Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Nina Love - Heathrow TOFTT  (Read 1573 times)

1 review(s) for Nina Love (1 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by GingerNuts]

Offline nudda

External Link/Members Only

Bait and switch. So, NOT the girl in the pictures at all.
I spoke to someone on the phone before who spoke great english. I said its no you then? She said of course its me. I just enjoy speaking with all my customers and am a happy person. I thought, fair play. Drive 30 mins only to find out its some european girl who was petit, VERY bad boob job, no real shape, and spoke zero english. I decided to sacrifice 60 as I already made the effort.
Stink apartment, rubbish everywhere. Dirty and Disgusting. I will steer clear of Axis house now.
There are way nicer people out there. Do not fall for this one. Good luck

Offline Haderach

Probably not a positive review then fella?

Offline Iloveoral

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The OP would need to comment before anyone can change his rating

Offline Haderach

The OP would need to comment before anyone can change his rating

Fair enough.

Offline puntmiester

Ahh axis house,
They double book too from an experience I had 2 years ago.
But they must have a steady stream of punters - the number I used was from an AW account that wasn’t even ‘available ‘.

Offline advent2016

I used to work from an office in Axis house. It was turned into an apartment and nobody told us. Thankfully they put all the IT in a large cupboard in the kitchen.

Offline nudda

I swear I selected negative. Maybe not. This is definitely a negative!! Please change mods