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Author Topic: WGs who scream/moan really loud  (Read 3083 times)

Offline Dime

Wanted to know your opinion on prossies who overdo the sound effects.I was having a punt in a brothel in Spain recently pounding the girl in doggie, then she started screaming her lungs out to the extent that the Madame knocked on the door, and asked her if she was OK. It must have sounded like I was murdering her. Is it a turn on or turn off when you clearly know the girl is faking it?
« Last Edit: July 03, 2016, 11:23:06 pm by Dime »

Offline Stalinator

Fake moans and groans are a turn off for me.

Offline howrude

I like plenty of noise. Maybe it is fake. As long as it doesn't sound too fake.

Offline nestor

thats why the spit roast was invented
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Offline paul_2407

Turn off - love a bit of noise but let's not suggest with the overt moans that I've just threatened your mother's life and thrown your brother under a bus.

Offline smiths

Wanted to know your opinion on prossies who overdo the sound effects.I was having a punt in a brothel in Spain recently pounding the girl in doggie, then she started screaming her lungs out to the extent that the Madame knocked on the door, and asked her if she was OK. It must have sounded like I was murdering her. Is it a turn on or turn off when you clearly know the girl is faking it?

Its a turn off unless I have asked for dirty talk, I once had a WG start her moaning and groaning shit before I had even touched her, now I am not that good, or indeed good at all.


  • Guest
Does anyone else think the sounds depend on the nationality? I find Japanese girls are very vocal during sex, never had a quiet one. Maybe because Japanese porn is noisy, or because the Japanese are reserved in public and let go in private? Many Brazilians too are  noisy compared to the average.

Offline mf_1101

Does anyone else think the sounds depend on the nationality? I find Japanese girls are very vocal during sex, never had a quiet one. Maybe because Japanese porn is noisy, or because the Japanese are reserved in public and let go in private? Many Brazilians too are  noisy compared to the average.

Where are these Japanese girls you speak of? That is like finding gold in a river in punting terms, so fucking rare.

Offline OakTree

I like it, especially if there's dirty and slutty talk involved and she's using a bit of imagination. I can't stand it though when it's repetitive moans littered with Oh yeah baby, give to me baby, that's it, fuck me hard baby. That completely turns me off.

When it s quite animalistic and she looks a fucking mess and she's putting on a good show, yeah I fucking love it.


  • Guest
I like the noise as long as it doesn't sound try hard or fake!


  • Guest
Where are these Japanese girls you speak of? That is like finding gold in a river in punting terms, so fucking rare.

Plenty of Japanese girls in Japan ... which is a great country for punting by the way. And if you are in big cities like London you might be lucky enough to meet an adventurous Japanese tourist.
You need to experience girls who live in Japan, those who have been abroad for some time may have adapted to local tastes. And if you're not familiar with Japanese girls, take care when you come across their profiles in aw. Some are Chinese/Korean etc pretending to be Japanese.

Offline Lucky Luke 70

A little bit of noise/moaning is a turn on as there is a (small) chance it is true. Too much noise/screaming becomes a turn off as clearly a fake. IMO of course

Offline Turtle Z

Plenty of Japanese girls in Japan ... which is a great country for punting by the way.

Out of interest G, what does a punt in Japan typically cost?

Offline blue

Complete turn off; I know it's all fake and does not do anything other then annoy me. Most times I think 'Yeah Right!' and even try to hold myself from laughing as it does get comical at times...


  • Guest
nothing better than a\sub/hoor screaming as you batter her arse.

Offline unclepokey

Back around ten years ago a lovely young woman known as Tiny working in Watford used to make a fair bit of noise when receiving oral. This was the cause of her being outed by the SCUM.
Happily the lady concerned  has survived and continues her wonderful work in a different parish though now keeps her mouth closed at the height of her orgasm. Instead she spends her orgasmic heights with massive trembling and exceptionally deep breathing. It's still altogether rewarding for a punter.

Offline Gordon Bennett

Back around ten years ago a lovely young woman known as Tiny working in Watford used to make a fair bit of noise when receiving oral. This was the cause of her being outed by the SCUM.
Happily the lady concerned  has survived and continues her wonderful work in a different parish though now keeps her mouth closed at the height of her orgasm. Instead she spends her orgasmic heights with massive trembling and exceptionally deep breathing. It's still altogether rewarding for a punter.

Doesn't this sorta prove that the previous noisy histrionics were therefore entirely controllable and unnecessarily overdone? Having someone shrieking, shouting and wailing into your face when you're literally 6" (alright 5"....) away from them is ridiculous and extremely off-putting and unwelcome in my view.

Offline Malvolio

Thoroughly annoying in my book - up there with being called babe every 30 seconds.  I'm under no illusions about being a superstud.

Offline uutarn

I like it, especially if there's dirty and slutty talk involved and she's using a bit of imagination. I can't stand it though when it's repetitive moans littered with Oh yeah baby, give to me baby, that's it, fuck me hard baby. That completely turns me off.

When it s quite animalistic and she looks a fucking mess and she's putting on a good show, yeah I fucking love it.
Yea man i'm with ya.

Love the filthy talk, gets me off bigtime.  :yahoo:

Offline the_exile

I like some noise but not if it's really OTT and obviously fake. If I'm putting plenty of effort into it it's nice to hear the girl gasping too.

Offline nike

Alittle light moaning is ok and can be quite a turn on during owo but anything else is just a complete turn off. I had one Wg in Feb. this year who was litterally screaming and it was causing me to go soft. After asking her to stop at least three times I ended up putting my hand over her mouth. FFS. :dash:

Offline mrdiamond77

On my last punt the girl was moaning loudly when I was licking her out.  Seemed genuine to me and it was a hell of a boost for my ego.  Had some girls in the past who were clearly faking it when I was fucking them and it put me off.

Offline Ellroy44

Can't stand it and I tell them so, politely of course. Keep that fake porn star shit to yourselves. That being said one of my regs makes the most guttural of sounds that if I didn't know better would think she was being disingenuous. Quite farcical really but she is fit as fuck though.......

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

As long as its a gen noise then fine all for it but that put on crap that some furrin girls do is a real turn off BIG time:(

In fact have a look at beautiful agony site its on Vimeo some girls having a come to themselves rather quiet but nice sounds all the same.

Rod trotter

  • Guest
Louder the better.fake or not i love it

Cant stand mute WGs