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Author Topic: Sweet Lucy Thai, not so sweet.  (Read 1883 times)

1 review(s) for Sweet Lucy Thai (0 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline nigel4498

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In Winchester last Thursday and looking for a punt and the only thing that came up in my AW search available today was Sweet Lucy Thai.Rang the number at 9.15 a.m and spoke to a woman who sounded older than her stated age and her English was appalling. Had to ask her  to send me a text with the Post Code and address which she did and she told me to ring when I got to the main gates.
There five minutes early and rang, same voice and she tried to give me directions but was becomimg very angry when I could not understand her directions. Now I maybe be getting on but her attitude and the way she spoke to me got my gander up and I almost felt like telling her to stuff it but you know what its like when you are horny so eventually I got the flat number from her and entered the building.
The door was open so I entered, a very dark passage leading to a very dark room. No welcome but she was behind me and pushed me forward to the bedroom.
She is definitely not the girl in the profile pics, much smaller and older though to be honest I could not make out her face.
A very dim red lamp, yes, a red lamp! was on by the bed and a throw covered the bed.
Doubts creeping in now as I am thinking is this a massage and hand job only? Asked if penertative sex was included, "whats that? "she said, and she had trouble pronouncing it as she tried to repeat it. "I fuck you" said I, no reply so I'm thinking is this a ladyboy? "I finger your pussy" No no No! came the reply so that was it, I walked.
Definitely not a sweet experince.
Think she/he tours so beware.


  • Guest
So do you think it was a bait and switch with the switch being a MAN  :scare:

Good job you walked  :music:

Perhaps one of the guys who likes a "strap on" experience may go and check it out  :wacko:

Offline latecomer

Well done for walking!  If all punters walked out, these girls would soon learn and this sort of B&S would stop.

Offline djng6

Latecomer I agree 100%... If we punters walk out more often, the less this will happen in the future