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Author Topic: Prossies and Prejudice  (Read 2983 times)


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I'm interested to know from those more experienced than I the perceived backgrounds of the WG's you have had the pleasure, or not so, of visiting. 

I know the world is not as black and white as this but at the top of the WG pile I see a healthy and happy young girl who is new to the industry, works for her own enjoyment and curiosity or for a bit of money to put her through Uni or to better herself. 

At the bottom of the pile I see a disease ridden crack\smack head with a bad attitude and criminal record longing than her track lines who wouldn't think twice of screwing you over.

How true are the above and how often have you come across these types?  Or are both a myth and they end up somewhere in between?  Or is this the difference between a "call girl" and "street girl"?

Interested to know your thoughts.


  • Guest
There is girls out there just like you describe junkies etc, but a lot of those type I can spot they sometimes will be very desperate with what they might have on there profile written and offer BB or  everything going and possible very cheap prices as desperate for there fix and photos can look scanky.

I tend to pay more, pick an agency that looks very presentable, see how the photos look if the girl has made the effort etc.

A lot of it is common sense.

Offline smiths

I'm interested to know from those more experienced than I the perceived backgrounds of the WG's you have had the pleasure, or not so, of visiting. 

I know the world is not as black and white as this but at the top of the WG pile I see a healthy and happy young girl who is new to the industry, works for her own enjoyment and curiosity or for a bit of money to put her through Uni or to better herself. 

At the bottom of the pile I see a disease ridden crack\smack head with a bad attitude and criminal record longing than her track lines who wouldn't think twice of screwing you over.

How true are the above and how often have you come across these types?  Or are both a myth and they end up somewhere in between?  Or is this the difference between a "call girl" and "street girl"?

Interested to know your thoughts.

I have met off-street smackhead WGs in the past. ALL WGs are working for the money rather than enjoyment, they could be village bikes and/or stick to swinging if money wasnt the motivation, and of course nothing wrong with them working for the money. IF some also enjoy being WGs good for them.

I dont know a WGs personal life so unless its obvious i wouldnt know in most cases what their real set-up is for definite. Punting by its very nature is often punting with complete or virtual strangers obviously so what they tell me may or may not be true. I personally would prefer not to know just as i dont want to know my Builders personal business.

So there are drug addicts and/or alcoholic WGs as well as WGs who dont seem addicted to either from my observations. The street scene is of no interest to me, but i have seen street WGs, a shocking looking bunch of skanks, some with few teeth and taking looking rough to new levels. :vomit:

Offline smiths

There is girls out there just like you describe junkies etc, but a lot of those type I can spot they sometimes will be very desperate with what they might have on there profile written and offer BB or  everything going and possible very cheap prices as desperate for there fix and photos can look scanky.

I tend to pay more, pick an agency that looks very presentable, see how the photos look if the girl has made the effort etc.

A lot of it is common sense.

A WG working for an Agency could just as easily be a junkie as one who doesnt. Their drug of choice might be Cocaine instead of Crack like a street WG though.

I havent seen a link between a WG charging a low price off-street and them obviously being a junkie and i have punted with many hundreds of WGs who charged me under £100 an hour over the years. Paying more of course doesnt guarantee anything in punting.


  • Guest
A WG working for an Agency could just as easily be a junkie as one who doesnt. Their drug of choice might be Cocaine instead of Crack like a street WG though.

I havent seen a link between a WG charging a low price off-street and them obviously being a junkie and i have punted with many hundreds of WGs who charged me under £100 an hour over the years. Paying more of course doesnt guarantee anything in punting.

There is no guarantee with any punt especially if never met the girl before, but in all my years of punting  well over 20 years I have usually picked pretty well.


  • Guest
ALL WGs are working for the money rather than enjoyment, they could be village bikes and/or stick to swinging if money wasnt the motivation, and of course nothing wrong with them working for the money. IF some also enjoy being WGs good for them.

I personally would prefer not to know just as i dont want to know my Builders personal business.

Good points.  Although I assume you are more intimate with your WG's than with your builder.  For this reason I'd see it as an advantage in knowing her background.  Or to put it another way if I could choose the "Uni girl" type every time, I would.

Offline punk

for what its worth, some of them are in it for the money and cock.

Offline smiths

Good points.  Although I assume you are more intimate with your WG's than with your builder.  For this reason I'd see it as an advantage in knowing her background.  Or to put it another way if I could choose the "Uni girl" type every time, I would.

Whereas to me her background isnt relevant as its punting not dating but i take your point about the uni type, i dont care about that myself.

Offline regenmeister

I thought this thread was going to be about some prossie based period costume drama.

Offline punk

Whereas to me her background isnt relevant as its punting not dating but i take your point about the uni type, i dont care about that myself.

unfortunately some punters seem to think its dating  :crazy:

Offline Dani

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For this reason I'd see it as an advantage in knowing her background.  Or to put it another way if I could choose the "Uni girl" type every time, I would.

I doubt very much any prossie is going to tell you her real background story.  any story she tells you is likely to be invented.  why on earth would she tell a complete stranger about her real life?  A regular may give away some things but by then you would have already seen her a few times.  I can just imagine the response many would give when you ring for a booking and ask her for her background story.  expect to have the phone hung up

Offline punk

A possie will tell you what ever she can get away with.


  • Guest
I thought this thread was going to be about some prossie based period costume drama.

What like Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley arrive at the house of Mr Bennet and he tries to pimp his daugthers on them


  • Guest
unfortunately some punters seem to think its dating  :crazy:

I wouldn't be that deluded but if I had a choice between two punts who looked exactly the same and had the information, I would probably choose one lifestyle over another.  Not only to lessen perceived risk but also to pick someone on a similar wavelength.


  • Guest
I doubt very much any prossie is going to tell you her real background story.  any story she tells you is likely to be invented.  why on earth would she tell a complete stranger about her real life?  A regular may give away some things but by then you would have already seen her a few times.  I can just imagine the response many would give when you ring for a booking and ask her for her background story.  expect to have the phone hung up

I certainly wouldn't expect her too.  I guess it's a hypothetical question because you would never know anyway.  But I'm interested in whether the stereotypes in my OP exist and/or are common, or whether they just are stereotypes....

Offline Silver Birch

Most of the girls I have punted with admitted they are either students, recently graduated with a degree/masters, or about to embark upon their high level career in upper management. I think this is why I have been so successful in avoiding disappointing dates, and we have engaged in stimulating conversation in between making love.

Most have also been on AW for years and think I'm a gullible fool!  :rolleyes:

Offline knightofthegarter

I doubt very much any prossie is going to tell you her real background story.  any story she tells you is likely to be invented.  why on earth would she tell a complete stranger about her real life?  A regular may give away some things but by then you would have already seen her a few times.  I can just imagine the response many would give when you ring for a booking and ask her for her background story.  expect to have the phone hung up

I think this is true but I don't think the OP is actually looking to find out this level of detail from wgs he is potentially booking. I think he just wants to know more about what observations people have made about wg's backgrounds from their experience of punting. You don't need to hear a wg's life story to get a good general feel of their background and character. I think this works both ways by the way. Of course most people on both sides of the fence will not be giving out loads of details but it is very hard to entirely hide what kind of person you are and your general background type. However there are manipulators on both sides of the fence who can.

In my own experience, I have encountered wgs from all kinds of backgrounds, I just don't think there is one stereotypical background type and character wise I have met wgs who were very nice, pleasant and honest, and I've also met ones who were nasty pieces of work altogether. As time goes on I have become more adept at avoiding the latter but its not an exact science.

Offline threechilliman

they could be village bikes and/or stick to swinging if money wasnt the motivation, and of course nothing wrong with them working for the money. IF some also enjoy being WGs good for them.

I think I've said this before but one I know has come at this in reverse. She swings and loves shagging and at some point has realised it could be a 'nice little earner'. She does it for the money of course but also because she likes having a cock (or two) up her. Can't say I blame her

At the end of the day, if I got paid £100 to fuck a bird, I'd be at it morning, noon and night


Offline smiths

I think I've said this before but one I know has come at this in reverse. She swings and loves shagging and at some point has realised it could be a 'nice little earner'. She does it for the money of course but also because she likes having a cock (or two) up her. Can't say I blame her

At the end of the day, if I got paid £100 to fuck a bird, I'd be at it morning, noon and night


Indeed, why not turn it into a money making enterprise. No qualifications needed, no years of training, just the ability to have some social skills and the willingness to suck and fuck a variety of men.

Personally i couldnt do it as i need to fancy a woman to get it up, Viagra or similar might sort the erection out but i simply couldnt bear to go near women i find unattractive.

Offline berksboy

"I think this is why I have been so successful in avoiding disappointing dates, and we have engaged in stimulating conversation in between making love."
                You do not make love to a prossie  :dash: you fuck her !

Offline Silver Birch

"I think this is why I have been so successful in avoiding disappointing dates, and we have engaged in stimulating conversation in between making love."
                You do not make love to a prossie  :dash: you fuck her !

Oh dear! I suppose you thought I believed they were all brainy/intelligent birds too. Perhaps I should have found a 'tongue in cheek' emoticon   :D


  • Guest
I think this is true but I don't think the OP is actually looking to find out this level of detail from wgs he is potentially booking. I think he just wants to know more about what observations people have made about wg's backgrounds from their experience of punting. You don't need to hear a wg's life story to get a good general feel of their background and character. I think this works both ways by the way. Of course most people on both sides of the fence will not be giving out loads of details but it is very hard to entirely hide what kind of person you are and your general background type. However there are manipulators on both sides of the fence who can.

In my own experience, I have encountered wgs from all kinds of backgrounds, I just don't think there is one stereotypical background type and character wise I have met wgs who were very nice, pleasant and honest, and I've also met ones who were nasty pieces of work altogether. As time goes on I have become more adept at avoiding the latter but its not an exact science.

Exactly the point of my post.   :drinks:

Offline punk

i can fuck most escorts if i fancy them or not, but i still would not pimp myself.

Offline regenmeister

What like Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley arrive at the house of Mr Bennet and he tries to pimp his daugthers on them
Yes , thats what i was thinking, seems you have come up with a good plot.

Offline Sedlmayer

"I think this is why I have been so successful in avoiding disappointing dates, and we have engaged in stimulating conversation in between making love."
                You do not make love to a prossie  :dash: you fuck her !

I think you've missed the irony here....


  • Guest
I doubt very much any prossie is going to tell you her real background story.  any story she tells you is likely to be invented.  why on earth would she tell a complete stranger about her real life?  A regular may give away some things but by then you would have already seen her a few times.  I can just imagine the response many would give when you ring for a booking and ask her for her background story.  expect to have the phone hung up

Interesting post given that hookers seem to get really irritated when we invent stories about our background. One hooker refused to see me again as at start of appointment I told her I was married and at end told her I wasn't, I'd forgot what i said at start. She was most irate!

Personally I don't trust a word a hooker says so frankly most of the time am not listening to what she says.


  • Guest
I don't understand the relevance of hookers backgrounds. All we need to know is they must be desperate and in trouble to whore out their bodies. Certainly you have to think a well educated, stunning looking woman if she was doing well in life is highly unlikely to become a hooker and get used by hundreds, perhaps thousands of men over her a few years.

That is why we as punters have to be so careful. A desperate woman is capable of anything so never divulge anything about yourself. At times you will get caught out as a liar like I was, but so what? If she won't see you again, her loss, move on to next one.


  • Guest
i know a  prossie and a ex prossie. both have bi polar and are subject to irrational decision making and can not prioritize.

selling yourself causes a lot of hurt within the family and future relationships. i do wonder if it is only mental health or drug addiction that could bring a prossie to hurt those around them for cash.
 the above goes to british girls working locally


  • Guest
I don't understand the relevance of hookers backgrounds. All we need to know is they must be desperate and in trouble to whore out their bodies. Certainly you have to think a well educated, stunning looking woman if she was doing well in life is highly unlikely to become a hooker and get used by hundreds, perhaps thousands of men over her a few years.

That is why we as punters have to be so careful. A desperate woman is capable of anything so never divulge anything about yourself. At times you will get caught out as a liar like I was, but so what? If she won't see you again, her loss, move on to next one.

If you honestly believe this then why punt? I would get no joy from punting someone who I thought was desperate and in trouble .... though I can't be certain I never have.

Offline akauya

I don't understand the relevance of hookers backgrounds. All we need to know is they must be desperate and in trouble to whore out their bodies. Certainly you have to think a well educated, stunning looking woman if she was doing well in life is highly unlikely to become a hooker and get used by hundreds, perhaps thousands of men over her a few years.

That is why we as punters have to be so careful. A desperate woman is capable of anything so never divulge anything about yourself. At times you will get caught out as a liar like I was, but so what? If she won't see you again, her loss, move on to next one.

There is something odd about you  :wacko:


  • Guest
I know the world is not as black and white as this but at the top of the WG pile I see a healthy and happy young girl who is new to the industry, works for her own enjoyment and curiosity or for a bit of money to put her through Uni or to better herself. 

At the bottom of the pile I see a disease ridden crack\smack head with a bad attitude and criminal record longing than her track lines who wouldn't think twice of screwing you over.

A girl at the top of your pile is just as likely to screw you over as one at the bottom.  Check the blacklist.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 05:09:26 pm by GeeWiz »


  • Guest
Most of the girls I have punted with admitted they are either students, recently graduated with a degree/masters, or about to embark upon their high level career in upper management. I think this is why I have been so successful in avoiding disappointing dates, and we have engaged in stimulating conversation in between making love.


Offline cunnyhunt


Did you not see

stimulating conversation in between making love.

FFS  :dash:


  • Guest

There is something odd about you  :wacko:

Why? Because I'm not some fluffy prick!


  • Guest
If you honestly believe this then why punt? I would get no joy from punting someone who I thought was desperate and in trouble .... though I can't be certain I never have.

Are you joking? I punt for my pleasure and because it is convenient. I could not care less about the hookers circumstances.....for one thing it is actually none of my business!


  • Guest
If you honestly believe this then why punt? I would get no joy from punting someone who I thought was desperate and in trouble .... though I can't be certain I never have.

+1 this goes for me too.


Offline punk


  • Guest
Are you joking? I punt for my pleasure and because it is convenient. I could not care less about the hookers circumstances.....for one thing it is actually none of my business!

No I am not joking. This warrants a fuller reply than I can make on my phone, so I will just say akauya summed you up nicely.


  • Guest
No I am not joking. This warrants a fuller reply than I can make on my phone, so I will just say akauya summed you up nicely.

You would do well to remember punting is not dating!


  • Guest
I don't understand the relevance of hookers backgrounds. All we need to know is they must be desperate and in trouble to whore out their bodies. Certainly you have to think a well educated, stunning looking woman if she was doing well in life is highly unlikely to become a hooker and get used by hundreds, perhaps thousands of men over her a few years.

That is why we as punters have to be so careful. A desperate woman is capable of anything so never divulge anything about yourself. At times you will get caught out as a liar like I was, but so what? If she won't see you again, her loss, move on to next one.

A lot of what you say here is the reason for my question.  Part of me thinks all hookers must be desperate or in trouble to do what they do because I can't imagine anyone choosing it as a lifestyle or preferential way of making money.  But then again there must be some that aren't desperate and aren't in trouble who choose to do what they do and enjoy it, maybe for a thrill of it or if they are young to be rebellious or if they are lazy to make lots of money without getting a 9-5.

For me I would prefer a happy hooker all day long.  Who wants to pay to have sex with someone that gives the impression they are forced into that situation by one thing or another?  I don't think I'd be able to get it up.

Any prossies here able to shed any light?


  • Guest
A lot of what you say here is the reason for my question.  Part of me thinks all hookers must be desperate or in trouble to do what they do because I can't imagine anyone choosing it as a lifestyle or preferential way of making money.  But then again there must be some that aren't desperate and aren't in trouble who choose to do what they do and enjoy it, maybe for a thrill of it or if they are young to be rebellious or if they are lazy to make lots of money without getting a 9-5.

For me I would prefer a happy hooker all day long.  Who wants to pay to have sex with someone that gives the impression they are forced into that situation by one thing or another?  I don't think I'd be able to get it up.

Couldn't disagree more.  Having never knowingly punted with a drug dependent or desperate hooker, I assume they all tolerate their chosen occupation.  How many people actually enjoy their job anyway?  Plus the ability to earn more than a pilot or surgeon sans education/qualifications or have an average salary in cash from a five hour week must be a sweetener.  I've punted with recent graduates who continue to escort - making hay when the sun shines -  and others who drive new Audis and Mercs.  I'm sure they are happy.


  • Guest
Couldn't disagree more.  Having never knowingly punted with a drug dependent or desperate hooker, I assume they all tolerate their chosen occupation.  How many people actually enjoy their job anyway?  Plus the ability to earn more than a pilot or surgeon sans education/qualifications or have an average salary in cash from a five hour week must be a sweetener.  I've punted with recent graduates who continue to escort - making hay when the sun shines -  and others who drive new Audis and Mercs.  I'm sure they are happy.

I'm reassured to hear your experience.  Although you're disagreeing with someone that for the most part hopes to agree with you.

Offline CBPaul

The majority of prossies from my street punting days were junkies, not the finest specimens and certainly not to be trusted. Being junkies meant their only option in the sex trade was on the street - parlours wouldn't have them and the only organizing they were capable of was with their dealer. The stereotypical view of street girls may well be accurate but I did pick up the odd cracker who was probably clean of drugs.

I haven't met any obvious hard drug users through AW, but have seen the odd profile that looks suspiciously like they are junkies. Not being junkies does not guarantee them to be more trustworthy though, they will just have a slightly more sophisticated approach than picking your pockets whilst you're happily pumping away.

As for finding out a prossies background, how do you intend to do it. They'll either tell you to sod off or lie.


  • Guest
You would do well to remember punting is not dating!

well thanks for the tip, I will try and remember it.

According to you all prossies are desperate and in trouble. If you honestly believe this then you are admitting that you have knowingly punted at least 8 times (the number of your reviews) with girls you believe were desperate and in trouble. If you are comfortable with that then we differ greatly.

You have also said you care not a jot for a girls circumstances and it's none of your business. I have often wondered how those we read about who force girls in to prostitution against their will find customers who want to use such girls. You have at least partially answered that question.

Tonight I spent a pleasant few hours with a girl who is so desperate that she can only afford to go on holiday once every three weeks, and once flew to Scandinavia for the evening just to see the Rolling Stones. She also told me that she missed an exhibition that was on in London so she's going to pop over to see it in Paris.

Last week I saw a girl who was so desperate that she lives in a large flat in Bayswater and only has to work a few hours a week to pay for it and fund her studies.

Do you really find it hard to believe that some girls work, not because they are desperate or in trouble, but because they make shed loads of money!   


Offline knightofthegarter

well thanks for the tip, I will try and remember it.
       According to you all prossies are desperate and in trouble. If you honestly believe this then you are admitting that you have knowingly punted at least 8 times (the number of your reviews) with girls you believe were desperate and in trouble. If you are comfortable with that then we differ greatly.
      You have also said you care not a jot for a girls circumstances and it's none of your business. I have often wondered how those we read about who force girls in to prostitution against their will find customers who want to use such girls. You have at least partially answered that question.
     Tonight I spent a pleasant few hours with a girl who is so desperate that she can only afford to go on holiday once every three weeks, and once flew to Scandinavia for the evening just to see the Rolling Stones. She also told me that she missed an exhibition that was on in London so she's going to pop over to see it in Paris.
     Last week I saw a girl who was so desperate that she lives in a large flat in Bayswater and only has to work a few hours a week to pay for it and fund her studies.
     Do you really find it hard to believe that some girls work, not because they are desperate or in trouble, but because they make shed loads of money!   

+1 Fredpunter, couldn't agree more. I can't understand why anyone would want to knowingly seek out girls who are desperate or in trouble.