Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: TS AMAYAH FILIPINA - Newcastle  (Read 4046 times)

5 review(s) for TS AMAYAH (4 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by WARSZAWA16]

Offline yubin

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External Link/Members Only

£150 for 60 minutes.

Meeting took place beginning of the month.

Sent a text asking about availability, very short notice. Almost immediate response but I would have to call to arrange (which I hate).

She sounded pleasant over the phone, no problems with English. 20 minutes later I was in her apartment not far from Centre for life.

Once inside I was delighted to see that the profile photos are accurate, if anything she looks better in person. Sorted out the paperwork and lay next to each other on the bed. Lots of mutual nipple play, a good 10 minutes of DFK before she climbed on my chest forcing her cock into my mouth, as I slipped a finger in her arse.

She went down for OWO, not the best I've received but lots of tongue work, which I love. After a while she began to insert a covered finger in my arse. Placed a pillow underneath, rubbered up and penetrated me WOW!!. A new and strange feeling. Fucked me missionary putting her bodyweight on me, leaning in for more DFK. She started to pick up the pace wanking me off furiously as she continued fucking me, I spirted high into the air narrowly missing her face before it landed on my stomach.

Began the cleanup, I revealed it was my first TS experience which made her laugh. She offered a massage for the last 10 minutes or so. Bit of chit-chat, she speaks really good english. Clothes back on and out the door bang on 60 minutes.

I didn't get the chance to fuck her, wish I had done so.

This was my first TS experience. She told me she will return in August.

I will 100% return.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2023, 06:29:15 pm by yubin »

Offline g510

Great review Yubin, will keep an eye out for her.

How big was her cock? Did you discuss whether she cums?

Offline yubin

Great review Yubin, will keep an eye out for her.

How big was her cock? Did you discuss whether she cums?
Probably around 5 inches don’t know if she can cum, I never got round to that.