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Author Topic: Punting psychology  (Read 2073 times)


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Does anybody else get the notion that during a visit, the WG feels repulsed and disgusted by what you are doing, how you look and how you act?

Many times there has been the arduous wiping of their breasts, spitting after oral and general miserable faces to contend with.

I saw a WG today and she clearly hated every minute of it.

This is synonymous with Asians, Brazilians and Romanians mostly.

I have also seen English, Polish, Hungarians who maybe better actresses.

I try and be level headed when I visit a WG, but sometimes I want the WG to enjoy it as well, and when I see scowls it can be quite demoralizing. So maybe I am going into the whole experience with the wrong attitude.

I would like to know what others think.

Offline maxxblue

Does anybody else get the notion that during a visit, the WG feels repulsed and disgusted by what you are doing, how you look and how you act?

No  :hi:

Offline Kenco657

Why don’t you try being pimped out and have your arse and mouth sold as a cum dump. Only to get a small portion, if any, of the earnings.
I think you will find yourself jaded, resentful and have a face like a slapped arse 100% of the time.

Try using independent escorts instead of the conveyor belt services you seem to be going for.


  • Guest
Do we have ourselves a White Knight?


  • Guest
Valid point. I have seen many independent girls. One a few years back saw me and her face dropped. Another one came out with that too big bullshit. Another gave her her life story about what a rotten life she has. I could go on

Offline houseboot

Do we have ourselves a White Knight?

No, he answered the question you asked. :hi:

The question the rest are probably asking is are you a "Returner"?  :unknown:

The fact that you've only been here two weeks and yet are calling people White Knights is somewhat suspicious. :thumbsdown:
« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 10:55:27 pm by houseboot »


  • Guest
Maybe I have been spending to much time on the saafe website. Over there they certainly make their feelings known.


  • Guest
Why don’t you try being pimped out and have your arse and mouth sold as a cum dump. Only to get a small portion, if any, of the earnings.
I think you will find yourself jaded, resentful and have a face like a slapped arse 100% of the time.

Try using independent escorts instead of the conveyor belt services you seem to be going for.

Def +1 but where do you find them these days? Certainly a struggle here in East London and North where i have often punted is poor now. Indies have been robbed etc and forced out if you read things on here.On the verge of resorting to massage girls lol.

To answer the question another way, try getting a bit of chat going before parting up your cash, always book an hour at least and 5 mins will make no difference, don,t like the chat or attitude, walk. Works for me and any sign of a pimp walk too. If you find a good one i think you should make her a regular, not for me i rarely go twice but it might suit you. Though how things are a good indie might change my mind.


  • Guest
Maybe I have been spending to much time on the saafe website. Over there they certainly make their feelings known.

You know the answer to that then.


  • Guest
Thanks nifty. I was hoping to get a good dialogue going, but it has gone off-kilter

Offline Malvolio

Does anybody else get the notion that during a visit, the WG feels repulsed and disgusted by what you are doing, how you look and how you act?

Many times there has been the arduous wiping of their breasts, spitting after oral and general miserable faces to contend with.

I saw a WG today and she clearly hated every minute of it.

This is synonymous with Asians, Brazilians and Romanians mostly.

I have also seen English, Polish, Hungarians who maybe better actresses.

I try and be level headed when I visit a WG, but sometimes I want the WG to enjoy it as well, and when I see scowls it can be quite demoralizing. So maybe I am going into the whole experience with the wrong attitude.

I would like to know what others think.

Occasionally you will encounter a WG who has the hump - not much you can do about it.

I would suggest that if she looks totally miserable when she opens the door, you should make your excuses and leave.


  • Guest
I keep getting caught out. They are usually fine at the start, then it always goes down hill. It is as if they are just sucking me in.


  • Guest
What are the signs that a girl is being pimped out?

Offline daviemac

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What are the signs that a girl is being pimped out?

Exactly what you describe in your OP. It's not a thing I've come across maybe you're just picking the wrong ones.


  • Guest
What are the signs that a girl is being pimped out?

Young cheap usually in a dump,foreign usually, don,t speak English but the person on the phone does, everything by text, other people in the place though some use tech to keep an eye on them, shady fucker hanging around nearby maybe in a car, video doorbells, back to back bookings, double bookings, B&S, If in doubt walk, if you think they are being forced call crimestoppers or plod if you don,t mind giving your details they will act.

Sounds like that is exactly what you have been punting, there are good indies out there you just got to find them. There are girls who have a pimp/minder by choice and negotiate a deal and though i don,t like it that is their choice. There are those that use and pay a maid to deal with calls and language barriers but you just know the ones being forced.


  • Guest
I keep getting caught out. They are usually fine at the start, then it always goes down hill. It is as if they are just sucking me in.

you are def. picking the wrong ones, i do it my way and can,t say i remember a really bad punt.Some where we have not clicked or not found her attractive enough but still been pleasant and done the job. The only bad one i really remember is when the pimped one spilt the beans but that was not really a punt. She looked sick and i wanted to walk, she picked me and persuaded me to stay and told me everything. several hours with plod ensued, she now works in a factory for not a lot of money but is free happy and keeps in touch. Makes the shit bit of it worthwhile.


  • Guest
Do you think even the asian ones are being pimped out?


  • Guest
Do you think even the asian ones are being pimped out?

If you mean Chinese almost def, the way they keep rotating them from one place to another is a give away. They have a natural manner to please but Chinese girl trafficking is rife. By all accounts there is a national clampdown on Chinese Brothels and read a review of one punter getting a visit from immigration mid punt.
I never touch them but read reviews some get good punts from them, not for me.

Offline mradventures

i dont know what you look like or how you are in your behaviour, but maybe you could shower there before u start (so she knows you are clean) and then a small present perhaps?

Offline Bonker

Some hate it, others tolerate it. Rare ones enjoy it, sometimes.
I certainly don't believe all the ones who state "I genuinely enjoy sex...". They may well do but not with every fat old ugly git that comes their way (like me).


  • Guest
Back in 2010 I visited a working girl (asian) who seemed to be independent and I stayed and chatted to her for the whole session. She told me about her daughter and how she misses her et cetera. Then the following morning I had a missed call from her. She had phoned me at 4am and left a voicemail. She was crying about how she misses her daughter and wants to go home.

I phoned her and said I don't know what to do and that I will come and see her. But she told me not to. I left it as I was not sure whether she was manipulating me, or if she really needed my help.

I still think about it and wonder what happened to her.


  • Guest
In 2016 I visited a girl (asian) and about 10 minutes into the session she started crying and told me that I seemed nice she gave me her personal number and to contact her to see when she would return to Milton Keynes. I contacted her 3 months later and her phone was not connecting. It was her number as I had tested it before leaving.

Funny the things that come back to you.

One thing I have always noticed about Asian Brothels is that at the end the girl is always stood at the bedroom door starring at you as you leave. It is as if she wants you to take her with you.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

And over time there have been a few i'd be quite willing to take home with me.

Thats probally what they want just that, a stable home.

Often makes me wonder what happens to some of them poor sods:(

Offline DaVINCI

I couldn't give a eff if the WG enjoy's it or not, even if she appeared she was, she would most likely be faking it  :music:

I have experienced the shit attitude years ago you have, mainly getting drawn in with fake Romanian pics and not being a member on here I never knew any better.

I would walk now but experience tells me never visit unreviewed Romanians, it is mostly likely going be a shit punt or something totally different behind the door to what is advertised  :D.

Therefore, look at reviewed SP on here and generally you wont go wrong. 

Offline mradventures

Back in 2010 I visited a working girl (asian) who seemed to be independent and I stayed and chatted to her for the whole session. She told me about her daughter and how she misses her et cetera. Then the following morning I had a missed call from her. She had phoned me at 4am and left a voicemail. She was crying about how she misses her daughter and wants to go home.

I phoned her and said I don't know what to do and that I will come and see her. But she told me not to. I left it as I was not sure whether she was manipulating me, or if she really needed my help.

I still think about it and wonder what happened to her.

many poor asians go abroad to work to send money home, often find out when they abroad the money was effectively much less than they thought, plus missing their kids. :(

Offline HarryZZ

In answer to the OP; yes sometimes, but mostly no. Whether that's just better acting or actually just a different perspective, we all view our bodies differently some people faint at the sight of blood, some can't bare to watch operations on TV, some are surgeons and some have even operated on themselves without anaesthetic, we're all different.

I'm pretty sure there are very few people on the planet that love sex so much that they genuinely enjoy being mauled by a smelly, fat old bloke with poor manners, a tiny cock and can only manage three pumps before losing his load, "you're the best, baby" I don't think so. Although I'm sure some do generally enjoy it and tolerate the nightmare clients.

The thing that we have to get our heads around is that for the most part, although we're operating in the same secretive world as the SPs, our view of sex is completely different, we're so desperate to have it we're prepared to pay somebody a large amount of money for it and from their point of view its such a casual thing, that the transaction is no more extraordinary that the purchase of a packet of chewing gum, that they're happy to give it up numerous times a day every day.

Finally the loathing that you're feeling may very well be, at least in part, self loathing, we're all conditioned from birth to our attitudes towards sex and particularly prostitution, when any of us first learned what it means I'm pretty sure most of us, punter or SP, would have been horrified if we would end up being part of the industry and in some small way in the back of our minds that will never leave us.

Online scutty brown

In 2016 I visited a girl (asian) and about 10 minutes into the session she started crying and told me that I seemed nice she gave me her personal number and to contact her to see when she would return to Milton Keynes. I contacted her 3 months later and her phone was not connecting. It was her number as I had tested it before leaving.

Funny the things that come back to you.

One thing I have always noticed about Asian Brothels is that at the end the girl is always stood at the bedroom door starring at you as you leave. It is as if she wants you to take her with you.

She was asking for help
Thats a perfect example of when you should have called the police. She wanted rescue.

As for that look as you leave.......every punter who leaves is a chance of escape lost.

Online scutty brown

many poor asians go abroad to work to send money home, often find out when they abroad the money was effectively much less than they thought, plus missing their kids. :(

Its more than that, many come on promises of real work only to be forced into prostitution on arrival.
But what you can see is only the tip of the iceberg: besides the parlour girls and those on AW/VS theres a whole underworld of hidden girls in the big cities who are only offered to ethnic chinese: they're completely invisible

Online scutty brown

If you mean Chinese almost def, the way they keep rotating them from one place to another is a give away. They have a natural manner to please but Chinese girl trafficking is rife. By all accounts there is a national clampdown on Chinese Brothels and read a review of one punter getting a visit from immigration mid punt.
I never touch them but read reviews some get good punts from them, not for me.

Its getting worse, and all linked to chinese organised crime - the growth in sites in the last year or so has been phenomenal

Offline snaitram99

If you mean Chinese almost def, the way they keep rotating them from one place to another is a give away. They have a natural manner to please but Chinese girl trafficking is rife. By all accounts there is a national clampdown on Chinese Brothels and read a review of one punter getting a visit from immigration mid punt.

Link to this review please.


  • Guest
Its more than that, many come on promises of real work only to be forced into prostitution on arrival.
But what you can see is only the tip of the iceberg: besides the parlour girls and those on AW/VS theres a whole underworld of hidden girls in the big cities who are only offered to ethnic chinese: they're completely invisible

That is exactly what happened with The one i called plod about, Only she only came to London from another part of UK, and seeing how happy she is working 10 hour,12 hour with o/t, in a factory and already being trained as a line manager it is very obvious whoring was not a lifestyle choice.


  • Guest
Link to this review please.

I will try to find it later, i think it was sw London or suburbs and quite recent, But stark bollock naked when 3 immigration officers barge in, lots of questions but told to leave luckily.

Offline Dashing

Link to this review please.
...i think it was sw London or suburbs and quite recent, But stark bollock naked when 3 immigration officers barge in, lots of questions but told to leave luckily.

Here you go:

« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 09:21:05 am by Dashing »


  • Guest
Back in 2010 I visited a working girl (asian) who seemed to be independent and I stayed and chatted to her for the whole session. She told me about her daughter and how she misses her et cetera. Then the following morning I had a missed call from her. She had phoned me at 4am and left a voicemail. She was crying about how she misses her daughter and wants to go home.

I phoned her and said I don't know what to do and that I will come and see her. But she told me not to. I left it as I was not sure whether she was manipulating me, or if she really needed my help.

I still think about it and wonder what happened to her.

It would seem you are a decent chap, and chosen as the escape route twice. If it happens again call the Authorities, no one calls at 4am crying to manipulate, probably the only chance she got.
 Trust me that the decision  to make that call to Police does not come easily, but very very rewarding when you know the result. Crime stoppers you will never know if they acted or not but if the girl has your number i am sure she would at least thank you unless she is sent for deportation. Even then she would be grateful to go home.
It does though give you a very different outlook over this game and far more interested in seeking out indies, and struggling to get back in the saddle, which i hope to do soon.

Offline Jonestown

Strikes me some folk are so riddled with guilt and self-loathing as result of their real or imagined punting activities that they have to fantasise about rescuing girls to feel good about themselves. Its just a hobby, if you don't enjoy it, do something else with your time and money, maybe join an animal rescue charity.

Offline hawkzville

Strikes me some folk are so riddled with guilt and self-loathing as result of their real or imagined punting activities that they have to fantasise about rescuing girls to feel good about themselves. Its just a hobby, if you don't enjoy it, do something else with your time and money, maybe join an animal rescue charity.

I agree with this viewpoint; by definition someone "prostituting" themselves has (unless being forced to, which is a very different matter as we'd all agree) made a decision that money is more important to them than the work/morals/implications etc of the task..... I'm sure many of us have seen/know of people (particularly in sales) who have operated near to or beyond the limit we'd set for ourselves purely in the pursuit of money/power/success.

The fat/ugly/old/rude/whatever punters money then is as good as the next persons; so the service should be the same - if it isn't, post a negative review, warn others and don't go back.

The WG's who moan, complain etc are either in the wrong job and won't last (as bad reputations get around quickly), or like any of us maybe just having a bad time of it and letting their personal life interfere with their work (never a good idea).

My viewpoint has always been to be kind, polite, respectful - as you would to any other human being with whom you transact business - and expect the same in return...…. but if it's not making you happy, for whatever reason then it really isn't the hobby for you.

Online scutty brown

Strikes me some folk are so riddled with guilt and self-loathing as result of their real or imagined punting activities that they have to fantasise about rescuing girls to feel good about themselves. Its just a hobby, if you don't enjoy it, do something else with your time and money, maybe join an animal rescue charity.

You equate trafficking with animal cruelty?


  • Guest
It is an awful experience when you visit a girl and she sits on the bed with despair on her face. And won't let you touch her. It is either she is being forced or can't stand the site of you. Either way it can certainly haunt you.

Maybe I am going to the wrong places, but me not going won't change anything for these girls.

Offline Jonestown

You equate trafficking with animal cruelty?

Scutty, I imagine you even think polish bus drivers are trafficked.

Offline king tarzan

I use independent escorts...
I pay them good money....
I am polite and respectful to them within the time frame.
 What they really think inside that's not my problem because they are being paid bloody good money for the hour...
We start on good terms and part on good terms..
End of....
Banned reason: Misogynist who gets free bookings from agencies for pos reviews.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline hawkzville

I use independent escorts...
I pay them good money....
I am polite and respectful to them within the time frame.
 What they really think inside that's not my problem because they are being paid bloody good money for the hour...
We start on good terms and part on good terms..
End of....


Offline GreyDave

Scutty, I imagine you even think polish bus drivers are trafficked.

I know straying of topic a bit  :D :D But some guys are brought here live in a shared room in a shared house and work for te gang master....
Thats why so many of the poor sods end up being nicked for stealing food and basics and story is same promised employment but nothing...

I am older and pot belled and grey/balding I make an effort to be spotlessly clean when I see a WG and eat a mint too ;) I know I am replusive to a tight bodied 20 somethng :( :(
When I was in my 20`s I got to shag extra time and twice often with the 40 year old big titters I liked when I started never got that feeling of replusion from them ..just remembered splattering a Milf type at the Ivy parlour in Hemel one of my Peter North moments ( white and loads of tit )I apologised she laughed and wiped it in :rolleyes: :rolleyes: in front of me ...Now the WGs rush with the wipes to get it off ( thick and yellow):D :D

Offline mrfishyfoo

I use independent escorts...
I pay them good money....
I am polite and respectful to them within the time frame.
 What they really think inside that's not my problem because they are being paid bloody good money for the hour...
We start on good terms and part on good terms..
End of....

Piss off

The 3 p's of punting.

Not difficult is it.  :hi: :hi:

Offline mrfishyfoo

Does anybody else get the notion that during a visit, the WG feels repulsed and disgusted by what you are doing, how you look and how you act?

Many times there has been the arduous wiping of their breasts, spitting after oral and general miserable faces to contend with.

I saw a WG today and she clearly hated every minute of it.

This is synonymous with Asians, Brazilians and Romanians mostly.

I have also seen English, Polish, Hungarians who maybe better actresses.

I try and be level headed when I visit a WG, but sometimes I want the WG to enjoy it as well, and when I see scowls it can be quite demoralizing. So maybe I am going into the whole experience with the wrong attitude.

I would like to know what others think.

You need a new "hobby" as this one ain't suited to you.  :music: :music:

Offline unclepokey

No  :hi:

I also think you're not in the right place. Guilt appears writ large on your forehead.

The women do it for the money. They each have different levels of job satisfaction from genuine enjoyment to utter disgust but basically they do it for the money.

Us blokes do it for all kinds of reasons frankly too many to enumerate but in large measure because it's somewhat of a biological urge.

Offline Marmalade

Piss off

The 3 p's of punting.

Not difficult is it.  :hi: :hi:

Sums it up pretty well. Her ‘feelings’ are not your business. Either she’s chosen to do it but thinks it’s beneath her, in which case think of her as s grumpy robot doll that needs handled carefully (while imagining a real woman with some empathy) or you suspect she’s pimped in which case, walk out, and report to authorities if you can.

Maybe I have been spending to much time on the saafe website. Over there they certainly make their feelings known.

Probably yes. It’s a site for prossies to let off steam. The same as we have a good moan on here about bad service — they bond over such talk — as we do.

But yes, you seem to be making poor choices if it happens to you a lot. Read reviews first, ignore positives written by fluffies, and avoid Romanians.

Btw according to documentaries a lot of Romanians are pimped by choice, and sign up again after going home. Mostly ones that are shit poor. If they could earn the money in their own country they wouldn’t complain, but they think it sucks when they see people in nice cars driving through respectable London. Like many illegals (even if Romanians are not illegals), they see what more civilised countries have and they want it, like a child wants and demands an X-box and expensive designer trainers. Except they are too lazy or too incompetent to get a job. Sure, something needs done about it: but banning people from undesirable countries that can’t show verifiable savings, income and qualifications, and an ability to accept and integrate into British community and values would be a start...


  • Guest
I use independent escorts...
I pay them good money....
I am polite and respectful to them within the time frame.
 What they really think inside that's not my problem because they are being paid bloody good money for the hour...
We start on good terms and part on good terms..
End of....

Cannot argue with that one.

Online scutty brown

Scutty, I imagine you even think polish bus drivers are trafficked.

dunno about that, but Polish brickies can be
External Link/Members Only


  • Guest

dunno about that, but Polish brickies can be
External Link/Members Only

A few of my older Jamaican mates were trafficked to drive buses lol, Only by the Government.

Offline Jonestown

Well, what a merry dance that was - right up to le coup de grace.