Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: HELP!! - advice please  (Read 876 times)

Offline LNDNman

I've got a crazy WG trying to blackmail me for money or she threatens to expose me to my family, friends, etc. etc.

How the hell do I deal with this?!

Offline Paris69

I've got a crazy WG trying to blackmail me for money or she threatens to expose me to my family, friends, etc. etc.

How the hell do I deal with this?!

Contact her and tell her this....
Revenge porn – the distribution of a private sexual image of someone without their consent and with the intention of causing them distress is a Criminal Offence under the Criminal Justice and Courts Bill.
That gets you out of any images/videos etc being shared.

Secondly, report this to the Police; or if you don't want to, tell her you plan to as Blackmail is a criminal offence too.
And you must have evidence as she has obviously contacted you.

All you are wanting to achieve here is to make her go away and then try it on with someone else.

Post the info here in the section to do with criminal behaviour by escorts/blackmailers etc etc - Admin will surely help you with this as it's in all our best interests.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 05:11:04 pm by Paris69 »
Banned reason: Idiot fantasist
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Bassman

How is she threatening you, what platform? How can she expose you etc etc.

So the above advice and or:

Basic advice sans more detailed information : Ditch your sim. Deactivate all social media including AW.

If it's not a punting sim which I'm guessing it's not, then either ask for a number change due to nuisance calls or deactivate and get a new contract.

If she knows where you live (did you do an outcall to your home?), there's not much you can really do about that but call her bluff.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 05:15:35 pm by Bassman »

Offline puntingpumping1920

Blackmail is rarely a one-off transaction. 
- Contact the police
- Get Professional legal advice
- Be prepared to discuss with your friends/ family if the blackmailer follows up on their threats
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline nickleupip

You have an AW link to this girl?

Offline LNDNman

You have an AW link to this girl?
It was a Cracker profile, which I reported and has now been removed...

Offline smiths

I've got a crazy WG trying to blackmail me for money or she threatens to expose me to my family, friends, etc. etc.

How the hell do I deal with this?!

The police are the best people to help with this, blackmail is a very serious offence if proven, keep any evidence you have, texts, emails for example and show to the police.

A WG shouldn't know who a punters family and friends are unless you told her which is never a good idea unless you literally don't care. Good luck.

Offline puntingpumping1920

The police are the best people to help with this, blackmail is a very serious offence if proven, keep any evidence you have, texts, emails for example and show to the police.

A WG shouldn't know who a punters family and friends are unless you told her which is never a good idea unless you literally don't care. It would be useful to other punters to know who this WG is so they can avoid her so if you can please name her with a link if possible. Good luck.

Its best not to name and shame the whore. Leave this matter to the police
As we don't know who OP is, as what happens if she refutes this allegation
Banned reason: Mr £500k go and buy some fucking manners
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Brazilian Martian

One question were you to familiar with her ? I don't have a punting phone don't feel the need to, but I know if a prossie threatened to out me or blackmail me I would simply tell her to do her worse. I know some punters are married and have family's so that makes things tricky, but the only a prossie can get so brave is when they know info about the punter.

This is why i don't get over friendly with SP or think that we have a special bond or friendship as shit like this could possibly happen.

I hate to say this but you need to go to the police asap, unless your prepared to handle things yourself.

Offline LNDNman

All good advice. Thanks for the quick responses, they have helped me gather my thoughts.

I hate to say this but you need to go to the police asap, unless your prepared to handle things yourself.
I'm confident that this can be sorted myself. Not had any further hassle since I stopped ignoring calls. I've spoken to a specialist solicitor now though and they said if I heard anything more to record calls and explain exactly as has been suggested above that I would go to the police.

Offline LNDNman

Also, I was using a personal phone instead of a punting phone... this episode has given me a bit of a shock, so I guess I'll go get a new punting phone/sim lol.

Offline scutty brown

I've got a crazy WG trying to blackmail me for money or she threatens to expose me to my family, friends, etc. etc.

How the hell do I deal with this?!

If it were I, I'd be posting her photos on as many review sites as possible explaining what she's doing. I'd be putting her phone number on as many "who called me" websites as I could find, with the comment that she's a blackmailing whore.
I'd inform the Police, District Council Health & Safety team, and also Planning (there are public safety issues running a whoring business from home) and also the taxman. If she's a foreigner I'd tip off the immigration hotline - they love picking up working girls.
I'd have a quiet word with the editor of the local rag to see if he can make a story about prostitutes causing a public nuisance at her address.
Then I'd start fucking with her head. I've got software which can send text messages apparently from any phone in the world. I've found a string of messages from a girl's own phone to herself works wonders. A string of outcalls to fake addresses would follow. The possibilities are numerous

Offline Link7

If it were I, I'd be posting her photos on as many review sites as possible explaining what she's doing. I'd be putting her phone number on as many "who called me" websites as I could find, with the comment that she's a blackmailing whore.
I'd inform the Police, District Council Health & Safety team, and also Planning (there are public safety issues running a whoring business from home) and also the taxman. If she's a foreigner I'd tip off the immigration hotline - they love picking up working girls.
I'd have a quiet word with the editor of the local rag to see if he can make a story about prostitutes causing a public nuisance at her address.
Then I'd start fucking with her head. I've got software which can send text messages apparently from any phone in the world. I've found a string of messages from a girl's own phone to herself works wonders. A string of outcalls to fake addresses would follow. The possibilities are numerous

 :lol: you don't fuck about do you geezer! The taxman :D


Offline Brazilian Martian

If it were I, I'd be posting her photos on as many review sites as possible explaining what she's doing. I'd be putting her phone number on as many "who called me" websites as I could find, with the comment that she's a blackmailing whore.
I'd inform the Police, District Council Health & Safety team, and also Planning (there are public safety issues running a whoring business from home) and also the taxman. If she's a foreigner I'd tip off the immigration hotline - they love picking up working girls.
I'd have a quiet word with the editor of the local rag to see if he can make a story about prostitutes causing a public nuisance at her address.
Then I'd start fucking with her head. I've got software which can send text messages apparently from any phone in the world. I've found a string of messages from a girl's own phone to herself works wonders. A string of outcalls to fake addresses would follow. The possibilities are numerous

Lol I'd hate to be your enemy

Offline Steely Dan

If it were I, I'd be posting her photos on as many review sites as possible explaining what she's doing. I'd be putting her phone number on as many "who called me" websites as I could find, with the comment that she's a blackmailing whore.
I'd inform the Police, District Council Health & Safety team, and also Planning (there are public safety issues running a whoring business from home) and also the taxman. If she's a foreigner I'd tip off the immigration hotline - they love picking up working girls.
I'd have a quiet word with the editor of the local rag to see if he can make a story about prostitutes causing a public nuisance at her address.
Then I'd start fucking with her head. I've got software which can send text messages apparently from any phone in the world. I've found a string of messages from a girl's own phone to herself works wonders. A string of outcalls to fake addresses would follow. The possibilities are numerous
Samuel Jackson
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.
Samuel Johnson
Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged.
I pity the fool who fucks wif me

Offline PLeisure

scutty b for president !  :D

The unfortunate wg would be wondering what kind of Pandora's box she just messed with  :scare: :lol:
« Last Edit: June 14, 2017, 02:01:48 am by PLeisure »

Offline LNDNman

If it were I, I'd be posting her photos on as many review sites as possible explaining what she's doing. I'd be putting her phone number on as many "who called me" websites as I could find, with the comment that she's a blackmailing whore.
I'd inform the Police, District Council Health & Safety team, and also Planning (there are public safety issues running a whoring business from home) and also the taxman. If she's a foreigner I'd tip off the immigration hotline - they love picking up working girls.
I'd have a quiet word with the editor of the local rag to see if he can make a story about prostitutes causing a public nuisance at her address.
Then I'd start fucking with her head. I've got software which can send text messages apparently from any phone in the world. I've found a string of messages from a girl's own phone to herself works wonders. A string of outcalls to fake addresses would follow. The possibilities are numerous

Wow - great pointers!