Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Valhalla or Retro club greedy girls party? Tuesday 17/11  (Read 1694 times)

Offline tigerbeats

In the area Tuesday and got my eye on either of these places during the early afternoon:

Both running a greedy girl party at the same time, and I'll be equidistant to both venues!

Retro is well reviewed and seems popular ,  £50 entry with 'Tantalising Tessa'
External Link/Members Only

Valhalla is newer and no reviews on here, £30 entry with 'Angel'
External Link/Members Only
External Link/Members Only

Either way I've never been to a greedy girl party and was wondering if any recommendations?

Offline Teessider

I'd try Angel at Valhalla - she looks muckier than Tessa.

Went to Valhalla once when GGP had a party there - don't know what a private party with Angel would be like.

Alternatively try TLC in Birmingham with 2 or 3 girls.

Let us all know.  :rolleyes:


  • Guest
Cheers for the heads-up on that new place Valhalla...seems like whoever is running it has their head screwed on...the interior looks good, there look to be some interesting varied events on there and some very sensible pricing...even some free entry events!  :thumbsup:

Sounds like no limit on ratios and no silly ID rules for anyone that looks older than 25, so I guess it should attract plenty of partygoers for a good atmosphere.  :unknown:
« Last Edit: November 17, 2015, 12:47:36 pm by vt »

Offline Demistify

I'd have gone for R3tro. At least there's a pic so you know Tessa isn't the size of a house, hopefully.

Offline davidgood

I'd have gone for R3tro. At least there's a pic so you know Tessa isn't the size of a house, hopefully.
Eric, if you clicked on the link for Intimate Control you would see a pic of Angela and some other girls.

I never got to the Valhalla when Debbie was using it. I am interested to see they are now running daytime parties, but they seem to just be Angela and possibly 1 or 2 others. But as they are not mentioned by name it makes me wonder if for £35 you would only get Angela and find it was a right scrum.

I would be very interested to see reviews or even just a post of anybody's experiences of these Valhalla parties.



Offline maleflirt

Just seen the post, wondered which one you chose and how was it, ive been thinking of trying the Thurs one at the Valhalla club so would be interested in what you thought................. ?


  • Guest
Hi guys first post. I've been to a greedy girls when it was at the private Manor House outside of Stourbridge. Debbie ran it and it was a great day! The bukkae followed by the gb which included another two couple that were there for a good time. I'd recommend the parties but never been to Valhalla.