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Author Topic: How much does a popular Adultwork girl earn? - you'd be surprised  (Read 31829 times)

Offline claretandblue

havent read all this as i try to keep away from west8's general nonsense but about £100k i reckon as a guess?


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You said "popular". No way a popular girl doesn't average the equivalent of £600 per week.

All the "popular" girls I see - including regs - are all definitely pulling way more than this  - all but one of them part time between day jobs / studies - and all but one is London based.

All the evidence I need for this is trying to book "popular" girls and having to wait at the very least a few days and sometimes as much as a week to find a slot - and I am very flexible on dates/times when I want to see someone.

And I am not talking about girls like Patinum Cindy or Adele or Little Katie who are so popular they literally can't keep up with demand and are booking weeks or even a month ahead.

So I say again you're in cloud cuckoo land.

If you are talking about the drug addled alcoholics you admit to favouring then I doubt they qualify as popular. At least not by my definition.

Or do you somehow define "popular" differently?

I think we can agree that most if not all the girls I have met could be defined as 'popular' - good AW ratings and reviewed here on UKP.

The longest I ever had to wait was about 24 hours (I think!). I have only ever waited longer / booked in advance after discovering a certain girl would be available locally on a future date.

Moreover, I can't recall an occasion I was ever refused an extension to my booked 1/2/3/whatever hour booking after I had arrived - meaning that the girl clearly wasn't doing back to back bookings. Or, if she was doing back to back, she wasn't busy for the time I required.

Now, we all know a WGs phone can ring incessantly in our presence. What we often don't see is how WGs usually respond to their phone: with disdain. Yes, with disdain.

It's almost like a major inconvenience. Girls have families, they have boyfriends and they have other jobs and/or their studies.

The usual reason for having to wait a week or more is NOT a queue of punters round the block. That is perhaps the most wonderful thing about - and the key to - the success of Adultwork. It is the perfect tool for girls to convince punters they are so popular they are worth waiting for ...

I think that is impressive.

For the record, this opinion is based on ALL of my punts via AW, not on one or two.

Redhead Lover

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I doubt even a full time WG earns more than £500 a week, every single week.


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Well even they earn £50, £100 or £150K per year they spend more and more. There is economy law which says (more/less) when you earn more you spend more. For example - when you earn 100K per year you wouldn't buy a watch worth £500. You would buy much more expensive timepiece. The same story with clothing, cars, properties...

I did feel sorry for WGs telling me they can't survive - in the past. Not anymore - i realized they earn more than Prime Minister.  :hi:

Offline Lilywhite

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I doubt even a full time WG earns more than £500 a week, every single week.

As a part-timer I can tell you this isn't true, unless you're including illness or holiday time off, which of course earnings would be 0.

Offline Bigus Dickus

If you take off the cost of shoes, some girls would be running at a loss!  :crazy:


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they spend more and more.

Exactly. Most for WGs, the outgoings are astronomical.


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As a part-timer I can tell you this isn't true, unless you're including illness or holiday time off, which of course earnings would be 0.

Obviously I don't want to know exact figures Lilly but I assume 1k a week is very possible with a couple of longer bookings and a handful of hour or less bookings. Of course that doesn't even touch on overnight bookings.


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Obviously I don't want to know exact figures Lilly but I assume 1k a week is very possible with a couple of longer bookings and a handful of hour or less bookings. Of course that doesn't even touch on overnight bookings.

I know this question wasn't asked to me but I'll answer it anyway. 1k a week is pretty normal for a full time wg I think. I don't do long bookings or overnights so I cant really comment on that.

Captain Caveman

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Worrying about how much money the girls make is like worrying about the share price of Tesco and Sainsbury's before deciding where to do the weekly shop.

Offline Lilywhite

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Obviously I don't want to know exact figures Lilly but I assume 1k a week is very possible with a couple of longer bookings and a handful of hour or less bookings. Of course that doesn't even touch on overnight bookings.

It's possible definitely, and I think the thing to remember here is that different girls have different targets they hope to hit, whether it be daily, monthly, yearly or a 'total'. It's not something we really discuss so I couldn't speak for everyone.


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I know this question wasn't asked to me but I'll answer it anyway. 1k a week is pretty normal for a full time wg I think. I don't do long bookings or overnights so I cant really comment on that.

1K per week gross is peanuts in London. Not per se, but because of the astronomical costs of being a WG in London.

Offline Lilywhite

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1K per week gross is peanuts in London. Not per se, but because of the astronomical costs of being a WG in London.

I would have to agree, if I was to move to London on my current income I'd need to go full-time to have the same lifestyle I do up here in Scotland.

Offline berksboy

  For what its worth ( not much ) a WG i knew very well was doing over  3G a week more then 10 years ago .Or at 48 weeks a year over £140,000 PA tax free ! But she did put the hrs / punters in . I am sure there are lots on AW you can earn as much if young - good looking and give the punter a goodtime.


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I would have to agree, if I was to move to London on my current income I'd need to go full-time to have the same lifestyle I do up here in Scotland.

/runs off to book the sleeper train to Inverness.  :rose:


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  For what its worth ( not much ) a WG i knew very well was doing over  3G a week more then 10 years ago .Or at 48 weeks a year over £140,000 PA tax free ! But she did put the hrs / punters in . I am sure there are lots on AW you can earn as much if young - good looking and give the punter a goodtime.

That was before the Polish/Romanian/Moldovan/Hungarian influx. 10 years ago, those nationalities were rarer than unicorn shit.

Offline Lilywhite

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/runs off to book the sleeper train to Inverness.  :rose:

Can you maybe wait a few months for the all-clear on the HIV blood test?  :lol:  ;)


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Can you maybe wait a few months for the all-clear on the HIV blood test?  :lol:  ;)

I wouldn't even entertain him in your position Lilly.


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Can you maybe wait a few months for the all-clear on the HIV blood test?  :lol:  ;)

You assume it was just the once (three times) he has stated. Given he thinks it's her fault and that he's a proven liar, not a wise assumption.

Offline Lilywhite

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Didn't mean to take this off-topic. Was a joke, so back to the earnings.


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Troll #3 just added:

Hidden Image/Members Only

Bye TJ ..  :drinks:

the most childish post ive ever seen on here.

get a grip, who the fucks interested in that  :dash:


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I doubt even a full time WG earns more than £500 a week, every single week.

the post said popular girls, they will earn that in a day, easy


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Can you maybe wait a few months for the all-clear on the HIV blood test? 

That's gotta be another dent snake8's very fragile ego  :sarcastic:


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Can you maybe wait a few months for the all-clear on the HIV blood test?  :lol:  ;)

How did I know that was coming!

Offline berksboy

That was before the Polish/Romanian/Moldovan/Hungarian influx. 10 years ago, those nationalities were rarer than unicorn shit.

       Yes but lots of guys like to see a English girl not that Romanian shit .I look on AW for reading  and very few English girls that are young and fit now days .  :(

Offline OakTree

the post said popular girls, they will earn that in a day, easy

I wouldn't of said easy....possible! and I would imagine that wouldn't be every day they worked.


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       Yes but lots of guys like to see a English girl not that Romanian shit .I look on AW for reading  and very few English girls that are young and fit now days .  :(

Wait, you mean there ever was a time that English girls were fit?

That was a joke ladies ...  :rose:


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How did I know that was coming!

You clearly didn't otherwise you wouldn't have left yourself so open to ridicule  :sarcastic:

Offline Bigus Dickus

Can you maybe wait a few months for the all-clear on the HIV blood test?  :lol:  ;)

 :D Ah not only naughty but quick witted humour!

Shouldn't you be answering your booking request emails instead of doing some stand-up comedy on here?  :music:

Offline superchamp

The current average monthly salary in Romania is 398euros - that's a tad over £300.00 per month. So if an independent Romanian WG is making £40K, £50K, £60K or more a year, no matter how much she spends on cost of living plus shoes and handbags, the amount she's sending home is potentially huge. Take the lowest figure of £40K and that's more than 10 times the average Romanian annual salary. Of course, this isn't the full story because most EE WG's will also have a pimp taking their cut, but for many EE indies they must be setting themselves up very nicely for a very long time when they eventually go home. Other EU average monthly salaries are e.g. Poland £516.00 and Hungary £375.00 so whatever they're making in the UK is partly irrelevant because any EE WG here short term is seeing her income as a comparison to her home salary, not to what you and I earn in the UK. (Average wages courtesy of Wiki so that might all be bollocks  :lol:)
The alternative view of many UKP members no doubt is that all WG's are thick cunts therefore they all go home skint, no matter what they earn.
Can I also add that I personally don't care what they earn either - I've just got fuck all else to do tonight.


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I think we can agree that most if not all the girls I have met could be defined as 'popular' - good AW ratings and reviewed here on UKP.
Nope, absolutely can't agree on that.  You have reviewed a handful of girls here, but seen - according to you ,000s over the years.  Of those you've reviewed here maybe half or slightly more than half I'd define as "popular" - based on the frequency / quality of their mentions here - not just having a decent review or two here.  At least one of the girls you saw has 2 reviews here - both negative.  So I think we can agree your taste leaves something to be desired.

Also at least 2 of the girls you've punted have profiles that no longer seem to be active - so obviously not that popular? Or is that just because the word got out you've seen them?  :sarcastic:

Their AW ratings count for naught as we all know.

The longest I ever had to wait was about 24 hours (I think!). I have only ever waited longer / booked in advance after discovering a certain girl would be available locally on a future date.

You think, or you know? Given your track record it's difficult to be sure what to believe isn't it?

Moreover, I can't recall an occasion I was ever refused an extension to my booked 1/2/3/whatever hour booking after I had arrived - meaning that the girl clearly wasn't doing back to back bookings. Or, if she was doing back to back, she wasn't busy for the time I required.
Who the fuck said anything about back-to-back bookings?  As I said - 4-5 bookings per week is enough to hit £600 per week (based on the average price of the last few WG's you've seen). 

I suggest most "popular" girls make more than this.  But maybe I just see a better class of WG than you - my average ph rate is just over £150ph so not difficult for the ladies I see to hit £1k per week.

Now, we all know a WGs phone can ring incessantly in our presence. What we often don't see is how WGs usually respond to their phone: with disdain. Yes, with disdain.

It's almost like a major inconvenience. Girls have families, they have boyfriends and they have other jobs and/or their studies.

Utter rot as always West - and maybe a sign again of the skanks YOU prefer. No decent WG I've seen has had their phone ringing through the punt.  And how could you possibly generalise about how WGs secretly respond to their phones?   You talk nothing but shite!!!  I have a bunch of WGs exchanging messages and pics on WhatsApp with me all day!  No sign of disdain there.

The usual reason for having to wait a week or more is NOT a queue of punters round the block. That is perhaps the most wonderful thing about - and the key to - the success of Adultwork. It is the perfect tool for girls to convince punters they are so popular they are worth waiting for ...

I think you'll find that few punters here base their estimation of a girl's popularity on AW!!  If you've been fooled, well, more fool you!

For the record, this opinion is based on ALL of my punts via AW, not on one or two.
Errr...well as I understand it you only joined AW last year so you are hardly any more an authority than me are you?  So your opinion is really not worth much more than a hill of beans, any more than mine - neither of us have any cast-iron evidence of WG's income. 

It's just more sound and fury signifying nothing isn't it?


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Exactly. Most for WGs, the outgoings are astronomical.

Err...for most women, the outgoings are astronomical! Don't know too many who don't blow loads of what they earn on clothes, shoes, make up, makeovers, whatever.  Not exclusive to WG's, and as already stated, WGs' can easily earn more than the national average, and genuinely popular ones earn more than double that. 

When I was in my 20's and first started earning a decent wedge I was buying designer suits and expensive cars and ridiculously expensive holidays - because I could.  Nothing wrong with that, it's what we all do.

All of the WG's I see regularly dress well, drive a decent car, many have their own place (either here or back in the home country wherever that may be), some run their own businesses funded by their earnings here.

You just aren't seeing the right WG's obviously. 


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Stop it.. I'm starting to warm to you again Q.

Any decent prossie will be seeing minimum 2 per working day. So would easily earn £1000 in an average week.
Steady now TJ!  :hi:  :drinks:

Offline Lilywhite

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Don't know too many who don't blow loads of what they earn on clothes, shoes, make up, makeovers, whatever.

My biggest outgoing last year was games consoles.  :blush:


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I would have to agree, if I was to move to London on my current income I'd need to go full-time to have the same lifestyle I do up here in Scotland.

But then fans of you, such as me, would not have to wait until early February to see you in London. ;)


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But then fans of you, such as me, would not have to wait until early February to see you in London. ;)

Join the queue Marty!



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Join the queue Marty!


Join the queue? I am already ahead in the queue to see this amazing young lady. I have a booking with her firmly in place.

I am looking forward to break my Scottish virginity in style!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 10:53:40 pm by marty_mcfly »


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Join the queue? I am already ahead in the queue to see this amazing young lady. I have a booking with her firmly in place.

I guarantee you will gave a great punt



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I guarantee you will gave a great punt


I am a Scottish virgin, and my research suggests there's no one better than Lilywhite to break it for me!

Offline Bangers and Gash

I reckon a half decent pro can easily make 100K per year, obviously those earnings could decrease dramatically if she's linked to someone who does bareback, like west8.  :vomit:


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My biggest outgoing last year was games consoles.  :blush:

I haven't seen you, but you just became my favourite.  :hi:

Offline superchamp

My biggest outgoing last year was games consoles.  :blush:

Are they like shoes and handbags? You use them once then buy another.  :cool:


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Are they like shoes and handbags? You use them once then buy another.  :cool:
Well game consoles are not like handbags or shoes - choice is very limited - Playstation or XBox  :wackogirl:
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 11:33:52 pm by Type_O_Negative »


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Err...for most women, the outgoings are astronomical! Don't know too many who don't blow loads of what they earn on clothes, shoes, make up, makeovers, whatever.  Not exclusive to WG's, and as already stated, WGs' can easily earn more than the national average, and genuinely popular ones earn more than double that. 

When I was in my 20's and first started earning a decent wedge I was buying designer suits and expensive cars and ridiculously expensive holidays - because I could.  Nothing wrong with that, it's what we all do.

All of the WG's I see regularly dress well, drive a decent car, many have their own place (either here or back in the home country wherever that may be), some run their own businesses funded by their earnings here.

You just aren't seeing the right WG's obviously.

Hmm my biggest outgoing is school fees! Wish I could go out and buy a bloody designer handbag  :diablo:


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Hmm my biggest outgoing is school fees! Wish I could go out and buy a bloody designer handbag  :diablo:

Then perhaps you should open your legs a bit more often. ?

Offline socks

Hmm my biggest outgoing is school fees! Wish I could go out and buy a bloody designer handbag  :diablo:
Or not be such a snob


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Then perhaps you should open your legs a bit more often. ?

Or I could just choose to send my child to the local state school. But no, I think I'll go without the handbag.


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I remember a few popular young MK parlour girls decamping to a place in Guildford where they could supposedly earn more by charging for extras which the Surrey guys seemed willing to pay, a figure of £700+ a day was mentioned. I think at the time they could pull in £500 in a day at MK after the house cut for 6 hrs worth of bookings in a 9-10 hr working day. Most of them worked 3 days, so £1500 a week, £70k a year allowing for a couple of hols, not bad for a 21yo part-time job!!   :D
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 11:49:15 pm by vt »

Offline Sedlmayer

:cry: I'm hurt. Genuinely.

You're hurt? I'm devastated that he hasn't got me on his "Ignore" list yet.... :cry:
I'm going to have to try much harder, aren't I?


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Or not be such a snob
I don't have kids, but if I did I would go private in a heartbeat - but then I can afford to.  Anyone who could afford to privately educate their kids and chooses not to is an inverse snob.

Nothing "snobbish" about giving your kids the best possible chance of a decent education.  State education in this country is woefully underfunded with unmanageable class sizes and your child is nothing more than a number to get through the system.  I personally did not enjoy one minute of my time in the state system and would not inflict it on any kid if I could avoid it.  Sure that was a long time ago but I have close friends who are primary and secondary teachers and despite being passionate about education they are incredibly disillusioned and frustrated in their jobs because they just don't have the time / resources to get the job done properly. 

Sure it would be nice if we could have good quality state schools, but as a nation we're just not interested in doing what it would take to make that happen (ie paying more taxes!!).  So meanwhile, back in reality you have to do the best for your kids.  :unknown: