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Author Topic: Off their face boat race!!  (Read 352 times)

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Has to be said well done the Cambridge crews!, just thinking on all those female firm thighs the power they have:))

Offline radioman33

Saw about 10 minutes,Oxford were well behind,I was hoping for a sinking boat always entertaining.

Offline daviemac

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They couldn't dip their cox in the river though, too much pollution.

Offline mr.bluesky

Don't know why they make a big fuss of the boat race ,it's the same two teams in the final every year  :D
(A bit like the Scottish cup final.)

Offline scutty brown

Has to be said well done the Cambridge crews!, just thinking on all those female firm thighs the power they have:))

That power is down to them practicing along the fenland dykes, loads of exercise
« Last Edit: March 30, 2024, 08:50:36 pm by scutty brown »

Offline Blackpool Rock

Don't know why they make a big fuss of the boat race ,it's the same two teams in the final every year  :D
(A bit like the Scottish cup final.)
Yeah just some historical thing really that has strangely hung on, not sure if it's still a "Thing" with kids these days but I remember when I was younger  kids would be going around apparently pledging support for either Oxford or Cambridge  :unknown:

I seem to recall following Oxford on the basis of my Mum telling me that my Grandad who had died years before supported them (God knows why), my Dad who was as blue collar working class as it was possible to be just sat there ranting about why anyone would support those posh fuckers  :rolleyes:
It was always good fun for a strong opinion in our house when I was a kid  :drinks: