industry. Since businesses such as hairdressers and barbers still have to stay closed until at least the 4th of May I'm assuming it won't be any sooner for sex clubs, etc?  Just wondering if anybody has any better info.

Offline trickyd2

All major public events are forbidden until the end of August. A close friend in Germany who regularly visits FKK clubs tells me that this rule is highly likely to apply to sex establishments as well (remember that sex clubs were explicitly mentioned in the first lockdown legislation in Germany).
The Minister President of Bavaria has just said that he thinks even the Oktoberfest is likely to be cancelled.
So, based on that, I would guess no FKKs until late September/October at the earliest. But your guess is as good as mine!!

Offline nugget4eva

All major public events are forbidden until the end of August.

Yeah, I live in Germany and have read a lot about that but there's no clear mention of how it applies to the sex industry. I was actually thinking more of brothels and massage parlours, where the service is typically one-on-one. I just hope that the state authorities don't use the lockdown closures as an excuse to keep these places shut for good.

Offline Eeyore

I think it's very clear that bars, night clubs etc will be one of the last groups to reopen in most countries and unfortunately this includes FKK's.

Social distancing can be applied to most things, restaurants, cinemas but when it comes to intimacy (sex) social distancing is impossible.

When FKK's do open I guess you will have to provide evidence of being free from the virus either with proof of having had a vaccine or that you've been tested negative ?

Offline Steve2

I think it's very clear that bars, night clubs etc will be one of the last groups to reopen in most countries and unfortunately this includes FKK's.

Social distancing can be applied to most things, restaurants, cinemas but when it comes to intimacy (sex) social distancing is impossible.

When FKK's do open I guess you will have to provide evidence of being free from the virus either with proof of having had a vaccine or that you've been tested negative ?

Or tested on entry?

Offline Eeyore

Or tested on entry?

Or that too.
Either way we will be lucky to see FKK Clubs open before the end of the summer.

Offline simon07

How reliable are these Antibody/evidence of had infection in past tests?

Offline nugget4eva

Light at the end of the tunnel -  Rheinland-Pfalz is allowing brothels to reopen next week. Still hard to get information about other states though.

External Link/Members Only

Apparently punters will be required to leave their contact details... not sure how I'd feel about that.

Offline nugget4eva

Good news for people who like to go to NRW, as the ban on prostitution has been overturned with immediate effect. I expect there will be restrictions though, not sure of the details. Could be hard for FKK clubs to operate with social distancing, etc.

External Link/Members Only

Offline Eeyore

Hessen is one of the last districts with many FKK venues that remain closed however, if they do change the law & reopen it will send me into a quandary.

I’m so desperate to return although I remain concerned about catching the virus especially with the infections increasing & I’m no “spring chicken”

I’ve already started thinking about visiting the reopened Artemis in Berlin but I haven’t been there for a few years as the prices are too expensive & the service has deteriorated. It’s really a tourist club with no competition in Berlin unlike the plethora of clubs in the Frankfurt area.

So although I want the Hessen clubs to reopen while they remain closed I don’t have to make a decision.

Offline nugget4eva

Brothels, massage parlours, etc. are closing again from Monday as part of the new lockdown, which I believe will last for at least the whole of November. What a fucking miserable winter this is going to be.

Offline Eeyore

It’s safe to say it will be a long wait:

1: Germany has to get the virus under some sort of control.

2: A vaccine is given out to SOME people to reduce NOT eradicate the virus which will reduce transmission.

3: Quarantine has to end & Flights to Germany return to some sort of normality

4: Local German Government lifts the closure restrictions of FKK’s.

Once all the above is completed I think at the earliest it will be late Spring & unfortunately that maybe a tad optimistic. I certainly can’t wait for the restrictions to be lifted and a return to the warm weather, can’t beat being in a FKK garden by the pool with a drink watching loads of naked beauties ahhh !!

Offline joninbristol


Once all the above is completed I think at the earliest it will be late Spring & unfortunately that maybe a tad optimistic. I certainly can’t wait for the restrictions to be lifted and a return to the warm weather, can’t beat being in a FKK garden by the pool with a drink watching loads of naked beauties ahhh !!

Out of interest, which FKK locations have a garden and pool?
Asking for a friend... :D

« Last Edit: October 30, 2020, 08:30:01 pm by joninbristol »

Offline garfield

Out of interest, which FKK locations have a garden and pool?
Asking for a friend... :D

Sharks and manhatten have

Oase think had a garden with a sauna, can’t remember if there was a pool
« Last Edit: November 24, 2020, 06:37:44 pm by garfield »

Offline chrishornx

Out of interest, which FKK locations have a garden and pool?
Asking for a friend... :D


Offline Eeyore

Out of interest, which FKK locations have a garden and pool?
Asking for a friend... :D

Artemis has a garden with two pools (one inside) but the garden is crap in my opinion.
Oase & particularly Sharks has an excellent garden with a nice pool at Sharks.
Palace has nothing outside.
Never been to World although it’s out in the country.

Offline DrGFreeman

most FKK have outdoor space with loungers to sit in the sun
IMO sharks has the best garden - lots of space, loungers, a pool, cabins to fuck in and an outdoor bar/bbq
Oase isnt bad (pool and cabins) but it isnt really used
Artemis garden is basically a rooftop pool with a few plants around it

Offline Sullivan

When I’ve been to a FKK, it has always been at night and I’ve been in a bathrobe.

Going into the pool, do you go and get trunks or do the guys swim in the nip?

Offline garfield

When I’ve been to a FKK, it has always been at night and I’ve been in a bathrobe.

Going into the pool, do you go and get trunks or do the guys swim in the nip?

Bollock naked mate

Offline Eeyore

When I’ve been to a FKK, it has always been at night and I’ve been in a bathrobe.

Going into the pool, do you go and get trunks or do the guys swim in the nip?

If you wore trunks you would draw attention to yourself whereas swimming naked no one would be interested..........too many pretty girls to look at !

Offline Sullivan

Fair enough, I have no problem with that.

I've only been to an FKK twice. The same one, Palmas in Nuremberg. And both times it has been in the evening.

I'd love to go back and do a long day there. Spend time in the sun.

Offline sgc

Fair enough, I have no problem with that.

I've only been to an FKK twice. The same one, Palmas in Nuremberg. And both times it has been in the evening.

I'd love to go back and do a long day there. Spend time in the sun.

Ditto. Calm German people, sun shining, beer in hand, pretty girls. I do love German FKKs

Offline Sullivan

When I've been before, I also haven't chatted to any of the other guys there. Nobody seemed that friendly. I'd talk the girls, but all they want is money for sex.

Being unable to bring a phone in, I guess a book or magazine is a good idea to spend the whole day there.

Offline Eeyore

At Sharks on the popular days (Friday, Saturday & cheap day entry Wednesday) I’ve found you do sometimes get a few groups attend, usually young guys & generally Asian. These people certainly do stick to themselves & on a couple of rare occasions I’ve witnessed some bawdy behaviour.

However this isn’t often & during “down time” I’ve often chatted to other Gents, indeed one German, a taxi driver & Gold member now picks me up at the airport and gets me into Sharks very cheaply.
One time a German couldn’t stop talking to me about the disadvantages of Brexit & couldn’t understand why the British wanted to leave the EU. You get all sorts in these places !!
The restaurant area is usually where men chat or outside in the garden if a Club has one.

Although I’ve only visited Oasis a couple of times I found this also fairly friendly.
However Clubs in large Cities like Palace in Frankfurt and in particular Artemis in Berlin I’ve found less hospitable. This is probably to do with these clubs having more tourists visit and as the occasion is a treat they fully concentrate on the ladies........which you can’t blame them really.

PS: A lot of the girls will spend ten minutes or so with you & if they assume you are unlikely to give them business they will move on but I’ve often experienced ladies who are prepared to spend a lot more time with you on the couch or wherever. If you’re interesting and show respect it’s surprising how long some will talk with you and generally they perform better in the room if you choose them.