I saw this girl a few weeks ago at 'her' place in the south side of Glasgow.
All in all a good punt. She has a top class body, smooth skin and good looking exactly like her pics.
I was very nervous as usual however she put me at ease. She did everything I wanted. Lap dance, massage with happy ending. Never had sex or RO.
Now here's the bit I'm not sure about.
I wanted a shower on arrival. No problem, however she said don't mind the noise my friend is working in the next room. Ok so now I'm not in a WG's flat but a brothel. I quickly decide to stay as I'm horny as fk! I then ask does she work with the other girl as...well a 2 girl you know....but she says she won't as the other girl does bare back and Eva will NOT entertain that. (Neither will I)
Now at the end of the 1hr appointment she gets a txt in Spanish. I'm not rushed out the door by any manner of means but politely reminded that I'm running over time, although we are finished and just lying on the bed.
I might be wrong here but I'm pretty sure that was the pimp telling her to finish up the next ones on his way.
Would I return yes I think so. That's why it's a positive. The rest of it puts me off though.
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