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Author Topic: Cannot send a pm or view post history anymore?  (Read 12245 times)

Offline Head1

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Many of you will have found that you cannot send a pm anymore or read a person's post history.
It's not a site error because the criteria for having these privileges have changed.

Before, you needed to reach "X" amount of contribution to the site. It was all about numbers, not about time. This was a flawed idea, unfair to the new members and gave privilege to members who had contributed well but not recently.

Now the pm and ph have different criteria to be gained. Both of which are easily manageable and will lead to a much better and more informative site which benefits us all.

Offline JoeyRamone

Can I ask what that criteria is?

Offline daviemac

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Offline JoeyRamone

Offline daviemac

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Ok, what's the new criteria?
That isn't made public I'm afraid, but never be frightened to ask a question.   :hi:

Offline LLPunting

That isn't made public I'm afraid, but never be frightened to ask a question.   :hi:

Oh DM...
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Offline JoeyRamone

So how is it easily manageable if we don't know how to manage it?

Offline daviemac

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So how is it easily manageable if we don't know how to manage it?
So what you are asking is how many fake reviews or pointless posts do you have to make in order to get PM privlidges.   :unknown:

Offline Abdhal

Totally agree with this. :thumbsup:
A forum should be kept open in forum.

Offline JoeyRamone

So what you are asking is how many fake reviews or pointless posts do you have to make in order to get PM privlidges.   :unknown:

What a strange thing to say. First, we wouldn’t know if we need to post reviews of increase post count to gain PM ability because we haven’t been told what the criteria is. Second, all my reviews have been genuine, so I don’t see why I would start posting fake ones. Not sure why it’s all gone a bit cloak and dagger, but seems there’s nothing that can be done about it  :unknown:  Shame really, I always thought the whole point of this forum was for like minded users to help each other out

Offline daviemac

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What a strange thing to say. First, we wouldn’t know if we need to post reviews of increase post count to gain PM ability because we haven’t been told what the criteria is. Second, all my reviews have been genuine, so I don’t see why I would start posting fake ones. Not sure why it’s all gone a bit cloak and dagger, but seems there’s nothing that can be done about it  :unknown:  Shame really, I always thought the whole point of this forum was for like minded users to help each other out
You have been here long enough to remember when OldAdmin made the rule that members had to make regular posts in order to keep their membership, it was a disaster, people were posting any old rubbish so the rule didn't last long.

You are misunderstanding the word manageable, the criteria isn't meant as something a member has to manage but something that a member can easily manage to achieve if they use the site as it's meant to be used and for that they don't need to have a 'target' number of posts or reviews.

On your second point the the forum is here to help like minded users, so perhaps you can explain how that can be achieved if information is shared privately between only two people as against posted on the open forum to benefit all members.   :unknown:

« Last Edit: August 13, 2022, 07:50:35 am by daviemac »

Offline JoeyRamone

A good example is reading an old review someone made, I wanted to ask a specific question about the WG. I made a reply but because the review was a couple years old, the reply has to go to approval, which it hasn’t been. And I can’t message the reviewer privately with the same question. Equally, I can’t message any admin or mods should I have a concern either.

Offline LLPunting

A good example is reading an old review someone made, I wanted to ask a specific question about the WG. I made a reply but because the review was a couple years old, the reply has to go to approval, which it hasn’t been. And I can’t message the reviewer privately with the same question. Equally, I can’t message any admin or mods should I have a concern either.

Alot can change for an SP in 6 months let alone 2 years.  What questino would you ask of a punter 2 years after the fact that you couldn't ask in the open forum or to the SP directly?

Offline daviemac

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A good example is reading an old review someone made, I wanted to ask a specific question about the WG. I made a reply but because the review was a couple years old, the reply has to go to approval, which it hasn’t been. And I can’t message the reviewer privately with the same question. Equally, I can’t message any admin or mods should I have a concern either.
Do you really think that the reviewer would be able to answer your question about an escort he saw years ago.

To contact admin or mods report a post and put your concerns in the text box.

It is what it is as far as PM privileges is concerned, you moaning about it is not going to change anything.

Offline JoeyRamone

Alot can change for an SP in 6 months let alone 2 years.  What questino would you ask of a punter 2 years after the fact that you couldn't ask in the open forum or to the SP directly?

I did ask it in the open forum, well at least I tried to - my post was never approved because the thread was more than 6 months old (or whatever the cut off time period was), hence why I wanted to message the punter directly
« Last Edit: August 16, 2022, 04:42:20 pm by JoeyRamone »

Offline JoeyRamone

Do you really think that the reviewer would be able to answer your question about an escort he saw years ago.

To contact admin or mods report a post and put your concerns in the text box.

It is what it is as far as PM privileges is concerned, you moaning about it is not going to change anything.

He may well have done. If you asked me a question about someone I'd seen previously, I could probably give you the answer.

I didn't say anything about reporting a post. I said about sending a PM to admin or a mod.

I'm sure it is (what it is), and I understand that it's not going to change just because myself or a few others might not like or agree with it. And that's fine. But I'm not moaning: we're having a discussion about something. All I did was ask what the criteria is  :unknown:

Offline daviemac

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I didn't say anything about reporting a post. I said about sending a PM to admin or a mod.
FFS, if you have any concerns then report the post, or post something and report that, once you have done that your post report complete with whatever you have written in the text box goes into the post report log, from there the mods, admin and Head1 read it and can respond as necessary.

You don't need to PM anybody, reporting a post has the same effect.

Are you really expecting us to believe that nothing will have changed with External Link/Members Only between when you saw her and now.   :unknown:

To put it in simple terms, if you have a query start a thread with the title "Question" type I have a question in the text and post it. Report the post and put whatever the question is in the text box that comes up (that only mods and admin can see) and it will be dealt with.   It isn't difficult.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2022, 04:57:31 pm by daviemac »

Offline 90125

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Let’s make this really simple for Joey.

1. If you have an urgent matter to bring to the attention of the Site Owner, use the Contact link at the bottom of the page.

2. If you make regular Reviews you will be able to initiate PM’s.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2022, 05:14:31 pm by 90125 »

Offline JoeyRamone

To put it in simple terms, if you have a query start a thread with the title "Question" type I have a question in the text and post it. Report the post and put whatever the question is in the text box that comes up (that only mods and admin can see) and it will be dealt with.   It isn't difficult.

I mean call me crazy, but starting a thread, then reporting that thread, then writing your question in the report seems more difficult than just sending a PM  :unknown:

Let’s make this really simple for Joey.

1. If you have an urgent matter to bring to the attention of the Site Owner, use the Contact link at the bottom of the page.

2. If you make regular Reviews you will be able to initiate PM’s.

Thank you for the reply. I am unable to use the Contact link at the bottom unfortunately (see picture)

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline LLPunting

I did ask it in the open forum, well at least I tried to - my post was never approved because the thread was more than 6 months old (or whatever the cut off time period was), hence why I wanted to message the punter directly

So you could post a new thread, add a link to the old thread for context, and ask your question in the open.

Offline daviemac

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I mean call me crazy, but starting a thread, then reporting that thread, then writing your question in the report seems more difficult than just sending a PM  :unknown:
I've told you how to contact admin or the mods, continually throwing up obstacles will only get you banned.

You only need to start a new thread if your question isn't about anything currently posted otherwise report the post you are questioning.

8 times you've posted on this thread about the lack of PM facilities yet you're moaning because you need to make 1 post and 1report to contact admin.    :wacko:

Offline JoeyRamone

With all due respect Dave, I haven’t thrown up any obstacles. I pointed out that a three-step process isn’t as simple as a one-step process, and again I’m not moaning. I’m having a discussion with yourself and the other posters. I didn’t think it needed to come to threats of bans because you don’t want to talk about it anymore. I agreed with you and accepted (I think twice?) that whatever I say isn’t going to change it, all I did was ask what the criteria is. 

Offline daviemac

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With all due respect Dave, I haven’t thrown up any obstacles. I pointed out that a three-step process isn’t as simple as a one-step process, and again I’m not moaning. I’m having a discussion with yourself and the other posters. I didn’t think it needed to come to threats of bans because you don’t want to talk about it anymore. I agreed with you and accepted (I think twice?) that whatever I say isn’t going to change it, all I did was ask what the criteria is.
There is nothing to discuss so it isn't a discussion, it is a moderator telling you the situation regarding PMs and how to overcome the concerns you have about contacting admin.

Pointing out what is or isn't a simple step is you throwing up obstacles and it isn't a case of me not wanting to talk about it, it's a case of me being sick of repeating myself and you not taking notice.

Might pay you to reread the rules '32 Not heeding mods/admins warnings will result in a ban.' I warned you that continuing this would lead to a ban yet you still didn't accept it and replied yet again. Perhaps a weeks break will convince you.

Offline shagmore

Whats this all about, have been a regular on here for ages, and have posted & reviewed many a WG, then go to send a PM to someone and it comes back with

"Your account can only reply to messages recieved from other members, you cannot send messages to other members that have not contacted you before."

How does that work, if they can not send messages either

Maybe some clarification would help....

Offline shagmore

Well thats as clear as mud.
I thought an open forum was an open forum, not closed or beholding to criteria.
I could understand if I had not posts, or no reviews.
Absolutely non sensical

Offline shagmore

Well thats interesting, my last post has been taken down.
The one about having to meet certain criteria to be able to contact people in PM
No doubt this one will not last long either as it will upset someone

Offline Payyourwaymate

Well thats interesting, my last post has been taken down.
The one about having to meet certain criteria to be able to contact people in PM
No doubt this one will not last long either as it will upset someone

This one?

Well thats as clear as mud.
I thought an open forum was an open forum, not closed or beholding to criteria.
I could understand if I had not posts, or no reviews.
Absolutely non sensical

Unless someone reported you your post should still be up. Maybe it got moved to the appropriate thread.

Offline contentguy

Offline shagmore

Offline 90125

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It didn’t touch a nerve  :wacko: Starting a new thread when there is one already there just clutters the forum.

Offline LLPunting

Well thats as clear as mud.
I thought an open forum was an open forum, not closed or beholding to criteria.
I could understand if I had not posts, or no reviews.
Absolutely non sensical

Some accounts may've been mistakenly restricted, contact management if you feel hard done by.

An open forum exchanges relevant information for all to see.  The privilege of the PM facility isn't here to be abused by those who haven't proven their sincerity for the cause or have withdrawn from contributing to keep things between themselves or to try and circumvent rules on 1-1 channels.

Offline daviemac

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Well thats as clear as mud.
I thought an open forum was an open forum, not closed or beholding to criteria.
I could understand if I had not posts, or no reviews.
Absolutely non sensical
This is an open forum, 'open forum' being the operative words, it isn't a closed messaging service where members share information privately.

Offline akauya

Many of you will have found that you cannot send a pm anymore or read a person's post history.
It's not a site error because the criteria for having these privileges have changed.

Before, you needed to reach "X" amount of contribution to the site. It was all about numbers, not about time. This was a flawed idea, unfair to the new members and gave privilege to members who had contributed well but not recently.

Now the pm and ph have different criteria to be gained. Both of which are easily manageable and will lead to a much better and more informative site which benefits us all.

I noticed that and it's perfectly understandable to me.

What I'm more concerned is why some of my reviews have disappeared. I certainly had close to 100/more? (iirc) or so reviews.

I have been away from the forum for a while; certainly not been around during the pandemic/lockdowns, etc. So if there was a rule to delete reviews I must have missed it.


Offline daviemac

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I noticed that and it's perfectly understandable to me.

What I'm more concerned is why some of my reviews have disappeared. I certainly had close to 100/more? (iirc) or so reviews.

I have been away from the forum for a while; certainly not been around during the pandemic/lockdowns, etc. So if there was a rule to delete reviews I must have missed it.

Your first review was on June 25, 2013 do you mean there were others before that?   :unknown:

Offline akauya

Your first review was on June 25, 2013 do you mean there were others before that?   :unknown:

No, it seems some reviews were deleted randomly.

For example, I wanted to look at reviews of great punts I had say "Michelle Independent" or "Madlin Moon", etc. and I noticed they are not in my list of reviews anymore. There were loads other SPs whose names I can't remember which have gone.

No,  matter. I was just wondering why they disappeared.

Offline contentguy

No, it seems some reviews were deleted randomly.

For example, I wanted to look at reviews of great punts I had say "Michelle Independent" or "Madlin Moon", etc. and I noticed they are not in my list of reviews anymore. There were loads other SPs whose names I can't remember which have gone.

No,  matter. I was just wondering why they disappeared.

Just to add to that list.

I was recently searching for Britbabesophie, it seems her reviews and related posts were removed.

Online kuck

No, it seems some reviews were deleted randomly.

For example, I wanted to look at reviews of great punts I had say "Michelle Independent" or "Madlin Moon", etc. and I noticed they are not in my list of reviews anymore. There were loads other SPs whose names I can't remember which have gone.

No,  matter. I was just wondering why they disappeared.

Just to add to that list.

I was recently searching for Britbabesophie, it seems her reviews and related posts were removed.

I think some old reviews were lost because of a bad hard drive e.g. look at the last review here - MadlinMoonXXX;id=739

And Britbabesophie;id=3546

I think this only happened once, for some reviews c. 9 years ago

Offline Keema

There's certainly quite a few of my pre-2015 reviews that have disappeared, I assumed it was due to some sort of data loss. 

There is one thing though with an algorithm/ policy that bases pm rights on the number of reviews if that's how it works.  There's a common view amongst some contributors that don't want to read samey type reviews as they see it as just repeating previous reviews. For those with regular SPs, I could understand no-one wants to see weekly reports, but there’s a danger that unless you're punting widely across your patch that reviews aren't going to be made.

Offline LLPunting

There's certainly quite a few of my pre-2015 reviews that have disappeared, I assumed it was due to some sort of data loss. 

There is one thing though with an algorithm/ policy that bases pm rights on the number of reviews if that's how it works.  There's a common view amongst some contributors that don't want to read samey type reviews as they see it as just repeating previous reviews. For those with regular SPs, I could understand no-one wants to see weekly reports, but there’s a danger that unless you're punting widely across your patch that reviews aren't going to be made.

A common view amongst some readers?  How many do you claim to speak for?  And why should they as External Link/Members Only dictate what other readers don't get to see and benefit from?

If a reader is only punting regulars or rarely anyone new then why do they need a privilege that serves no purpose as they've no reason to be PMing privately about SPs?

Online scutty brown

I think some old reviews were lost because of a bad hard drive e.g. look at the last review here - MadlinMoonXXX;id=739

And Britbabesophie;id=3546

I think this only happened once, for some reviews c. 9 years ago

As far as I could make out, some old reviews were lost when OldAdmin made a mistake tidying the database prior to a server move. It seemed to date back to the time he dumped all the old photos to free up space.
I asked him about it on UKE (he'd already abandoned this site, but briefly returned there) and he vehemently denied it. One thing's certain - they went AWOL during his watch

Offline Keema

My apologies for the misunderstanding - I'm not at all claiming to be some sort of representative at all in fact the opposite, as I've been slammed down for posting a review that was too similar to a previous one.   

« Last Edit: September 03, 2022, 03:52:18 pm by Keema »

Offline akauya

I think some old reviews were lost because of a bad hard drive [...]

I think this only happened once, for some reviews c. 9 years ago

As far as I could make out, some old reviews were lost when OldAdmin made a mistake tidying the database prior to a server move. It seemed to date back to the time he dumped all the old photos to free up space.
I asked him about it on UKE (he'd already abandoned this site, but briefly returned there) and he vehemently denied it. One thing's certain - they went AWOL during his watch

Thank you gents. Yes, now I remember there was a kerfuffle when OldAdmin was moving servers.

That explains the loss of some of my reviews.


Offline JD1

You may already be aware but it looks like some of the rules don’t work exactly as intended. I have a restriction which says I can only message 1 person every 12 hours. However, in practise what actually happened is that it allowed me to message 2 people but then after that blocked me from sending any further messages to either.

Offline workinallweek

 So i have had some punts since mt last review on here  a mere 4 months ago and all three were people i had seen within 6 months so i cant leave a review can i ?

 I did message someone re a 5 girl they had reviewed as i knew two of them and asked the opinion on who to add as a third ?

  i did message a service provider to ask for her imformation ?

 could i know what i did wrong to have been restricted from messaging ?
Banned reason: Offering glowing positive reviews for free bookings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline lewisjones23

So i have had some punts since mt last review on here  a mere 4 months ago and all three were people i had seen within 6 months so i cant leave a review can i ?

 I did message someone re a 5 girl they had reviewed as i knew two of them and asked the opinion on who to add as a third ?

  i did message a service provider to ask for her imformation ?

 could i know what i did wrong to have been restricted from messaging ?

I don’t think the messaging criteria is published anywhere as people would just adhere to that to get around the restrictions

Offline Doormatt

Your account can only reply to messages recieved from other members, you cannot send messages to other members that have not contacted you before.

tried to contact mods , but can't .error message due to above title.
Please explain. Surely site is about exchanging info and occasionally need to go off public view and discuss with an individual.
Mods , please review.

Offline Steve2

Your account can only reply to messages recieved from other members, you cannot send messages to other members that have not contacted you before.

tried to contact mods , but can't .error message due to above title.
Please explain. Surely site is about exchanging info and occasionally need to go off public view and discuss with an individual.
Mods , please review.

Go to the foot of any page and click "contact".

Offline contentguy

Go to the foot of any page and click "contact".

That doesn’t work if he doesn’t have DM access as detailed in the thread shared above.
OP, to raise the issue with mods (I suggest you read the above before doing so). Report your OP and explain your issue in the report  :hi: