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Author Topic: whats your most shadyest or worst moment punting ?  (Read 13022 times)

Offline MR-UK

Just wanted to know what problems people have run in too , over the years Punting ?

eg unsafe moments or shady as fuck moment?

I ve been punting for few years and recently had a WG from a asian agency , take my passport out my bag called the agency and sided with the girl.. the girl later said i took one of her many phones...
then only for the agency to send me a text a week later saying she no longer works for em.

OFC the next morning I called HM customs and reported stolen still cost me £62 fee, I was told if I went to the police and got a crime number it would be very small fee like 30 quid but i was like fuck that
« Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 03:48:27 pm by MR-UK »

Offline big-paul-86

ive been lucky not had any problems, ive heard storys of guys being made to pay twice by "security" or paying upfront then being thrown out or the WG leaving

Mike Oxhard

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While walking round the Amsterdam Red Light District in the early hours one morning, one of the street crack dealers tried latching on to me. When I refused to acknowledge him and kept walking he stalked me for ages, and even threatened he was going to shoot me!! I figured he probably didn't have a gun, and probably wasn't going to do it in the middle of the RLD. But it was quite disturbing at the time!!  :sarcastic:

Not quite a direct punting moment but I was there purely for punting   :D


  • Guest
Getting chased by 5 blokes who took exception to a prossie sucking me off in a back street in Liverpool. Managed to escape, used to be very fit then.

No CIM had to eave early !

Offline MR-UK

Getting chased by 5 blokes who took exception to a prossie sucking me off in a back street in Liverpool. Managed to escape, used to be very fit then.

No CIM had to eave early !


Offline Stiltskin

Getting chased by 5 blokes who took exception to a prossie sucking me off in a back street in Liverpool.

Jealous bastards :D


  • Guest
Escaping, many years ago, from a Soho "bed show" after being ripped off for hostess drinks at about £40 a pop and being tackled by a hefty bouncer.
 Fortuntately (?) the street was busy and he thought better of it and let me go.

Offline Marmalade

Does three large bouncers threatening to throw me down the stairs count? Basically, don't argue with people too much once you are in a situation, give them politeness.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2015, 05:09:39 pm by Marmalade »

Offline Marmalade

A prossie had tried to overcharge me and I had refused. It wasn't that much.


  • Guest
In the back room of a strip club in Latvia where the girls were doing extras, had a great time until I returned to the bar to find some of the stag party had run up a bar bill they couldn't pay, so we were manhandled off to the nearest cash machine by the security goons.


  • Guest
Years ago wg'a used to charge door fees when I used local papers went to one I refused to pay £10 just to walk in as the wg's were nothing as described anyway got chased down the street by a security bloke, never again  :lol:

Offline pewpewpew

While walking round the Amsterdam Red Light District in the early hours one morning, one of the street crack dealers tried latching on to me. When I refused to acknowledge him and kept walking he stalked me for ages, and even threatened he was going to shoot me!! I figured he probably didn't have a gun, and probably wasn't going to do it in the middle of the RLD. But it was quite disturbing at the time!!  :sarcastic:

Not quite a direct punting moment but I was there purely for punting   :D
I also got followed around the rld in amsterdam. Some dude just followed me for about 10 minutes. I went around corners and double backed etc and he kept coming and he kept doing that thing when you point to your eyes then at someone elses ie 'I'm eatching you'. Lost him and never spoke so not sure what his deal was but was a bit weird.

Another time i was let out of a wgs flat and she shut the door instead of ealking me out. It was my first punt so i was nervous as fuck already about being seen. Got lost in the large building and ehen i found the door i couldn't get it open. Tried phoning her but went to voicemail and texts not answered. Went back upstairs to try to open a window but was quite high and window was nailed shut. Forced the door open eventually, possibly breaking the lock, and ran from there. Altogether about 10 mins of terror

Offline madeinwales56

Many years ago I did a very late incall with a prossie in Norwich. Did the business as as I left the building some bloke came up to me and said I owed him £20 for the rent of the room. I said I had given it to his friend upstairs and he became, let's say, fairly insistent that I give him the money. So, I put my hand in my pocket saying "ok mate, I don't want any trouble" and brought my hand out of my pocket and smacked him square on the jaw. He went down quicker than his prossie friend.


  • Guest
While walking round the Amsterdam Red Light District in the early hours one morning, one of the street crack dealers tried latching on to me. When I refused to acknowledge him and kept walking he stalked me for ages, and even threatened he was going to shoot me!! I figured he probably didn't have a gun, and probably wasn't going to do it in the middle of the RLD. But it was quite disturbing at the time!!  :sarcastic:

Not quite a direct punting moment but I was there purely for punting   :D

Had that problem in Amsterdam with drug dealers a couple of times and the easiest way of getting rid of them is to say in a loud voice "Attention everyone! This man keeps trying to sell me drugs!" and they soon go away.

Been fortunate so far as to only experience bad punts rather than anything worse; rather have a bad punt than a bad kicking from the pimp.


  • Guest
Was in a shady area of South London at 2AM on a Saturday morning and I misread a prossie's house number in a text.  Was standing outside the house trying to get hold of the prossie when a rude boy turned up on a bike wondering what the fuck I was doing in his front garden.  Luckily I'm good at talking my way out of sticky situations by being effusively polite.   :scare:

Got a great blowjob off the WG though, so was all worth it.   :thumbsup:

Offline Apu

Prossie gave me the wrong road name, told me she was 122 and I pressed the buzzer.
 Nobody answered.
Pressed again and through the speaker I said "Hey its your 6o'clock can you let me in"
Bloke said "Fuck off you cunt or I'll come down and smash your face in"
I call the girl and she insists she has the right street name and door number. She tells me to ring 122 then pause and press B.
So i do it;
Same bloke answers
"If you call me again, I'm gonna come down there with my knife and stab you, I just got to sleep and your fucking prank calls have woken me up".

Gotta outta there, I look down the street, there stands the fucking whore on the wrong street calling me and telling me "My bad, I thought I knew this area well" I told her what happened and she let me fuck her for an extra half hour ... profile disappeared the next day.
« Last Edit: December 19, 2015, 03:31:10 am by Apu »
Banned reason: Undesirable perverted fantasist
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Roth

Arranged to see a prossie once who lived in a nice residential area where
there were a bunch of new builds going on.  She told me the house number
and street name etc and then told me it was better that I just go up to the
door open it and walk right in as if I lived there without knocking or ringing
the bell.  She thought that way any nosey neighbours would think I was a
relation - must of thought she had loads of uncles visiting every day then.  :wackogirl: :wackogirl:

Anyway walked into the estate, right up to the door with the number on and
was just about to open it and walk in.  But my gut was telling me something
different.  Walked away and called the prossie again for more detail.  Turn out
she was about a 100 metres further down the road.  Two streets running into
each other seemingly If I'd gone in the wrong house it could have been a bit
of a  :blush: :scare: :blush: :scare: moment.

Good punt though.  :)


  • Guest
11 years back I was just finishing off a punt in a second floor flat in a rather dodgy area of a Midlands town late at night to hear glass breaking. The girl seemed unperturbed by this and  I left the block of flats as 3 rather large geezers were lifting various electrical items through the front window of the flat below hers..  I just walked past head down totally ignoring them....   I obviously didn't learn the lesson from my potentially dangerous encounter as I went back the week after to see her again - and the week after that... she was really good though!


  • Guest
Being tied up by a pissed-off pimp in Kazakhstan and kidnapped/held overnight. No joke, and I've tried to forget most of it!


  • Guest
Being tied up by a pissed-off pimp in Kazakhstan and kidnapped/held overnight. No joke, and I've tried to forget most of it!
Sorry to hear that Borat, hope you use natural suppression to forget, sorry if this post has reignited bad memories but sometimes best to talk it out. 

Maybe a review on the Asia section would be therapeutic !

Offline Blackpool Rock

Got robbed by a girl this time last year, threats of being "sorted" out by her BF if he existed, wasn't worth the risk so I parted with the cash.

Silver linings etc though as it led to me joining UKP to report it

Offline Roth

Got robbed by a girl this time last year, threats of being "sorted" out by her BF if he existed, wasn't worth the risk so I parted with the cash.

Silver linings etc though as it led to me joining UKP to report it

Who was she?  :unknown:

Offline Blackpool Rock

Yeah but 12 months on i'm able to reflect and think it was money well spent as it's made me a bit more cautious and savvy about punting plus the banter and info gained from being a UKP member is worth far more than the cash I lost.
Knowing others had had the same experience as me was a help in getting over it at the time, the support that I got even as a new member was great 

Offline Roth

Yeah but 12 months on i'm able to reflect and think it was money well spent as it's made me a bit more cautious and savvy about punting plus the banter and info gained from being a UKP member is worth far more than the cash I lost.
Knowing others had had the same experience as me was a help in getting over it at the time, the support that I got even as a new member was great

+1.  Yep a band of brothers.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


  • Guest
Sorry to hear that Borat, hope you use natural suppression to forget, sorry if this post has reignited bad memories but sometimes best to talk it out. 

Maybe a review on the Asia section would be therapeutic !

Haha no worries, and +1 for the Borat joke! It wasn't an over complicated affair. The girl accused me of taking photos (which is kinda true, I snapped a few candid ones when she wasn't looking, but nothing explicit). She called her pimp who promptly rocked up at my hotel with his mates, and held me overnight threatening to hurt me. I was pretty powerless as I speak little Russian, and I was tied to a chair with 3 Mafia-type guys surrounding me, smoking and drinking. I didn't want to fall asleep so it was a long night.

In the end I was lucky to get away with agreeing to pay USD 300 (they were pretty drunk by the morning and probably wanted to get rid of me), so they frogmarched me to an ATM the next morning to get the cash. It's not a HUGE sum of money by our standards, and it could have been a LOT worse. I had a lucky escape.

Oh, and no point trying to file a police report. The police would just laugh and extort more money from you in bribes.

Offline Marmalade

Mind me asking wtf you wanted to go to Khazakstan for?


  • Guest
Mind me asking wtf you wanted to go to Khazakstan for?
Borat made it quite popular with people from East Anglia I think the sister thing did it for many.

Offline Nagilum

Went to Cancun and visited the Barber room. Its a bar with working girls and punters alike.  You can talk to any girl you like, flirt, play pool, have a drink and then agree a price.  So agreed a price with a girl for $200 for an hour.  30 minutes in the door knocks and and time is up.  I was not pleased as the management only allows 30 min bookings and it was irrelevant what the girls agreed.

So I made a fuss, before I knew it men were surrounding me.  A friend of mine reminded me that we were in Cancun and the place was likely run by he Cartel.  So we edged away slowly... It was best as the girl look very worried when her bosses approached her in anger.


  • Guest
Pressed again and through the speaker I said "Hey its your 6o'clock can you let me in"

Well that was foolish! Why didn't you say Hi it's Dave / other generic name used for punting instead?

Offline Blackpool Rock

Borat made it quite popular with people from East Anglia I think the sister thing did it for many.
Haha nice one, as they say in Naaarwich "Give me six"

Offline WelshClipper

Never had a shitty moment thank God. Think it would put me off punting for life.

But what story to bring to UKP afterwards..... :vomit:


  • Guest
Mind me asking wtf you wanted to go to Khazakstan for?

On business, my company used to have a small office there.


  • Guest
I've had a couple of rough moments with pimps after trying to get my money back when some useless cunt has wasted my time. I remember one of them had one of those pit bull type dogs which was barking at me while I had a go at him. That was a bit nervous.. :D

Offline One Eyed Snake

Got ripped off in Barnsley a few years ago, her boyfriend turned up, I was set up big style . Paid my money in bedroom got stripped off, she went down to answer door came back up and showed me out. No chance of getting money back.

Offline MR-UK

Got robbed by a girl this time last year, threats of being "sorted" out by her BF if he existed, wasn't worth the risk so I parted with the cash.

Silver linings etc though as it led to me joining UKP to report it

man thats suck When i had my passport nicked from a whore I saw the red mist ^^

Offline socks

Haha nice one, as they say in Naaarwich "Give me six"
Which we don't. Well apart from when following our team at Newcastle this season. Newcastle for fuck's sake, they're worse than us atm.

Offline Horizontal pleasures

Cynthia Payne had some great ladies who came from out of town for her parties. They would arrive the day before and sleep overnight at her place. Privileged clients were invited that evening for what she called bunk-up fun. I was in bed with two young ladies from wales, one small and slim, one large and bbw, we were entwined like ying and yang - if that is possible for 3 people, relaxed, between wake, sleep, and orgasm. In walked Old Bill. I got dressed fast. I do not think any arrests were made, I just sloped off and the party next day did not happen. Any more details are lost in the mists of time but it was in the late 1970s I think.

I was shit scared, and so were the ladies.

Offline fatboy

Being fairly new at this my worst moment so far was getting home from a punt with the OH still out. Spent some time washing hands and other areas to get that just fucked smell off and felt something run down my leg in my trousers.
Thought nothing of it, OH gets home and I popped into the bathroom only to see a blue johnny on the floor, the one that the WG had used on me for oral idea how it got there but I'll certainly look next time if I feel something down my leg ! ;)

Offline itk

Being chased down flights of stairs from prossie's flat, got to my car and then had to sit and wait for the immobiliser to de-arm, back then it was a case of putting a stick from my keys into a slot and wait for the light to change from red to green. Longest five seconds of my life before I could start the car and piss off. Chased by car for a mile till I ran a red light to lose him.

Offline socks

Being chased down flights of stairs from prossie's flat, got to my car and then had to sit and wait for the immobiliser to de-arm, back then it was a case of putting a stick from my keys into a slot and wait for the light to change from red to green. Longest five seconds of my life before I could start the car and piss off. Chased by car for a mile till I ran a red light to lose him.
Shit mate! Tell us more - like what occured for you to be hassled like that?

Offline Marmalade

Being chased down flights of stairs from prossie's flat, got to my car and then had to sit and wait for the immobiliser to de-arm, back then it was a case of putting a stick from my keys into a slot and wait for the light to change from red to green. Longest five seconds of my life before I could start the car and piss off. Chased by car for a mile till I ran a red light to lose him.
I guess that would be a 'negative' then?  :cool:

Offline Blackpool Rock

Which we don't. Well apart from when following our team at Newcastle this season. Newcastle for fuck's sake, they're worse than us atm.
So are Man Utd apparently  :drinks:

Offline itk

Shit mate! Tell us more - like what occured for you to be hassled like that?

It was because myself and a mate turned up at the door, and once we saw her we said we would leave it. She got narked and called the pimp, that after grabbing my mate asking us to come in the flat. This back in the 90's so it had meant ringing a number from phone box and turning up, wishing she would be doable. On this occasion she was a hound, so it was a case of saying no.

Offline socks

It was because myself and a mate turned up at the door, and once we saw her we said we would leave it. She got narked and called the pimp, that after grabbing my mate asking us to come in the flat. This back in the 90's so it had meant ringing a number from phone box and turning up, wishing she would be doable. On this occasion she was a hound, so it was a case of saying no.
Good reminder of the advances in the punter experience that the web and ukp generally speaking give us!

Offline Donnie69

Accidentally getting with a she-male in Turin, Italy.  From a distance I thought she was a real woman.  Had no physical contact, just mutual masturbation in some seedy stairwell. Got out as quick as possible.


  • Guest
Got ripped off in Barnsley a few years ago, her boyfriend turned up, I was set up big style . Paid my money in bedroom got stripped off, she went down to answer door came back up and showed me out. No chance of getting money back.
I hope she let you get dressed first. :scare:
There are some interesting stories here. I'm lucky to have never found myself in a confrontational situation on a punt. I've had disagreements and been scammed and ripped off but never with threats of violence or actual violence.

My worst moment in punting was when some skank didn't tell me that she was on her period. I fucked her and was protected of course but ended up with blood all over my shaft, balls, body. I was paranoid and convinced I would catch something nasty. I was anxious for months (until the last set of tests came back, 6 months later). I didn't punt for some years after that. And I thought I'd never punt again.