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Author Topic: What's wrong with seeing (with protection) a girl who does bareback?  (Read 5573 times)


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**With** protection, I mean, of course.  Without - yeah it's obvious.

Not that I would, or have done, or intend to or anything.  I'm just wondering why we often see "Bareback/UPS -  :vomit:" as an almost automatic post on some reviews/questions.

Here's my thinking.  All WG visits are not without risk, so by definition if you keep punting then sooner or later you will visit one who has something, but you're protected so you go away none the wiser.  With a barebacker, the risk of her having something is greater of course, but you're still protected, so again you go away none the wiser.  So what's the issue?  Is it just that the risk is higher for no really good reason, or do barebackers tend in general to give worse service, or is there more to it than that?

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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answer to your question

Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
Banned by: Head1


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Your clearly are uneducated or slow learner so will humour you .

OW is shit.   :thumbsdown:

accidents coming into contact with diseased person.  :thumbsdown:

Oral transmission of these diseases of the pussy.  :thumbsdown:

No RO doesn't fancy and don;t believe it would be healthy lapping up 10 guys spunk.  :thumbsdown:

And even if you think these are minimal, any prossie clocked you have been with a BB skank will not see you and maybe let there mates know leaving you stranded in the ignore list of many on the good local prossies. :thumbsdown:

Fuck the clap clinic mate get to the head doctor !

No idea if they give worse service really but imagine the ones that do are more likely at the do what pimp/slave owner tells them to do, or are similar in brain capacity to you and really have no idea about risk management.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 02:31:10 am by vw »

Offline Roth

Un-fuckin-believable question. With punters like this around we should all be worried.
 :dash: :bomb: :dash: :bomb:
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 03:37:59 am by Roth »


  • Guest
Un-fuckin-believable question. With punters like this around we should all be worried.
 :dash: :bomb: :dash: :bomb:

Trolling, bet he is a friend of that Aspen


  • Guest
With a barebacker, the risk of her having something is greater of course, but you're still protected, so again you go away none the wiser.  So what's the issue?

Well I thought it was a valid question so I'll give you a serious answer. A condom doesn't offer 100% protection against STIs. As you say the chance of a prossie who advertises bareback with clients is higher because she exposed herself to a high level of risk. This in turn puts you at a higher level of risk if you choose to see her.

Offline HappyandLucky

Un-fuckin-believable question. With punters like this around we should all be worried.
 :dash: :bomb: :dash: :bomb:

Next thing the OP will be posting a new thread. "Ahem, I have a friend who needs advice on an STI he has in his mouth, what should he do?"

If you're interested in barebackers then post this openly and review the girls you visit. That way we are all informed.

Beef Flaps

  • Guest
Well if this isn't a troll I would have to reply with....

The question is why would you see someone who offers BB when you can have so many other (cleaner) options !?

Offline NIK

Despite the predictable howls of outrage the op is in fact correct.
Everyone screams 'I would never punt with a girl who does bb.'  :angelgirl:
My question would be quite simply, how do you know?
Has no prossy ever done bb ever in her life? Maybe so?  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Or maybe everyone is living in a fantasy world.

Beef Flaps

  • Guest
Despite the predictable howls of outrage the op is in fact correct.
Everyone screams 'I would never punt with a girl who does bb.'  :angelgirl:
My question would be quite simply, how do you know?
Has no prossy ever done bb ever in her life? Maybe so?  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Or maybe everyone is living in a fantasy world.

True. But the fact that the prossy is in fact offering BB as an option shows her lack of regard for her own safety and yours and as such your risks are higher.

For me personally, IF I was to see a working girl who offers BB she would have to be on my "to do" list and I wouldn't be doing BB only OWO.


  • Guest
Despite the predictable howls of outrage the op is in fact correct.
Everyone screams 'I would never punt with a girl who does bb.'  :angelgirl:
My question would be quite simply, how do you know?
Has no prossy ever done bb ever in her life? Maybe so?  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Or maybe everyone is living in a fantasy world.


Not that I would see a barebacker prossie but it would be foolish to ignore the fact that the non-barebacking prossies are having sex with their partners bareback as we jump on the bandwagon to ridicule the OP for asking a valid question. We love owo but then moan about barebacking. Oh yes, we are hypocrites alright.

Offline NIK


Not that I would see a barebacker prossie but it would be foolish to ignore the fact that the non-barebacking prossies are having sex with their partners bareback as we jump on the bandwagon to ridicule the OP for asking a valid question. We love owo but then moan about barebacking. Oh yes, we are hypocrites alright.

Yes. Taking this to extremes presumably some punters wouldn't see women who have had kids.

It's actually my preference that they haven't, but that's another issue.   :D


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I'd be hard pressed to find even the most gorgeous, under-22, girl-next-door-types without a kid these days. That generation seems to have been belonged to numb-nuts who couldn't say 'no' to their then "bad boy" nimrods. BANG! We got yet another bastard to thank for my young-ish MILF fantasy who is just about young enough to call me DADDY.

Offline GreyDave

 I assume they all BB with someone if you treat it as a done thing its then up to you to decide on your risk level, OW has some as does to much wanking (damage to urethra) :D :D   both these have given me scares as has too much fruit juice in the mission to get nice tasting cum :P  I was at a party outer M25 last year all the guys wore condoms then at the end the door was opened by one of the girls partners (English not a Sergi ) who then in full view of us all proudly BB her before then getting himself a cup of tea!  two of the guys looked at me as I got dressed as I made my excuses "car parking time slot ending" but they where going to stay on :scare:  So to end my blurb they all do it with some dicks!  cover up and you are safer, OWO has more feeling to some guys but I as a 55 year old can not feel much light sensitivity though the old fella these days :cry: Although I skip any which offer BB as an extra for the obvious reasons, but how do we really know? we don't so cover up lads!
« Last Edit: February 11, 2016, 09:38:02 am by GreyDave »

Offline SamLP

Unless all you're doing is fucking her with a condom and getting sucked with one on too then there would probably be nothing wrong with seeing a girl who bb's. However, if you want to kiss, get OWO, do RO & finger her then it would be wise to avoid barebacking WG's as there's a higher chance they may have something.

Offline hendrix

 I assume they all BB with someone if you treat it as a done thing its then up to you to decide on your risk level, OW has some as does to much wanking (damage to urethra) :D :D   both these have given me scares as has too much fruit juice in the mission to get nice tasting cum :P  I was at a party outer M25 last year all the guys wore condoms then at the end the door was opened by one of the girls partners (English not a Sergi ) who then in full view of us all proudly BB her before then getting himself a cup of tea!  two of the guys looked at me as I got dressed as I made my excuses "car parking time slot ending" but they where going to stay on :scare:  So to end my blurb they all do it with some dicks!  cover up and you are safer, OWO has more feeling to some guys but I as a 55 year old can not feel much light sensitivity though the old fella these days :cry: Although I skip any which offer BB as an extra for the obvious reasons, but how do we really know? we don't so cover up lads!

Pretty much this. I assume they all bb somebody. There is absolutely no way to know otherwise and plenty of evidence (to my satisfaction) that it is widespread with either pimps/boyfriends/favoured clients.

So, for me, it's a numbers game, risk wise.  I wouldn't punt if OW was the only option, and I avoid open bb'ers as I think they're more likely to pass on std's. Not much else to be done if I want to enjoy punting.

Offline NIK

Another reason I would avoid ones who advertise bb isn't just because of health issues, but because most of them are total mingers!  :scare:


  • Guest
If a pro$$ie offers bareback it's fair to assume

A She's already infected so nothing to lose / doesn't care
B She's a junkie / alcoholic and desperate so doesn't care
C She's mentally unstable and doesn't know what she's doing
D She's being forced

Or any combination of the above, and each alone is a reason to avoid her  :vomit:

Offline Roth

If a pro$$ie offers bareback it's fair to assume

A She's already infected so nothing to lose / doesn't care
B She's a junkie / alcoholic and desperate so doesn't care
C She's mentally unstable and doesn't know what she's doing
D She's being forced

Or any combination of the above, and each alone is a reason to avoid her  :vomit:

+1000  :thumbsup: Spot on. :(


  • Guest
Despite the predictable howls of outrage the op is in fact correct.
Everyone screams 'I would never punt with a girl who does bb.'  :angelgirl:
My question would be quite simply, how do you know?
Has no prossy ever done bb ever in her life? Maybe so?  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Or maybe everyone is living in a fantasy world.

Good point. Weve all done it at some point whether we like it or not. Others will always do what they want and its up to us to do what were happy with following on.

Safe so far being careful anyway.


  • Guest
If a pro$$ie offers bareback it's fair to assume

A She's already infected so nothing to lose / doesn't care
B She's a junkie / alcoholic and desperate so doesn't care
C She's mentally unstable and doesn't know what she's doing
D She's being forced

Or any combination of the above, and each alone is a reason to avoid her  :vomit:

I wholeheartedly agree :thumbsup:

As already stated punting has risks, but all sensible punters will keep those risks as minimal as possible

And avoiding known BB WGs, is a wise thing to do, as they have a far higher chance of carrying an STI, even if an condom is used for everything,
if it breaks, that could be the endgame for the punter :scare:

But ultimately who the fuck knows what some of these whores get up to, the filthy bitches could be having regular BB gangbangs with their scumbag pimps & associates ,
and its anyone’s guess where else these lowlifes stick their wicks :vomit:

Offline Nagilum

Every prossie is getting bare backed by somebody.  That could be the pimp or a boyfriend.

If you are protected there is no issue, it is the same with having sex with any stranger. 

Personally I would not see a girl who offers this because I would be worried about condom slippage or faliure.

Offline Nagilum


Not that I would see a barebacker prossie but it would be foolish to ignore the fact that the non-barebacking prossies are having sex with their partners bareback as we jump on the bandwagon to ridicule the OP for asking a valid question. We love owo but then moan about barebacking. Oh yes, we are hypocrites alright.

No, OWO is not in the same league as BB. In no way is this even remotely hypocritical.


  • Guest
No, OWO is not in the same league as BB. In no way is this even remotely hypocritical.

+1, They are like skydiving vs BASE jumping


  • Guest
Every prossie is getting bare backed by somebody be it the pimp or a boyfriend or a regular punter or rich punter that pays her lots of money for bare back, you won't find a prossy that's not or is not doing bare back with someone she's comfortable and trusts.

Offline smiths

If a pro$$ie offers bareback it's fair to assume

A She's already infected so nothing to lose / doesn't care
B She's a junkie / alcoholic and desperate so doesn't care
C She's mentally unstable and doesn't know what she's doing
D She's being forced

Or any combination of the above, and each alone is a reason to avoid her  :vomit:

Indeed, and I add the condom could break so why take the risk. For ME punting is about taking the risks I am prepared to take for the rewards on offer, punting with a WG I know advertises she offers BB is too risky for my liking and I have no wish to meet such fucking idiots that I know say they offer BB. I also see it that such WGs punters are unlikely in my opinion not to have punted with other WGs who offer BB so fuck knows what they might have.

As to a WGs partner/s/pimp sure one or more of them could have something, apart from not punting at all ever not much I can do about that whereas I CAN avoid those I know offer BB to punters.

Offline cueball

If a pro$$ie offers bareback it's fair to assume

A She's already infected so nothing to lose / doesn't care
B She's a junkie / alcoholic and desperate so doesn't care
C She's mentally unstable and doesn't know what she's doing
D She's being forced

Or any combination of the above, and each alone is a reason to avoid her  :vomit:

Indeed, and I add the condom could break so why take the risk. For ME punting is about taking the risks I am prepared to take for the rewards on offer, punting with a WG I know advertises she offers BB is too risky for my liking and I have no wish to meet such fucking idiots that I know say they offer BB. I also see it that such WGs punters are unlikely in my opinion not to have punted with other WGs who offer BB so fuck knows what they might have.

As to a WGs partner/s/pimp sure one or more of them could have something, apart from not punting at all ever not much I can do about that whereas I CAN avoid those I know offer BB to punters.

Both posts above sum it up nicely for me


  • Guest
Ta for the sensible answers, among the somewhat unexpected howls of outrage.  No, I was just wondering, and wasn't intentionally trolling.  I haven't and don't intend to visit an openly BBer.  And I don't have a friend with an STI, or any idea who Aspen is.

Offline GreyDave

 :scare: :scare:

Just a thought... some of us that can remember punting in the 70s and 80`s pre Aids BB was on offer in Soho walk ups as an free choice with some of the girls who were working then... I am sure HP and others will confirm 

Offline Tafffie

All the understandable outrage. But context is everything

There are many "what porn queen would you punt" type threads here, even though they all bb, many take bare cock up their shitters, many take loads of man fat up there too. All very dangerous, particularly when the porn dude has probably made a few similar scenes that week with different women.

Do I do bareback? No. Do I punt whores that offer bb? No. Would I punt a porn star?. Hmmm... No, but many here would or have done.


  • Guest
All the understandable outrage. But context is everything

There are many "what porn queen would you punt" type threads here, even though they all bb, many take bare cock up their shitters, many take loads of man fat up there too. All very dangerous, particularly when the porn dude has probably made a few similar scenes that week with different women.

Do I do bareback? No. Do I punt whores that offer bb? No. Would I punt a porn star?. Hmmm... No, but many here would or have done.
I have thought the same thing. Pornstars apparently only fuck other pornstars who've been screened for STIs. However we don't really know that's always the case. In America it's probably written into law but in poorer porn-producing countries like those in Eastern Europe, and in Russia I'm not so sure they're as strict. In any case pornstars are still putting themselves at far greater risk than those who only practice safe sex professionally. There are several well-documented cases of HIV outbreak in America's "porn valley" (San Fernando Valley, CA), impacting several "stars" at a time.

Offline NIK

I have thought the same thing. Pornstars apparently only fuck other pornstars who've been screened for STIs. However we don't really know that's always the case. In America it's probably written into law but in poorer porn-producing countries like those in Eastern Europe, and in Russia I'm not so sure they're as strict. In any case pornstars are still putting themselves at far greater risk than those who only practice safe sex professionally. There are several well-documented cases of HIV outbreak in America's "porn valley" (San Fernando Valley, CA), impacting several "stars" at a time.

This screening malarkey is also a load of bollocks.
Okay they can show you a certificate, but that proves fuck all. They could easily have been infected since, or even faked it by using someone else's certificate for example.

Offline One Eyed Snake

Fuck me, I can't believe some of shite some people write on here. I've been punting 30 yrs , fucked most of Sheffields finest, spent thousands as others will have. I'M CONVINCED ALL THE GIRLS Will offer BB after you become a regular, we all know it so the risk is always there. Like it's been said you've to decide on risk. Point is Don't be fooled there all at it, even in the best parlours.


  • Guest
I'M CONVINCED ALL THE GIRLS Will offer BB after you become a regular.

What convinced you of that then ?  Never had that offered from a regular in 20 years of punting !

Sounds like the voice of experience of the voice of guessing ?

Offline One Eyed Snake

I've had a few over years. If you've been punting 20 yrs find it hard to believe you haven't had it offered. One girl really comes to mind, she was really well known worked from 2 or 3 good parlours she offered it on my 3rd visit, and her reputation was fantastic in Sheffield.Just because it's offered doesn't mean I accepted it.


  • Guest
I've had a few over years. If you've been punting 20 yrs find it hard to believe you haven't had it offered. One girl really comes to mind, she was really well known worked from 2 or 3 good parlours she offered it on my 3rd visit, and her reputation was fantastic in Sheffield.Just because it's offered doesn't mean I accepted it.

I understand that, just personally never been offered to me, maybe the squeaky clean image  :lol: can't speak for anyone else.

Offline Picti

It's a very safe assumption that all or most WGs have BB sex with someone.  Many profile pics depict BB with the disclaimer it was with a partner, anyone who has punted with couples will usually have found that the male partner goes BB, etc.  You hope that they reserve BB sex for each other.

The main issue with a WG offering BB is that she is doing so indiscriminately so a) she has a higher number of punters leaving "deposits", and b) she is more likely to attract punters who BB other receptive WGs .  This obviously increases the overall percentage likelihood of contracting and transmitting STIs.

Condoms do not offer 100% protection against STIs, in fact they don't offer complete protection against pregnancy.  Some STIs like herpes, genital warts, etc can be transmitted even with proper condom use.  Bottom line is that punting carries risks and it's more realistic to minimize rather than avoid risk; much like driving, and I'm sure that most of us do that daily.  I won't meet a WG who offers BB just as I wouldn't drive into a hairpin bend at high speed.

Offline NIK

Fuck me, I can't believe some of shite some people write on here. I've been punting 30 yrs , fucked most of Sheffields finest, spent thousands as others will have. I'M CONVINCED ALL THE GIRLS Will offer BB after you become a regular, we all know it so the risk is always there. Like it's been said you've to decide on risk. Point is Don't be fooled there all at it, even in the best parlours.

That wouldn't take long!  :D

Have to disagree there. I have seen some girls loads of times and not been offered bb.

Offline NIK

I've had a few over years. If you've been punting 20 yrs find it hard to believe you haven't had it offered. One girl really comes to mind, she was really well known worked from 2 or 3 good parlours she offered it on my 3rd visit, and her reputation was fantastic in Sheffield.Just because it's offered doesn't mean I accepted it.

Approximately when would this be? If this is who I think it might be then I can perhaps believe it.
However in my limited experience of her she was vastly overrated. If it's the one I'm thinking she didn't even allow RO.


  • Guest
Approximately when would this be? If this is who I think it might be then I can perhaps believe it.
However in my limited experience of her she was vastly overrated. If it's the one I'm thinking she didn't even allow RO.

Well that's good manners then if she is offering BB up on a plate !

Offline cueball

I've had bb offered in the past and refused it. I'd say it's not the norm though, can't say I've been offered bb with the lasses I've punted with for the last few years, even the regs, which I'm glad about to be honest.

I get better value with a jacket on anyway, all my civvie podging was done bb and I could never last long  :dash:

Offline Roth

Fuck me, I can't believe some of shite some people write on here. I've been punting 30 yrs , fucked most of Sheffields finest, spent thousands as others will have. I'M CONVINCED ALL THE GIRLS Will offer BB after you become a regular, we all know it so the risk is always there. Like it's been said you've to decide on risk. Point is Don't be fooled there all at it, even in the best parlours.

Sounds bollocks to me.  :dash: 30 years of punting including Sheffs finest? Yet only 5 cunting reviews?  :unknown:
« Last Edit: February 12, 2016, 05:33:35 pm by Roth »

Offline EnglishRebecca121

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definatly not the norm mr snake....
Banned reason: Ex sex worker with zero useful contribution to make
Banned by: Head1


  • Guest
What convinced you of that then ?  Never had that offered from a regular in 20 years of punting !

Sounds like the voice of experience of the voice of guessing ?

Ditto never had the offer of bareback in uk and only a couple of times out of dozens in Thailand.

Offline The_Don

Despite the predictable howls of outrage the op is in fact correct.
Everyone screams 'I would never punt with a girl who does bb.'  :angelgirl:
My question would be quite simply, how do you know?
Has no prossy ever done bb ever in her life? Maybe so?  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Or maybe everyone is living in a fantasy world.


Offline Nagilum

I've had a few over years. If you've been punting 20 yrs find it hard to believe you haven't had it offered. One girl really comes to mind, she was really well known worked from 2 or 3 good parlours she offered it on my 3rd visit, and her reputation was fantastic in Sheffield.Just because it's offered doesn't mean I accepted it.

A few hardly equates to the bold assertion of "All" considering how many years and how many girls you have seen.

I disagree good sir.

Offline Nagilum

definatly not the norm mr snake....

Maybe Mr Snake is Charming... Get it, snake charmer... Ah never mind...  :(


  • Guest
Un-fuckin-believable question. With punters like this around we should all be worried.
 :dash: :bomb: :dash: :bomb:
All WGs will tell you that the percentage of punters who want and ask for bareback sex is pretty high. Maybe the risk adds to the thrill for these guys.