Allure Have not made threatening phone calls or pm's to anyone and would never do so.
I'm out of town at the minute but soon as I'm home later on today, I will send everything I have to admin then he can decide for himself as there is more to this story but I'm not willing to disclose it on a public forum.
For the record we don't have david1970 mobile number, there was no record of a david booking when he posted the review, no does Sj remember a Scotish man at the time the review was put up, I'm not saying the review is untrue I'm saying I have no idea of who he is, guys don't give us their usernames on here when making the booking, so unless I rang and threatened every David in my phone, If that's the name he give when he booked, the phone call had nothing to do from anyone at Allure.
The only time we have ever give a clients number to a girl if the client has been lost if it's Incall or girl been lost if an Outcall, but always asked the client if this would be okay!
That's all I'm commenting on this topic.
Thank you.