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Author Topic: gifts  (Read 10849 times)

Offline Cuntminion

Fair point but it's not like the first time i've met her - she knows I like to cook, we arranged the time and she actually asked for pork belly. 

So there's already a bit of trust there.  And my butcher is really good...

Well if she asked for it, plus if you are well established with her

I am just funny about home cooked food that's travelling

My mate and his missus made me cookies for Xmas once they forget I know how filthy their flat is

Best frisbees ever

Offline KidCandyShop

I take a bottle of wine to my regular and got to admit I like the sensation of a wine BJ and a bit of wine poured over her pussy is quite tasty too. :hi:

Offline Cuntminion

I take a bottle of wine to my regular and got to admit I like the sensation of a wine BJ and a bit of wine poured over her pussy is quite tasty too. :hi:

If it's a 10am booking I would say there's an underlining drink problem there


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 be a gentleman above all...!!!...a small gift with thought...i am sure is makes to warm the atmosphere..puts a smile both your  faces...and the rest will follow... :yahoo: :dance:

Offline Clooney

I'll be honest. I'm an almost pathological present buyer. I buy stuff for everyone.

If I happen to be passing a shop or see something I know someone wants, chances are I'll just get it for them. This is mates, family, friends and occasionally WGs who I'm friendly with. It is really no big deal to me and I think not a lot of it. I certainly don't expect anything in return.

For example, a girl (I won't state past or present) and I were discussing favourite scents and she mentioned she'd have to try one of the ones I mentioned out. I was passing the shop shortly after and picked her up a 30ml sampler bottle. As I said, I expect nothing in return, but this particular girl has acted very decently to me in the past with absolutely no prompting by me, so I actually think this was just a little thank you back.

I also have a client who is a particular sports footwear manufacuter and I can get shoes at next to nothing, so I picked up a pair for a couple of mates and a favourite WG (again, won't say past or present) it really is no big deal to me and if it makes her happy then I like making people happy. Whoever they are.

I'm quite a generous person with people I like. I can afford it and I don't even notice the money is gone. I have always been like that with everyone I know and I see no reason to stop as long as I have the money.


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Found the perfect escort gift.  They all at some point use the lost phone charger excuse and this one also doubles up as a nice punishment device.

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In My first punt, I took a box of chocolates... What the fuck was I thinking  :wackogirl:


Offline Cuntminion

In My first punt, I took a box of chocolates... What the fuck was I thinking  :wackogirl:


Depends what chocolates

My next gift will be pandas lots of pandas


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Depends what chocolates

My next gift will be pandas lots of pandas
If taking Pandas, take bamboo you don't want hungry pandas !

Offline Cuntminion

If taking Pandas, take bamboo you don't want hungry pandas !

These pandas are self sufficient

Oh so many pandas


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its simple really?...some guys like to give a gift :thumbsup:..some guys dont :thumbsdown:!!...there is no right or wrong...its down to the individuall and how he wants to make his "event" work for him...that really should be the end of the matter :drinks:

Offline Cuntminion

I'm a giver nothing crazy but someone mentioned above about it

 Im like that too

Only precursor us I have to want to or find something I like, so no one gets a gift every time or for the sake of it

I even gift hobos so it's not exclusive to wg's used to have a beard regular on town whenever I got paid gave him couple quid coffee and a smokes was a nice bloke
Not seen him for months though
Maybe winter took him 8(


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If taking Pandas, take bamboo you don't want hungry pandas !

Was taking Panda's not meant to be a joke and mean 'Eats Shoots and Leaves'....  :-)


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Was taking Panda's not meant to be a joke and mean 'Eats Shoots and Leaves'....  :-)
Knowing Mr Condiment is was possibly a joke, that's the cats usual MO.

Offline AnthG

Found the perfect escort gift. 

To be honest, I was thinking of the perfect gift to give a WG.

And I do think I have found one that is

1. Very low in price to buy
2. A fun and lighthearted gift to give
3. Practical and very handy for her to have and possibly score you brownie points for getting her it
4. Something she wont likely have but will instantly recognize its value and use
5. Something you can easily justify buying if an other half see's your purchase history or opens your mail.

And that is this;

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Its one of those pens that allow the girl to check whether the money she is getting from guys is genuine or not.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Cuntminion

To be honest, I was thinking of the perfect gift to give a WG.

And I do think I have found one that is

1. Very low in price to buy
2. A fun and lighthearted gift to give
3. Practical and very handy for her to have and possibly score you brownie points for getting her it
4. Something she wont likely have but will instantly recognize its value and use
5. Something you can easily justify buying if an other half see's your purchase history or opens your mail.

And that is this;

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Its one of those pens that allow the girl to check whether the money she is getting from guys is genuine or not.

Nah last time I got her a cat money box to keep earnings safe

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Offline The_Don

And that is this;

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Its one of those pens that allow the girl to check whether the money she is getting from guys is genuine or not.

I know a W/G that checked bank notes with one of these.

I asked her to check if I was real (by using the pen on my arm). After she would use antibacterial hand gel. Once she run out of gel and I asked if she was real  :sarcastic:

Thus next time I brought her some spare gel.

Offline Captain Fuzzyduck

If I'm feeling romantic, a match, a handful of tealights and a single rose out of my back garden. And if she's really lucky, a Werther's Original out of my cardigan pocket.

Offline Silver Birch

When I am punting, I get stressed out choosing a safe place to park my car, I certainly don't need any additional anxiety pondering over a fucking gift  :scare:


  • Guest
To be honest, I was thinking of the perfect gift to give a WG.

And I do think I have found one that is

1. Very low in price to buy
2. A fun and lighthearted gift to give
3. Practical and very handy for her to have and possibly score you brownie points for getting her it
4. Something she wont likely have but will instantly recognize its value and use
5. Something you can easily justify buying if an other half see's your purchase history or opens your mail.

And that is this;

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Its one of those pens that allow the girl to check whether the money she is getting from guys is genuine or not.

*point 2* is that seriously your idea of "fun and light hearted"?  Remind me not to invite you to any of my parties  :D

Offline Roth

May have been said before but I always leave a gift behind when I visit a prossie.   :wacko: :wacko: 

It is the only gentlemanly thing to do.   Usually several wads of manfat suffices!  :scare: :wacko:

Offline Cuntminion

Was taking Panda's not meant to be a joke and mean 'Eats Shoots and Leaves'....  :-)


No now it's been given I show it was genuinely a panda

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Panda biscuits too

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I had a panda theme going , not sure how it went down, the problem is I buy for myself almost if I got a panda I would be happy

Offline Horizontal pleasures

be a gentleman above all...!!!...a small gift with thought...i am sure is makes to warm the atmosphere..puts a smile both your  faces...and the rest will follow... :yahoo: :dance:

strawberries, cherries, chocolate, some small gesture like that makes for happiness at small cost.

Offline george r

I have taken a bottle of drink if its near Christmas .

Offline tantric talents

Yes but it makes me burp during the punt!
The best wine for punting is chilled M&S
Californian rose Zinfandel. All the girls love it !
Dry white or red is too acidic in the mouth to enjoy kissing .
If you like a good snog as I do the light sweetness of the Zin is perfect.
It's not just any rose wine......  :lol:

Offline tantric talents

Yes but it makes me burp during the punt!
The best wine for punting is chilled M&S
Californian rose Zinfandel. All the girls love it !
Dry white or red is too acidic in the mouth to enjoy kissing .
If you like a good snog as I do the light sweetness of the Zin is perfect.
It's not just any rose's Zin 'for the sin!  :lol:

Offline Cuntminion

Offline tantric talents

Oops sorry damn smartphone not so smart and replicated instead of modified! :dash:


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Oops sorry damn smartphone not so smart and replicated instead of modified! :dash:
Having a senior moment !

Offline Cuntminion

I would take a bottle of this but I always drink the lot with a day of receiving it

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Offline Cuntminion

What's the mo for bringing a bottle?

Check beforehand? Not expect to have any?

Offline Marmalade

The best wine for punting is chilled M&S Californian rose Zinfandel. All the girls love it !

I quite like your taste, but I still think the best wine is the stuff the prossie provides herself, assuming she provides any. A lot won't drink much, if any, on the job. So only worth it if you are happy to drink by yourself or leave it for her to drink with her mates / give away.

Offline alenski

i am seeing my favourite polish girl on saturday .i did buy her a scarf on the christmas eve and she was so  pleased to receive it, being the only present she got that day.i have bought another pressie, a jar of polish lard 40% pork, flavoured  with onions and spices,i also will be taking  a bottle of of bucks fizz [tesco].my question is this,should i take  a crusty roll  and knife with me.


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What's the mo for bringing a bottle?

Check beforehand? Not expect to have any?
Check it will fit and lube is available !


  • Guest
What's the mo for bringing a bottle?

Check beforehand? Not expect to have any?

Just take it to her, she'll either drink a glass with you if she likes it, or leave it for later and pass onto another client as a gift

Offline Cuntminion

I ordered a bottle but I highly suspect I will drink it on arrival

Offline Cuntminion

Just take it to her, she'll either drink a glass with you if she likes it, or leave it for later and pass onto another client as a gift

If it does make it to next trip better not Palm it off to someone else

Fuck it I will ask, if she don't want I'm drinking it


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I ordered a bottle but I highly suspect I will drink it on arrival
Why ever not ?

Have you tried the Juniper version, I love the Polish Juniper Sausages from Czech Land

Offline Cuntminion

Why ever not ?

Have you tried the Juniper version, I love the Polish Juniper Sausages from Czech Land

When I was going through my alki years I could happily drink 7 special brews and spend the evening making snow angels on the carpet

Now I rarely drink so when I do I like nice stuff not snobby but nice tasting stuff

When I went Poland I was constantly drunk because the vodka was so cheap and nice they got a real thing for flavoured vodka

Apprehensive to try new as its expensive over here I don't like to drop 20 on something I have not tried


  • Guest
I have bought a couple of proper presents for regs:

One was a scarf at Christmas, she then asked me whether I liked alcohol or chocolates, I said don't bother with either, and when she returned after Christmas from EE she gave me both. Together they cost rather more than I had spent.

The other was a bottle of fizz for a WG who had been told she might have a long-term debilitating disease. After a series of tests, including MRI scan, she was given the all clear. She had texted me to tell me, so I brought along a bottle of champers at the next visit to celebrate.

Apprehensive to try new as its expensive over here I don't like to drop 20 on something I have not tried
Ha, notice you have the same philosophy with WGs! (Sorry Com, couldn't resist this one as you rather set yourself up for it; cheap I know!)

Offline Cuntminion

I have bought a couple of proper presents for regs:

One was a scarf at Christmas, she then asked me whether I liked alcohol or chocolates, I said don't bother with either, and when she returned after Christmas from EE she gave me both. Together they cost rather more than I had spent.

The other was a bottle of fizz for a WG who had been told she might have a long-term debilitating disease. After a series of tests, including MRI scan, she was given the all clear. She had texted me to tell me, so I brought along a bottle of champers at the next visit to celebrate.
Ha, notice you have the same philosophy with WGs! (Sorry Com, couldn't resist this one as you rather set yourself up for it; cheap I know!)


It's a fair point

I don't like throwing money into the abyss but if you never try you never know

Definitely a two sided situation

As you might of picked up I'm happy with my regular

Ordered vodka now to try not drink it before next visit

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Heard one story from a wg who said a punter gave her a wooly hat.

Offline mikeyboy1984

The money I'm handing over for my punt should be sufficient. If anything we should get a free punt for every 5 we purchase  :D

Offline Cuntminion

The money I'm handing over for my punt should be sufficient. If anything we should get a free punt for every 5 we purchase  :D

It's not nandos you don't get the tenth free

Offline Cuntminion

Heard one story from a wg who said a punter gave her a wooly hat.

Nice and practical


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The money I'm handing over for my punt should be sufficient. If anything we should get a free punt for every 5 we purchase  :D
Whys that then, does that work with variety punts?  Is there a punter rewards card I don't know about ?


  • Guest
The money I'm handing over for my punt should be sufficient. If anything we should get a free punt for every 5 we purchase  :D

I like the loyalty card idea, do any parlours do club card points?


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only for one wg have i taken a bottle of wine and some fruit but i got far more in return... had to laugh recently...
had a MMF, had meet the girl before myself but the third leg joining us today hadnt done anything like it before.
i brought her two anal sex toys and a vibrator, he brought her some chocolate. it did make me chuckle..

Offline Captain Fuzzyduck

Seven inches of glistening prime British sausage usually goes down a treat!