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Author Topic: so old horses get put to grass where do old working girls retire too ?  (Read 3079 times)

Offline workinallweek

So after a few years earning some serious wedge say £1000 plus a week tax free(or not)  what do the girls do when they retire (some have been at it for at least 12 years that i know

ok so maybe the smart ones buy property or some sort of business but after being used to that kind of cash what do they do
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline acorn50

In my limited experience very few of them have made any long-term plans for the future, some say that they are doing it to clear debts and will quit once they have achieved that, but seem to be taking a while to do that. Others tell of just earning enough to cover the cost of a mortgage each month and a few extras for the kids etc.

I do wonder for the run of the mill SP whether they do make loads each week or month, as an independent they might earn say £800 to a £1000 a week, but some have rental costs for a flat or hotel and child care on top of that, so would be surprised if that were left with a couple of grand a month. Alright if you have a partner to share the burden of living costs but if you still have a home and the like to take care of you are never going to be able to retire to the South of France.

I love the ones that tell you it is not about the money but to meet interest people and to satisfy their high sex drive!

The ones that work for Sergei probably don't see much for their efforts either.

One or two I have met seem to have a comfortable life style but how long would you really want to carry on opening the door to a complete stranger, money or not.

I sure others will have their own opinions.


Offline hungrypunt

There are plenty older punters that prefer the more mature woman, if they still give consistent service, there is plenty business about.

Carmel57 seems to do well ...OK not an old biddy and shes quite tasty, but shes a good example.
You can still ooze some sex appeal even when older.

Offline threechilliman

So after a few years earning some serious wedge say £1000 plus a week tax free(or not)  what do the girls do when they retire (some have been at it for at least 12 years that i know

ok so maybe the smart ones buy property or some sort of business but after being used to that kind of cash what do they do

They get locked away in the CAGE!


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So after a few years earning some serious wedge say £1000 plus a week tax free(or not)  what do the girls do when they retire (some have been at it for at least 12 years that i know

ok so maybe the smart ones buy property or some sort of business but after being used to that kind of cash what do they do

No interest where they go and i hope they think the same when i leave the room.

Maybe ask the question on uke.   :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
« Last Edit: January 22, 2018, 09:30:05 pm by vw »

Offline purple_t

Some are sensible and save up to buy a property... I'm sure others when they start out spend their cash as quickly as they earn it. I guess when you're earning that kind of money and you still have age/beauty on your side, it's easy enough to say 'just one more year' and prolong your stint as a WG for longer than initially intended

Offline shagmore

Most WGs have a premises to pay for as well as their own living accommodation, very rare I have been to a place to find it her real house - in a couple of instances yes, but not the norm. I doubt they put much aside, otherwise they would be in this situation
But at the end of the day who gives a fuck

Offline Scholes74

Many give up full service and become massage/hand jobbers when they start to look past their best :D

Offline anotherwoody69

Sinatra's or Joys Pub in Puerto Banus  :coolgirl:

Offline willie loman

If you are a mature individual you can retire with a nest egg, a small flat etc, in my experience that's about 1% of working girls, slightly higher percentage if they are foreign, say 5%, the majority are back on min wage, living in rented accommodation, unemployed boyfriend optional.

Offline JayEZ2K

So after a few years earning some serious wedge say £1000 plus a week tax free(or not)  what do the girls do when they retire (some have been at it for at least 12 years that i know

ok so maybe the smart ones buy property or some sort of business but after being used to that kind of cash what do they do
This is a bit historical, but an interesting story nonetheless. There was an old story of a WG in Victorian London who avoided the pimps (they had a different name for pimps back then, but were the same sort as today). She kept and saved all her wages and within a few years opened a high end cafe on Southbank which did quite well. There were some old texts documenting prostitution back then, which I can post the details if I come across it again.

More recently I know a WG retiring to go to school and move on to an entirely new career.

And in Soho, it seems that some stay in the business to become "maids" who support the WGs there. And where brothels exist, some become madams.

Offline Chorley

Who cares ? :unknown: It's not anybody's business.
Also, this sort of question should be on UKE, not here.

Offline berksboy

To OP a good WG should pull in lot more then that !  15 years ago 2 to 3 K a week was the going rate , i dont know about now.

Offline berksboy

Also who cares ? to me its how much i pay and what i get thats counts.

Offline Shearer1955

Believe it or not but some girls are well educated and so do have an opportunity to do something more meaningful after their expiry date; that said i'm certain many more spend extravagantly whilst they have cash so the end result is they don't much more than they had when they started; such is life

Offline JayEZ2K

Who cares ? :unknown: It's not anybody's business.
Also, this sort of question should be on UKE, not here.
True that it's nobody's business. However, some of us find it interesting, and more importantly, it's key to know in the case that anti-prostitution arguments come up. The historical account that I referred to was an argument showing how prostitution could be used for positive, life changes. And various examples were used during vigorous arguments on the subject during that time, which are likely to come up again in modern times. Even in Soho authorities have used various arguments to gradually close walkups in the red light district.

Offline BarryProudfoot

So after a few years earning some serious wedge say £1000 plus a week tax free(or not)
  what do the girls do when they retire (some have been at it for at least 12 years that i know

ok so maybe the smart ones buy property or some sort of business but after being used to that kind of cash what do they do

What the taxman doesn't take, the pimp does :D

Offline HarryZZ

I've met a couple of WGs who were using friends houses during the day rather than pay for their own, I'm sure they were paying some sort of rent but I would assume a minimum of three punts a day, the last one was £130 an hour and I was doing a quick mental calculation when she confided in me that she was worried how much longer she could continue to find clients as she aged, she was only 24, I've no idea what they do with the money but one punt a day in cash is probably more than the average man on the Clapham omnibus makes.

As somebody who is self employed I don't think I could ever go back to the 9 to 5, my time's my own to what I want as long as I'm putting enough hours in to provide what I need, the thought of having to clock in and out, no bunking off early or rolling in late would torture me, the idea that any WG would do their current job for 5-10 years and then get a job at Tesco on the tills or similar (they don't all have degrees you know!) for less a day than they earned in an hour and to be tied to their desk/till/telephone without even a fag break is not likely to be an aspiration.

Offline GreyDave

 :hi: A few of the British WG`s I v`e seen have semi boasted about the property they have got Buy to let`s as you only need to get the fees and deposit together then find a few "mugs " to rent from you one a 50 ish WG is still a great shag and Ive talked property with ( I work for a reburb team) she does also enjoy her work that I ve no doubt after being told of the younger lads that she boasted about "breaking them in" she also told me to use V about 10 years ago I ve only been using 3-4 years  :(  Then there are the ones that become  madam`s some running pimping opps  :(those are the ones we read about not paying tax and being raided  :D :D :D  Then there are the old maids Soho was full of ex girls in the flats and a few of my local flats were controlled by friendly maids. In my area there was a Pam a busty blonde who worked then Maided then ran a small escort team she worked at several parlours and would tell me this ones good this ones not ect and advise (even got her joining in on a few times but no Penetration  ;) )

Offline Jonestown


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Walk up maids in Soho (or a brothel) probably.

Offline Marmalade

The title of the thread brings to mind the Bob Dylan classic, Desolation Row.
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Most of them will just buy a cat and carry on waiting for the giro.

Two old cunts from Amsterdam retired after screwing (they claim) 350,000 men. Imagine that, lubing up the leather at 349,999 for the last time.

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Offline JonasG

Judging by saafe, they don't seem good with money at all.

Offline george r

so must spend as quick as they earn it ?  Karen from Manchester had her own place for years and must have earned mega money but is still working the rooms at different places ?

Offline norwichfunseeker

Aren't they like everyone else in society though, the more you earn the more you spend, at the time.

Generally speaking. It's not all stashed under the bed / invested, for access to,  upon ending their career.

I can't imagine getting a mortgage and putting this as an occupation, although the better ones do, I understand earn enough to buy a house outright, but that must be extreme.

Offline Lizzie_Lockhart

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I can't imagine getting a mortgage and putting this as an occupation, although the better ones do, I understand earn enough to buy a house outright, but that must be extreme.

I know when I took out my mortgage they didn't seem to have an issue with me being an escort, I just had to go through the rigmarole of proving my income.  I was working full time in another industry then but showed them my tax records for the escorting too.  I imagine it would have been the same for any self employed person seeking a mortgage. 

When I went full time as an escort they did change my repayments but again I think that, and the insurance for working from home, are standard to anyone who's self employed as well.

In answer to the OP, I'm saving for my retirement, paying into a private pension and torn between the idea of opening an agency or moving to the country and becoming a village witch when I hang up my stockings for good.

And now having cemented myself as the most boring Prossie on the forum, I shall depart!



Offline willie loman

Aren't they like everyone else in society though, the more you earn the more you spend, at the time.

Generally speaking. It's not all stashed under the bed / invested, for access to,  upon ending their career.

I can't imagine getting a mortgage and putting this as an occupation, although the better ones do, I understand earn enough to buy a house outright, but that must be extreme.
A few girls will have mortgages, you just declare another job, childminder etc on the form. Sensible girls realise its better being on the radar, paying tax etc , than going off grid. As a general rule if you are a success in one area of life, you are successful in other areas, that goes for punters as well, plenty of the posters here seem to have a fairly week to week existense, few assets, little in reserve.

Offline Paris69

I'm assuming most blow their money on Choo's etc etc... However, i do know one who has done really well; been in the game for years and has bought a lovely retirement home in the Algarve.
Banned reason: Idiot fantasist
Banned by: daviemac

Offline norwichfunseeker

I know when I took out my mortgage they didn't seem to have an issue with me being an escort, I just had to go through the rigmarole of proving my income.  I was working full time in another industry then but showed them my tax records for the escorting too.  I imagine it would have been the same for any self employed person seeking a mortgage. 

When I went full time as an escort they did change my repayments but again I think that, and the insurance for working from home, are standard to anyone who's self employed as well.

In answer to the OP, I'm saving for my retirement, paying into a private pension and torn between the idea of opening an agency or moving to the country and becoming a village witch when I hang up my stockings for good.

And now having cemented myself as the most boring Prossie on the forum, I shall depart!



Thanks Lizzie for providing an insight from a wgs perspective.
I guess that works for the girls who exist on the system and pay tax etc.
Being self employed myself I had to provide 2 years worth of audited accounts for my mortgage application.

Offline Home Alone

I know when I took out my mortgage they didn't seem to have an issue with me being an escort, I just had to go through the rigmarole of proving my income.  I was working full time in another industry then but showed them my tax records for the escorting too.  I imagine it would have been the same for any self employed person seeking a mortgage. 

When I went full time as an escort they did change my repayments but again I think that, and the insurance for working from home, are standard to anyone who's self employed as well.

In answer to the OP, I'm saving for my retirement, paying into a private pension and torn between the idea of opening an agency or moving to the country and becoming a village witch when I hang up my stockings for good.

And now having cemented myself as the most boring Prossie on the forum, I shall depart!



I agree with those who've said it's none of our business; but this post - thanks, Lizzie - surely proves, if nothing else, that we can no more generalise about WGs than we can about any other members of society.

Some will use their time in this line of work to prepare for life after being a WG; some - sadly, maybe - won't.

Offline Lizzie_Lockhart

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Thanks Lizzie for providing an insight from a wgs perspective.
I guess that works for the girls who exist on the system and pay tax etc.
Being self employed myself I had to provide 2 years worth of audited accounts for my mortgage application.

No problem at all

I don't doubt there will be many WG's who are off the books, but I like the security of knowing my NI contributions are up to date and that I'm not looking over my shoulder in terms of being caught out.

I also like having the moral high ground over the corporations who don't pay their taxes lol.  IMO taxes are the price you pay to live in a civilized society and I hope the ladies who aren't paying into it don't complain about things like the NHS, state of the roads, schools, social services, police force etc!

*gets off soapbox*

I had only been escorting for a year when I got my mortgage so I showed them what records I had.  I had come into some money for the deposit but the repayments on my civvie wage alone would be untenable.  When I moved to escorting full time I had enough records to pass muster.


Offline Lizzie_Lockhart

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I agree with those who've said it's none of our business; but this post - thanks, Lizzie - surely proves, if nothing else, that we can no more generalise about WGs than we can about any other members of society.

Some will use their time in this line of work to prepare for life after being a WG; some - sadly, maybe - won't.

You're exactly right with this, there will be some WG's living hand to mouth, some doing it in the interim while looking for another job or finishing studies, some will be sending the money home to other countries, some will be using it to fund habits, some will be living the high life, some will be doing it to clear debt and some will use it as a holiday/car/house/renovation saving fund.

And some, like me will be doing it long term.  My logic is that after tax I earn slightly more than I would in my civvie role, which was a lot more stressful than being an escort.  If I age half as gracefully as my mother I will have another 20 - 25 years in the business and I'll be mortgage free in 6 years; so I'll have my mortgage money to put into savings and by the time I'm in my mid 50's I'll have enough to do pretty much whatever I want.


Offline Midori

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To add a different perspective to Lizzie's.

 I work within the system and declare my earnings. After tax and business costs, I am probably on a similar wage to some of you on the forum, but better off than I was in a full-time civvie job at the bottom of the ladder. Bearing in mind though that except when I am on tour, I probably only do 2-3 outcall bookings a week, by choice. 

Due to personal circumstances, I ended up starting again with nothing a few years ago. My part-time earnings from escorting first went on paying off a debt an ex-boyfriend landed me in, now it goes on basic things like replacing the furniture I was donated at the time with newer stuff, paying my rent, saving up to go back to University (already have a degree but it's pretty useless and I need a further qualification). I only really treat myself with things like shoes and clothes when it's my birthday or Christmas, I was brought up to value money and live quite frugally. The last thing I want to do is rely completely on a high volume wage, knowing that this kind of lifestyle might not be sustainable long term. I pay myself a wage and then the rest goes in savings towards medium and long term goals.

What escorting brings is the freedom of earning a graduate type wage, but in less time, so you are free to do other things - like volunteering, concentrating on your health etc.

I've met quite a few escorts who are similar, quite a few of us are part-timers.

When I tire from doing this, I will disappear into the civvie world and do a civvie job.

Probably a more boring answer than most people expect!

Offline Midori

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Busty phones ladies ?   :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Hahahaha, I'm actually in my civvy job today x


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Hahahaha, I'm actually in my civvy job today x

Long term touting to stop the phone being dusty IMO, much like product placement on corrie.   :rolleyes:

Offline Midori

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Long term touting to stop the phone being dusty IMO, much like product placement on corrie.   :rolleyes:

Would think boring posts like this would actually be counter-productive, not exactly preserving any kind of mystery. It was a question that was relevant for Lizzie and I to answer, so we answered. Personally, I think you attribute far too much "self awareness" to my blethering, but I'm going to take it as a compliment  :D.


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Would think boring posts like this would actually be counter-productive, not exactly preserving any kind of mystery. It was a question that was relevant for Lizzie and I to answer, so we answered. Personally, I think you attribute far too much "self awareness" to my blethering, but I'm going to take it as a compliment  :D.

Its not a compliment, its is laughing how far prossies will go to keep the name in the lights.   :sarcastic:

Offline Lizzie_Lockhart

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Busty phones ladies ?   :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Is a busty phone for those of us with big boobs?  :D  I normally call my work the Bat-Phone

Contrary to popular belief some WG's don't take back to back bookings all day every day, so we have time to give something back to the community  :sarcastic:



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Contrary to popular belief some WG's don't take back to back bookings all day every day, so we have time to give something back to the community  :sarcastic:


Touting to ensure there is a one booking, out of interest what are you giving other than prossie propaganda? 

Offline norwichfunseeker

Does anyone else find it ironic that Lizzie was referred back to UKE, on where I spoke to her, and someone has followed has and posted selected extracts of the conversation here.

Does seem strange to me, but im merely a new punter/poster, still to earn my stripes.


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Does anyone else find it ironic that Lizzie was referred back to UKE, on where I spoke to her, and someone has followed has and posted selected extracts of the conversation here.

Does seem strange to me, but im merely a new punter/poster, still to earn my stripes.

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See lizzie the Norwichfunseeker has arrived, the result of your touting, now feels the need to defend you.   :wacko: :crazy:
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 12:08:35 pm by vw »

Offline Lizzie_Lockhart

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Touting to ensure there is a one booking, out of interest what are you giving other than prossie propaganda?

A laugh, apparently  :hi:



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A laugh, apparently  :hi:


Well, you have exceeded my expectations having the cavalry come to rescue you.   :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Offline norwichfunseeker

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See lizzie the Norwichfunseeker has arrived, the result of your touting, now feels the need to defend you.   :wacko: :crazy:

Please show where, other than in your head, I've defended her?


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Please show where, other than in your head, I've defended her?

Here, read back once the red mist has gone.   :crazy:

Like your post on uke about her not touting for starters, pure snide underhand white knighting. 
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 12:13:15 pm by vw »

Offline norwichfunseeker

Well, you have exceeded my expectations having the cavalry come to rescue you.   :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

One person.
Surely if I'd made a booking, that would be successful touting.
Im not even in the area, no booking has been even enquired about, let alone made.