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Author Topic: Trip to Argentina, Chile and maybe Bolivia  (Read 6655 times)

Offline exhippy

Hi I am travelling to Argentina next week for a 3 month trip. I was last there in 2020 and had a fantastic time using Seeking. i already have ten women  l.ined up from seeking who have asked for between 100 and 150 US, age range 100-150. If anyone has any advice, girls on seeking or elsewhere they want to pass on to me for BsAs, Mendoza and then Santiago, Valaparaiso and elsewhere in Chile please reply.

Online tightfoot69

I was in Argentina in October and had a great time using Seeking too. PM if you want any more details. I can’t send.

Offline southcoastpunter

well i have just done a search on Seeking for Argentina and age range 100-150 and got a nil return (thank god!!!) haha

what age range did you mean?

Offline exhippy

I am so excited to be starting my trip Friday. I already have a lovely mid 30 something set up for Sunday - she works in a restaurant. For 125 $. Much to my astonishment the girls I have arranged to meet in Santiago are all early to mid  20s and are asking for £70. Spent the afternoon flirting with one on WhatsApp. I may have to spend more time in Santiago than I intended.

Online tightfoot69

I am so excited to be starting my trip Friday. I already have a lovely mid 30 something set up for Sunday - she works in a restaurant. For 125 $. Much to my astonishment the girls I have arranged to meet in Santiago are all early to mid  20s and are asking for £70. Spent the afternoon flirting with one on WhatsApp. I may have to spend more time in Santiago than I intended.

Where are you going first?

Offline exhippy

Buenos Aires, then Mendoza, then Chile

Offline Man99999

Hi I am travelling to Argentina next week for a 3 month trip. I was last there in 2020 and had a fantastic time using Seeking. i already have ten women  l.ined up from seeking who have asked for between 100 and 150 US, age range 100-150. If anyone has any advice, girls on seeking or elsewhere they want to pass on to me for BsAs, Mendoza and then Santiago, Valaparaiso and elsewhere in Chile please reply.

I can share the number of a few of the girls I met - I'll of course message them first and ask if they're comfortable with that.

Offline exhippy

In which cities are they from?

Offline exhippy

Well first night in Buenos Aires jetlagged and tired but I meet up with a 10/10 woman from seeking who is drop dead gorgeous and who liked me lots. A coffee, 3 hours of amazing sex . Cannot believe how well this 73 year old got on with sexy as fuck 35 year old piece of joy. She wants to take me to a jazz club. Went for dinner after. 130 US and worth twice the amount. And utterly genuine. When I first saw her outside the cafe where we had arranged to meet, I couldn’t believe my  luck. And she was utterly real honest intelligent woman who even paid for her own taxis. Basically as sympathetic as she was beautiful. Yeah I am being drippy but omfg. Also discovered that Half Korean Half Argentine girl who I met in 2020 didn’t take her own life (I was really worried), has now a good job, had a baby last week and we are meeting for coffee. There will be no sex for obvious reasons but she was one of the loveliest and sweetest women I have ever met - I found her on insta z days ago. So if the other 80-90 days of this trip are like this one, this is going to beamazinv

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Online tightfoot69

Good feedback. Even though it is making me jealous and makes me miss Argentinian ladies. Keep updating.

Offline exhippy

Date no2 was different. Not brilliant but still good. Michels is 25, Venezuelan , works in a call centre and was raising money to bring her mother here. She spoke a little English but not much. She looks younger than her age and is small and thin with small breasts. Met her in a cafe and then back to room. To be honest if this was in England I would be raving. She responded to my touches, while embracing in the room and kissing and she started moaning. That was a very good sign. We peeled off clothes and kissed and embraced and she came with my fingers. I am not huge 163 cm and 73 kg but compared to me she felt small in my arms - diminutive. She liked my reverse oral and responded well. Then she gave me a little oral in return. But she was too small for my cock and after a few attempts I lost my erection. So it was hand relief plus rubbing her body against mine too. Afterwards we showered and I took her dinner. At dinner I discovered I was her 2nd seeking. She asked when could we go out again. But I think not - other ladies out there and conversation was strained. But I really can’t complain for 100 US $ plus a taxi.  Will have to wait a couple of days to get recharged

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Offline willie loman

enjoying reading  your escapades, shades of vivago.

Offline exhippy

Well girl no.3 was disappointing. Not in her cuteness, or her passion. But in her availability if she was truthful - so suddenly after an hour she told me , she had a university class she had to get to at 6pm. She had not mentioned this previously . And I had said I like to take these things slow and get to know my partner . So a little cheated and frustrated, but that’s how it goes (at least at my age). Frustrating but this happened last time I was using Seeking in Buenas Aires. It is always a gamble. But to be honest where else can I get to bed such beautiful girls

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Offline exhippy

So No.4, a Venezuelan girl 24 years, who I had met in 2020 and she had found me on Seeking this time having just broken up a long term relationship and rejoined. A very slim young woman with one hell of a lot of body piercings. I met her in a cafe and we caught up over an hour’s chatting before we walked to my Airbnb. In the room we had two hours delicious sex. Lots of owo and lots of cunnilingus and she came lots of times really. The fucking was good too and I came in her mouth. She clearly liked me a lot. And for me the most amazing thing was that I had no need for my blue pill - the first time since I was in this city last time and that was with a Venezuelan girl too.
Really this was a 10/10 experience with someone who I got on with really well. Took her to this brilliant Vietnamese restaurant after, that I had eaten alone in the previous night and then put in her in a cab home. This like my first meet here felt like a proper date with someone who liked me. Really do think Seeking in Argentina is magic, not always but often. And this meet up cost me 50000 pesos, £38 on the blue rate. I will see her again before I leave no question. Have a second date with the $125 lass no. 1 on Monday first.
My first week is over two brilliant girls, 1 so-so and 1 washout - not too bad for a 73 year old

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Online tightfoot69

You seem to be having a good time. The blue rate seems to be even better for tourists than it was in October.

How long are you in Buenos Aires for?

Offline exhippy

For another week - then Mendoza, and Chile. Have several women set up in Santiago

Offline fudi_maar

I met her in a cafe and we caught up over an hour’s chatting

Do you speak fluent Spanish? I speak it at a basic level and I find the conversation part a real struggle, so when I'm in LatAm, I avoid the date part and get straight down to the sucking and fucking.

Loving your reports, BTW. Keep on enjoying and sharing. After an experience like this, punting the UK just doesn't have the same appeal.

Offline jb238

I hope I'm still coming in willing 24 year old mouths when I'm 73!

I salute you sir... truly inspirational stuff!

(and all for under forty quid - dreamworld)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2024, 02:16:20 pm by jb238 »

Offline exhippy

So firstly I speak some Spanish but I am not fluent and the two women I liked best no. 1 and 4 speak English. I saw No.1 again tonight, she was dressed to kill in the shortest skirt conceivable. She is one hell of a lover and very affectionate. It really was a GFE on steroids. I mean she looks like a model but acts like a human being.
I am seeing no.4 again, the less than £40 lass but since  she has a weeks holiday I am  taking her for a day trip to Tigre on Wednesday. She was very keen on the idea and she is great company. I am more than happy to treat her and afterwards I get the chance to count her piercings again
I also set up date with a lovely girl in Mendoza, the Malbec capital for next week. She said after we agreed US 100 that she wanted to meet me because I seemed very intriguing from my profile.

Offline exhippy

Saw girl no.4 again, the 24 year old from Venezuela. She had a day off so I took her to Tigre (the delta town). We took a boat ride, had lunch on an island. Loved it - she speaks fluent English so it was perfect for me and I really like her. The finale went better for here than for me , blame my age so she said to me if I am free I will see you tomorrow. I said I cannot afford it. She replied ‘you are a friend, I like you , no charge’. Very sweet girl. Sometimes seeking really is worth the money

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Offline exhippy

I am now in Mendoza, Malbec capital of the world. I saw Stefani tonight. Much less choice here . The other 2  wanted $150 but Stefani was 100. 30 years old and a secretary. Met in a cafe - she spoke no English so I had to use my Spanish and google. This was much more a ‘punt’- she was attractive but she took control and it was a bit impersonal. But I came in her mouth owo. So I can hardly complain. But I prefer women where I feel there is an element of seduction and playfulness. I will never forget Hani from 2020 who said in my Buenas Aires apartment as I stroked her leg, 2 hours in the meet ‘Are you trying to seduce me?’. Anyway here is Stefani

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Offline exhippy

So now I am in CHILE. And my first seeking girl, Abril, was perfect. She is a beautician, speaks very good English and was hot as fuck. We met in a coffee bar in a mall and talked for over an hour. By the end of the hour we knew lots about each other, were getting on well and we went back to my Airbnb. We had excellent sex and both of us really enjoyed it. As with the best seeking dates it felt utterly real and intimate. She said at the end to me, ‘this has been a lovely experience, I am so glad I met you even though I was nervous about it’. I could have said the same thing. Actually the best fucking (sic) I have had in more than a year. It is a shame she is 48 years younger than me and engaged to a guy in Australia where she is moving next year. The cost for 3 lovely hours - £75

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Offline exhippy

Si Chile is proving as good, if not better than Buenos Aires. Today I saw Teffy 25, mother of 2 young boys. She messaged me last night, saying she was desperate for sex but I was too drunk. I met her at 3 today. OMFG. It was even better than the last Santiago lass. I am not sure I have ever had someone react to me so well. It was probably the best fuck i have had for 40 years. All for £64. Why am I having some of the best sex times I have ever had in my 70s

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Offline Harry Monk

Jeepers sounds like you're on a winning streak.

I'd like to travel a bit of South America and your exploits have got me into the early planning stage for next year.

How have you found pricing (non punting) as in recent years the inflation rate meant prices could fluctuate massively making budgeting problematic?

Online tightfoot69

Sounds like a great trip so far. If Santiago is even better than Buenos Aires I might have to look into it.

Offline exhippy

How have you found pricing (non punting) as in recent years the inflation rate meant prices could fluctuate massively making budgeting problematic?

I found Argentina a little pricier than last time but not much . AirBnB cost me £25 a night. Meals £10 to £12.  Chile is expensive though except for transport and accommodation. Meals seem to be £20.  Heading north through Chile to Bolivia by bus with a few stops. Bolivia which I have never punted in will be much cheaper.

Offline exhippy

Sounds like a great trip so far. If Santiago is even better than Buenos Aires I might have to look into it.

Well I don’t want to be statistically unreliable. I saw 4 girls in Bs As - 2 of whom were brilliant, 1 average and 1 shit (my experience, our chemistry not their looks). 1 so so in Mendoza . Only seen 2 girls here but quite a few offered. The two I saw, the chemistry was magic. The English speaker just was perfect company, shame she is moving to Brisbane to be with fiancé. The girl yesterday despite no English just connected physically 100%, I can’t count how many times she came. I have to admit she is the only woman I have sent a dick pic to. It is not my style. But I can’t really generalise on 2 women. But I can’t believe my luck. And the 2 wine tours I did (1 Mendoza, 1 Maipo were as good though more expensive than the girls).
I don’t know what it is but I put it down here at least to seeking. Though to be fair I had a 2 year seeking relationship in London with a lovely Spanish girl that began in Covid year 2 just after my first bout.

Offline fudi_maar

" shame she is moving to Brisbane to be with fiancé".

Maybe im just a perverted bastard, but i always find it a turn on when a girl is sucking on my dick and i know that she has a partner/fiancee sitting at home, unawareof what his woman is up to.

OP, great reporting. Are you only using Seeking or are there any 'casas', bordellos, or bars with freelancers as well.

Offline exhippy

No i am only using seeking . If there wasn’t seeking I would.

Offline Harry Monk

You said you had been before, but when you plan your trip is there a preferred on line guide you use for intel on accommodation, sites to see, internal travel etc

Muchos gracias  :drinks:

Offline exhippy

For basic planning I use physical copies of the Lonely Planet's guides to work out where I want to go. I use airbnb accomodation when I hope I will find a seeking woman. My luck ran out in Valparaiso but it  is worth coming here anyway. An amazing city. I use airbnb experiences for walking tours, bar crawls etc. I book buses with the bus companies though I sus out which are the companies using busbud or rome2rio. This trip supplemented with searches for wine tours. When I am not expecting to find a girl I look for places on I have booked my own en-suite rooms in hostels in 2 places where I am going to be doing outdoor stuff in northern Chile

Offline Chris1990mcr

When I read reports from older punters like you, I want to be just like that when I am your age. Fucking brilliant stuff, enjoy your trip.

Offline exhippy

I haven’t posted for a month because my luck dried up. I mean I have had good times in the Atacama desert in Chile and then in the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia on a 3 day trip through some of the most spectacular landscapes I have been in. But not punting.
Bascically Seeking dried up after I left Santiago. The girl I was meant to see in Valparaiso ghosted me. Mind you Valpo is one of the most wild cities I have been in to be fair - I loved it . I went to Vina de Mar, it’s posh twin and using I think Locanto ended up seeing a Paraguayan girl in a Paraguayan brothel. It was a kin to the worst type place in Britain - an unpleasant experience for about £40.
In Potosi, Bolivia I saw a girl from local Bolivian website in a pretty run down hotel which was only slightly better than the Paraguayan girl. In Santa Cruz de la Sierra, I visited the Diamond Spa Massage Parlour pretty upscale but quite vanilla. A pretty girl, some sexy touches and HR for £40. And then now in La Paz I visited a woman from ‘Arrechas’ website okay but not a very interesting punt for £40.
Anyway I am off to Costa Rica Saturday and I am chatting to 2 Seeking girls for $100 and $125 so maybe my luck will improve

Offline JimmyWong

Great trip report so far! Hope your luck gets better in your next destinations.

Very jealous of your South American endeavors! Would love to get myself over to that side of the world some time.

Offline southcoastpunter

Anyway I am off to Costa Rica Saturday and I am chatting to 2 Seeking girls for $100 and $125 so maybe my luck will improve

I was in Costa Rica earlier this year, although with friends so mainly non punting. Its a great country with some fab (non punting) things to do. Only had one evening on my own and was staying in Alajuela - a suburb of the capital, San Jose and near the main international airport. I thought i would get myself a massage and hopefully a bit extra - wrong!!. Most places closed at 6.00pm. I did manage to find one place and it was a good massage but no extras at all.

I failed to do any research or use Seeking etc and thought something would be easy to find - and paid the price for it! Talking of that, Costa Rica is expensive - so many Americans there and they have pushed the prices up a lot. More expensive than the UK for many things!! But it is a fab place - enjoy!!

Offline Dead Wood

OP, great reporting. Are you only using Seeking or are there any 'casas', bordellos, or bars with freelancers as well.

OP - sounds like you are having a great time.

Same question from me.  I'm planning a visit to Argentina (and other parts of South America), and while I am not averse to taking the 'Seeking' route, I'd love to find out about other routes to P4P, not least brothels, escort websites etc.  Punting Wiki is not positive, but Argentina is a big country full of sexy woman, by all accounts, and the economy is right back in the crapper, which usually means paid for sex is quite close to the surface. 

Great to see an old timer (which is what I am, to be clear!) leading the charge.  :)

Offline exhippy

Well I am in wildly expensive Costa Rica but my punting luck changed with a seeking girl I met here in San Jose. Scarlath, 24, an engineering student at university. Met her for a coffee in a mall which is what I prefer to do. We talked for an hour, good Spanish practice then walked 15 minutes back to my Airbnb. She is a voluptuous but not fat young woman with pierced nipples. Lots of reverse oral and then lots of fucking which we both loved. It was pretty wild and raunchy sex. At the end she said to me that she had really enjoyesd it. Which given our 50 year age difference doesn’t half do wonders for my self confidence. Oh it was $125 which given the sex lasted for 2 hours and she never asked for Uber money makes it fabulous value. I might  see her again when I get back to San Jose

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Online tightfoot69

Nice. She looks cute.

Can I ask if these photos are ones you took of them? Or are they from their own Social media accounts?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2024, 09:51:14 am by tightfoot69 »

Offline exhippy

They are all from seeking with one or two exceptions where they sent me photos. I do have personal photos but they are all selfies with me in them. I have tried to post the most accurate of the photos that I have though.

Offline shooter

Sounds like you are having a great time,  :thumbsup:  how far in advance of your trip did you set things up on seeking - is it the same as Thai Friendly when you have to wait until you are nearly travelling there?  :hi:

Offline exhippy

I started on seeking two weeks before I went, and the first girl I saw was someone I had been chatting to for a week. I think it works best if you spend a week chatting so there is a connection when you meet. On the other hand some girls you spend ages chatting with suddenly disappear

Offline YOY

I'd love to find out about other routes to P4P, not least brothels, escort websites etc. 

Buenos Aires is great.  Prices are low by international standards but quality is high.  If you speak some Spanish it helps a lot but its not essential.

Check out this website External Link/Members Only and the review site External Link/Members Only

There is a mixture independents, groups and brothels.  Chrome will translate it all reasonably but struggles with punting slang, although you can guess a lot of that.

The reviews can be very useful and answer many questions.  They give you an idea of what is on offer, prices and how the girl performs in the room.  Lots of Argentine girls and many Paraguayans in managed groups, plus a few from other parts of Latin America.  Whatsapp was preferred for messages and most girls are set up to work that way with information, pictures and bookings.

There are some girls in other parts of Argentina as well.

Offline YOY

For Brazil there is  External Link/Members Only which has adverts and reviews.  Low prices, good quality and reviews answer many questions.

Offline Harry Monk

I’m looking to visit Argentina late Feb early March next year, got 3 weeks booked off so I’ll start planning soon.

Thanks for the insights/intel

Online tightfoot69

I’m looking to visit Argentina late Feb early March next year, got 3 weeks booked off so I’ll start planning soon.

Thanks for the insights/intel

Enjoy, it’s a great country.

Offline Harry Monk

Going to start planning my adventure to Argentina now I think.
I was distracted by Costa Rica but have decided this time it's Argentina.

I'll go to BA and maybe take flights for the tourist stuff.

Are there any suggestions/recommendations for best place to be based in BA

TIA  :drinks: :drinks: 

Online tightfoot69

Going to start planning my adventure to Argentina now I think.
I was distracted by Costa Rica but have decided this time it's Argentina.

I'll go to BA and maybe take flights for the tourist stuff.

Are there any suggestions/recommendations for best place to be based in BA

TIA  :drinks: :drinks:

Recoletta or Palermo