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Author Topic: Review ratings - positive, neutral and negative.  (Read 4016 times)

Offline Curious

One guide for rating has been 'Would you have exactly the same punt again?' Yes= Positive, no=Negative, which is simple, though Negative doesn't always have the meaning that readers/posters might expect.

How do you think the extra choice of Neutral might add to/change things?

Offline Jimmyredcab

Offline Curious

Yes, in case it wasn't clear, that's why I was asking.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 11:42:53 am by Curious »

Offline Daffodil

I think it's a good idea, but I do worry that it will give people a fence to sit on.

I hope the bad punts still get a nice big red negative!

Offline Jimmyredcab

I think it's a good idea, but I do worry that it will give people a fence to sit on.

I hope the bad punts still get a nice big red negative!

I am sick of reading positive reviews where the girl has obviously given a third rate service ---------


  • Guest
As said before many reviews focus on the looks and the body of the WG. In my mind that's subjective almost shouldn't be in a review or only if the pictures/description matched. It is the service and attitude that really counts. Cock brain takes over when it comes to looks. Men are visual creatures after all but levels of service and if it matches expectations should be more real brain thoughts.

I'm not keen on a neutral option it should be positive or negative but you can only do that if review is based on facts and not subjective. The word "click" should be banned as it can be viewed in such a variety of ways. When I buy a sofa I look at was it as described and was it value for money, not if I clicked with it.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I'm not keen on a neutral option it should be positive or negative .


Many of my punts over the years have been neither positive or negative.

My policy has always been not to do a review on these sort of punts.

Sometimes I simply don't "click" with a girl but she doesn't deserve a negative.    :hi:


  • Guest
On a review, My prime interests are whether the girl's profile is accurate as far as her "enjoys" lists, her pictures and stats are accurate, she spoke english and was clean and friendly.  Everything else to me is purely subjective dependant on how the client / pro$$ie interact.  I know that pro$$ies should react the same with all clients but they are human (well mostly!) and a client that seems rude, aggressive, pushy, smelly etc., is not going to receive the same service as someone that is clean, respectful, friendly and good fun.  So, unless I know the other punters character or we have seen the same girl and thought the same about her, then I treat all reviews with caution. 


  • Guest
I agree with you Jimmy not "clicking" does not mean the punt was bad. I just think that word can be overused  and can be misinterpreted by some punters as a negative which is why I personally would not use it again in a future review.

Surely any review is better than none to help other punters even if you felt it was neutral. By confirming the accuracy of a profile and how well the service was provided a positive or negative review could be written.

Offline Curious

The approach described above (which I think has been commonly used) focuses on the whether the punter enjoyed their punt.  In that particular context, whether they 'click' with a girl or not is clearly very relevant.

However, as JRC and Vorian point out, it is not the best basis upon which to make recommendations to others because punters want different things.

Since people can often say that even though a girl doesn't suit them, she's still good at what she does, honest etc and might well appeal to someone else (e.g. a BBW or a dominant girl).

In my view it would be good to have a system that focused on who a girl might suit (including no one!) rather than whether she suited you on that particular day

Offline CBPaul


Many of my punts over the years have been neither positive or negative.

My policy has always been not to do a review on these sort of punts.

Sometimes I simply don't "click" with a girl but she doesn't deserve a negative.    :hi:

I agree, I think many of my punts have been in the grey area between positive and negative.

Negatives are pretty clear cut; crap profile, not offering services, poor attitude etc etc.

Of the rest I would welcome the opportunity to rate them as neutral. The positive / neutral / negative is only a guide though and ideally it should be backed up with some details so we can determine the more subjective parts. Each to their own after all.

Failure to click does not make for a negative but of the negatives there is sod all chance of anyone clicking, often due to the attitude of the WG. However,  when I do click with a WG it can make all the difference between a neutral and a positive.


  • Guest
Personally I welcome the introduction of the neutral rating.  Actually I was one of those insisting on it and the reason is that for me the negative rating in the heading should be something unquestionably negative and “avoid at all costs”.

Personally I would give a negative rating in the heading if one or more of the following negative elements exists:
(1) bait and switch with the substitute being mediocre. Also if the price is relatively high (say £150ph) and the pictures albeit genuine are completely inaccurate and extremely misleading (e.g. you are expecting a gorgeous 9/10 girl or a young girl in her 20s or a size 6-8 girl and instead you get a mediocre looking 6/10 girl or a mature 45 year old or a size 14 girl).
(2) the girl is unfriendly/rude/aggressive/violent/drunk.
(3) the girl is completely disinterested and mechanical during sex.
(4) the girl refuses to provide even the most basic services without obvious reason (despite the services being listed in her enjoy list).
(5) there is severe clock watching and rushing
(6) there is application of cum once per hour policy (or even per entire meeting if say 2hr) without this being acknowledged in advance.
(7) the girl clearly avoids sex with chatting or saying that there is not enough time for round two etc despite still having plenty of time left. Also time wasting tactics such as coming in and out of the room to go to the toilet.
(8) there is complete lack of communication and understanding due to complete lack of language skills or basic intelligence (for understanding waving)
(9) there are hygiene issues (bad odour, not clean, etc)
(10) there are health issues (suspicious rushes, bruises, abrasions, visible cold sores  etc)
(11) there is suspicion that he girl is coerced/trafficked and working against her will (also such cases should be reposted to the police)
(12) The area is unsafe/dodgy and/or the flat is a dirty shithole/bedsit without shower facilities AND the girl does not offer (reasonably priced) outcalls.

For me neutral is when there is a balance between positives and (less serious) negatives so the review is mixed. Positive is when everything is excellent or the negatives are just nit-picking but nonetheless acceptable for the price paid.

Also what is considered as value for money is subjective so I would never personally rate a girl negatively solely because I personally think that she is overpriced. Yet I may conclude in my review that at the price paid I have seen prettier girls or received a better service and as such I would not recommend the particular girl over others.

In other words I may say the following and still not give a negative but instead give a neutral:
Did I have a good time? Yes
Will I visit her again? No. Perhaps as a plan C or after a few years.
Do I recommend her? No. At this price (say £150) there are many better options. I would recommend her if she was priced lower (say £80).

In any case a review should give sufficient information about the reviewed WG so that the reader can make up his own mind on whether the girl is suitable for him or not. After all, the heading rating itself, means almost nothing.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 01:24:47 pm by Jason »

Offline Curious

Trying to include as much as possible of what has been written how does this sound?

Positive = I think most punters here would have a good time with this girl

Neutral = Good if you like a, b, c but maybe not otherwise.
           or: (Named) positives and negatives left me a bit happy/unhappy but it could work out differently for someone else.
           or: Good service but fully priced

Negative = Most punters here would be disappointed. Avoid.

And slightly off-topic but repeated several times:

- Putting in as many concrete facts as possible helps other punters.

- Rapport/click is very important and worth discussing when a poster can differentiate between an SP being good at creating it as opposed to the particular circumstances that day with that punter being good.


  • Guest
See the point you are making but IMHO again very subjective. I would have no idea if other punters would enjoy or not as we all have different tastes. The click/rapport again is very subjective and as said before is not an indication of a bad punt.

Neutral review if good service but fully priced,  even price is subjective as it is dependent on a punters individual fiscal situation. I would give a neutral review if I receive a good service but then thought overpriced a punter should know the price before booking and hence is not related to the review. They have a choice. Value for money is a bit different because if you pay a low amount they could understand why extra are indeed extra. A higher price would indicate a more inclusive service at the price.

I totally agree with the previous posters negative review points. It seems we can all mostly agree on what should be a  negative but the positive or neutral is a bit more difficult to tie down. That is why I personally don't like the neutral option seems a bit of a get out choice to me.

Offline 3xtdmc

I just wrote my first review, and guess what? It was a neutral :)


  • Guest
I just wrote my first review, and guess what? It was a neutral :)

I have just read your review. Personally if that had been me I would have given a negative as the pro's were based on subjective opinion but the neg's were factual and based on misinformation by the WG. Of course it is your right to have any opinion you wish. If the neutral option was not available would you have put it as a positive or a negative.

Offline 3xtdmc

Yeah I see what you're saying... Not 100% what I would have posted had neutral not been available. Sometimes I think a negative is a little harsh unless it's a different person to that advertised, they don't do things they say they do, or it felt dangerous in some way. But I also wouldn't feel right giving her a positive, although it was fairly enjoyable (minus the things I posted).

Difficult one! Bring on the perfect punts!

Offline portable

All you
See the point you are making but IMHO again very subjective. I would have no idea if other punters would enjoy or not as we all have different tastes. The click/rapport again is very subjective and as said before is not an indication of a bad punt.

Neutral review if good service but fully priced,  even price is subjective as it is dependent on a punters individual fiscal situation. I would give a neutral review if I receive a good service but then thought overpriced a punter should know the price before booking and hence is not related to the review. They have a choice. Value for money is a bit different because if you pay a low amount they could understand why extra are indeed extra. A higher price would indicate a more inclusive service at the price.

I totally agree with the previous posters negative review points. It seems we can all mostly agree on what should be a  negative but the positive or neutral is a bit more difficult to tie down. That is why I personally don't like the neutral option seems a bit of a get out choice to me.

All great points, but I like the idea of a neutral review. I think admin just sticky a note about the best way of deciding.

Personally, my view on "neutral" would be: Average services, a bit mechanical/had a routine, wouldn't go back in a hurry. Maybe if she's your type, and you really want to see her, just for that, you'll be happy, just don't expect much.

It is a bit of a grey area, but that's what neutral is. Simply make up your own mind from what has been written and given as "neutral". As you say, there are all sorts of subjective ways of looking at it, but if you're looking at the review for your curiosity then you could always reply or PM the reviewer to clarify certain things. Or if you think the neutral should be positive, e.g they gave a neutral simply because the girl was expensive, or didn't do owo, but you don't care about those things, then there you go. For you it's positive.

Offline dandaley


Many of my punts over the years have been neither positive or negative.

My policy has always been not to do a review on these sort of punts.

Sometimes I simply don't "click" with a girl but she doesn't deserve a negative.    :hi:

agree 100% must do a review on my next punt, see a reg girl (woman) once a month and she is ace maybe I should review her but then again something stops me as she is too good to be slated by the forum ... maybe next time.

the Neutral option is a great idea as if you dont click its not necessarily the girls fault we don't all get the feeling, same in civvie street.


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All you

All great points, but I like the idea of a neutral review. I think admin just sticky a note about the best way of deciding.

Personally, my view on "neutral" would be: Average services, a bit mechanical/had a routine, wouldn't go back in a hurry. Maybe if she's your type, and you really want to see her, just for that, you'll be happy, just don't expect much.

It is a bit of a grey area, but that's what neutral is. Simply make up your own mind from what has been written and given as "neutral". As you say, there are all sorts of subjective ways of looking at it, but if you're looking at the review for your curiosity then you could always reply or PM the reviewer to clarify certain things. Or if you think the neutral should be positive, e.g they gave a neutral simply because the girl was expensive, or didn't do owo, but you don't care about those things, then there you go. For you it's positive.

On reflection I see your point of view as very sensible.  I think one of the great things we have with the free hand review style is that is forces you to digest the information and punters on here seem quite open about answering questions about a review on the thread or by PM. Unlike the bullshit that is AW feedback.  I have seen people just look and feedback stats and make a decision based on the numbers without doing any homework at all.  A sure way to increase your risk of a bad punt.


  • Guest
agree 100% must do a review on my next punt, see a reg girl (woman) once a month and she is ace maybe I should review her but then again something stops me as she is too good to be slated by the forum ... maybe next time.

the Neutral option is a great idea as if you dont click its not necessarily the girls fault we don't all get the feeling, same in civvie street.

I see your point but again "click" comes up. It is no one's fault if you don't "click" so why does it get mentioned so many times in reviews.  I have done it myself, services advertised and services delivered are the most important part of any review the rest us up to the punter to decide.

BTW out of interest why do you think a review of your good regular would mean she would get slated on UKP. Yes I've have seen it get a bit rough and ready but would hope that on the whole people would be respectful of your review if it was good. We should save the anger for those WG's who give a bad service and celebrate the good ones so all punters benefit in the long run.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2014, 07:07:46 pm by vorian »

Offline smiths

One guide for rating has been 'Would you have exactly the same punt again?' Yes= Positive, no=Negative, which is simple, though Negative doesn't always have the meaning that readers/posters might expect.

How do you think the extra choice of Neutral might add to/change things?

Overall it might mean punters who had an average punt they wouldnt of rated positive or negative so wouldnt of bothered at all post a review up. Even if only one punter does this its worth having the Neutral option in my view.

Offline smiths

All you

All great points, but I like the idea of a neutral review. I think admin just sticky a note about the best way of deciding.

Personally, my view on "neutral" would be: Average services, a bit mechanical/had a routine, wouldn't go back in a hurry. Maybe if she's your type, and you really want to see her, just for that, you'll be happy, just don't expect much.

It is a bit of a grey area, but that's what neutral is. Simply make up your own mind from what has been written and given as "neutral". As you say, there are all sorts of subjective ways of looking at it, but if you're looking at the review for your curiosity then you could always reply or PM the reviewer to clarify certain things. Or if you think the neutral should be positive, e.g they gave a neutral simply because the girl was expensive, or didn't do owo, but you don't care about those things, then there you go. For you it's positive.

I agree its a grey area. I would give a WG that was a bit mechanical a negative as thats bad service in my view for example.

The great thing about reviews on here is they are interactive of course, that feature makes it easier for punters to ask questions without having to PM which i see as an excellent idea. It gives punters a more in-depth view on many WGs who had had reviews with other punters adding their own experiences to existing threads or choosing to start their own thread on a WG as they so wish.


  • Guest
Neutral review if good service but fully priced,  even price is subjective as it is dependent on a punters individual fiscal situation. I would give a neutral review if I receive a good service but then thought overpriced a punter should know the price before booking and hence is not related to the review. They have a choice. Value for money is a bit different because if you pay a low amount they could understand why extra are indeed extra. A higher price would indicate a more inclusive service at the price.

You know the price but you don't always know what you will get for that price. You don't always know in advance about the actual appearance (face, age, dress size, boobs shape, stretch marks etc) unless you punt only with girls with face pictures and non-photoshopped pictures. You also don't always know about the place or actual services unless there exist reliable reviews.

It is actually not very hard to state what good value for money is. Ideally good value for money is very good looks + very good service delivery. Of course I won’t give positive only to girls who are “cheap and good”. If a girl is expensive but both stunningly beautiful and offering very good service the rating must be positive, not neutral. Think of it as rating a car: You can’t rate a Lamborghini “neutrally” because it's expensive.

Available or extra services are irrelevant to me as the absence of OWO, CIM, swallow or anal are not important for me and I won't pay extra if not offered in the “standard package”. Actually many times that OWO and CIM are included in the price I personally choose to not take them and I may instead prefer OW and COB. For me the only “non-standard” service that is often (but not always) a deal breaker is French Kissing with tongue. But each to their own.

Personally when it comes to price I tend to value physical appearance above superb service delivery as I know from experience that at each price range there exist girls who offer an excellent service. So the level of physical attractiveness/beauty and how it compares with the other available options in that price range is what makes the difference. In other words based on a comparison of looks and rates between the available WGs in London (which is the largest pool in UK) I will say that regardless of how excellent the service is that the girl’s attractiveness worth £80, £100, £120, £150, £180, £200, £250, £300+ per hour. A not excellent service is then penalised accordingly by deducting an amount (say £20-£50) from the “looks amount”. Of course my judgment is subjective but anyone who knows me also knows my taste in women.


  • Guest
You know the price but you don't always know what you will get for that price. You don't always know in advance about the actual appearance (face, age, dress size, boobs shape, stretch marks etc) unless you punt only with girls with face pictures and non-photoshopped pictures. You also don't always know about the place or actual services unless there exist reliable reviews.

It is actually not very hard to state what good value for money is. Ideally good value for money is very good looks + very good service delivery. Of course I won’t give positive only to girls who are “cheap and good”. If a girl is expensive but both stunningly beautiful and offering very good service the rating must be positive, not neutral. Think of it as rating a car: You can’t rate a Lamborghini “neutrally” because it's expensive.

Available or extra services are irrelevant to me as the absence of OWO, CIM, swallow or anal are not important for me and I won't pay extra if not offered in the “standard package”. Actually many times that OWO and CIM are included in the price I personally choose to not take them and I may instead prefer OW and COB. For me the only “non-standard” service that is often (but not always) a deal breaker is French Kissing with tongue. But each to their own.

Personally when it comes to price I tend to value physical appearance above superb service delivery as I know from experience that at each price range there exist girls who offer an excellent service. So the level of physical attractiveness/beauty and how it compares with the other available options in that price range is what makes the difference. In other words based on a comparison of looks and rates between the available WGs in London (which is the largest pool in UK) I will say that regardless of how excellent the service is that the girl’s attractiveness worth £80, £100, £120, £150, £180, £200, £250, £300+ per hour. A not excellent service is then penalised accordingly by deducting an amount (say £20-£50) from the “looks amount”. Of course my judgment is subjective but anyone who knows me also knows my taste in women.

Well put and your points are very well made. However i personally do put more importance on how services are delivered and i guess enthusiastic is the key word for me. I do only punt with a WG who has face/body pictures available by whatever means and of course as natural looking as possible.

However as you said at the end level of attractiveness is subjective and what I might considered to be worth xx might be completely different to you because of that reason the "worth" is only important when you make a choice not when assessing the worth on another punters review.

I dislike how price comes up again and again particularly when people criticise another punter for paying too much. Too much is anything if the service is poor but not an absolute figure. I can't afford a Ferrari but that shouldn't mean I criticise a punter who can. The price is set by the market there is no regulated price control in prostitution although I'm sure many of us wish there was.

Offline Curious

Positive = I think most punters here would have a good time with this girl

Neutral = Good if you like a, b, c but maybe not otherwise.
           or: (Named) positives and negatives left me a bit happy/unhappy but it could work out differently for someone else.
           or: A bit expensive compared to others offering similar service/looks

Negative = Most punters here would be disappointed in the service or vfm. Avoid.

And slightly off-topic but relevant to writing any reviews:

- Putting in as many concrete facts as possible helps other punters.

- Rapport/click is very important and worth discussing IF the poster is able to differentiate between the SP being good at creating rapport, as opposed to there being good rapport in the particular circumstances that day with that punter.

Vorian, Jason, all

Being a bit cheeky I know, but just for fun, if you had a gun to your head and had to write what the three ratings should mean in the format above with a similar number of words, what would you put?
Explaining why it's impossible/inappropriate not being a survival option...  :lol:


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Vorian, Jason, all

Being a bit cheeky I know, but just for fun, if you had a gun to your head and had to write what the three ratings should mean in the format above with a similar number of words, what would you put?
Explaining why it's impossible/inappropriate not being a survival option...  :lol:

Challenge Accepted


All services/description available as offered on profile. Physical appearance matches the person on the profile. ALL services enthusiastically provided


Any sevices/description NOT available as offered on profile.  Physical appearance does not match the person on the profile. ANY service not enthusiastically provided.


Hmm,  no sorry just can't do it.

Challenge Fail


  • Guest
Vorian, Jason, all

Being a bit cheeky I know, but just for fun, if you had a gun to your head and had to write what the three ratings should mean in the format above with a similar number of words, what would you put?
Explaining why it's impossible/inappropriate not being a survival option...  :lol:

Positive = Excellent value for money.
Neutral = Nothing special, easily forgotten.
Negative = Complete waste of money.

Back when I used to see a different WG every month most fell into the Neutral rating. This doesn’t mean they weren’t worth visiting,


  • Guest
Well put and your points are very well made. However i personally do put more importance on how services are delivered and i guess enthusiastic is the key word for me. I do only punt with a WG who has face/body pictures available by whatever means and of course as natural looking as possible.

However as you said at the end level of attractiveness is subjective and what I might considered to be worth xx might be completely different to you because of that reason the "worth" is only important when you make a choice not when assessing the worth on another punters review.

When none of the obvious negative points that I listed previously exist then service delivery (and especially enthusiasm) is a far more subjective aspect than looks. Punter’s own hygiene, looks and sex skills, time of the meeting, meeting duration, first or repeated visit, etc are all variables that may affect the girl’s enthusiasm. Ideally there must be enthusiasm regardless of the abovementioned variables (apart from hygiene of course) but my point is that if in my own review I report that the girl was enthusiastic, it is not guaranteed that she will be so in yours. So at least two reviews –from different punters- are required to see if the girl is generally enthusiastic. Yet again she may later become jaded. On the contrary, looks will remain the same for a reasonably long period (well unless she gets fat/pregnant or so).

Vorian, Jason, all

Being a bit cheeky I know, but just for fun, if you had a gun to your head and had to write what the three ratings should mean in the format above with a similar number of words, what would you put?
Explaining why it's impossible/inappropriate not being a survival option...  :lol:

Negative: There exist one or more unquestionably negative element(s) (such as those I listed previously).
Neutral: When you feel that the entire looks/service package is honest and enjoyable but there exist far better options in that price range. If already cheap enough you may revisit or recommend as a plan B/C.
Positive: When you are fully content with the looks and service delivery and the only negatives (if exist) are minor and acceptable for that price range.

Of course ratings are subjective to the punter's own experience and taste.   


  • Guest
Jason I totally agree with your negative reasons 110%. You make a fair point about the subjective nature of enthusiasm,  like the word attitude it does depend on individual expectations and of course the behaviour of the punter.  If you are unhygienic and rude or aggressive to a WG then a sane person cannot expect enthusiasm.  I thought the original list of negative reasons you posted were very well thought out and I would certainly refer to them if asked in the future.

As far as positive goes, quite right to rely on a single review would be a silly thing to do due to a number of different reasons. I would say 4/5 would be a better indicator but even then there is no guarantee. Once again your definition of positive is one I could willingly support. Looks are of course important without doubt,  I just feel that in some reviews I have seen good looks are used as a reason for a positive or neutral review when the service was poor. I'm not saying that is the case with your reviews but I have seen it many times.
Yes one of the main reasons for paying for sex is you get to choose the female aesthetic that you are individually attracted to and I agree the standard of that will change depending on your price range. A Ferrari looks better than an Transit Van and costs a lot more. However I make that choice before the session, so the looks are more down to my opinion as look as the WG matches the profile if not then it's back to your negative list.

The one I still have the problem with is neutral as it seems to be the most subjective choice of all three and based on value for money and could you get better for your money. With the number of WG's in the world one could assume that there is always better out there and something that to a degree is outside of the control of the WG as the punter has already accepted the price before the session. As long as the services and looks match the description then it has to be positive as the punter made their choice about what they were going to see and get whether that be a £20 hand job from the most unattractive woman in the world or a ten grand weekend away with a supermodel. I dislike bringing price into it probably if I'm honest as I find it irritating when after a review is posted a comment is made about a negative ie what did you expect it was ONLY £ xxx. Or a positive review is frowned upon, ie I'd expect it to be good at that price. I agree realistically the cost does matter in relation to looks and perhaps location but should not be a variable in the matching of service and presentation to that which was expected.

Overall paying a woman for sexual services is a very subjective situation and impossible to impartially categorise but that doesn't mean I think we should stop trying,  if only to help the next punter have a good experience or avoid a bad one.

Roland D Hay

  • Guest
I'd welcome the neutral option. For me it means that I didn't particularly enjoy the punt but someone else might or it means that for the price point the service should be better and you feel that there is better or similar elsewhere for less money.
Moreover, I know I'd be prepared to see girls who were reviewed with neutral feedback provided I understood what the issues were. This is no different from my not seeing girls with positive reviews, sometimes I get enough from a positive review to know that she's not someone I'd be interested in.