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Author Topic: Urgent - Blue Ice or Erotic Studio Birmingham  (Read 1140 times)

Online HS11216

Just wondering which is better Blue ice or erotic studio ?

Offline BlueRock

Erotic studio I would say personally.

Offline houaangn

Erotic Studio as the lift at Blue Ice takes too long to come down to you and you end up bumping into another punter which happened to me.

Offline Juankerr

Been to the Studio way more often than BlueIce, no brainer for me.

Offline suttonporksword

i guess you get more choice at blue ice? usually have 4 or more girls on. from memory its a max of 3 at the studio?

Offline Spurt

So close have a look at both to see what takes your fancy.

Offline greg101

Studio.  Sarah, Savannah, Lucy, Anna or Jamilla.  Can't go wrong with any of them.