Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Avoid the WGs if in Oxford  (Read 1323 times)

Offline theox123

Typical Romainans providing and absulte shit service and think they can keep getting away with it. Stay well clear, I really cannot trust the AW reviews anymore utter BS!
Banned reason: Rule 27 - Contributed FA in 5 years
Banned by: Ali Katt

Offline CardiffCentral

I'd personally never see a pimped girl, and I thought that was the general consensus here.  I certainly wouldn't be arguing with her pimp for a refund.  It's a gang for f*cks sake.  You're dealing with a gang and expect fair treatment?  No. 

As has been mentioned, if it's a B&S, walk. At the very least talk to her, sort out what's on offer and then hand over the money.  Those few moments should be enough for you to see if she's full of sh*t.

Offline Lewis

I saw the girl mentioned in that thread at the weekend. I'd like to clear up something. Cinthyaa was absolutely fantastic. It was her friend that was useless, not her. It makes a pleasant change to find a decent Romanian WG for a change. So lets not tar all WGs with the same brush. Granted, I've done it before though.

I used to see a Romanian WG in Swindon (Consula) and she was great before she started dating one of her clients and all of a sudden she changed for the worst. Sarah in Oxford was another decent punt but moves around a lot and hasn't been back to Oxford since the recent raids.