Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Naughty&niceEva  (Read 4479 times)

13 review(s) for AnalyaAngel (12 positive, 1 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]
19 review(s) for AnalyaNice (16 positive, 3 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]


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I saw this girl a few weeks ago at 'her' place in the south side of Glasgow.

All in all a good punt. She has a top class body, smooth skin and good looking exactly like her pics.

I was very nervous as usual however she put me at ease. She did everything I wanted. Lap dance, massage with happy ending. Never had sex or RO.

Now here's the bit I'm not sure about.

I wanted a shower on arrival.  No problem, however she said don't mind the noise my friend is working in the next room. Ok so now I'm not in a WG's flat but a brothel. I quickly decide to stay as I'm horny as fk! I then ask does she work with the other girl as...well a 2 girl you know....but she says she won't as the other girl does bare back and Eva will NOT entertain that. (Neither will I)

Now at the end of the 1hr appointment she gets a txt in Spanish. I'm not rushed out the door by any manner of means but politely reminded that I'm running over time, although we are finished and just lying on the bed.

I might be wrong here but I'm pretty sure that was the pimp telling her to finish up the next ones on his way.

Would I return yes I think so. That's why it's a positive. The rest of it puts me off though.


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Her friend

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I always thought both those profiles belonged to the same whore or at the very least, managed by the same pimp. 

One offering BB the other not....

Not feeling any great desire to visit this fucked up excuse for a brothel.  :hi:

Offline rpg

I saw Eva in Aberdeen before her and her mate went to Glasgow. She ushered me into the bedroom as usual but I wanted to use the living room. That's the room her friend was using but she was happy to swap. Downside to that was the room was very smoky.
Also Eva just used her mates condoms which were the smallest I've ever seen.
Eva herself is really pretty with a tight, fit body and while she wasn't a bad punt I felt she was just going through the motions a bit. A lot obviously do but are better actresses. She also lit up when we were finished so it seems both girls are heavy smokers.
A neutral for me and I wouldn't return.


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Damn,  I forgot to add that. Yeah she still smokes. She did go to light up and I asked her not to. She was ok with that.

On reflection perhaps this was more a neutral punt than a positive.

Offline Courtney

I wanted a shower on arrival.  No problem, however she said don't mind the noise my friend is working in the next room. Ok so now I'm not in a WG's flat but a brothel. I quickly decide to stay as I'm horny as fk! I then ask does she work with the other girl as...well a 2 girl you know....but she says she won't as the other girl does bare back and Eva will NOT entertain that. (Neither will I)

Now at the end of the 1hr appointment she gets a txt in Spanish. I'm not rushed out the door by any manner of means but politely reminded that I'm running over time, although we are finished and just lying on the bed.

I might be wrong here but I'm pretty sure that was the pimp telling her to finish up the next ones on his way.

Would I return yes I think so. That's why it's a positive. The rest of it puts me off though.


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Her friend

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This has me concerned, I saw her friend a couple of weeks ago......didn't know anything about BB on her profile. She was very clean and if anything she went out her way to reach for a condom. Also I didn't notice anyone else in the flat, all seemed pretty quiet.


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Hello, guys!
I just wanted to make it clear, I don't have any pimp and my house( it's rented by me only) is not a brothel. My friend and I try not to work at the same time but sometimes it happens. I am sorry about my bad habbit of smoking but I usually ask people regarding to that.
We stay together as it's safer for both of us and you never know who it's coming and I had bad experinces.
Regarding BB, it is my friend's choice of doing that and I don't care as we don't use the same towels or share things. We both get tested twice a month for our safety.
I am sorry if I caused any troubles.
Have a nice evening!

Offline seeker

BB  :scare:
That's fucking scary...We only have any working girls word that she doesn't do it .

Offline Sa69

Hi there, I saw both Eva and separately her flat mate Analya today - had a really amazing time with both. During and after each punt I had a long chat with each girl; found them to be intelligent, sincere and honest.

To the guy above who reckons the flat is brothel / pimp involved: You obviously didn't talk to this girl. After 2 mins of conversation I realised it's just them working there in the flat which is also their home - and that girls like that would be doing themselves a big injustice if they were working for someone else.

Regarding the whole Spanish language text thing: I saw that while I was there but realised it's just the 2 girls letting each other know that they are ok and also if one is about to send a client out to the bathroom etc so that I didn't run into some other bloody guy! I didn't have a problem with that at all.

BB was never offered or discussed so can't comment on whether Analya does it but I certainly wasn't aware of it.

Both girls were absolutely gorgeous and very eager to please. No request I had was declined, and I got the genuine impression that each of them just wanted to make sure I left their place happy. Had sex in pretty much every way, amazing OWO with loads of eye contact and even a little toy show with Eva at one point. Absolutely amazing!!

They are off on holiday next week together, I'm going to see if they can see me again before they go.

I really don't think you'll get better than Eva and her friend in Glasgow at the minute, and £100 an hour is a bargain too.


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