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Author Topic: Do I pay or not  (Read 5954 times)


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There is a gilf escort that I've seen three times before. I took some cheap but thoughful gifts on the three visits. She gave me a good gfe experience and I really thought we connected. I didnt ask her out coz I have read many horror stories of punters falling in love with wgs. On the second visit she added me on fb. As I am an expatriate working in Germany I didnt talk to her for the last 3 months or so until she sent me a message today after having seen on fb that I am in the Uk next week. She messaged me saying she would like to meet me and that she has missed me and that she likes me as I am a gentleman. She saysnat the moment she is in her EE country visiting family but she will come back just to see me. Now the question is do I pay her when I meet her since she is the one that invited me to see her and not the other way as usual. I really dont wanna pay as its a bad month for me financially. Do I ask her about the money bit and risk destroying a potentially free date? By the way she is not a scammer as she has good reviews on here.


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I know you say you don't think she's a scammer but it still sounds dodgy as fuck to me, I'd steer well clear to be honest.


  • Guest
Yes you pay, she is a prossie,  that's how it works.

Please post a link to her AW profile.

Offline Convince Me

Id invite her for lunch & gauge the situation from there. It's easy to go on to another appointment after. With dinner there may be an expectation you'd be wanting dessert!

Rochdull lad

  • Guest
There is a gilf escort that I've seen three times before. I took some cheap but thoughful gifts on the three visits. She gave me a good gfe experience and I really thought we connected. I didnt ask her out coz I have read many horror stories of punters falling in love with wgs. On the second visit she added me on fb. As I am an expatriate working in Germany I didnt talk to her for the last 3 months or so until she sent me a message today after having seen on fb that I am in the Uk next week. She messaged me saying she would like to meet me and that she has missed me and that she likes me as I am a gentleman.

My bullshit detector would be twitching at this point.  I write as someone who'll never be a Facebooker; but if she's missed you and likes you, why on earth hasn't she just kept in some sort of contact with you while you've been working away?

She saysnat the moment she is in her EE country visiting family but she will come back just to see me. Now the question is do I pay her when I meet her since she is the one that invited me to see her and not the other way as usual. I really dont wanna pay as its a bad month for me financially. Do I ask her about the money bit and risk destroying a potentially free date? By the way she is not a scammer as she has good reviews on here.

So how about providing some links so that others who've seen her could comment?


  • Guest
I would ask her outright before we meet in a polite way - eg do you want to meet for a drink chat etc or is this something more formal? That way you can put your cards on the table. Personally this is a bridge too far IMO and the boundaries are becoming blurred. This is likely to end in tears so think with your head not your cock

Offline hendrix

If you are struggling to pay, then just be honest and say "I'd like to meet you, but can't afford it at the moment!"..see what she say's. She might just want to meet for a drink (it happens) or she might be angling for a job as she's short of cash...or...she might give you some leeway on the payment. Generally, telling a WG that you haven't got any money sorts out the whole "I like you as a friend too" angle really quickly :D
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 02:31:52 pm by hendrix »

Offline Dani

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So she is going to fly over to the UK just to meet up. No she isn't. She will be already planning on coming here but I bet she will say she needs x amount towards her flight. She will also want paying for the booking. It sounds like she is skint and is contacting anyone she thinks is stupid enough to proved her with. Cash.  Sorry but asking you to see her is out of order as we should never beg for bookings. If she missed you she would have kept in contact. She just wants business. Sorry to be do blunt but this seems to be happening more and more and men still fall for it. She does not miss you she missed the cash.

Offline socks

So she is going to fly over to the UK just to meet up. No she isn't. She will be already planning on coming here but I bet she will say she needs x amount towards her flight. She will also want paying for the booking. It sounds like she is skint and is contacting anyone she thinks is stupid enough to proved her with. Cash.  Sorry but asking you to see her is out of order as we should never beg for bookings. If she missed you she would have kept in contact. She just wants business. Sorry to be do blunt but this seems to be happening more and more and men still fall for it. She does not miss you she missed the cash.
I concur wholeheartedly as the most recent confessor to getting the boundaries fucked up. Don't go there mate it is shit.


  • Guest
So she is going to fly over to the UK just to meet up. No she isn't. She will be already planning on coming here but I bet she will say she needs x amount towards her flight. She will also want paying for the booking. It sounds like she is skint and is contacting anyone she thinks is stupid enough to proved her with. Cash.  Sorry but asking you to see her is out of order as we should never beg for bookings. If she missed you she would have kept in contact. She just wants business. Sorry to be do blunt but this seems to be happening more and more and men still fall for it. She does not miss you she missed the cash.

Harsh but honest and true, Dani is spot on, it's about the money and that's just as it should be.


  • Guest
So she is going to fly over to the UK just to meet up. No she isn't. She will be already planning on coming here but I bet she will say she needs x amount towards her flight. She will also want paying for the booking. It sounds like she is skint and is contacting anyone she thinks is stupid enough to proved her with. Cash.  Sorry but asking you to see her is out of order as we should never beg for bookings. If she missed you she would have kept in contact. She just wants business. Sorry to be do blunt but this seems to be happening more and more and men still fall for it. She does not miss you she missed the cash.
I had the exact same thing, I saw a wg a couple of months ago and out of the blue i got a ' Hello my love' text. She asked me to help her set up a profile for her friend who was in alert, Also asked to help her find a flat for her and yes you have guessed it, ' Oh can you help me I need money to get back from my country'

Offline smiths

There is a gilf escort that I've seen three times before. I took some cheap but thoughful gifts on the three visits. She gave me a good gfe experience and I really thought we connected. I didnt ask her out coz I have read many horror stories of punters falling in love with wgs. On the second visit she added me on fb. As I am an expatriate working in Germany I didnt talk to her for the last 3 months or so until she sent me a message today after having seen on fb that I am in the Uk next week. She messaged me saying she would like to meet me and that she has missed me and that she likes me as I am a gentleman. She saysnat the moment she is in her EE country visiting family but she will come back just to see me. Now the question is do I pay her when I meet her since she is the one that invited me to see her and not the other way as usual. I really dont wanna pay as its a bad month for me financially. Do I ask her about the money bit and risk destroying a potentially free date? By the way she is not a scammer as she has good reviews on here.

IMO its very likely she is trying to reel you in with flattery, if you want to find out for sure make it crystal clear you would like to take her out but as in asking her out NOT as business. If she says yes to that see how it goes but dont fall for any bad luck story she might give you, and dont agree to give or lend her any money under any circumstances.

The thing to consider is why you, why would this WG fancy you out of the punters she has punted with, is it likely, is it possible, i know it is possible as it happened to me amazingly. I knocked that on the head myself but the point is there is a chance however small that it could be genuine. Just dont get reeled in.

Offline gorge

She added you on fb ... Why did you give the information to be able to do this ? .. Look at her friends (if you can) .. there are probably many more like you ...

Yes you are being scammed - 99%

Rochdull lad

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I'm intrigued by the fact that the OP logged out of this site five minutes after posting; did he want advice or not?  [And yes, I know he can always read the advice; but it just seems odd to me that he should ask a question like he did, then log off almost straightaway. :bomb:]


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if she wants to meet as a friend fine go meet her, if she offers free sex say no, it will be cheaper in the long run to pay her, these things never end well  :hi:

and do not send her any cash up front, if she can't afford the flight, thats her problem not yours

Online wristjob

I'm intrigued by the fact that the OP logged out of this site five minutes after posting; did he want advice or not?  [And yes, I know he can always read the advice; but it just seems odd to me that he should ask a question like he did, then log off almost straightaway. :bomb:]

Yes, bizarre all round.

Offline Daffodil

Just ask. If she says it's free then great, fill your boots.

Don't get into a relationship though  :hi:


  • Guest
I had the exact same thing, I saw a wg a couple of months ago and out of the blue i got a ' Hello my love' text. She asked me to help her set up a profile for her friend who was in alert, Also asked to help her find a flat for her and yes you have guessed it, ' Oh can you help me I need money to get back from my country'

What did you tell the bitch? Reminds me of the last time I was in Egypt. Ahhh the locals are so friendly etc but all they want is your money. There's no such thing as a good turn there. I won't go into details but had a spot of bother one day and was seemingly helped by a local who actually wanted me to pay him for his 1 minute good deed. Scamming cunts. Got back to the hotel and bumped into a cockney geezer in reception who proceeded to tell me that he couldn't wait to get back home as all they wanted was money money money. A lot like many prossies!

I did get a call a few years back from a hooker I'd met. Some very friendly chit chat and I thought wtf do u actually want. She soon got down to it and yes she wanted me to meet her and her mate blah blah. I declined politely and when she phoned me two weeks later I ignored her calls. When she wouldn't give up I let rip. Never heard from her again thank fuck. Mad bitch


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I'm intrigued by the fact that the OP logged out of this site five minutes after posting; did he want advice or not?  [And yes, I know he can always read the advice; but it just seems odd to me that he should ask a question like he did, then log off almost straightaway. :bomb:]
Its coz I was on lunch so I had to get back to work


  • Guest
Yes you pay, she is a prossie,  that's how it works.

Please post a link to her AW profile.
This is the link mate

External Link/Members Only


  • Guest
Thanks guys I appreciate the advice

Offline socks

This is the link mate

External Link/Members Only
never got the GILF fascination before. Still don't. Setting that aside my advice still stands, don't go anywhere near it, there's no such thing as a free lunch in this business.

Offline Dani

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This is the link mate

External Link/Members Only

Hang on she is in the UK and showing as available today so she is hardly coming back to see you is she.  She has told you she is away so she can screw money out of you for flights otherwise why would she say that when it states she is in Birmingham TODAY.  Prossies don't waste a fiver to go green if they are not around and available to work

So either the OP is talking bollocks or he is stupid enough that he cannot see she is in England and will want cash from him

Offline Dani

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Change that to the OP is talking bollocks.  She has only been on AW for 19 days yet 'he' saw he a few times and not spoke to her for 3months

Hello Evelin Not the best way to promote yourself is it.  pretending to ask if you are a scammer or not

A liar has to not only have a good memory they need to set up a few facts first.  You failed as soon as you gave us your profile link OOOPS :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

edit : a read through your few posts trying to set yourself up as a punter you say you AVOID EE girls.  How is that when you have seen this one a few times.  Hardly avoiding them.  Bad liar with a bad memory
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 07:03:15 pm by Dani »


  • Guest
Don't pay her, quickets way to find out if she's genuine and likes you  :hi:


  • Guest
Change that to the OP is talking bollocks.  She has only been on AW for 19 days yet 'he' saw he a few times and not spoke to her for 3months

Hello Evelin Not the best way to promote yourself is it.  pretending to ask if you are a scammer or not

A liar has to not only have a good memory they need to set up a few facts first.  You failed as soon as you gave us your profile link OOOPS :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

edit : a read through your few posts trying to set yourself up as a punter you say you AVOID EE girls.  How is that when you have seen this one a few times.  Hardly avoiding them.  Bad liar with a bad memory
Am not a liar, I have seen a few EE girls and had bad experiences with them execept for Eva. I have feedback/rating from her on AW if u need me to post that link to my AW profile as well as well. She seemed like a very nice and honest so I think I'm just gonna ask her what kind of date this is gunna be and then ask about paying as well.


  • Guest
Am not a liar, I have seen a few EE girls and had bad experiences with them execept for Eva. I have feedback/rating from her on AW if u need me to post that link to my AW profile as well as well. She seemed like a very nice and honest so I think I'm just gonna ask her what kind of date this is gunna be and then ask about paying as well.
My profile is wellington14 on AW from Birmingham, check me out, I am not Evelin.


  • Guest
Change that to the OP is talking bollocks.  She has only been on AW for 19 days yet 'he' saw he a few times and not spoke to her for 3months

Hello Evelin Not the best way to promote yourself is it.  pretending to ask if you are a scammer or not

A liar has to not only have a good memory they need to set up a few facts first.  You failed as soon as you gave us your profile link OOOPS :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

edit : a read through your few posts trying to set yourself up as a punter you say you AVOID EE girls.  How is that when you have seen this one a few times.  Hardly avoiding them.  Bad liar with a bad memory
She used to be milf evelin then she changed profile. This is my profile link External Link/Members Only. I have a rating from 2 other ladies besides evelin on there.

Offline Dani

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Then I apologise if I am wrong as you do have one positive from someone else and one from a non member but she is still in the UK which makes your story fall apart as she is not coming over just to visit you next week
Also never trust a prossie who has had more than one profile.  No one leaves a profile with good feedback for no reason to get a new one with no feedback

Oh and according to your feedback you have been in the UK this week as well as saw Hornymel then cancelled on another one of the day so not actually working away and just coming back next week.

sorry but none of this is adding up at all.  If I can pick such big holes in this story I am sure others can too
« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 08:21:45 pm by Dani »

Rochdull lad

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Well, I don't quite believe this.

I meantersay; I regularly see MILFs, but those whose AW age is in the late 30s/early 40s.

If this one says her age is 58, well, sorry there isn't a smiley to accommodate that other than  :scare: !

Online wristjob

Am not a liar, I have seen a few EE girls and had bad experiences with them execept for Eva. I have feedback/rating from her on AW if u need me to post that link to my AW profile as well as well. She seemed like a very nice and honest so I think I'm just gonna ask her what kind of date this is gunna be and then ask about paying as well.

Tell her you are skint but you'd love to meet her for a drink. You will probably find out where you stand after that.

Thing is if she thinks you are wonderful (despite not contacting you for ages) then would you be happy with her working while being in a relationship?

A) You start a relationship, can't handle her being on the game, stop relationship and probably can't pay to shag her after.
B) She'd love a drink too but she's so busy, maybe in a few months when you have some cash.
C)You start a relationship, no probs with other guys shagging her all day - this option is only here for comedy value

Pay her when you want sex, bin her off FB - it will work out cheaper and easier in the end.


  • Guest
Well, I don't quite believe this.

I meantersay; I regularly see MILFs, but those whose AW age is in the late 30s/early 40s.

If this one says her age is 58, well, sorry there isn't a smiley to accommodate that other than  :scare: !

Each to their own and all that but really, I mean what's the point.  :unknown:


  • Guest
Hi there I just found this thread after trying to find Sensual Evelin xxx's contact details. I'm abroad and cant access her AW account from where I am. If someone would please be so kind as to PM me her details, I would greatly appreciate it.

Much thanks,
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 05:43:06 pm by tobe123 »

Offline madeinwales56

Hi there I just found this thread after trying to find Sensual Evelin xxx's contact details. I'm abroad and cant access her AW account from where I am. If someone would please be so kind as to PM me her details, I would greatly appreciate it.

Much thanks,

Nice try doktar. The answer is hidden in plain sight ...


  • Guest
So she is going to fly over to the UK just to meet up. No she isn't. She will be already planning on coming here but I bet she will say she needs x amount towards her flight. She will also want paying for the booking. It sounds like she is skint and is contacting anyone she thinks is stupid enough to proved her with. Cash.  Sorry but asking you to see her is out of order as we should never beg for bookings. If she missed you she would have kept in contact. She just wants business. Sorry to be do blunt but this seems to be happening more and more and men still fall for it. She does not miss you she missed the cash.

Absolutely agree. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


  • Guest
Honestly lads im just a bloke trying to contact this bird. I visited her once in Birmingham when I was living in the UK. She wanted to add me on fb too, which I thought was odd.. But anyway, like I said I cant access her page, I keep getting a red message saying -

 "The following problem(s) were detected:

Sorry, this member's profile information cannot be presented at this time."

 I googled it and apparently it's because I'm abroad. Please could someone copy paste her email address and/or phone number to me in a PM? Go on help a brother out!  :cool:

Offline Cuntminion

Don't bother

Was a fool move to fb her, you built the emotional bridge right there

If Dave who reads your meter asked if he could be your fb friend you would tell him to fuck off

Keep it business


  • Guest
Maybe I should have started a seperate thread to avoid confusion. I'm not doktar. I'm just a punter who lives abroad trying to get access to this page External Link/Members Only  I cant, because apparently its blocked to users outside the UK. So could someone please help me out and send me her number and/or email address?  :mad:
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 10:36:17 pm by tobe123 »

Offline nike

Holy fuck,  I wasn't sure what GILF meant until I clicked on the AW link.  When I saw the photos I nearly shit myself. Everyone to their own but I could never get my head around that.   :scare:

Offline Private Parts

Everyone to their own but I could never get my head around that.   :scare:
Surely it should be "I could never get that around my head"  :D

Offline Cuntminion

Holy fuck,  I wasn't sure what GILF meant until I clicked on the AW link.  When I saw the photos I nearly shit myself. Everyone to their own but I could never get my head around that.   :scare:

Gilf is granted right?

I did not know what dfk or owo meant till a couple weeks ago, had to Google

Offline Brazilian Martian

Holy fuck,  I wasn't sure what GILF meant until I clicked on the AW link.  When I saw the photos I nearly shit myself. Everyone to their own but I could never get my head around that.   :scare:

Hahaha a sixty year old hungarian prossie each to their own but who ever spends money on her needs their head examined  :hi:


  • Guest
Yep each to their own - but could someone do me a favour and PM me her details??