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Author Topic: Mendurance  (Read 4941 times)

Offline dieseldriver

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Anyone tried it? As the usual doctor prescribed stuff not doing its job, gonner take these alongside Viagra. Tomorrow at 12 got a confirmed booking. So by 1pm will have the answer.

However, if anyone has used it, please post the verdict.   


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Sorry to pour cold water, but these things are usually just a mixture of herbs, vitamins and Chinese superstition, and will do absolutely nothing for maintaining an erection. Probably the best thing to take along side viagra, and this stuff really does work on blood vessels, is gingko biloba. It helps the circulation, its good for a lot of things, like leg cramps. Its also dirt cheap. Don't take it if you are on a blood thinner like warfarin though, but apart from that its perfectly safe, buy it in any health shop and even some supermarkets.

By helping increase blood flow it can give viagra an extra little boost.


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zinc is working for me 30mg a day  it works for rat too!!

Zinc pills any good ?  Any one know ?
Supplementation of 5 mg of zinc/day for two weeks led to a prolongation of ejaculatory latency; 711.6 sec. (SEM 85.47) vs. 489.50 sec. (SEM 67.66), P < 0.05 and an increase in number of penile thrusting; 52.80 (SEM 11.28) vs. 26.50 (SEM 6.17), P < 0.05, compared to controls. The same group had elevated prolactin (PRL) and testosterone (T) levels compared to controls at the end of treatment period; PRL- 7.22 ng/dl (SEM 3.68) vs. 2.90 ng/dl (SEM 0.34) and T- 8.21 ng/ml (SEM 6.09) vs. 2.39 ng/ml (SEM 1.79), P < 0.05. In contrast, reduction of libido was evident in the same group, but this effect was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). However, partner preference index was positive and 5 mg zinc supplementation did not exert a significant adverse effect on the muscle strength and co-ordination. The subset of rats supplemented with 1 mg/day did not show a difference from the control group while supplementation with 10 mg/day led to a reduction of the libido index, number of mounts and intromissions.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


So I guess the powdered rhinoceros horn worked for you then tcm?

Offline PLeisure

Probably the best thing to take along side viagra, and this stuff really does work on blood vessels, is gingko biloba. It helps the circulation, its good for a lot of things, like leg cramps. Its also dirt cheap. Don't take it if you are on a blood thinner like warfarin though, but apart from that its perfectly safe, buy it in any health shop and even some supermarkets.

By helping increase blood flow it can give viagra an extra little boost.
It's worth noting that gingko - also good for the brain, so Little Head doesn't override cerebrum logic when faced with a B&S  :sarcastic: - needs time to build up its improvement with individuals. So, you don't simply take one an hour before the punt, like you do with Viagra, etc.
Also, the tablet formulation, ie. actual gingko content, is important. High St retailers like Holland & Barrett or Boots own-brand ranges are often quite minimal    :(

Offline dieseldriver

Interesting replies. I'v heard about Gingko Biloba. Someone I knew ages back  that was taking it recommended it, but can't remember why? But he did say takes time to get into your system.

Anyway, getting ready for my 12 o'clock booking. As Mendurance has to be taken on an empty stomach feeling peckish. Grab a sarni in Greggs after.

I'll post a review later today. Billericay, so put it in the East reviews..


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I have used Mendurance and it kept me going for a 3 hr session at TLC, it will give you a stuffy head, headache and perhaps indigestion but treat these with Ibuprofen and Ranitidine indigestion tablets, I use Golden Root (vending machines in supermarkets and pubs sell them) now and it works well and lasts for 24 hrs !! i find without them i take ages getting up again and these will let me get hard again within minutes of cumming, i find although i get hard the second pop in an hour is a challenge but it can be fun trying !!!
I recently went to a German club and fucked 8 girls in 5.5 hrs and came 6 times, without the Golden Root i would not have gone!! i am sure though like many thinks these treatments work differently on each person.
Good luck and let us know how you get on,


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It's worth noting that gingko - also good for the brain, so Little Head doesn't override cerebrum logic when faced with a B&S  :sarcastic: - needs time to build up its improvement with individuals. So, you don't simply take one an hour before the punt, like you do with Viagra, etc.
Also, the tablet formulation, ie. actual gingko content, is important. High St retailers like Holland & Barrett or Boots own-brand ranges are often quite minimal    :(

Best gingko I have found is a brand called Basic Nutrition, 30 tablets in a plastic tub with a green label. A chain store in the North East sells them, only about £1 for the tub, but I think its a North East only chain so you might need a search for them elsewhere.


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Is there a tesco version of this in theirange ?

Offline PLeisure

Is there a tesco version of this in theirange ?
As always advised here... YMMV
Also, the tablet formulation, ie. actual gingko content, is important. High St retailers like Holland & Barrett or Boots own-brand ranges are often quite minimal    :(

You pays yer money....

Offline dieseldriver

Interesting replies. I'v heard about Gingko Biloba. Someone I knew ages back  that was taking it recommended it, but can't remember why? But he did say takes time to get into your system.

Anyway, getting ready for my 12 o'clock booking. As Mendurance has to be taken on an empty stomach feeling peckish. Grab a sarni in Greggs after.

I'll post a review later today. Billericay, so put it in the East reviews..

Didn't take place? Phoned few times to confirm, right up to 12. Phone not answered. Text sent earlier not replied to? Now waiting reply to sent message. Try again tomorrow   :unknown:


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Whats ymmv ?

your mileage may vary.

You may find this useful for unpicking other acronyms

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Offline The_Don

Whats ymmv ?

The wiki, is a useful part of UKP!

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    YMMV: Your Mileage May Vary. It may work differently in your situation, or be different in your experience. Meaning each person may have an experience with an individual provider that is different than the person posting due to personalities and other intangible factors.

Offline Gordon Bennett

What a wanky name! I can't stand portmanteau words....... even if the stuff worked I'd boycott it cos it's called "mendurance". Staycation, bromance, Brexit..... It's just moronic!!   :dash:


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I asked if tesco do a simalar product how
Ymmv answers that i dont know ?
« Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 08:08:49 pm by oring123 »


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Anyone tried it? As the usual doctor prescribed stuff not doing its job, gonner take these alongside Viagra. Tomorrow at 12 got a confirmed booking. So by 1pm will have the answer.

However, if anyone has used it, please post the verdict.

If it's your doctor prescribed viagra why not just go back and tell him it's not having the desired effect,there are plenty of other pills out there you can try

Strangely enough viagra has the effect on me on taking for ever to cum ,I've swapped other to calis and I'm back to normal now

Offline dieseldriver

Might be the condom? Been waking up last few weeks with a stiffy. And when going for a pee in the night, knob end feels oily. Took a viagra + two mendurance 11am yesterday for a punt that blew me out on a confirmed booking. Was asked to confirm by phone half hour before, but she wouldn't answer the phone or return text message.

Funny enough, still had the effects this morning, so gave the wife one. But with a WG, stiffy goes down soon as condom put on. So got the mendurance to help maintain it and get my money's worth...

Offline Corky

zinc is working for me 30mg a day  it works for rat too!!

Zinc pills any good ?  Any one know ?
Supplementation of 5 mg of zinc/day for two weeks led to a prolongation of ejaculatory latency; 711.6 sec. (SEM 85.47) vs. 489.50 sec. (SEM 67.66), P < 0.05 and an increase in number of penile thrusting; 52.80 (SEM 11.28) vs. 26.50 (SEM 6.17), P < 0.05, compared to controls. The same group had elevated prolactin (PRL) and testosterone (T) levels compared to controls at the end of treatment period; PRL- 7.22 ng/dl (SEM 3.68) vs. 2.90 ng/dl (SEM 0.34) and T- 8.21 ng/ml (SEM 6.09) vs. 2.39 ng/ml (SEM 1.79), P < 0.05. In contrast, reduction of libido was evident in the same group, but this effect was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). However, partner preference index was positive and 5 mg zinc supplementation did not exert a significant adverse effect on the muscle strength and co-ordination. The subset of rats supplemented with 1 mg/day did not show a difference from the control group while supplementation with 10 mg/day led to a reduction of the libido index, number of mounts and intromissions.

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Interesting study thanks for posting the link. I am taking ZMA tablets (Zinc, Magnesium and Vitamain B6) containing a daily dose of 30mg of Zinc (3 x 10mg tablets per day).

I actually started taking them because I read or heard somewhere that ZMA aids deep sleep. NOt sure whether or not that's the case yet.

But I definitely noticed better and more frequent erections. I didn't know this was one of the benefits until I felt the effects at which point I googled the subject. Makes me wonder if I had a slight Zinc deficiency.

I would say Zinc or ZMA tablets definitely worth a shot. If they do nothing for you it's only a waste of a few quid.

You should know after a few days whether they are having an effect or not (my experience).

Perhaps if someone is NOT Zinc deficient they will not do anything.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2016, 02:38:57 pm by Corky »

Offline Crazydave

What a wanky name! I can't stand portmanteau words....... even if the stuff worked I'd boycott it cos it's called "mendurance". Staycation, bromance, Brexit..... It's just moronic!!   :dash:

Do you mean Jumoronic?


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Read up on Nitrix Oxide too.

Offline Gordon Bennett

Nipped into my local Savers (it's a sort of down market Superdrug) and they had boxes of Mendurance for 99p on the counter. I say "box" but there's only 2 pills in the packet.
I couldn't buy them cos my wife was with me and would wonder why I wanted blue pills given she won't have sex with me. I might sneak back tomorrow and buy a couple of boxes...... Worth wasting a couple of quid on the off chance it'll put a spring in my step!


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You have to be careful not to overdose as you'll be already having some zinc from your diet. In the study with rats, there was a positive effect at 5 mg/day and none at 1 mg/day whereas 10 mg/day 'led to a reduction of the libido index, number of mounts and intromissions.'
Plus, note that the zinc led to elevated testosterone levels which might not be a good idea if you're already the aggressive type snd a risk for cancer. Good thing about Viagra is the effects are short lived and the normal doses are quite safe.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2016, 06:23:27 pm by Gspotter »

Offline dieseldriver

Nipped into my local Savers (it's a sort of down market Superdrug) and they had boxes of Mendurance for 99p on the counter. I say "box" but there's only 2 pills in the packet.
I couldn't buy them cos my wife was with me and would wonder why I wanted blue pills given she won't have sex with me. I might sneak back tomorrow and buy a couple of boxes...... Worth wasting a couple of quid on the off chance it'll put a spring in my step!

I bought a box of 10 little blue pills in Savers. Says on the box take one couple of hours before sex. But for best results take one every day. So I'v done just that. Must say now getting more stiffies than before. And a sticky leak from the end of my knob in the mornings.. :thumbsup:

Offline Gordon Bennett

Bought some Mendurance the other week out of curiosity. Read the ingredients and it appears to be little more than natural vitamin/energy stuff. Took them on an empty stomach as directed and literally fuck all happened.... No discernable effects whatsoever. Total waste of 99p - I'm fuming!!

Offline daviemac

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Bought some Mendurance the other week out of curiosity. Read the ingredients and it appears to be little more than natural vitamin/energy stuff. Took them on an empty stomach as directed and literally fuck all happened.... No discernable effects whatsoever. Total waste of 99p - I'm fuming!!

That must've been some queue, it's taken you 3 years to get them, still never mind we'll rest easy now we know they have no effect.   

Offline mr.bluesky

These are readily available from vending machines in mens toilets. Tried them a couple of times. A complete waste of money, they did nothing for me. It's just a herbal supplement.

Offline daviemac

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These are readily available from vending machines in mens toilets.

Maybe they weren't in 2016 when this thread was going.    :unknown:  Though it was before you joined.

Offline mr.bluesky

Maybe they weren't in 2016 when this thread was going.    :unknown:  Though it was before you joined.

Never noticed the original posting date. Seems odd how this topic has resurfaced after 3 years . I still think they are a waste of time and money  :hi:

Offline daviemac

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Never noticed the original posting date. Seems odd how this topic has resurfaced after 3 years . I still think they are a waste of time and money  :hi:

After it took him 3 years to get them Gordon Bennett thought it was worth ignoring the big red warning that advises you to think about posting on old threads and reviving it to tell us they don't work.  The logic behind that is beyond me. 

Offline Littlefoot

After it took him 3 years to get them Gordon Bennett thought it was worth ignoring the big red warning that advises you to think about posting on old threads and reviving it to tell us they don't work.  The logic behind that is beyond me.

 :lol: :sarcastic: :lol:

Offline king tarzan

Worked for round 1 just about..
Then flat..
Also gave me joint pain...
Never tried or will try again...
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac