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Author Topic: Nika in Bristol Inna in Bath  (Read 578 times)

Offline staircase

Has anybody lent this woman any money like i have yes £10000 and now she cannot pay it back so beware 

Offline mgkerx

Why on Earth would you lend a Girl £10,000?
Do you know her
Was she blackmailing you?
All seems a bit strange
Just saying...

Offline privatebob

Some people are just a bit special :wacko:

Offline rudolph hucker

You sure your monika isn't 'Headcase'?

Offline Urban_G

How many girls have you *ahem* lent money to? Nika or Inna, or are they the same person? :unknown:

v. lent, lend.
1. to grant the use of something on condition that it or its equivalent will be returned.
2. to give money on condition that it is returned and that interest is paid for its temporary use.

I think the word you're looking for is 'robbed'.

Offline dunbusy

Offline scutty brown


suggest you post a link to her profile(s)