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Author Topic: Imposter Syndrome When Punting  (Read 2964 times)

Offline SnaresBLad

Hi All,

I thought came to me after I realised a pattern in my behaviour when punting. Before I was a member here I remember seeing some really beautiful women. You know the types, typically EE or Latin with enhanced features and incredible physiques and muscular definition. Just stunning Instagram type women. On the flip side, I've also seen women who are below par and considered average/normal. You know the types, you'd pass them on the street and not bat an eyelid.

I noticed that I'm far more comfortable in myself and my performance with the average women. Sometimes they don't even turn me on but I still manage to perform. Times when I've seen the Insta type women, I almost turn into a shy school boy!  :lol:

I read some reviews on here where fellow punters have seen some absolutely stunning women and I was wondering if y'all feel the way I feel sometimes or is it just me?

Maybe I should see a psychiatrist!

Online scutty brown

Don't worry about it, don't overthink.
Just see who you fancy and enjoy it. Anything else is irrelevant. Debating with yourself over it will just cause stress and anxiety for no reason,

Offline Chazz

Scutty's right - the last thing you want to do is overthink things. I do know what you mean though - it's easier to develop stage fright when faced with a 10/10 stunner. My solution is to become the imposter - my punting persona is a fucking legend!  :dance: Remember - fake it till you make it!

Also, remember the golden punting rule: Service beats looks every time!
« Last Edit: April 30, 2024, 02:37:16 pm by Chazz »

Offline versace

You got to own it. If you can't, have some dutch courage. 1-2 shorts before the punt. Don't over do it though otherwise you will end up with a Whiskey dick.

Offline Blackpool Rock

I think a lot of men are actually intimidated by women who are absolute stunners and find it hard to talk to them whereas the confident jack the lad type is straight in there.

There was another thread on here which asked whether punting has made you more confident with women generally in civvy street

Offline Stevelondon

Just a case of confidence and we are all different.

I’m full of myself and nobody is better than me so I have no such worries.

I shall also add.
Nobody is worse than me……… before somebody calls me a big head 😂

Offline Alexmck

Don't worry about it, don't overthink.
Just see who you fancy and enjoy it. Anything else is irrelevant. Debating with yourself over it will just cause stress and anxiety for no reason,

Agree. Just enjoy!

Offline Maak

It depends how I click with the WG. Some WGs are welcoming, friendly & comfortable, which makes the punt enjoyable & I last longer. Some WGs are cold, straight to business, I usually cum quick & out of the door

Offline Cheshuk

really hot girls are literally just people and they're fully aware no matter how hot they are, there's girls hotter than them.. be normal, don't give loads of compliments (a casual 'you look nice is enough') and treat them like any other person and you'll usually find they're just normal girls. If you realise that then being shy/lost for words goes out the window.

Offline Jindybandy

I’m in the camp of ‘punting has made me more confident’ definitely as always was shy around women in my younger days and would absolutely become a wreck if ever around an insta type just in civvy life. Think punting certainly helped overcome that and when on a punt don’t feel that ‘awe’ around those type.

As someone mentioned above though, it’s all about how at ease the WG can make you feel and everyone is different. And beauty definitely has no bearing on quality. Punted some absolute stunners who have been mediocre in bed at best.

Offline Stevelondon

I’m in the camp of ‘punting has made me more confident’ definitely as always was shy around women in my younger days and would absolutely become a wreck if ever around an insta type just in civvy life. Think punting certainly helped overcome that and when on a punt don’t feel that ‘awe’ around those type.

As someone mentioned above though, it’s all about how at ease the WG can make you feel and everyone is different. And beauty definitely has no bearing on quality. Punted some absolute stunners who have been mediocre in bed at best.

That last sentence hits home. I bet there are an awful lot of us who have punted or met in civvy street. Some absolute drop dead gorgeous women. Who have turned out to be anything BUT sexy.
A girl I knew who turned heads wherever she went (and knew it) was the epitome of ‘motionless study’ when in bed. Nice to have on your arm for street cred purposes but for sexual passion I got more response from sitting on my right hand for a while then tossing off. 😂

Offline Jonestown

……………………..I got more response from sitting on my right hand for a while then tossing off. 😂

I think that deserves a thread on its own

Offline Doc Holliday

I think that deserves a thread on its own

 :D Indeed ... could be called "Steve's right hand  ... just how good is it to sit on?" Reviews could then include a 'Steve's right hand' comparison rating.

Offline GreyDave

I argee  :hi: I tend to play it the inexperianced never get much sex this is 1st time ive seen an escort :D :D :D this works with most except when you have to book though AW and they see your feed back  :cool:, I totally argee with the Hot Bird shite shag syndrome that comes with some of them  :unknown: My 1st wife was exactly that Blonde Big Tits but motionless and non participant it was like shagging a log and felt like i was chucking a sausage thought the Albert Hall ...I was well shot of her ( she left and that was when I stepped up the punting in Soho ) slowly gaining the experiance ..There is nothing quite like doing the jerky kegal and the WG thinks he has cum :dancegirl: pulling it out showing her that its a jerk exercise  :D then smashing in Fer Engleeeand :dance: :dance: :dance:

Offline nombre

Feeling more comfortable with individuals who seem more relatable is common.

Offline Dipper

I’m there for a fuck, they’re there for pound notes. There’s no more than that to it in my mind. I just tend to get on with it.  :dance:

Good, bad , ugly or indifferent.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2024, 01:38:45 pm by Dipper »

Offline rubric

I thought came to me after I realised a pattern in my behaviour when punting. Before I was a member here I remember seeing some really beautiful women. You know the types, typically EE or Latin with enhanced features and incredible physiques and muscular definition. Just stunning Instagram type women.

It's less true than it used to be, but if you've travelled in those regions you'll notice that many of the beautiful girls there don't have the most conventionally handsome partners (nor is that effect just a wealth thing).

Besides it's a transaction, unless they are going to nakedly wear their contempt, why would you care?

Online scutty brown

Besides it's a transaction, unless they are going to nakedly wear their contempt, why would you care?

Naked contempt? Surely ees eggstra babee?

Offline Boundless

I would say I've had a touch of imposter syndrome a couple of times when I've thought that it's too good to be true.

Michelle Indy instantly comes to mind (so to speak) as does Emily@19, oh yes and a double with Emily Jane and Hannah Banks both dressed in school uniform. Incidentally I see that Hannah B is still going strong on AW.

The sort of punts where on your way home you wondered if maybe you imagined it all!

Offline Munter84

I completely understand where you're coming from OP, especially when you're new to punting if you have a stunner naked and willing in front of you, you can start wondering where the catch is, or that it's too good to be true! A "girl next door" type can be good for the nerves.

That being said, I'd recommend you don't resign yourself to only using escorts that you think you could pull in real life. Fight out of your comfort zone and enjoy some babes! Reason 1: service is often unrelated to looks (and price). Some plain girls are surprisingly snotty and arrogant, and some really hot girls are more kind and down to earth than you might think. Reason 2: it's a paid service and your money is as good as anyone elses - why limit yourself!