Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Isla Raine  (Read 1732 times)

Offline nombre

Anyone had any recent encounters with this one: External Link/Members Only. Latest review was way back in 2021. Location? Looks? Body type?

Offline Thepunteruk

I'm afraid I can't help with recent info. I seen her a couple of times when she started AW. I'm pretty sure it was OWO back then, and she doesn't do that now. Which is a deal breaker for me.

My recollection then though, was she was super fit, attractive and genuine. But again, it was around 2018.

Edit: just checked her reviews and they are historically very strong indeed.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2025, 12:48:40 pm by Thepunteruk »

Offline peterpan19

Seen her around 4/5 years ago and was excellent then, can’t help with recent experience though  :)

Offline nombre

Might just have to take a punt and do an updated review. Hopefully she is still "super fit"

Offline mrwhite

I'm afraid I can't help with recent info. I seen her a couple of times when she started AW. I'm pretty sure it was OWO back then, and she doesn't do that now. Which is a deal breaker for me.

My recollection then though, was she was super fit, attractive and genuine. But again, it was around 2018.

Edit: just checked her reviews and they are historically very strong indeed.
You are right about OWO when she first started - she offered A levels back then as well.

I saw her again a few years later in a duo with Savanah, but by then A levels and OWO were off the menu.

Can't help with a recent report though, iirc the last time I saw her was nearly 4 years ago.  The lack of OWO coupled with her above average prices (though others have since caught her up) ruled her out for me.

Offline fedor

Same as the rest above. Saw her a few times some years back, great shape, great service. Then she hiked her prices and took OWO off the menu, and well, that was that. I'm not paying more money for a reduced service.  :dash: :dash:

Offline Name Not Found

I'm yet another one who stopped seeing her after OWO was no more.

I wonder how big an impact that had on her 'workload'. Of course, I assume she's happy with her choice as she's clearly not going back—pity, as I really enjoyed my tomes with Ner.

Offline Scottychap

Saw her maybe 6 years ago - excellent punt. I’d go back, but she just seems impossible to get hold of now. Doesn’t reply to messages. I don’t think she’s working much tbh