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Author Topic: I tried out craigslist  (Read 8213 times)


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Long story short I'm in my early 20's final year of University and I fell in love with a working girl (I prefer the term whore because that's what they all are really) and as cheesy and cringe as it is to say she broke my heart and I have never experciend emotional pain like this ever before

If you'd like to read about it: External Link/Members Only

Anyway I've never been good at talking to girls so the money I make from my part time job I use it to have sex with whores. So desperate as I have become and wanting to avoid Soho I tried out craigslist. Found an add for a car meet in the w4m section and emailed the girl a few times to discuss prices and location etc. She said she was 19 Lithuanian (Dunno if this was coincidence or whatever but the whore I fell in love with was Lithuanian as well). So I thought fuck it I'd go and see what happens. I emailed her asking if she was really 19 and said I was suspicious she was a fake or the police. She said if it would ease my mind I could give her a ring and so I did. She sounded young enough so I made the 30-40min drive down to Poplar to meet her.

I got to Poplar and it was so damn exciting. I had no idea what was going to happen. In the back of my mind I was thinking it might be a sting operation by the police or maybe some ploy to mug me by a gang of druggies or some shit. I texted her telling her my location and said she would be there shortly. A few mins passed and I noticed this tall slightly overweight young looking blonde girl was approaching my car. I was shocked because she was very pretty and kinda looked like Rebecca from Soho.

She got into my car we talked a little, told her it was my first car meet. She told me of a safe location to drive to so I followed her instructions. She directed me to an empty car park. I handed over my money £40 for OWO and CIM. It was so fucking awesome. My first OWO BJ with CIM. She made out with me also or 'french kissing' whatever you want to call it. She sucked my dick for a good 15 mins before I came and she swalloed my load. What a fucking whore lol.

She might be a bit overweight but she is naturally very pretty. I met her another time for sex in the back seat. She said she does unprotected anal sex for £80 but I opted for just normal sex as I'm not sure if bareback anal is safe or not. Same location same rush of excitment driving to meet her. A lot more fun than I've had in Soho :P

She was quite nice to talk to after BJ/sex as well. She told me she used to work on Adultwork with her friend but she's living in a flatshare atm so she can't do incalls anymore just car meets or outcalls. She said she's getting a place soon and going to be back on adultwork. She told me once in 2 months she made about £6000.

Honestly she's changed my opinion about women and prostituion forever. All these fucking whores don't give a shit about anything and it's just for easy money. Don't treat them with any respect because they deserve fuck all in life in my opinion. I grew up with oldschool indian family values so the way I think is most probably different to everyone elses.

I still think about Rebecca from Soho every day and I wish there was something I could do to save her. I dunno really I guess she has some kinda of pimp for a boyfriend but she's making making so why else would she fuck and suck ~100 guys a week?

Sorry if this was a bit off-topic and rambly

Offline l4at


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So, got that off your chest young man, better get on with you homework it's due in tomorrow.

 :wackogirl:   :bomb: :crazy: :scare: :cry: :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Needless to say I disagree with your newfound attitude to whores, but...

1. In the name of all that is holy, don't have unprotected sex, anal or vaginal, with a WG (or a civilian, until you know them).
2. You're at university. Try and find a normal girlfriend in a normal way before your attitude towards women in general becomes fucked up beyond repair.

Offline eldritch

I just read your blog. You're doing it all wrong mate, I suggest you watch this for some guidance: External Link/Members Only


  • Guest
I just endured your blog as well. At one point you claim you are not a stalker or a wierdo psycho case. I beg to differ. Instead of Craigslist, i suggest next time you try either the samaritans or your doctor.

Offline bobbymotors

fuck me, you'd want this one following you about telling you he loved you wouldn't you?

weird cunt.

Captain Caveman

  • Guest
I've read your blog and, frankly, you are not cut out for punting and won't find a girlfriend that way.

You are still young and, trust me, you WILL find a girlfriend the normal way - it will happen when you least expect it and when you are not even trying - but it will happen.

The agony aunt bit out of the way, I had to laugh at your description of the object of your affection:

"She is a heavy-ish smoker, her teeth are rather crooked and very yellow and she has these black implant things behind her front two teeth which end up making the front two look black. Her pussy is unsightly and at times there has been a distinct bad odor from it. Her pussy lips sag out and it’s gone darker. I dunno it’s just really gross to look at sometimes I guess it’s when she’s at the end of her shift when she’s been fucked so many times her pussy is at it’s worst. Not to mention her pussy is very loose and you have to really fuck her hard to cum (this is for me at least). Her toes are kinda deformed...

...she is the prettiest girl in Soho"


  • Guest
So when she came out she legged it on her phone and I tried to call her but she blanked me she was just continuing to talk to someone. I went across the street to make eye contact with her she looked at me and just continued talking on her phone. I was about to leave when I saw this massive guy in a car drive down. We looked at each other and I immediately knew it was her boyfriend. I just stood there in utter disbelief. Rebecca looked worried and when I saw her go into his car… to put this into words I felt my heart sank and to describe emotionally how it felt, it just really hurt me because I thought she wanted to be with me.

Oh and a guy driving a fancy car picking up his girlfriend who just got her pussy wrecked by 20-30 guys that day and you know about it? Can someone help me understand that?

Here's a countdown conundrum for you: PI_P  :D

Your blog is either a windup, or you need to stay away from prostitutes, move away from home (to get away from your mother), and go and find yourself some friends before you turn either suicidal or end up on Crimewatch (or in A&E, because Sergei will be even less sympathetic than the lot on here).

Also, stop playing Starcraft/Wow/Whatever and wanking off to porn every evening, and go out and have a few beers at the uni. 

Offline SamLP

I don't know what you study at university but it's probably not a social sciences subject. You wait for hours outside to see her, spent shit loads of money, got close and personal, bawled your eyes out in public and kept coming back when you were repeatedly told you weren't welcome. She broke your heart yet she never said she wanted or loved you... and then you claim you're not a stalker. Sort your self confidence issues out and don't fall head over heels with the first woman to smile at you and open her legs. It's her job to fuck you for money, and being nice to a regular doesn't give you claim to her. You obviously scared her.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 02:15:35 pm by SamLP »

Offline hendrix

With that attitude, you deserve fuck all in life you sad stalky cunt. You wouldn't know an "old school Indian value" if it stuck it's deformed toe up your arse.

Offline CBPaul

Congratulations to all who read the blog, I managed 3 lines before glazing over so I can't comment on it.

Are you studying some sort of English / writing / journalism subject at university OP ? If so it's not a very good course is it, should get your fees refunded.

So, you've met a glorified street prossie who offers bb anal through Craigs list. Why not trawl the local RLD  :dash:

Offline Bigus Dickus

Can we get a cock count for how many guys on here stretched Rebecca's deformed clout!

Uni boy's no doubt licked your Harry Monk off her tits!

What a twat he is!


Offline shagbambi

The OP needs therapy, and quite a bit of it too.

Duke L

  • Guest
Seems a lot of effort for this to be a wind up, although part of me does wonder if you're out fishing.
Should this be a genuine post though, you seriously need to go have a chat with someone of a professional nature! Psychologically speaking, this route you're going down won't do you any favours!
Go get drunk, streak down the high street, get nicked for pissing in a public place like most students do!

Offline Dani

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. She’s been telling the maids I’ve been stalking her and I don’t like that one bit because it’s not true and I hope people who read this understand that I’m not a weirdo psycho guy.

Yes you are stalking her and yes you are a weird psycho guy
You turned up everywhere she worked, you harassed her time and again even when told to stop, you followed her to the coffee shop each time. That's stalking. You must have frightened her a lot
Now you write awful things about her genitals which can't be true as you also wrote you are her out and it was wonderful

YOU are the one with a problem. You decided she had feelings for you even after she told you she didn't
Prossies get paid to ACT like they like you. You think she needs saving?  The only person she needs saving from is YOU
 If you had done that to me I would have had your arse arrested after the first few times. We may be prossies but we should not have to be too scared to work because some guy decides we are having a relationship regardless of if we want to or not

Your actions were disgusting. That was harassment pure and simple. Even after she told you, the maid told you and the security guy told you to leave her alone you felt it alright to carry on harassing her

You are the reason so many if us worry when a client starts to get friendly and why we suddenly stop answering the phone to them. Men like you have made us wary of being too friendly with clients.

I read all of your blog and it is glaringly obvious you need help as you don't understand how a relationship works. In England you cannot force a woman to be with you. It is her choice. Harassing her won't make her change her mind it will just make her hate you. Emotionally you are very stunted for your age as most people old enough to go to Uni are old enough to know you cannot force someone to be with you

I really feel for this poor girl as will anyone who read your self Pitying drivel.


  • Guest
I read the entirety of your blog. I hope for your sake you're making it up

Also, I'm surprised she didn't get someone to kick the fuck out of you.


  • Guest
. She’s been telling the maids I’ve been stalking her and I don’t like that one bit because it’s not true and I hope people who read this understand that I’m not a weirdo psycho guy.

Yes you are stalking her and yes you are a weird psycho guy
You turned up everywhere she worked, you harassed her time and again even when told to stop, you followed her to the coffee shop each time. That's stalking. You must have frightened her a lot
Now you write awful things about her genitals which can't be true as you also wrote you are her out and it was wonderful

YOU are the one with a problem. You decided she had feelings for you even after she told you she didn't
Prossies get paid to ACT like they like you. You think she needs saving?  The only person she needs saving from is YOU
 If you had done that to me I would have had your arse arrested after the first few times. We may be prossies but we should not have to be too scared to work because some guy decides we are having a relationship regardless of if we want to or not

Your actions were disgusting. That was harassment pure and simple. Even after she told you, the maid told you and the security guy told you to leave her alone you felt it alright to carry on harassing her

You are the reason so many if us worry when a client starts to get friendly and why we suddenly stop answering the phone to them. Men like you have made us wary of being too friendly with clients.

I read all of your blog and it is glaringly obvious you need help as you don't understand how a relationship works. In England you cannot force a woman to be with you. It is her choice. Harassing her won't make her change her mind it will just make her hate you. Emotionally you are very stunted for your age as most people old enough to go to Uni are old enough to know you cannot force someone to be with you

I really feel for this poor girl as will anyone who read your self Pitying drivel.

Well that about covers it! +1


  • Guest
Interesting first from the OP, early August on Soho Walkup Thread

'Hey I'm new here but I was an active member on %%%. I'm pissed off because the mods won't allow me to speak the truth about certain things, I got a warning from a mod and I've been banned for a month from the soho walkup thread over there

So I found out about this site and I have a lot to share about Soho. Most of it is regarding Lithuanian Rebecca

Before I start letting loose, can anyone share any stories they have about their visit to Lithuanian Rebecca who now works at 1 Bateman St and 4 Lisle St'

Followed by 3 recommendations of 'Rebecca' over the next couple of weeks.  :dancegirl:


  • Guest
All these fucking whores don't give a shit about anything and it's just for easy money. Don't treat them with any respect because they deserve fuck all in life in my opinion. I grew up with oldschool indian family values so the way I think is most probably different to everyone elses.
Those don't sound like Indian family values! Unless you grew up in Rotherham!  :hi:

Offline claretandblue

this guy is nuts and needs medical help,he was all over the %%% soho walk up thread banging on and on about rebecca before being banned,i wont bother reading the blog

Offline sublimetoridiculous

Those don't sound like Indian family values! Unless you grew up in Rotherham!  :hi:

Steady on there. The Indian Sikhs and Hindus really hate being lumped in with Pakistani muslims under "Asian".

Offline akauya

OP: You're a creepy cunt, you need help... and that's me being nice to you   :cool:

« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 06:27:49 pm by akauya »

Offline hendrix

Those don't sound like Indian family values! Unless you grew up in Rotherham!  :hi:

Ok, this made me  :lol:

Offline Wilson85

And I thought I had EAS!

I hope it isn't true for the prossies sake. I notice in a previous post he asks potential punters to tell Rebecca that he referred them to her, which would be very creepy for her, and awkward for the unwitting punter.


  • Guest
I read the entirety of your blog. I hope for your sake you're making it up

Also, I'm surprised she didn't get someone to kick the fuck out of you.

It sounds like that pimp who picked her up in the car on his blog might well do if he keeps loitering around.


  • Guest
Call me a creepy cunt, a loser, tell me to seek medical help etc. So what then does that make everyone else on here? Before I even began to really like Rebecca I've had to see ALL the types of men that go to see her (you usually have to wait on the stairs or with the maid) and so I'm the guy with problems? Ha!

If you think I'm full of shit and I'm making all this up. Go fuck her for yourself don't mention me at all and see if I'm full of crap. She is the prettiest girl in Soho (face wise). Her teeth are how I described them and her pussy is not tight anymore. And her eyes are so beautiful

I never wanted to scare her or anything like that I just really like her and all I wanted to do was to show her how much I liked her. I've never felt this way about someone before. If you think I'm a creep/loser then I couldn't give 2 shits. I care about her and I feel sorry for the life she has live to or chooses to live. I wish I could do something to help her and I don't know what that is

She kissed me, she let me take pictures of her and one with us together. If she really was just playing me along for a fool then why would she consent to it if she didn't like me?

I'll tell you more even if everyone thinks I'm a fucking stalker creep full of shit. I went to try see here 2-3 weeks ago. I asked the maids if they could ask if she would see me (showing cash in hand) the maid said no. And I just give £130 + £2 tip to the maid @ 1 Bateman St and I told her to give it to Rebecca. I just wanted to say/show that I was sorry and I just wanted to help pay for her rent. Rebecca never said anything to me and didn't reveal herself but I did hear her greet another customer. I did the same thing the next day on a Monday @ 4 Lisle St I asked the other maid (her favourite maid) She said the same thing I gave £130 + £2 tip again and said I just wanted to say I was sorry and I hope she would forgive me. I know I was just giving myself false hope that she would see me, but I just wanted to try

When I went to Florida in the summer I bought 2 tshirts for Rebecca I don't know why I just thought it would be nice to give her because I would of loved to have taken her there. I asked the Bateman St maid to give the shirts as a gift she took them. The next day when I went to Lisle St the maid gave my the Disney bag and told me Rebecca didn't want them. I told her I didn't want it, give it to Rebecca then I said bin it if she doesn't want it

I never meant to do anything wrong but nobody I guess believes me


  • Guest
I haven't read your first post or your blog but reading the comments & your last post may i suggest you log off & don't come back.
Your leaving yourself wide open to ridicule & abuse, if your after a cuddle you've come to wrong place.
Leave the girl alone, get some therapy & get on with your life  :hi:


  • Guest
I might try out this Rebecca. Where is this working at the moment?

A new world

  • Guest
If this is not a wind up, and it might not be cause you would have to be really dedicated to type that much, really lay of the working girls and date a normal girl. From the sounds of it you fell in love with the first women that ever paid any attention to you. You do seem stalkerish with showing up everywhere she worked, you paid her to be nice to you there was probably no real feelings for you there and I can imagine by the end she was probably really scared.


  • Guest
He`s got to be a `Yank ` , when does anyone in this country use the term `we made out ` ?


  • Guest
Also you coughed up £ 264 big ones over 2 days , for nowt !!!
You`re a `spewdant ` , you`re supposed to be skint !!!
You shelled out more than i earn in 3 days workin in a knockin shop !

Offline NightKid

So, to sum it up, you're:

1) A self-confessed tout who is continuing to tout.
2) An immature arse who doesn't understand the purpose of prostitutes.
3) A stalker who just can't get a bloody hint.
4) A walking sexual health risk.
5) A ... firing blanks here, I'll just go with etc.  ;)

All I can say is, thanks for tonight's entertainment ... or perhaps that credit belongs to the mod team.  :lol:


  • Guest
Mate, on the off chance this is genuine thenyou REALLY need to move on. Yoh say your trying to be nice by dropping off money and presents but you admit she says she doesn't want it. That my friend is stalking.
You had to watch other guys go up there because they do exactly the same as you, pay her, french kiss, fuck her. You ask why she would have photos wuth yoy etc, plenty of prossies do just that.
You'll get yourself into trouble,  look at this thread,  other prossies say they would have called police by now.

Offline PumpAction

Either this is a wind up or the op needs serious help.


  • Guest
So, to sum it up, you're:

1) A self-confessed tout who is continuing to tout.
2) An immature arse who doesn't understand the purpose of prostitutes.
3) A stalker who just can't get a bloody hint.
4) A walking sexual health risk.
5) A ... firing blanks here, I'll just go with etc.  ;)

All I can say is, thanks for tonight's entertainment ... or perhaps that credit belongs to the mod team.  :lol:
6 a fluffy cunt
7 a slightly confsed assessor/describer of the 'prettiest girl in Soho'
8 a glutton for punishment

Offline claretandblue

Call me a creepy cunt, a loser, tell me to seek medical help etc. So what then does that make everyone else on here? Before I even began to really like Rebecca I've had to see ALL the types of men that go to see her (you usually have to wait on the stairs or with the maid) and so I'm the guy with problems? Ha!

If you think I'm full of shit and I'm making all this up. Go fuck her for yourself don't mention me at all and see if I'm full of crap. She is the prettiest girl in Soho (face wise). Her teeth are how I described them and her pussy is not tight anymore. And her eyes are so beautiful

I never wanted to scare her or anything like that I just really like her and all I wanted to do was to show her how much I liked her. I've never felt this way about someone before. If you think I'm a creep/loser then I couldn't give 2 shits. I care about her and I feel sorry for the life she has live to or chooses to live. I wish I could do something to help her and I don't know what that is

She kissed me, she let me take pictures of her and one with us together. If she really was just playing me along for a fool then why would she consent to it if she didn't like me?

I'll tell you more even if everyone thinks I'm a fucking stalker creep full of shit. I went to try see here 2-3 weeks ago. I asked the maids if they could ask if she would see me (showing cash in hand) the maid said no. And I just give £130 + £2 tip to the maid @ 1 Bateman St and I told her to give it to Rebecca. I just wanted to say/show that I was sorry and I just wanted to help pay for her rent. Rebecca never said anything to me and didn't reveal herself but I did hear her greet another customer. I did the same thing the next day on a Monday @ 4 Lisle St I asked the other maid (her favourite maid) She said the same thing I gave £130 + £2 tip again and said I just wanted to say I was sorry and I hope she would forgive me. I know I was just giving myself false hope that she would see me, but I just wanted to try

When I went to Florida in the summer I bought 2 tshirts for Rebecca I don't know why I just thought it would be nice to give her because I would of loved to have taken her there. I asked the Bateman St maid to give the shirts as a gift she took them. The next day when I went to Lisle St the maid gave my the Disney bag and told me Rebecca didn't want them. I told her I didn't want it, give it to Rebecca then I said bin it if she doesn't want it

I never meant to do anything wrong but nobody I guess believes me

you should just leave her alone before you get yourself nicked

Offline akauya

When I went to Florida in the summer I bought 2 tshirts for Rebecca ... The next day when I went to Lisle St the maid gave my the Disney bag and told me Rebecca didn't want them.

T-shirts? You bought a prossie T-shirts? Well there's your problem then. Any punter worth his salt kows that prossies love bread-sticks not lousy t-shirts!  :rolleyes:

You should give her the posh bread-sticks too, the ones with sesame seeds on (prossies go nuts over them), she will be begging to have your babies in no time.

Offline Boundless

So, to sum it up, you're:

1) A self-confessed tout who is continuing to tout.
2) An immature arse who doesn't understand the purpose of prostitutes.
3) A stalker who just can't get a bloody hint.
4) A walking sexual health risk.
5) A ... firing blanks here, I'll just go with etc.  ;)

All I can say is, thanks for tonight's entertainment ... or perhaps that credit belongs to the mod team.  :lol:

If it's genuine and I sincerely hope it isn't, it's just very sad IMO.   :(

Offline NightKid

6 a fluffy cunt
7 a slightly confsed assessor/describer of the 'prettiest girl in Soho'
8 a glutton for punishment

I was being sarcastic, probably used the wrong smiley.  :D
Oh, and one more thing I forgot to be thankful for ... the massive 'stay the fuck away from Rebecca of Soho' sign that this thread is.

If it's genuine and I sincerely hope it isn't, it's just very sad IMO.   :(

Edit: There are real issues in this world to be truly sad for, and this is definitely nowhere near it.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2014, 10:50:20 pm by NightKid »

Offline claretandblue

no one else from here will go near this rebecca which is what he wants,imagine approaching the walk up with this nutcase watching you from round the corner!

Offline PumpAction

no one else from here will go near this rebecca which is what he wants,imagine approaching the walk up with this nutcase watching you from round the corner!

He sounds harmless. He'll probably just give you a T-shirt to give to her.

Offline hendrix

T-shirts? You bought a prossie T-shirts? Well there's your problem then. Any punter worth his salt kows that prossies love bread-sticks not lousy t-shirts!  :rolleyes:

You should give her the posh bread-sticks too, the ones with sesame seeds on (prossies go nuts over them), she will be begging to have your babies in no time.

 :lol:  :lol:

No breadsticks = Rookie punter error.

Captain Caveman

  • Guest
He`s got to be a `Yank ` , when does anyone in this country use the term `we made out ` ?

Not necessarily - young people of the OP's generation use a lot of Americanisms that someone older might not, even saying 'Zee' instead of 'Zed' for example.

But seriously, Nerfterran, what is it you want from us?

Advice? - we've given it and no one has said 'keep going mate, you'll win her over'
Sympathy? - I am a bit sorry for you but you have no one to blame but yourself

Offline rockharders

Call me a creepy cunt, a loser, tell me to seek medical help etc.

Dude, you seriously need a girlfriend. No prossie is ever going to give you the validation, love and fulfillment that you'll get out of a relationship. You are her paycheck. And guess what, you still don't fucking get it. She will never give a damn about you, she will never love you.

You come across as some creepy stalker fuck. I pray you don't end up as some psycho axe murdering serial killer.

Offline Matium

Long story short I'm in my early 20's final year of University and I fell in love with a working girl (I prefer the term whore because that's what they all are really) and as cheesy and cringe as it is to say she broke my heart and I have never experciend emotional pain like this ever before

If you'd like to read about it: External Link/Members Only

Anyway I've never been good at talking to girls so the money I make from my part time job I use it to have sex with whores. So desperate as I have become and wanting to avoid Soho I tried out craigslist. Found an add for a car meet in the w4m section and emailed the girl a few times to discuss prices and location etc. She said she was 19 Lithuanian (Dunno if this was coincidence or whatever but the whore I fell in love with was Lithuanian as well). So I thought fuck it I'd go and see what happens. I emailed her asking if she was really 19 and said I was suspicious she was a fake or the police. She said if it would ease my mind I could give her a ring and so I did. She sounded young enough so I made the 30-40min drive down to Poplar to meet her.

I got to Poplar and it was so damn exciting. I had no idea what was going to happen. In the back of my mind I was thinking it might be a sting operation by the police or maybe some ploy to mug me by a gang of druggies or some shit. I texted her telling her my location and said she would be there shortly. A few mins passed and I noticed this tall slightly overweight young looking blonde girl was approaching my car. I was shocked because she was very pretty and kinda looked like Rebecca from Soho.

She got into my car we talked a little, told her it was my first car meet. She told me of a safe location to drive to so I followed her instructions. She directed me to an empty car park. I handed over my money £40 for OWO and CIM. It was so fucking awesome. My first OWO BJ with CIM. She made out with me also or 'french kissing' whatever you want to call it. She sucked my dick for a good 15 mins before I came and she swalloed my load. What a fucking whore lol.

She might be a bit overweight but she is naturally very pretty. I met her another time for sex in the back seat. She said she does unprotected anal sex for £80 but I opted for just normal sex as I'm not sure if bareback anal is safe or not. Same location same rush of excitment driving to meet her. A lot more fun than I've had in Soho :P

She was quite nice to talk to after BJ/sex as well. She told me she used to work on Adultwork with her friend but she's living in a flatshare atm so she can't do incalls anymore just car meets or outcalls. She said she's getting a place soon and going to be back on adultwork. She told me once in 2 months she made about £6000.

Honestly she's changed my opinion about women and prostituion forever. All these fucking whores don't give a shit about anything and it's just for easy money. Don't treat them with any respect because they deserve fuck all in life in my opinion. I grew up with oldschool indian family values so the way I think is most probably different to everyone elses.

I still think about Rebecca from Soho every day and I wish there was something I could do to save her. I dunno really I guess she has some kinda of pimp for a boyfriend but she's making making so why else would she fuck and suck ~100 guys a week?

Sorry if this was a bit off-topic and rambly

You've damned yourself in your blog.

You're weird, creepy, lonely, pathetic and a cunt.

Stay away from the girl Rebecca forever.

Did you really think you could come on UKP and be mollycoddled as you were on Prossienet?

Offline CBPaul

Call me a creepy cunt, a loser, tell me to seek medical help etc. So what then does that make everyone else on here? Before I even began to really like Rebecca I've had to see ALL the types of men that go to see her (you usually have to wait on the stairs or with the maid) and so I'm the guy with problems? Ha!

I never meant to do anything wrong but nobody I guess believes me

I'd be careful about casting aspersions about others on here when you're the one who has given the maid 264 quid and 2 T-shirts for nothing.

Either you are telling the truth or you have far too much time to create such an elaborate wind up, either way accept the fact that you do have a major problem, have gone beyond creeping the girl out and have done plenty wrong.

Do yourself and others a favour and move away from London, a long way.

Offline NightKid

Did you really think you could come on UKP and be mollycoddled as you were on Prossienet?

Thing is, I reckon he wasn't mollycoddled on prossienet ... which, ironically, is probably what he wanted in the first place.  :lol:

Offline laidbackasiandude

Call me a creepy cunt, a loser, tell me to seek medical help etc. So what then does that make everyone else on here? Before I even began to really like Rebecca I've had to see ALL the types of men that go to see her (you usually have to wait on the stairs or with the maid) and so I'm the guy with problems? Ha!

If you think I'm full of shit and I'm making all this up. Go fuck her for yourself don't mention me at all and see if I'm full of crap. She is the prettiest girl in Soho (face wise). Her teeth are how I described them and her pussy is not tight anymore. And her eyes are so beautiful

I never wanted to scare her or anything like that I just really like her and all I wanted to do was to show her how much I liked her. I've never felt this way about someone before. If you think I'm a creep/loser then I couldn't give 2 shits. I care about her and I feel sorry for the life she has live to or chooses to live. I wish I could do something to help her and I don't know what that is

She kissed me, she let me take pictures of her and one with us together. If she really was just playing me along for a fool then why would she consent to it if she didn't like me?

I'll tell you more even if everyone thinks I'm a fucking stalker creep full of shit. I went to try see here 2-3 weeks ago. I asked the maids if they could ask if she would see me (showing cash in hand) the maid said no. And I just give £130 + £2 tip to the maid @ 1 Bateman St and I told her to give it to Rebecca. I just wanted to say/show that I was sorry and I just wanted to help pay for her rent. Rebecca never said anything to me and didn't reveal herself but I did hear her greet another customer. I did the same thing the next day on a Monday @ 4 Lisle St I asked the other maid (her favourite maid) She said the same thing I gave £130 + £2 tip again and said I just wanted to say I was sorry and I hope she would forgive me. I know I was just giving myself false hope that she would see me, but I just wanted to try

When I went to Florida in the summer I bought 2 tshirts for Rebecca I don't know why I just thought it would be nice to give her because I would of loved to have taken her there. I asked the Bateman St maid to give the shirts as a gift she took them. The next day when I went to Lisle St the maid gave my the Disney bag and told me Rebecca didn't want them. I told her I didn't want it, give it to Rebecca then I said bin it if she doesn't want it

I never meant to do anything wrong but nobody I guess believes me

I would imagine that the overwhelming majority/all of UKP members are emotionally balanced and view meeting WG's as simply
a business transaction between consenting mature adults for paid for sexual services/adult entertainment, nothing more and
nothing less.

Your postings regarding this matter are contradictory, initially you asserted that "All these fucking whores don't give a shit about anything and it's just for easy money. Don't treat them with any respect because they deserve fuck all in life in my opinion", and then later you state "I still think about Rebecca from Soho every day and I wish there was something I could do to save her. I dunno really I guess she has some kinda of pimp for a boyfriend but she's making making so why else would she fuck and suck ~100 guys a week?"

By your own definition Rebecca is a "fu****g whore" so why are you head over heels about her then? Truly illogical and somewhat
warped mind-set on your part.

Assuming what you have written isn't a wind-up (personally I'm not sure if what you have written is true), then if you have any
self-respect and dignity, you will move on with your life and leave Rebecca alone. Otherwise you will lead to self-destruction
and possibly harm other people too with your obsessive and disturbing behaviour.

Offline Daffodil

That blog was some funny shit. Didn't read it all (because I started to want to kill myself), but my favourite bit was when he went into the alley by Nandos and started bawling his eyes out, looking up at her window.

Very good.