Sugar Babies

Author Topic: For north east members only  (Read 7088 times)


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Yes they don't earn much per job in some of the north East agencies that is why so many are indies too as got to see a lot to make the money it don't look good if there was a police investigation and it went to court and they see the girls not getting much per job where as other agencies around the country most earn more per job.
The recent Manchester case was based on coercion of the poor, same thing could apply to the poor, the Manchester pimps looked after the girls well to, but took advantage of their relative poorness according to the judge.


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The recent Manchester case was based on coercion of the poor, same thing could apply to the poor, the Manchester pimps looked after the girls well to, but took advantage of their relative poorness according to the judge.

Yes and that is just one that was reported I know of another well known Manchester agency owner that used to run an agency that had a 3 year court battle, it did not get in the papers and the girls never cleared under £100 for any job usually they got £100 to £120 , they went after her because she was making serious serious money and in the end she ended up handing over every penny she earnt as was a hung jury so she struck a ruined her life and she never discussed services or anything so shows when its your time its your time.

Plus she paid tax and VAT but still that was not good enough they wanted every penny even though she was paying HMRC a lot and they would happily take the money knowing she had an escort agency, but the police do what they want.


  • Guest
The recent Manchester case was based on coercion of the poor, same thing could apply to the poor, the Manchester pimps looked after the girls well to, but took advantage of their relative poorness according to the judge.

People outside of punting would look at girls getting those type of amounts as victims the courts and jury defo would. But its the risk these pimps/agency owners take so they should be prepared.

Offline smiths

They don't all, some of the girls work from there own places and some will have 2 girls working from one place or one girl a day it all depends on the agencies.

IF an Agency provides the WGs premises to work out of even if its just 1 WG per day so different WGs each day its still a brothel of course. The pimp is then running a brothel as well as controlling prostitutes for gain, so if smart and clearly many aren't which is why they are pimps they wouldn't provide the premises. Unlike a parlour/brothel and a party/brothel an Agency can avoid providing the premises by insisting the WGs provides them herself.

Offline smiths

But like I have said many times, and its something that makes me very popular with WGs in the region when I do.

WGs when they turn independent turn greedy, and show they have not one iota of business sense.

They are on the agency for £100. Meanig they get £70 per hour if the guy books them via the agency.

And yet the nut cases go onto AW and ask for £120 per hour. Meaning every punter with even one braincell in his head will book via the agency. Thus meaning the girl gets £100.

If the girl simply went onto AW and asked for £100 too. Many punters would say, I may as well book her direct for the same price. But because they get greedy punters clearly say fudge you I will book you via the agency and let you get £70 and save myself £20 in it too.

Indeed from some punters point of view this is a very good point. From some WGs point of view who have gone so called Indie I assume they get enough punters paying their higher rates or they would have a dusty phone. As to greed well I expect nothing else from a WG once she knows she can get punters at the higher than Agency price.

Offline Cuntminion

If don't mind me asking what do they actually threat via pm and phone?

It's all a bit ludicrous this is still considered a viable method of intimidation as would give them a swift fuck off

Offline AnthG

If don't mind me asking what do they actually threat via pm and phone?

It's all a bit ludicrous this is still considered a viable method of intimidation as would give them a swift fuck off

You say that, but when you are in the actual situation itself it's very scary and knocks you for six.

I have not been threatened over the phone, but have been inside of a booking and it really does hit your confidence for six.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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You say that, but when you are in the actual situation itself it's very scary and knocks you for six.

I have not been threatened over the phone, but have been inside of a booking and it really does hit your confidence for six.
Yes then you tell your forum mates and they say you should have taken a video or photos ! 

How do we know thats not BS anth you never posted photos and videos.

Offline AnthG

Yes then you tell your forum mates and they say you should have taken a video or photos ! 

How do we know thats not BS anth you never posted photos and videos.

Why are you taking such issue on that advice. It was good advice, and even if it was not good advice. It was well meant advice and given because a lot of people have been in one person's word vs the others in these situations.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline Cuntminion

You say that, but when you are in the actual situation itself it's very scary and knocks you for six.

I have not been threatened over the phone, but have been inside of a booking and it really does hit your confidence for six.

Hmmm I had a twitter troll aeons ago they soon fucked off and closed account when I told them the street they lived in  :D

If it happened in punt , fuck em , mutually assured destruction


  • Guest
Why are you taking such issue on that advice. It was good advice, and even if it was not good advice. It was well meant advice and given because a lot of people have been in one person's word vs the others in these situations.
Not taking issue, just you seem to not live by your own standards of proof, I was just questioning you like you did the jock for not taking a photo of his phone 7 months ago.

As you say this knocked it out of you caused you worry, would this not happen to others, taking photo of someone calling you would not pop to the front of most minds.  I for one would be straight back calling to see what they want wiping out the missed call photo op.

Offline AnthG

If someone calls you on your mobile. Even if its a elcheapo phone. You have it stored on your phone that call and showing it was inbound or outbound.

You can take a photo of this screen on your phone showing inbound call happened today at 19:35 from 078xxxxxx.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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If someone calls you on your mobile. Even if its a elcheapo phone. You have it stored on your phone that call and showing it was inbound or outbound.

You can take a photo of this screen on your phone showing inbound call happened today at 19:35 from 078xxxxxx.
Suppose,, i prefer to take a man's word if established as the call could be anything, not necessary for me.

Many posters i would not trust a word from due to past action, next it will be record all calls, it s review and opinion site not a prosecution site.

People will stop saying these thing if this evidence is chased, cannot be bothered with your bothering so the offenders win.

Always wriggle room to get out of shit in court and much so here, just depends who you trust the most and that's not many, to many hidden motives and unfortunately there is more evidence in posts than any photo can ever give in my eyes.

Offline smiths

You say that, but when you are in the actual situation itself it's very scary and knocks you for six.

I have not been threatened over the phone, but have been inside of a booking and it really does hit your confidence for six.

I have been threatened on my punting phone by GP Parties now gone and told to stop running them down or else, I told the caller to go fuck himself, didn't knock my confidence one bit. Being threatened face to face can be a very scary thing as I have NO idea what the other person might be capable of or if they have a weapon.

Offline Cuntminion

I have been threatened on my punting phone by GP Parties now gone and told to stop running them down or else, I told the caller to go fuck himself, didn't knock my confidence one bit. Being threatened face to face can be a very scary thing as I have NO idea what the other person might be capable of or if they have a weapon.

Fair play Smith's good on you for telling to fuck off

Face to face I loose my rag pretty quickly if threatened or intimidated


  • Guest
You should have taken a photograph of your phone screen showing that there had been an incoming call from the agency. I am amazed people do not do this as its pretty strong proof. If someone phoned me up, you bet your bottom dollar I would take a photograph and store it just incase I needed it.

There is rarely any reason for an agency to phone someone, maybe send a text, but never to phone the punter and this would be strong proof.

The other thing to mention though - and this is nether defence, nor nothing else am just saying this. I am sure I have read that Allure give the girls the punters phone numbers for a booking. I think it may have been in response to a negative review toon wrote where this was said about them giving the girls the number of the punter. But I am sure I have read it was said sometime.

So it could have been someone with ties to SJ who done it if true.
Good advice Anthg to keep for the future just in case something happens


  • Guest
I have been threatened on my punting phone by GP Parties now gone and told to stop running them down or else, I told the caller to go fuck himself, didn't knock my confidence one bit. Being threatened face to face can be a very scary thing as I have NO idea what the other person might be capable of or if they have a weapon.
Theirs 2 human traits their called flight or fight when confronted in a face to face situation when you think you could be seriously harmed , a high % of people do the first one, only a low  percent do the second one, so I would imagine it would destroy your confidence in a punt situation

Offline @Allure

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Allure Have not made threatening phone calls or pm's to anyone and would never do so.
I'm out of town at the minute but soon as I'm home later on today,  I will send everything I have to admin then he can decide for himself as there is more to this story but I'm not willing to disclose it on a public forum.
For the record we don't have david1970 mobile number, there was no record of a david booking when he posted the review, no does Sj remember a Scotish man at the time the review was put up, I'm not saying the review is untrue I'm saying I have no idea of who he is, guys don't give us their usernames on here when making the booking, so unless I rang and threatened every David in my phone, If that's the name he give when he booked, the phone call had nothing to do from anyone at Allure.
The only time we have ever give a clients number to a girl if the client has been lost if it's Incall or girl been lost if an Outcall, but always asked the client if this would be okay!
That's all I'm commenting on this topic.
Thank you.
Banned reason: has new account
Banned by: Head1


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Allure Have not made threatening phone calls or pm's to anyone and would never do so.
I'm out of town at the minute but soon as I'm home later on today,  I will send everything I have to admin then he can decide for himself as there is more to this story but I'm not willing to disclose it on a public forum.
For the record we don't have david1970 mobile number, there was no record of a david booking when he posted the review, no does Sj remember a Scotish man at the time the review was put up, I'm not saying the review is untrue I'm saying I have no idea of who he is, guys don't give us their usernames on here when making the booking, so unless I rang and threatened every David in my phone, If that's the name he give when he booked, the phone call had nothing to do from anyone at Allure.
The only time we have ever give a clients number to a girl if the client has been lost if it's Incall or girl been lost if an Outcall, but always asked the client if this would be okay!
That's all I'm commenting on this topic.
Thank you.

Some punters when they book wont give you there details from here or even want you to know anything to do with them even after they have done a review so you wont know who they are, I know its unusual for the north east not to know every booking and review so they match with your telephone numbers and name but some punters will be discreet. Also I don't think we know he has a Scottish accent just because he has punted in the area might not be from there just like I don't have a Newcastle accent.


  • Guest
Some punters when they book wont give you there details from here or even want you to know anything to do with them even after they have done a review so you wont know who they are, I know its unusual for the north east not to know every booking and review so they match with your telephone numbers and name but some punters will be discreet. Also I don't think we know he has a Scottish accent just because he has punted in the area might not be from there just like I don't have a Newcastle accent.
Shocking they keep this information for so long, the only agency I have ever used has a 24 hour after punt and deleted policy.

This keep them from breaching the data protection laws.


  • Guest
Shocking they keep this information for so long, the only agency I have ever used has a 24 hour after punt and deleted policy.

This keep them from breaching the data protection laws.

I think most agencies will keep information on punters especially if they are a regular, the only thing is if they did have a police investigation they will take phones and any records and can contact punters its happened before.....but the thing is to be able to pay tax you must have some information on each booking if the tax man wants to see the books.


  • Guest
I think most agencies will keep information on punters especially if they are a regular, the only thing is if they did have a police investigation they will take phones and any records and can contact punters its happened before.....but the thing is to be able to pay tax you must have some information on each booking if the tax man wants to see the books.
Not clever, especially for the married man really !


  • Guest
Not clever, especially for the married man really !

Punting is not a normal business though all risks must be taken in to account.


  • Guest
Punting is not a normal business though all risks must be taken in to account.
Not the risk I would want to take, all un-necessary risks are unwelcome, this is risking for someone else's benefit not a good idea !

Offline smiths

Shocking they keep this information for so long, the only agency I have ever used has a 24 hour after punt and deleted policy.

This keep them from breaching the data protection laws.

Doesn't mean they actually DO delete it though of course, we are taking about pimps here, they are already breaking the law, as to breaching data protection laws I don't think some pimps give a shit about this, unless and until they get nicked maybe.

 I know from some brothels that my punting number has been kept as months later I have received texts with special offers, same with some WGs, as I hadn't given my permission for any of them to cold contact me they clearly don't give a shit about being discreet. I use a punting phone so I wont get caught out by this but some punters might sadly.


  • Guest
Doesn't mean they actually DO delete it though of course, we are taking about pimps here, they are already breaking the law, as to breaching data protection laws I don't think some pimps give a shit about this, unless and until they get nicked maybe.

 I know from some brothels that my punting number has been kept as months later I have received texts with special offers, same with some WGs, as I hadn't given my permission for any of them to cold contact me they clearly don't give a shit about being discreet. I use a punting phone so I wont get caught out by this but some punters might sadly.

Yes they should not contact out of the blue unless given permission some punters will sign up to agency websites sending newsletters but of course they know that agencies will sent newsletters to there emails given but some people that work in this industry don't know what discreet means :thumbsdown:

Offline smiths

I think most agencies will keep information on punters especially if they are a regular, the only thing is if they did have a police investigation they will take phones and any records and can contact punters its happened before.....but the thing is to be able to pay tax you must have some information on each booking if the tax man wants to see the books.

Yes this a good point, and POCA would want to know this info as well so they can work out the amount of assets they try to seize. Personally I don't believe many pimps pay tax, it alerts them to the pimps operation and a pimp doesn't want official bodies looking into their business. I would have to see proof they pay tax before I believed it.


  • Guest
Yes this a good point, and POCA would want to know this info as well so they can work out the amount of assets they try to seize. Personally I don't believe many pimps pay tax, it alerts them to the pimps operation and a pimp doesn't want official bodies looking into their business. I would have to see proof they pay tax before I believed it.

A small number do but they usually don't put the business down as an escort agency so if investigated and there down as something else then there in trouble for money laundering too.


  • Guest
A small number do but they usually don't put the business down as an escort agency  :scare: so if investigated and there down as something else then there in trouble for money laundering too.
And the punters on the lists may be called as witnesses and have home visits to confirm things.  These email addresses even burners have the location data freely available with the popular ill thought out anti terror laws that  :wackogirl: on here including  :rolleyes: JimmyRedCab   :rolleyes: were cheering  :yahoo:.     :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline Tiger63

Reading all this makes me glad Iam no longer punting

Offline sqlbatsman

Reading all this makes me glad Iam no longer punting

Good for you....

Started just as a fun hobby, but man there are some major issues being highlighted recently. This is some scary shit  :scare:.

Think I might just settle on having massages with HE from now on  :hi:


  • Guest
Good for you....

Started just as a fun hobby, but man there are some major issues being highlighted recently. This is some scary shit  :scare:.

Think I might just settle on having massages with HE from now on  :hi:

Don't blame you at all :)