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Author Topic: How many in one day?  (Read 4340 times)

Offline Cuntminion

Respect. Some of you guys really are super-studs!

I only manage once every other day at the most and only pop once in a meet. Is it an age thing? I'm mid-fifties. Last Tuesday, however, the orgasm count was  into double figures, although only one was mine!

No I'm 28 and have the sex drive of Kermit the frog

2 punts a month, one pop a punt , no wanking

I could probably do more if it was free but it's not so

Quality not quantity pops

Offline howrude

I did two in one day once. It was unplanned. I had one at the spare of the moment. A few hours later I was horny again and went for another. I'm not sure if I'd be able to do it nowadays.

Offline GreyDave

 :( :( :( Those were the days  :( :( :(

When in my 20-30`s did several 6 girl 6 pop days and enjoyed it all walk-ups now in my mi 50`s I try day trips with that intention and find I pop one out wait a while try to go and then give up /fail to launch the chaps , have a pint and maybe actually get pop 2 in girl 3 or 4 in soho at 20 plus tips its not to difficult to do a record day but I know those days are well behind me now ;) My mate Steve has done a few big punting trips and leaves me in awe of the numbers you can do at the ffk clubs, I can stick the little fella in at parties but to most girls the cum shot is the job done sign :wacko: :wacko: and when it is taking them an age they moan...  at a swingers do I chatted to a guy with ball problems (he said he enjoyed the fuck but could not cum :() I saw several girls go at him to prove they could pop him to no avail I wonder what that must be like bloody dissapointing I reckon

Offline the_exile

Two, though that has sometimes been because the first was rubbish! But yes sometimes I just felt horny and wanted more.

Ive been back to see the same girl again too, once going back for a third time with a woman I knew in Soho - only managed that once, though.

Offline Mr Br1ghts1de

I had full sex or oral with 8 different girls at an 11 hour party at Anni Porsche, Berlin earlier this year.

Other than parties though, I generally only see 1, max 2 girls a week and usually with a minimum of 3 days gap.

Offline frankc

I do 2 punts a week normally, but at least once a month I do 2 girls on the same day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, always try for something different , blonde follows a brunette then onto a redhead,followed by a Thai ......most I've done is 3 WG the same day, but regularly do 2 WG a day followed by the wife at night.

Offline denneboom

I have had three punts in a night, all in parlours in Birmingham although on the second one I didn't pop.

First one about 11pm, last one at 5pm and a few beers in between.

Cornish sub

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I've had 2 in a day but not intentionally. Basically, phoned Plan A early in the day, asking if I could see her that evening (I'd seen her 4 or 5 times before). She said I could if she wasn't too tired and that she'd text me later to let me know. Well I'd heard nothing by 8pm-ish so assumed she wasn't going to text now. With balls still aching, phoned Plan B (who I'd never met before) and she said I could see her. Anyway, had my meeting with her (very enjoyable one too), showered and headed for home. Well fuck me if on the drive home I get a text from Plan A saying I could go round. By now it was around 11pm and all I really wanted to do was go home, but not wanting to risk her not seeing me again if I said no, I said ok, drove to a cashpoint and went round. As I'm usually a 1 cum bloke I thought my money would be wasted, but she was so sexy she got me off no problem. No point anyone asking for links to either of them cos they're both long retired.

Offline PatrickCarnes

6 different ones in a day when I was younger, in about 10 hours.


  • Guest
Much admiration for some of you posters. I've entered my sixties, but just a few weeks ago I managed a visit to an FKK, admittedly a fourteen hour 'shift' from about one in the afternoon until three the next day and went to the room and popped with four different girls and for a total of about nine hours. I actually impressed myself. Sadly, my most recent effort was the complete opposite! I am not deterred and I am planning a week long 'road trip' around NRW. In trips to Thailand it's not uncommon for me to have one for breakfast as a farewell to an LT, the an afternoon one down Soi 6 and then again in the evening with the next LT and I don't consider that to be remarkable although I add that I couldn't do it for the whole of a two or three week holiday. I invariably have a whole day off every now and then.


  • Guest
Never thought to ever have more than one punt in a day, the only time it ever happened is when I couldn't get hold of plan A so went with plan B. As I left plan A plan B phoned me & said I could go straight around.

After the second punt I regretted it because plan B was actually much better

Offline purple_t

I don't think I could afford more than one in a day :cry: :cry:

Offline rthunderbird

Most I've had is two (in a threesome) and as incredibly fun as threesome's are I dunno if I could be arsed with spending an hour with a girl and then another hour with a different one and rinse and repeat. If I've had a great session with a girl I won't feel the need to punt for at least a week or two.


  • Guest
Done 3 in same day on 2 separate occasions.
Although 2 were massage and HE.


  • Guest
Most is two in one day: first punt set-up and done in the morning, still felt horny later in the afternoon so sorted out a quick EE punt.

Wished I'd've saved the second punt cash for another day really, it wasn't anywhere near as enjoyable as the first.

Offline nike

4 different girls last may whilst on holiday.

I have cum 17 times in 24 hours when I was a twenty something.  my girlfriend caught me wanking and I stupidly told her that no matter how much sex I had,  I still had the urge to wank. She set about proving me wrong, what a delightful 24 hours. 

« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 10:01:41 pm by nike »

Online dizietsmae

Did these 2 yesterday External Link/Members Only and External Link/Members Only

Was fun, basically I saw Bianca for an hour and was still horny, almost extended for another hour but am glad I rang around and saw Katie instead, I reckon I could have done a couple more girls as Levitra (vardenafil) is fucking strong stuff, I was still getting very hard this morning!!! 

Might try and do 3 and then 4 VFM girls sometime, build myself up  :drinks:

Offline tantric talents

Thanks for that
Blimey Katie looks a bit like Rachael Riley in a couple of those pics, but with better tits!
I see she is trimmed. Is that airstrip or full triangle  ;)

Offline YorkshireLad

2 in a day for me.

Had a bad punt with a girl that would only let me cum once, so went and saw another girl later that day. Another time I had a punt with a girl in the morning & went back to see her in the afternoon.

Offline superchamp

Earlier this year in Cologne over three days I did a 3, a 4 and a 2. Not too shabby for an unfit 56 y.o.

Did 2 on the same punt a few years ago. I'd booked a girl for 30 minutes (I usually go one hour) but no matter how hard she tried I couldn't pop before time was up. I offered to pay for another 30 minutes but she was already pre-booked to another punter, so she called in her friend from the next room who took the cash and finished the job.  :dance: