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Author Topic: Tommy Robinson case is thrown out as his supporters say it is a "win"  (Read 8111 times)

Offline finn5555

So you're too scared to say who you were referring to.
I'm only repeating the question because you're failing to answer. All I'm asking is for you to elucidate who you meant when you were referring to "my" sheep. I'm sure people are waiting to know who you meant.

Scutty why don’t you let it go he’s baiting you, successfully I might add  :hi:

Offline scutty brown

No he's not baiting me.
I'm just trying to give him a chance to give a straight explanation to what he claimed earlier.
It seems he's too scared to do that. Or else he was spouting shite. But then he's an expert at that

Offline daviemac

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The debate is over I suggest you go to bed now. Instead of saying the same thing over and over . It's so easy to wind you up . Admin has more or less ended it I think maybe or maybe not but I'm stepping on hot coals right now so I'm winding down Instead of winding you up .
Yet again something that isn't true, this thread is only ended when people stop posting on it, no admin has said anything to the contrary. Maybe you want it ended because you misjudged the strength of anti Tommy feelings.

Offline Ali Katt

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Does Tommy even like football? He's never really been asked that or said anymore than "my team's Luton". Don't forget in the 80s the BNP targeted football fans with stands outside grounds. It's like an AI bot designed a lad from the pages of Zoo magazine to appeal to a certain demographic of angry, unemployed young man.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2024, 08:59:27 am by Ali Katt »

Offline scutty brown

The blackshirt boys are quiet today

Offline bonham

Yet again something that isn't true, this thread is only ended when people stop posting on it, no admin has said anything to the contrary. Maybe you want it ended because you misjudged the strength of anti Tommy feelings.
Yes the anti Tommy feelings are strong mainly because the ones who don't think Tommy is has bad has Media paint him are to frightened to post .
Just look at the words used by some.  Why would they get involved .
Thers a list that keep popping up the things that he's been charged with but when the police have it against you the list will get big .
He was arrested at a swimming pool for for slapping a man touching his daughter
He was arrested by about 20 police pepper sprayed while handcuffs . But found to have done nothing wrong a few weeks ago.
He got out his car to protect a elderly couple that were being spat on by 3 youths.
If the police have it in for you the list will be big
How many was he actually guilty of  if last month court case is enythink to go on.
He is definitely no Saint and has learnt nothing getting older.
He fights for everything if he thinks enyone  is wrong.
He needs to go away turn a blind eye like everyone else does.
I'm definitely not a expert on his life or a follower but see the good things he does aswell
Fudi_maar and maybe another one soon got of here after listening to your comments so you were left with nothing to debate with have you thurt why he disappeared .Yes because he tried to say the good things he had done was his mistake.
Has for admin saying the thread ends when when peaple stop posting. I think when admin joins the debate it's ended . Usually because it gets out of hand maybe it was maybe not. But I've learnt in the past it's over.
Not saying he doesn't do a good job I don't think enyone could do it better has I've seen threads in the past and always fair . And I've been involved in  some and been banned for a few weeks
So when I say it's over just like fudi_maar it was over 

« Last Edit: May 09, 2024, 08:09:26 pm by bonham »

Offline RedKettle

Yes the anti Tommy feelings are strong mainly because the ones who don't think Tommy is has bad has Media paint him are to frightened to post .
Just look at the words used by some.  Why would they get involved .
Thers a list that keep popping up the things that he's been charged with but when the police have it against you the list will get big .
He was arrested at a swimming pool for for slapping a man touching his daughter
He was arrested by about 20 police pepper sprayed while handcuffs . But found to have done nothing wrong a few weeks ago.
He got out his car to protect a elderly couple that were being spat on by 3 youths.
If the police have it in for you the list will be big
How many was he actually guilty of  if last month court case is enythink to go on.
He is definitely no Saint and has learnt nothing getting older.
He fights for everything if he thinks enyone  is wrong.
He needs to go away turn a blind eye like everyone else does.
I'm definitely not a expert on his life or a follower but see the good things he does aswell
Fudi_maar and maybe another one soon got of here after listening to your comments so you were left with nothing to debate with have you thurt why he disappeared .Yes because he tried to say the good things he had done was his mistake.
Has for admin saying the thread ends when when peaple stop posting. I think when admin joins the debate it's ended . Usually because it gets out of hand maybe it was maybe not. But I've learnt in the past it's over.
Not saying he doesn't do a good job I don't think enyone could do it better has I've seen threads in the past and always fair . And I've been involved in  some and been banned for a few weeks
So when I say it's over just like fudi_maar it was over

You are deluded and easily taken in.  Probably one of the idiots who are contributing to his financial empire.

I suggest you step back and take a proper look at the situation.  You have been captured by a manipulative piece of work.

 :hi: :hi:

Offline daviemac

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Yes the anti Tommy feelings are strong mainly because the ones who don't think Tommy is has bad has Media paint him are to frightened to post .
I think you are trying to convince yourself here, however don't waste you time trying to convince me, my opinion of him and his fanboys will never change.

I couldn't care less what you say about him what I care about is you making statements that, while you might wish were true, are anything but, anyone on here is free to call Tommy Robinson anything they like, they are also free to tell his hero worshiping fanboys what they think of them as long as they post within the rules and do not get too abusive.

Nothing you could ever say would be of interest to me so unless it concerns a moderation issue leave me out of it.


Just to clarify I am not an Admin, 90125 is the Admin, Head1 is the owner and I, along with others are moderators.

 You also need to be careful about what you say about threads being over, there's a rule about that.   32 Wannabe Mods and/or who do not heed mods/admins' warnings will be banned.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2024, 08:57:56 pm by daviemac »

Offline bonham

Over for me and I don't think there is much left without me .please feel free to carry on

Offline Ali Katt

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Yes the anti Tommy feelings are strong mainly because the ones who don't think Tommy is has bad has Media paint him are to frightened to post .
Just look at the words used by some.  Why would they get involved .
Thers a list that keep popping up the things that he's been charged with but when the police have it against you the list will get big .
He was arrested at a swimming pool for for slapping a man touching his daughter
He was arrested by about 20 police pepper sprayed while handcuffs . But found to have done nothing wrong a few weeks ago.
He got out his car to protect a elderly couple that were being spat on by 3 youths.
If the police have it in for you the list will be big
How many was he actually guilty of  if last month court case is enythink to go on.
He is definitely no Saint and has learnt nothing getting older.
He fights for everything if he thinks enyone  is wrong.
He needs to go away turn a blind eye like everyone else does.
I'm definitely not a expert on his life or a follower but see the good things he does aswell
Fudi_maar and maybe another one soon got of here after listening to your comments so you were left with nothing to debate with have you thurt why he disappeared .Yes because he tried to say the good things he had done was his mistake.
Has for admin saying the thread ends when when peaple stop posting. I think when admin joins the debate it's ended . Usually because it gets out of hand maybe it was maybe not. But I've learnt in the past it's over.
Not saying he doesn't do a good job I don't think enyone could do it better has I've seen threads in the past and always fair . And I've been involved in  some and been banned for a few weeks
So when I say it's over just like fudi_maar it was over
With a lot of these "alt-right" stars they are cleverly engineered. All the news stories are panto. He would have to be very unlucky, or stitched up or in cahoots to have all that happen to him when he is minding his business.

I don't believe he is who says he is and he is a poor representation of the disgruntled working class. There's far better people to look up to.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2024, 10:38:38 pm by Ali Katt »

Offline MissWolf

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Over for me and I don't think there is much left without me .please feel free to carry on

  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Fucking class that you actually think and clearly believe that you are THAT important #pissingmypantslaughing #delusional

Offline Bigwilts

He was arrested at a swimming pool for for slapping a man touching his daughter

He was arrested for assault following him assaulting someone, that someone else was also arrested
Tommy did make a point of broadcasting all of this, highlighting the colour of the other man’s skin and getting in some fundraising.

He was arrested by about 20 police pepper sprayed while handcuffs . But found to have done nothing wrong a few weeks ago.

Tommy was not found to have done nothing wrong.
The general dispersion under which he was initially asked to leave was found to have had a typo error. (A technicality)
Tommy was given hours to leave under informal requests to leave the area.  (And he spent the time trying to get a live stream running and gathering his faithful to the cafe
When given a personal formal dispersal order (after a number of hours) the court decided that the officer did not wait long enough to allow Tommy to leave (when the officers already knew he would not leave - but they failed to follow the correct process)

In between those time points Tommy had been asked if he could produce any media credentials …. And he couldn’t - he didn’t listen properly when Ezra Levant (in Tommy’s words …) taught him how to convert from a football hooligan to a ‘journalist’

He got out his car to protect a elderly couple that were being spat on by 3 youths.

He got out of the car to escalate a situation, and followed up by publishing details of the youths inviting his fanboys to do some vigilanteeism

If the police have it in for you the list will be big

If you don’t commit the crimes they can’t get you for them
Breaching orders, continuing contempt of court, getting ‘overseas admin’ to publish his videos when in contempt of court and to incite his fanboys, etc

How many was he actually guilty of  if last month court case is enythink to go on.


He is definitely no Saint and has learnt nothing getting older.

He fights for everything if he thinks enyone  is wrong.

He ‘fights’ for anything that will incite his fanbase to generate funds
(And to aid his bankrollers narratives - the spitting incident began  as coughing during the pandemic and he had to ‘protect’ people from being coughed at, but then changed his line that Covid never existed …. as if he had a narrative to follow

He needs to go away turn a blind eye like everyone else does.

Just as he tunes a blind eye to his EDLl paedophiles because they aren’t the wrong shade

I'm definitely not a expert on his life or a follower but see the good things he does aswell

Offline Bangman

Just as he tunes a blind eye to his EDL paedophiles because they aren’t the wrong shade
This guy, Tommy's Peado Friend.
Just saw the video on my tik tok of his arrests and plenty of videos of him with Tommy, supporting him.
Sick human being

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« Last Edit: May 13, 2024, 07:04:00 pm by Bangman »

Offline Bangman

I'm a little late to this thread. Although I believe everyone has a right to their opinion, it does hurt me to see individuals brainwashed to such a extent that they can't see black and white.
I'm very active on Twitter/X and Tommy Robinson has been allowed on this platform and in my opinion, this could be dangerous and a bad move from Elon Musk.
People listen to these lies, fake news and this can have a bad result.

Tommy is a Thug, a criminal, a good actor, his good at pretending to be clever, a serial Liar..
The Syrian boy he lied about in which he lost the court case on amongst several others.

His fan boys think he exposed groomers...Cmon. there was a pakistani lawyer who contributed to exposing them.

The amount of times he has lied, I'd love to attach all his tweets/messages but that would take me hours and thankfully, I've read a few posts here and majority of OPs do have intelligence.

I advice Bonham and (can't recall other ops name, possible hindutva OP who labelled 10s of thousands of pro Palestine supporters as Hamas supporters on earlier post) This is pure ignorance to label every protestor a hamas supporter when there is clear evidence of genocide. Thats like saying all England Football fans are criminals and all Hindu people are rapists as India has so many rapes daily. I mean in Manipur, India, 1000 Hindu men raped, paraded naked and killed Christians whilts their women cheered them on. If I was ignorant, I would say all hindus are bad.

This doesn't mean all hindus are bad. I think personally it's sad when certain race, religion gets labelled bad due to a few idiots and others decide to judge on entire race..
A criminal is a criminal, doesn't matter if his Brown, white, black, Muslim, Christian, jew..
(But let's stick to topic)

My sincere respect to you both and my advice is to be careful of what media news you read and keep in mind their agendas i.e. GB News is a great example of poor journalism.
Also be careful of certain individuals I.e. Tommy Robinson who is playing the divide and rule game and is being paid to criticise Muslims and support Zionism.

If you see the recent podcast with ex Britain's first Jayda Fransen with a Muslim journalist guy, Dilly. Available on YouTube. I saw bits of it on tik tok. She's a interesting individual, this Jayda girl, She talks about the time she and her boyfriend Paul Golding met Tommy in a hotel along with a super Rich Zionist, can't recall his name. This zionist wanted to pay Jayda money to tarnish Muslims and Tommy was already on the payroll. Jayda refused as her intentions were not about money but more, she wanted england back to the old ways..

Tommy is paid to praise Israel. If you see his recent tweets, this is so evident.

Theres been reports from his own guys that Tommy also collects donations from his fan boys and uses this money on cocaine, holidays etc

The recent Australia attack and East London Sword attack, Tommy was already blaming it on Muslims but once the criminal was named, Tommy was silent and dissappeard, why...cos Tommy is paid to attack certain races and praise certain races.

The list goes on..

I mean, Tommy is clearly taking his fan boys for fools, whilts enjoying taking their donations.

Offline puntingking

This guy, Tommy's Peado Friend.
Just saw the video on my tik tok of his arrests and plenty of videos of him with Tommy, supporting him.
Sick human being

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in context - "he is not a pedo, just a sick sense of humour" 

According to -

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Being someone's friend does not make you responsible for that person anyhow so unsure why this is related to Tommy robinson who is not a pedo and does not have a sick sense of humour himself.

Offline puntingking

The article also says - "He was convicted of five counts of stirring up racial hatred after using allegations of rape, kidnap and drugging by a female to spread racist lies."

Thats not very nice and he does seem a horrible person going on from this article.  :thumbsdown:

But according to the article he is not a pedo.

I would think if he was a member of this forum he would've got banned straight away with his immorality

edit - I was reading the article while typing on this forum.
The individual should've got longer than 3 years and whether he had a sexual motive or not is irrelvent. Its still wrong at the end of the day.

My point is you can't put this at the foot of tommy robinson. He is not involved so it is unrelated.   :unknown:
« Last Edit: May 13, 2024, 08:18:51 pm by puntingking »

Offline scutty brown

they look like a loving couple in this photo
who did you think is top?

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« Last Edit: May 13, 2024, 09:01:22 pm by scutty brown »

Offline Bangman

Puntingking, I wish you well BUT why does every Tommy fan boy I come across can't accept his a convicted criminal who has a lot of thugs supporting him, like this guy...
Im getting the impression your trying to humanise this criminal.
Any guy that has a video of a young boy in a sexual act. is sick and I'm happy to label them a peado. Who knows what his done behind closes doors.

Why would you have such images In you phone. I know the article says, he didn't know what the video is (yeah right), yet he sent it to his similar minded friends, I'm guessing more of Tommy's Mates.
Jayda Fransen was right in her podcast, when she met Tommy and his EDL supporters, majority were thugs, wife beaters and just plain nasty human beings (like this guy).

This is related to Tommy, it's his friend. As Tommy frequently tweets about foreigners who go online and chat to underage girls, peados, it's hypocritical of him not to tweet about his own mate.

It's like saying, if the rapist is brown or black, let's talk about it.
But if the rapist is white, it's alright, we don't talk about, Tommy's never talked about English criminals and crimes, like Sarah Everards case etc.

Tommy frequently tweets about crimes by only foreigners to create fear and what happens as a result is its spread hatred and put into your heads that foreigners are bad.
You said Tommy's not involved so it's unrelated, You see you contradicted Tommy's agenda here, Tommy's friend is a possible peado, but not Tommy.
Just like them pakistani groomers, who were evil scum criminals but that doesn't mean the pakistani family who live a few roads away are the same.
Don't judge, blame a entire race because of a some individuals.

Puntinking, Don't be a blind follower and think, be careful what your supporting, especially when your angry.
Can I suggest a movie. Watch American History X, The protagonist is Very FAR right due to being brainwashed BUT transforms after learning the reality..i wish you a lovely week. :hi:
« Last Edit: May 14, 2024, 11:21:10 am by Bangman »

Offline PumpDump

If you see the recent podcast with ex Britain's first Jayda Fransen with a Muslim journalist guy, Dilly. Available on YouTube. I saw bits of it on tik tok. She's a interesting individual, this Jayda girl, She talks about the time she and her boyfriend Paul Golding met Tommy in a hotel along with a super Rich Zionist, can't recall his name. This zionist wanted to pay Jayda money to tarnish Muslims and Tommy was already on the payroll. Jayda refused as her intentions were not about money but more, she wanted england back to the old ways..

Thanks for that info on Jayda Fransen. I haven't paid much attention to her, I thought she was just another racist hooligan type. But it seems her eyes are open and on watching a couple of her videos just now she seems to be much more of a true English patriot than Yaxley-Lennon and his followers.

Offline Bangman

All this talk of Tommy.. I decided to tweet him on X yesterday. I responded to one of his posts about a foreigner commiting a crime and responded with the photo above of Tommy and Billy together and asked Tommy would he like to voice his opinion on his friend Billy. Does he not fit the right skin tone or does Tommy have something to hide as Billy sent these pictures to a quite a few of his likewise sick minded friends.

I wake up this morning and the coward blocks me. Maybe I got to his head and his concerned and has no reply, hence why I think rather then responding, he blocks me.

Maybe he is one of Billy's mates, that got sent child porn photos, if this is banter, then you have to be sick minded, but not surprised.

Hence why Tommy's silent on this. This Billy guy followed him and joined him in protests so Tommy can't make any excuses that he barely knows him. Billy's family may expose him.

But most of Tommy's fan boys beleive anything anyway.
I beleive he is preparing to gather his blind followers to protest on London next month, but he hasn't mentioned what there protesting yet. Puppets and Muppets will turn up and not know what there doing there, waiting for orders..
Absolute Joke

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Offline Ali Katt

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Thanks for that info on Jayda Fransen. I haven't paid much attention to her, I thought she was just another racist hooligan type. But it seems her eyes are open and on watching a couple of her videos just now she seems to be much more of a true English patriot than Yaxley-Lennon and his followers.
Britain First were designed to split the UKIP vote and brand anyone who voted for brexit as racist. They seem like a government creation.

Offline PumpDump

The reality is a working class Brit has far more in common with a working class Muslim/Hindu/whatever he does with a middle or upper class Brit. Also I don't get these people who argue about British culture and how all these immigrants are changing everything. The culture of the Brits now is completely alien to what their grandparents experienced. Everything changes all the time. There is no set culture.

Offline puntingking

The reality is a working class Brit has far more in common with a working class Muslim/Hindu/whatever he does with a middle or upper class Brit. Also I don't get these people who argue about British culture and how all these immigrants are changing everything. The culture of the Brits now is completely alien to what their grandparents experienced. Everything changes all the time. There is no set culture.

you are properly right.

I must say this though to add some balance..

Whenever I think of span, a spanish person with tanned skin springs to mind.
Whenever I think of USA, a vocal and loud white american man springs to mind.
Whenever I think of Kenya, A black person springs so mind.

As it should do...

But Whenever I think of England, I don't think of a white working class person. A mixed race middle eastern person comes to mind.

There lies the problem. As englishmen we have lost a sense of identity and alot of us feels that we are foreigners in our own country.
Thousands of english people feel the same and that doesn't make them racists.
Me personally I have no problem with immigration but it needs to be balenced and the indigenous population and their rights needs to be protected. What we potentially have now its domestic politics dictated by middle eastern affairs such as the gaza conflict brought on by middle eastern migration.

Those are just my thoughts.

It also worth saying that the other day I saw a guy who threw his rubish onto the street rather than a bin. Another guy asked him to pick his litter up. He said back to him "I don't care about this country, This is not my country and this country have hurt my country".  I couldn't tell where he was from originally though but we have let in people that don't like us.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2024, 06:26:48 pm by puntingking »

Offline David1970

What we potentially have now its domestic politics dictated by middle eastern affairs such as the gaza conflict brought on by middle eastern migration.

In the 1930 the Spanish Civil war dictated politics across Europe including the UK.
In the 1960 the Vietnam War dictated politics across the western world.
Do you suggest this was because of immigration, or could it be for evil to triumph it only takes good people to do nothing.

I am white, born and brought up in England and agree for those demonstrating against the Zionist actions in Palestine, race and immigration has nothing to do about it.

Offline David1970

Britain First were designed to split the UKIP vote and brand anyone who voted for brexit as racist. They seem like a government creation.

That’s the mob who got beaten by Count Binface in the London Mayoral election :lol:
Started by a religious nut with connections to the BNP and Loyalists gangs in the North of Ireland :wacko:

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Offline David1970

All this talk of Tommy.. I decided to tweet him on X yesterday. I responded to one of his posts about a foreigner commiting a crime and responded with the photo above of Tommy and Billy together and asked Tommy would he like to voice his opinion on his friend Billy. Does he not fit the right skin tone or does Tommy have something to hide as Billy sent these pictures to a quite a few of his likewise sick minded friends.

I wake up this morning and the coward blocks me. Maybe I got to his head and his concerned and has no reply, hence why I think rather then responding, he blocks me.

Maybe he is one of Billy's mates, that got sent child porn photos, if this is banter, then you have to be sick minded, but not surprised.

Hence why Tommy's silent on this. This Billy guy followed him and joined him in protests so Tommy can't make any excuses that he barely knows him. Billy's family may expose him.

But most of Tommy's fan boys beleive anything anyway.
I beleive he is preparing to gather his blind followers to protest on London next month, but he hasn't mentioned what there protesting yet. Puppets and Muppets will turn up and not know what there doing there, waiting for orders..
Absolute Joke

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I wonder if Yaxley-Lennon and his fanboys will start a campaign agains the head teacher who got found guilty of 4 counts of child sexual abuse today. Oh wait a minute the abuser is white, so the answer I guess the answer is no.

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Offline mills_and_bhuna

In the 1930 the Spanish Civil war dictated politics across Europe including the UK.
In the 1960 the Vietnam War dictated politics across the western world.
Do you suggest this was because of immigration, or could it be for evil to triumph it only takes good people to do nothing.

I am white, born and brought up in England and agree for those demonstrating against the Zionist actions in Palestine, race and immigration has nothing to do about it.
Migration did have something to do with the middle East problems.
The mass migration of eastern European Jews into a land gifted to them by a colonial power (The UK) and turned into a colonial project whose whole premise was unattainable without the mass expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the people who had been living there for hundreds of years.
It's not like the Zionists have hidden their ultimate aim.
Netanyahu has been telling anyone who would listen since he was a young man.

Offline PumpDump

I wonder if Yaxley-Lennon and his fanboys will start a campaign agains the head teacher who got found guilty of 4 counts of child sexual abuse today. Oh wait a minute the abuser is white, so the answer I guess the answer is no.

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Go on YouTube, search for paedo hunters, and you will find the overwhelming majority are white. Yaxley-Lennon never talks about them either.

Offline Bigwilts

Britain First were designed to split the UKIP vote and brand anyone who voted for brexit as racist. They seem like a government creation.
Hardly, as the Brexit referendum of 2016 was announce in 2013,  UKIP founded in 1993, Britain First in 2011 as a spin off from the BNP which founded in 1982 …. 10 years before UKIP and 30 years before Brexit

Offline Bigwilts

Thanks for that info on Jayda Fransen. I haven't paid much attention to her, I thought she was just another racist hooligan type. But it seems her eyes are open and on watching a couple of her videos just now she seems to be much more of a true English patriot than Yaxley-Lennon and his followers.
Jayda is the perfect Christian English patriot marching with her cross protesting about immigrants - as the granddaughter of a Dutch immigrant on one side and Jewish immigrants on the other

Offline puntingking

Jayda is the perfect Christian English patriot marching with her cross protesting about immigrants - as the granddaughter of a Dutch immigrant on one side and Jewish immigrants on the other

a Muslim interviewed her recently - External Link/Members Only

Offline David1970

Go on YouTube, search for paedo hunters, and you will find the overwhelming majority are white. Yaxley-Lennon never talks about them either.

Why bring up pedophiles on YouTude, diverting attention away from the fact Yaxley-Lennon only seems to be bothered by pedophiles with dark skin, not bothered about the ones with lighter skin?
Could it be he is only interesting in harassing people with dark skin?

Offline scutty brown

Migration did have something to do with the middle East problems.
The mass migration of eastern European Jews into a land gifted to them by a colonial power (The UK) and turned into a colonial project whose whole premise was unattainable without the mass expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the people who had been living there for hundreds of years.
It's not like the Zionists have hidden their ultimate aim.
Netanyahu has been telling anyone who would listen since he was a young man.

That's not strictly true.
Yes the Balfour statement could be seen as designating Palestine as an exclusive home for the Jews, but arguably that's a misinterpretation.
But more to the point, post WW2 the UK tried bloody hard to stop Jewish migration to Palestine, losing a lot of troops in the process. Don't forget our soldiers were as much targets of the Stern, Irgun and other Jewish terrorist groups as the Arabs were. And France financed the terrorists.

Offline akauya

But Whenever I think of England, I don't think of a white working class person. A mixed race middle eastern person comes to mind.

There lies the problem. As englishmen we have lost a sense of identity and alot of us feels that we are foreigners in our own country.
Thousands of english people feel the same and that doesn't make them racists.
Me personally I have no problem with immigration but it needs to be balenced and the indigenous population and their rights needs to be protected. What we potentially have now its domestic politics dictated by middle eastern affairs such as the gaza conflict brought on by middle eastern migration.

Those are just my thoughts.

Are you sure you're speaking for ALL Englishmen?

Now I find it really sad that whenever you think of England, you "don't think of a white working class person. A mixed race middle eastern person comes to mind."

I wonder why you have such a warped view of England since according to the 2021 census 81.7% of the population in England and Wales identified themselves as white. I suppose your ideal is 100% white?

David Lammy, once identified himself as an Englishman on his radio show, he got abuse for that. Do you think he's an Englishman?
« Last Edit: May 16, 2024, 12:42:03 am by akauya »

Offline PepeMAGA

Are you sure you're speaking for ALL Englishmen?

Now I find it really sad that whenever you think of England, you "don't think of a white working class person. A mixed race middle eastern person comes to mind."

I wonder why you have such a warped view of England since according to the 2021 census 81.7% of the population in England and Wales identified themselves as white. I suppose your ideal is 100% white?

David Lammy, once identified himself as an Englishman on his radio show, he got abuse for that. Do you think he's an Englishman?
He may have English ancestors, but if the claim to being English is only from living in England, then no he's not. If I lived in Beijing, it doesn't make me Chinese.

Offline mills_and_bhuna

That's not strictly true.
Yes the Balfour statement could be seen as designating Palestine as an exclusive home for the Jews, but arguably that's a misinterpretation.
But more to the point, post WW2 the UK tried bloody hard to stop Jewish migration to Palestine, losing a lot of troops in the process. Don't forget our soldiers were as much targets of the Stern, Irgun and other Jewish terrorist groups as the Arabs were. And France financed the terrorists.
I'm not disputing that the British were targeted by Zionist terrorist groups
I knew that.
I think the Arabs suffered more at their hands though.
Then again minimising Palestinian losses is what the Europeans are prone to doing.
And I'm not absolving the French of anything.
They're as bad as Britain.
Algeria, Syria, West Africa, Vietnam.
Hell they might even be worse

Offline Blackpool Rock

He may have English ancestors, but if the claim to being English is only from living in England, then no he's not. If I lived in Beijing, it doesn't make me Chinese.
But anyone born in England is by definition "English" by birth  :unknown:

There was a series of programs about 10 years ago about how mankind spread around the world and amazingly the latest anthropological studies indicate that all of mankind actually only migrated from Africa 70 or 80 thousand years ago, ultimately we are actually all of African heritage  :hi:

Whenever i've seen those interviews they do with people in the street about immigration i've always been a bit taken aback when they interview someone with dark skin who may have been born here but they are often quite outspoken about how there are already too many people here and we shouldn't be letting immigrants in  :scare:
By my observations they appear to be more against immigration than white people or perhaps they can get away with voicing their opinion  :unknown:

It makes me laugh really as I just imagine my Dad who was a racist would be sitting ranting at the TV shouting "And you can fuck off back too"  :diablo:   

Offline Bigwilts

He may have English ancestors, but if the claim to being English is only from living in England, then no he's not. If I lived in Beijing, it doesn't make me Chinese.
David Lammy was born and raised in England.
His parents came to England from Guyana in the Windrush generation

His statement was in response to a talk radio caller who claimed that black people are not English

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Offline scutty brown

I'm not disputing that the British were targeted by Zionist terrorist groups
I knew that.
I think the Arabs suffered more at their hands though.
Then again minimising Palestinian losses is what the Europeans are prone to doing.
And I'm not absolving the French of anything.
They're as bad as Britain.
Algeria, Syria, West Africa, Vietnam.
Hell they might even be worse

which makes a nonsense of the highlighted part of this quote

Migration did have something to do with the middle East problems.
The mass migration of eastern European Jews into a land gifted to them by a colonial power (The UK) and turned into a colonial project whose whole premise was unattainable without the mass expulsion and ethnic cleansing of the people who had been living there for hundreds of years.
It's not like the Zionists have hidden their ultimate aim.
Netanyahu has been telling anyone who would listen since he was a young man.

Post WWII Britain actively tried to stop migration of Jews to Israel, including turning back smuggling ships (a prelude to current problems in the channel). Curiously enough many of those smuggling migration ships started from and were financed by........France. Just like today.

Offline Bangman

What we potentially have now its domestic politics dictated by middle eastern affairs such as the gaza conflict brought on by middle eastern migration.
(Sigh), I'd love to give you a history lesson in why we have so much immigrants. As someone who's travelled to Israel and many countries in the middle east for years for work. I know history very well and have been on X, Twitter for over a decade, following news and History DIDNT start on Oct 7th, which was a horrible day but what followed over the next few weeks is even worse and continuing.

I, too want to control immigration, I'm also fed up there is way too many people in England. Yes, a lot of people are coming strictly for the benefit system.
But don't be fooled by Suella and Rishi.

I'm guessing you don't know it's gonna cost us, the taxpayers £500 million for every 300 migrants deported. This Rwanda thing is nonsense and not the solution.

I'm guessing your not aware Rishi sunak and Suella allowed approx 250 thousand people, mostly from their own country, India to come England on work or student visas and my sister in law who works in immigration law, has informed me, there's been 1000s of these guys changing their visas to asylum seeking or another, with the intentions of permanently staying in UK, increasing the population.
Meanwhile Suella will only highlight the migrants coming illegally on boats as a tool to scare readers.
Hence be careful who you listen to.

Hence why I'm againts Rishi funding Israel to drop bombs on hospitals, killing kids (some will survive, grow up, wanting revenge on which country dropped bombs in their house and killed there family) and creating more refugees, who need somewhere to live and we open the doors as we are involved, i.e. Iraq, Afghanistan etc

Offline Bangman

I wonder if Yaxley-Lennon and his fanboys will start a campaign agains the head teacher who got found guilty of 4 counts of child sexual abuse today. Oh wait a minute the abuser is white, so the answer I guess is no.
David1970, I commend your knowledge and YES Tommy wont as his PAID A LOT of money to keep the attacks on muslims only and still he asks his fan boys for donations.

And Yes, Binface beat Britain's first, that's how shite they are, they had No chance with the crooks they have. Ashley from Britains first stole from the partys funds and spent the money on herself and That Paul Golding guy is such a Loser, constantly lies on Twitter, he got arrested for beating up his girl friend Jayda and acts like a 5 year old school bully.

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« Last Edit: May 16, 2024, 11:19:46 am by Bangman »

Offline Bangman

Jayda is the perfect Christian English patriot marching with her cross protesting about immigrants - as the granddaughter of a Dutch immigrant on one side and Jewish immigrants on the other
She's changed a lot, for the better, she wont be doing that anymore with the cross.
I'm not a religious christian but other then that, I agree with most of her points, she still wants no migrants but shes understood the real enemy.
Even Nick Griffin has warmed to me lately, stating a lot of facts on X, Twitter recently.

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Offline mills_and_bhuna

She's changed a lot, for the better, she wont be doing that anymore with the cross.
I'm not a religious christian but other then that, I agree with most of her points, she still wants no migrants but shes understood the real enemy.
Even Nick Griffin has warmed to me lately, stating a lot of facts on X, Twitter recently.

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Who are the real enemy?

Offline PumpDump

Why bring up pedophiles on YouTude, diverting attention away from the fact Yaxley-Lennon only seems to be bothered by pedophiles with dark skin, not bothered about the ones with lighter skin?
Could it be he is only interesting in harassing people with dark skin?

Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant the majority of paedos caught in these "stings" are white. Yaxley-Lennon never mentions these. As you rightly said he only focuses on paedos with dark skin.

Offline PumpDump

Whenever i've seen those interviews they do with people in the street about immigration i've always been a bit taken aback when they interview someone with dark skin who may have been born here but they are often quite outspoken about how there are already too many people here and we shouldn't be letting immigrants in  :scare:

The last guy in always wants to pull up the drawbridge behind him.

Offline PumpDump

Who are the real enemy?

The cunts at the top, stealing all the money, who are not loyal to any nation or religion.

Offline scutty brown

Sorry I wasn't clear, I meant the majority of paedos caught in these "stings" are white. Yaxley-Lennon never mentions these. As you rightly said he only focuses on paedos with dark skin.

The fact is these paedo stings are a fucking nuisance for the police. Most of the time it's a misidentification and the police have to protect the poor sod who's been set up.
Even where the ID is correct often the vigilante heroes either fuck up the evidence chain or else make a fair trial impossible.
Paedo hunting is a fucking PITA and major pointless distraction for the police. But they're not able to publicly say so

Offline Bangman

Who are the real enemy?
You can see her Interview on YouTube, I know it's 3 hours long and she says a lot. According to Jayda the enemy is our country Leaders and she mentions the zionist regime (Not me, This is Jaydas opinion).

I'll Try and summarise the interview and some of her tweets as I follow her on X if you don't want to see the whole interview.

-So her history as you know, she spent a few years going after foreigners and mosques as she hated Muslims in particular as she spent years reading about how Muslims are evil etc
(She explains the media influence, reading Daily Mail or The Sun all these years etc and that they have a agenda and gives examples of frequent biased propaganda that has brainwashed the nation and contributed to her hatred of foreigners, the owner Rupert Murdoch is a zionist).

- She talks about how Christians have been treated violently in Israel by the zionist regime for decades and gives many examples and points out how None of these ever make it to UK News as well as many other atrocities all around the world never seem to make it to mainstream media and wondered why. Islam bashing seems to sell more but in Israel, there is a lot of orthodox Jews protesting againts the zionist government and there are fights, again This never makes the UK news.

-She talks about her transformation,
She has some kind of connection and communicates with churches in multiple countries including in the middle east and she started to do further research, talked to more people all over the world, learnt history and politics about countries like Syria, Libya and how life is for Christians.

She asked herself, why are foreigners here in UK, Why and Where did they come from, How can we stop this etc and she did further research.

-Shes basically concluded that a lot of the fault is down to our Leaders, including the US.
They started a lot of unnecessary war and giving false information to the nation. She goes on for a long time and gives so many examples.

I.e. She finally understood what really happened in Syria, Libya, Iraq etc.
She mentions Zionist regime seem to have a lot of power in decision making as they fund a lot of political parties in the west and have strong connections in Media.

-She's basically saying, she still DOESNT want foreigners to come. However, she understands how our country leaders have caused a lot of this to happen. She doesn't want our country leaders to be involved and when the mistakes happen, it becomes our problem.

That's some of the points I highlighted, there's more, she talks about how Paul beat her up when she was In a relationship and Tommy backed Paul. It is a long chat. But that's the main stuff.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2024, 07:48:20 pm by Bangman »

Offline mills_and_bhuna

The cunts at the top, stealing all the money, who are not loyal to any nation or religion.
I'm not totally disagreeing.
But I've yet to be convinced that loyalty to a nation is an unqualified virtue.
Edward Snowden regarded his whistleblowing as a service to the American people.
He was outraged that a conspiracy between elected politicians, unelected security state officials and presumably the billionaire donors who keep the democracy scam going were spying on the people he thought he was serving.
I'd call that true patriotism.
Not the Yaxley-Lennon tub thumping , flag waving, 90 minute braveheart variety.
And as for being loyal to a religion, you can keep that shite where it belongs.
In your private life and your family life.
It has no place in the political sphere .

Offline mills_and_bhuna

You can see her Interview on YouTube, I know it's 3 hours long and she says a lot. According to Jayda the enemy is our country Leaders and she mentions the zionist regime (Not me, This is Jaydas opinion).

I'll Try and summarise the interview and some of her tweets as I follow her on X if you don't want to see the whole interview.

-So her history as you know, she spent a few years going after foreigners and mosques as she hated Muslims in particular as she spent years reading about how Muslims are evil etc
(She explains the media influence, reading Daily Mail or The Sun all these years etc and that they have a agenda and gives examples of frequent biased propaganda that has brainwashed the nation and contributed to her hatred of foreigners, the owner Rupert Murdoch is a zionist).

- She talks about how Christians have been treated violently in Israel by the zionist regime for decades and gives many examples and points out how None of these ever make it to UK News as well as many other atrocities all around the world never seem to make it to mainstream media and wondered why. Islam bashing seems to sell more but in Israel, there is a lot of orthodox Jews protesting againts the zionist government and there are fights, again This never makes the UK news.

-She talks about her transformation,
She has some kind of connection and communicates with churches in multiple countries including in the middle east and she started to do further research, talked to more people all over the world, learnt history and politics about countries like Syria, Libya and how life is for Christians.

She asked herself, why are foreigners here in UK, Why and Where did they come from, How can we stop this etc and she did further research.

-Shes basically concluded that a lot of the fault is down to our Leaders, including the US.
They started a lot of unnecessary war and giving false information to the nation. She goes on for a long time and gives so many examples.

I.e. She finally understood what really happened in Syria, Libya, Iraq etc.
She mentions Zionist regime seem to have a lot of power in decision making as they fund a lot of political parties in the west and have strong connections in Media.

-She's basically saying, she still DOESNT want foreigners to come. However, she understands how our country leaders have caused a lot of this to happen. She doesn't want our country leaders to be involved and when the mistakes happen, it becomes our problem.

That's some of the points I highlighted, there's more, she talks about how Paul beat her up when she was In a relationship and Tommy backed Paul. It is a long chat. But that's the main stuff.
I don't disagree . I know the interview you are referring to.
Just a word of warning .
I'm having to bite my tongue on this one and it is an emotive subject and likely to stray into contentious political disagreements and therefore having to watch your step getting banned.