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Author Topic: Lingam Massage near Maidenhead/Reading  (Read 4064 times)

Offline CalvinJWest

Hi all,

I'm new to the scene (hello) and was looking for either an independant woman or massage parlor that offers a good Lingam massage. Ideally within 45 mins of Reading or Maidenhead. Preferably under 40 and fairly pretty. Don't mind if she's not a stunner, more fussed about her skills. If anyone has any advice, would be much appreciated.

I'm probably going to try Relax in Reading for my first punt as I've been told they offer extras in there but doubt it's Lingam.

Offline ForrestGump

Hi all,

I'm new to the scene (hello) and was looking for either an independant woman or massage parlor that offers a good Lingam massage. Ideally within 45 mins of Reading or Maidenhead. Preferably under 40 and fairly pretty. Don't mind if she's not a stunner, more fussed about her skills. If anyone has any advice, would be much appreciated.

I'm probably going to try Relax in Reading for my first punt as I've been told they offer extras in there but doubt it's Lingam.


Your post implies you've been looking. Is that right? If so which sites have you been searching and what possible options have you found so far?

Your answers to the above questions will help save others from duplicating effort you've already invested in this search.  :thumbsup:

Offline CalvinJWest

I've seen External Link/Members Only but she is over 50, charges £150 for an hour (which for my first time is too steep for me) and doesn't have many reviews on here.

I've also seen External Link/Members Only that kinda takes my fancy but doesn't mention anything about Lingam (I should call and ask) and is a bit far away.

That's it really.

Offline ForrestGump

OK. So you know about adultwork (aw) which is a good resource for finding service providers. I don't know how you've been searching there but I just did a member search filtering on just female escorts who have "tantric" among their list of "enjoys" and they've logged in to aw within the last 2 weeks and are with 20 miles of the SL6 area and charge between 30 and 120 p/h. That query threw up 241 possible service providers. However I doubt very much that many/most of those in the results can actually deliver that service competently. But that's the nature of the aw beast unfortunately. However among the results there's probably a few worth looking at. This one in particular has good feedback and may be able to deliver what you're looking for: External Link/Members Only She's younger and less expensive than caroline100, too. She's also previously been reviewed favourably by another ukp member (here: which is a plus.  :thumbsup:

Not sure about the abbinaturistmassage option tbh. She's worth checking out but it's not clear what her service is, so you'd need to get her to explain exactly what she does and whether it's the kind of service you're seeking.

Offline CalvinJWest

Well this is just showing my newbie side as I didn't realise there was a Tantric option in the like list. I've just been liking massage and it's been throwing up everyone. She looks great to be fair so will probably give her a try.

Thank you for the help! If you come across any others then feel free to suggest.

Offline ForrestGump

Great! Glad to be of help.

The other thing to do to get more leads is to search this site using the keyword "tantric" in case you haven't already done that. Lots of results came up when I just did that, and there'll be some worth following up on. You'll also find some good intel on the topic from other punters interested in tantric/lingam massage.

Have you also given consideration to the possibility of punting in and around Paddington? If you could do that it would throw up even more possibilities.