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Author Topic: Incall - Safe?  (Read 4405 times)


  • Guest
Hey guys,
I'm sorry. I'm sure this question has been answered a million times. I would just like some perspective on whether in general you think it is wise to ever do a incall if you're home alone.

Secondly; I'll check out the search function in a bit, but if someone could direct me to some threads with general tips that would be golden. (I'm a first time punter)..

Looking forward to it & excited!

Offline Dani

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Unsure if you mean an incall or an outcall as you mention being home alone
An incall is where you visit the prossie at her place and an outcall is where she visits you at your house/hotel etc.


  • Guest
Hey guys,
I'm sorry. I'm sure this question has been answered a million times. I would just like some perspective on whether in general you think it is wise to ever do a incall if you're home alone.

Secondly; I'll check out the search function in a bit, but if someone could direct me to some threads with general tips that would be golden. (I'm a first time punter)..

Looking forward to it & excited!

Look at the top of the page and you will see a "punting guides" tab


  • Guest
Me personally I have no qualms about having an outcall to my home from a privacy point of view.

This is primarily because I have no significant other to hide it from, and being of far eastern blood there is no shame or negativity towards it. As everywhere in Eastern Asia it is recognised that the flesh has certain hungers.

The beef is you open yourself up to a blackmailer, sergie coming round to your house demanding money or even coming for a robbery (a legitimate concern for Far eastern Asians as we don't keep cash we keep other valuables).


  • Guest
Hey guys,
I'm sorry. I'm sure this question has been answered a million times. I would just like some perspective on whether in general you think it is wise to ever do a incall if you're home alone.

Secondly; I'll check out the search function in a bit, but if someone could direct me to some threads with general tips that would be golden. (I'm a first time punter).

Brilliant idea, what could possibly go wrong,

as for tips, make sure you book a pro$$ie with the same dress size as your wife so you can get her to dress in your wives clothes  :hi:

Offline AnthG

I'm sorry. I'm sure this question has been answered a million times. I would just like some perspective on whether in general you think it is wise to ever do a incall if you're home alone.

It depends, are you talking about a situation where your wife goes out to somewhere like Bingo for 2 hours one day per week and you want to slip in a one hour outcall between it.

Or are you talking about your wife goes to Spain regularly for a week?
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline mh

It depends, are you talking about a situation where your wife goes out to somewhere like Bingo for 2 hours one day per week and you want to slip in a one hour outcall between it.

Or are you talking about your wife goes to Spain regularly for a week?

OP can answer but he may not be wondering if it is safe from the point of view of being caught out by his wife, more that it may not be safe to ask someone you don't know to come to your house, knowing you have a pile of cash to hand, to perform illicit acts. Well what could possibly go wrong?  :unknown:

But then again I'm not sure that any punter who books an incall makes sure they have a pal in the house as backup in the case of trouble.  :lol:

Offline smiths

Hey guys,
I'm sorry. I'm sure this question has been answered a million times. I would just like some perspective on whether in general you think it is wise to ever do a incall if you're home alone.

Secondly; I'll check out the search function in a bit, but if someone could direct me to some threads with general tips that would be golden. (I'm a first time punter)..

Looking forward to it & excited!

I assume you mean booking a WG to visit you for a punt in your own home. If so in over 30 years of punting i have never done that and wont ever do that as it breaks my basic security.

However, many punters have done it with no problem as i have been told and read. Incalls where i visit the WG are the only way i punt nowadays, i have in the past on ocassion had a WG visit me in my hotel room without a problem but wont be doing that again.

Offline GreyDave

I think I remember that song now.."Woke up in a cheapmotel, she took my heart she took my money. she must of slipped me a slepping pill :D :D :D  I think that was about Paris B  ;)


  • Guest

But then again I'm not sure that any punter who books an incall makes sure they have a pal in the house as backup in the case of trouble.  :lol:

I dunno, it'd be useful if you had an identical twin brother :lol:

Offline mh

I dunno, it'd be useful if you had an identical twin brother :lol:

Yes I guess you could play tag team and get two for the price of one.  :D


  • Guest
I started out generally preferring incalls - but that was mainly because I was in the process of separating from the missus and she was still occasionally sleeping here. 

Now I don't have that to worry about I have no issue with outcalls at all - if I really want to see someone and they don't offer an incall it's a much better option IMHO than booking a day use hotel which ups the cost without adding any value at all.  I'd rather take that extra £70-100 and have an extra 30 mins or hour of fun!  ;)

There is a certain excitement to going to a strange location to meet someone new, but equally I've found there's a real buzz from having a strange and beautiful girl turn up on your doorstep where your neighbours might see and come in and use your furniture in ways you never have before.    I'm thinking I may actually setup one of the bedrooms as a play room / dungeon.   

In terms of security - I assume word would spread pretty quickly if a WG brought their pimp to rob you or whatever and I obviously wouldn't invite just anyone - ie a no fb Romanian!  That would just be asking for trouble.

I already have three more ladies booked to come to my house in the next six weeks just because it was more convenient than an incall or an incall wasn't on the menu at all.  All three have extremely good reputations on here so I guess I trust them to be honest in my house the same way I trust their service to be good.   Would any of you be concerned about having say MissKDD in your home? or Platinum Cindy?   (OK, West8 might - Cindy would probably come packing heat!  :lol:)

Maybe I'm just a bit naive (or have nothing here worth stealing anyway!) :D

Offline sublimetoridiculous

Maybe I'm just a bit naive (or have nothing here worth stealing anyway!) :D
I don't think so, I've been doing outcalls to my home for years.

The only thing to watch out for if you book someone who doesn't have a high reputation is the taxi money scam.

Offline Happylad

I am a widower, living on my own, and I have had many more outcalls to my home than I have made incalls to a wg`s. I thoroughly appreciate the benefits - not having to go out on a cold evening, not having to worry about parking the car in a strange neighbourhood, knowing the bedroom is spotlessly clean and warm enough, being able to just lounge around in a dressing gown afterwards instead of having to dress and drive home etc, etc, etc.

I have never had any problems, but I occasionally have the additional pleasure that my current regular, if she is passing the area and has time, will pop in for a cuppa and a look at the garden.


  • Guest
I am a widower, living on my own, and I have had many more outcalls to my home than I have made incalls to a wg`s. I thoroughly appreciate the benefits - not having to go out on a cold evening, not having to worry about parking the car in a strange neighbourhood, knowing the bedroom is spotlessly clean and warm enough, being able to just lounge around in a dressing gown afterwards instead of having to dress and drive home etc, etc, etc.

I have never had any problems, but I occasionally have the additional pleasure that my current regular, if she is passing the area and has time, will pop in for a cuppa and a look at the garden.
I have been on WG's metal futon beds that left me with knee pain after a hard session, houses with clutter, junk and dirt everywhere, apartments with no parking for half a mile, or areas that didn't fell safe. 

Yep, be it ever so humble there's no place like home! :)

I have never heard of the cuppa and garden fetish - new on me you must explain it sometime... :lol:

Offline CBPaul

Never have done an outcall. Mrs CBP and nosey neighbours aside I much prefer keeping my real identity private.

I have wondered about arranging an outcall to a hotel when I'm away on business, which is very rare these days, but I've always opted for an incall. I've lost count of how many prossie places I've visited but only a couple spring to mind as being total flea pits - one in particular was quite literally a flea pit and I came away with some unwanted guests crawling around in my leg hair. Most prossie places have been perfectly serviceable for an hours activity though.

Offline Happylad

I have been on WG's metal futon beds that left me with knee pain after a hard session, houses with clutter, junk and dirt everywhere, apartments with no parking for half a mile, or areas that didn't fell safe. 

Yep, be it ever so humble there's no place like home! :)

I have never heard of the cuppa and garden fetish - new on me you must explain it sometime... :lol:

It isn`t a fetish.  The spider had a parlour to lure the fly, I offer a garden and a cuppa; otherwise the difference is that while the spider devoured the fly,  in my case the oral exercise does not proceed quite to actual consumption of the guest (or vice versa), but is nevertheless enjoyable, particularly since it only costs a cup of tea.

Offline arthur

I think the answer is simple

If you have any reason to hide your punting life (wife, family, friends) then DO NOT let them near your house
The only thing the WG should know is what you look like, which cant be helped, all other information should be blank

In terms of safety id  say visiting the WG flat is actually riskier as they know the surroundings and that's what makes the scammers comfortable, I cant imagine thieves wanting to leave the comfort of their own surroundings and leave an element of chance in an unknown location


  • Guest
I have never and would never invite a WG into my home. Let me explain why I think to do so would be foolish.

Regardless of whether you are single, married or co-habiting, any WG is a pro. She sells sex, seduction and satisfaction for a living. Lying (or acting if you prefer), are part of the job description for a WG. That is not a criticism, it is a fact. The more honest ladies would agree and accept that what matters most is not to convince a man he is anything special, but that he might just be special enough for them to actually enjoy their 'work'. Now, that's not to say some girls don't enjoy their work - they do. But true enjoyment is like real-life chemistry: it is both infrequent and elusive.

I have had occasions when the lady I am with has successfully seduced me into believing I am her lover. I know I am not and could never be. But her 'performance' is so utterly convincing as to warrant very little doubt. The key thing to always bear in mind is a simple one: savour the moment and the delicious aftertaste. Celebrate it. Reminisce about it for hours, weeks, days or years. But never forget it was just an interlude in the mundane reality that is life without regular sexual activity.

Perhaps more importantly, you will always get a better understanding of how any girl 'really' is when you enter her environment. This is particularly true if she lives where she works, as a majority of girls do. Yes, a girl will generally feel more secure and self-confident in her domain, but the reason an incall to her place is best is that you are putting both her skills as a hostess as well as a sexual partner to the test.

In other words, she is the one who needs to create the environment that is both welcoming and stimulating whilst you need do nothing except graciously accept her hospitality.

In my experience, the ability of a girl to perform as hostess is often a superb indicator of her ability to convince you that you are her one and only focus whilst together. All that follows is usually as good as it can be - often as a result of how relaxed a girl can feel after seducing you with her skills as a hostess.

Offline Daffodil

In my opinion it would never be a good idea.

If you have absolutely nothing to lose/nobody who cares then that's spiffy, but there are still other concerns.

Would you feel comfortable writing her a negative review when she knows where you live?

If she turns up and isn't what you expected (bait and switch, old pictures, etc.) would you feel comfortable turning her away?

Certainly not for me.

Offline threechilliman

Incalls only for me then if I get any bad vibes I can easily back out or run for it!!

Even if my OH went on a long holiday, I wouldn't have a WG in my house as it reveals far too much information that you normally try and keep to yourself.


Offline gorge

Incalls are so much safer - afterwards if you have done it right they will have nothing on you - except what you look like. With outcalls they always know where you live - although they may seem balanced and stable when they see you they may not be in that position or state of mind in the future - and a lot of prossies mix in unsavoury circles and they talk.
I have done a couple of outcalls and they were great but I wouldn't do it again - I think you can also get more fluffy at home as you are trying to make her  feel comfortable so offering her a drink, etc.


  • Guest
...Would you feel comfortable writing her a negative review when she knows where you live?

If she turns up and isn't what you expected (bait and switch, old pictures, etc.) would you feel comfortable turning her away?

Certainly not for me.
OK, fair points - I had that just this past weekend as per a recent review.  I had someone turn up that I'd booked on the strength of old pics that looked nothing like them, frankly not my type at all, and I didn't turn her away, and I didn't feel comfortable writing a negative review of her. 

So yes, there is a risk which I am more cognizant of now, and as with all risks they can be mitigated at least to an extent. 

For me that means:
1) Better research
2) Ensure you have seen recent, untouched pics inc full face and body pics
3) Only ever invite people to your home that you either already know personally or have cum very highly recommended to you on this board.

After saying all that I have already made one exception to my own (new) rules for a certain Kirsten Dunst / Sophie Dee lookalike... :kissgirl:


  • Guest
All these replies and advice, yet New_Punta cannot even confirm if he means outcall not incall.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Nothing in life is ever 100% safe, even crossing the road.     :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I have had dozens of prostitutes visit me at home, never had a problem.

I only stopped home visits because the quality went seriously downhill, you can't "walk" when the girl is on your doorstep.  :hi:

Offline akauya

All these replies and advice, yet New_Punta cannot even confirm if he means outcall not incall.

I know what you mean. There are so many of those one post wonders, post a question asking for info or advice and you never hear from them again. It makes you not want to help newbies.

There's one going on here a thread started by "scanman" ( loads of guys replying and he didn't even bother to say thank you.


  • Guest
I prefer outcalls for the reasons Happylad lists and really miss them since my regular quit earlier this year.   Seeing touring girls in hotels or flats doesn't compare in my opinion.

I feel safer in my own home.  The only precaution I take is to lock the door and pocket the key after they arrive.  Not so much locking the WG in, but any driver out.


  • Guest
Hey guys, sorry for the reply. Really busy at the moment. I've been reading all of them.

I did INDEED mean calling the prostitute to ones own house. Sorry I'm not proficient with the terms yet.

I'm actually 21 and live with my girlfriend. We are engaged. My fiance lives with me but she is away in Washington D.C. for three weeks as of this Thursday. Hence the question.


  • Guest
I know what you mean. There are so many of those one post wonders, post a question asking for info or advice and you never hear from them again. It makes you not want to help newbies.

There's one going on here a thread started by "scanman" ( loads of guys replying and he didn't even bother to say thank you.

I can assure you I'm not a one-post wonder and I appreciate all the replies!

Edit : Based on these replies; I think I would go the place of the prossy. Seems the most logical idea. Thanks!
Still a bit nervous as it is my first punt though. Would be a uh...paranoid to say the least. Maybe I'll keep a knife in my sock. Haha, just kidding.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 01:07:22 pm by New_Punta »

Offline akauya

I can assure you I'm not a one-post wonder and I appreciate all the replies!

That's good to know. Do come back to UKP more often and contribute.

Good luck with your punt.


Offline hendrix

Never been a problem for me over many years, but the points raised against incalls are all valid.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Never been a problem for me over many years, but the points raised against incalls are all valid.

It goes without saying that everything of value should be hidden away or nailed down, not every girl is a thief but best not to put temptation their way.    :hi:


  • Guest
Hey guys, sorry for the reply. Really busy at the moment. I've been reading all of them.

I did INDEED mean calling the prostitute to ones own house. Sorry I'm not proficient with the terms yet.

I'm actually 21 and live with my girlfriend. We are engaged. My fiance lives with me but she is away in Washington D.C. for three weeks as of this Thursday. Hence the question.

None of my business but if you already feel that your fiancee is not enough to keep you satisfied, why you planning on marrying her? Either you're already bored with her or you havent sowed your oats enough yet. Either way is marrying her wise? And you're only 21! Do you need to rush things?

Ps the info about her going to Washington for three weeks and your age pretty much identifies you to her, or her dad, should either of them ever read this thread. Be careful.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 01:20:33 pm by fredpunter »


  • Guest
or brothers or cousins......even uncles so yeah be careful about the info you post. cant you just wait for her to come back? its only 3 weeks  :sarcastic:

....back on topic, i would visit the wg rather than have one to your house just in case you book a nutter  :wackogirl:


  • Guest
Hey guys, sorry for the reply. Really busy at the moment. I've been reading all of them.

I did INDEED mean calling the prostitute to ones own house. Sorry I'm not proficient with the terms yet.

I'm actually 21 and live with my girlfriend. We are engaged. My fiance lives with me but she is away in Washington D.C. for three weeks as of this Thursday. Hence the question.
Be very. Very. Careful.

This is not the same risk as for those of us who have no wives/girlfriends.  In order to get a WG in your house you will probabaly tidy up, or move things, or the WG could accidentally leave some evidence which - in your sex addled state you will miss when you put things back.  It doesn't matter how careful you think you are, women are VERY observant.  You will get caught.  Maybe not this time, but next time, because once you've gotten away with it once you will think it's easy, and be just slightly less cautious.  Eventually it will catch you out. It's inevitable.

Stick with an incall to a WG's location, or an outcall to a hotel you have booked, really think twice (think three times, four times, and don't stop thinking) before you shit where you eat!  In your situation there are absolutely no benefits to an outcall that aren't vastly outweighed by an incall - incalls are generally cheaper, safer for you, and minimise the risk as far as is possible.

You might feel your home is more comfortable, but woe betide you if your fiancee finds out you had a whore in her home, her sanctuary, her BED!

Just think about how that conversation might go.

On the other hand, as Fred Punter rightly says if you're thinking of playing away at this stage you might as well call it quits with your fiancee anyway - if your intention is to find a way out of the relatinoship trust me there are safer ways than letting her find out you fucked a pro$$ie in her bed. 

Just a thought.  :hi:

Offline sublimetoridiculous

It doesn't matter how careful you think you are, women are VERY observant. 

Yes, they are! And seem to have a sixth sense to detect when other women have been on their patch.

Actually you can get away with it, but as said you need to be very, very careful. Think CSI and remove all traces. What to do with a used condom is tricky, ideally dispose of it elsewhere.

Offline smiths

Hey guys, sorry for the reply. Really busy at the moment. I've been reading all of them.

I did INDEED mean calling the prostitute to ones own house. Sorry I'm not proficient with the terms yet.

I'm actually 21 and live with my girlfriend. We are engaged. My fiance lives with me but she is away in Washington D.C. for three weeks as of this Thursday. Hence the question.

Women are good at picking up signs of other women being in the house and finding things like hairs so i wouldnt recommend you have a WG in your house fucking you.


  • Guest
admitt it, a pot noodle and a wank is starting to sound like the safer bet isn't it eh  :music:

Offline shagbambi

You are nuts to even think about it.

Neighbours.  Stray hairs. Stains. Possibility of theft.
The risks are too high for a man in a relationship. 

Offline Daffodil

I know what you mean. There are so many of those one post wonders, post a question asking for info or advice and you never hear from them again. It makes you not want to help newbies.

There's one going on here a thread started by "scanman" ( loads of guys replying and he didn't even bother to say thank you.

I disagree. I don't actually see that many "one post wonders" and they're certainly not in such abundance to make me reluctant to help.

Offline Daffodil

None of my business but if you already feel that your fiancee is not enough to keep you satisfied, why you planning on marrying her? Either you're already bored with her or you havent sowed your oats enough yet. Either way is marrying her wise? And you're only 21! Do you need to rush things?

Ps the info about her going to Washington for three weeks and your age pretty much identifies you to her, or her dad, should either of them ever read this thread. Be careful.

I don't agree with the first paragraph, but totally agree with the second. Be very careful with what you post here, or anywhere to do with fucking prossies. What hendrix says, about the info you've already posted being identifiable, is definitely true.

Offline Daffodil

Hey guys, sorry for the reply. Really busy at the moment. I've been reading all of them.

I did INDEED mean calling the prostitute to ones own house. Sorry I'm not proficient with the terms yet.

I'm actually 21 and live with my girlfriend. We are engaged. My fiance lives with me but she is away in Washington D.C. for three weeks as of this Thursday. Hence the question.

This paragraph makes an outcall an absolute fucking no. Don't be so stupid  :dash: :dash:


  • Guest
Great advice from everyone. I'll be more careful with the information I disperse from here on out.

It does seem outcall is too much of a risk, and outweights the benefits.
Also : I do intend on staying with her, just want to line a few more women with my sweet nectar before being locked in the cage. Don't judge me? haha. Bad I know, but then again I'm on a bloody punting forum. lol.  I love how active this place is. It's pretty awesome.

Offline RedKettle

Great advice from everyone. I'll be more careful with the information I disperse from here on out.

It does seem outcall is too much of a risk, and outweights the benefits.
Also : I do intend on staying with her, just want to line a few more women with my sweet nectar before being locked in the cage. Don't judge me? haha. Bad I know, but then again I'm on a bloody punting forum. lol.  I love how active this place is. It's pretty awesome.

I don't think anyone judging -many of us have OHs (other halves) but I think some of the guys just giving you advice.  It is one thing to turn to punting after many years in a marriage when the sex life was died down or is a distant memory but another to be considering it when you should be in the excitement of young love (and lust).  As many on here have regretted marriages they perhaps think you might want to reflect on your reasons for punting now and whether that means your choice of OH is wrong.

Offline smiths

Great advice from everyone. I'll be more careful with the information I disperse from here on out.

It does seem outcall is too much of a risk, and outweights the benefits.
Also : I do intend on staying with her, just want to line a few more women with my sweet nectar before being locked in the cage. Don't judge me? haha. Bad I know, but then again I'm on a bloody punting forum. lol.  I love how active this place is. It's pretty awesome.

Assuming your genuine my advice is shag any woman you can while you can, fuck monogamy and all that bollocks. Punt for the sex and have a relationship for that and love.

Mark Andrews

  • Guest
Hey guys,
I'm sorry. I'm sure this question has been answered a million times. I would just like some perspective on whether in general you think it is wise to ever do a incall if you're home alone.

Secondly; I'll check out the search function in a bit, but if someone could direct me to some threads with general tips that would be golden. (I'm a first time punter)..

Looking forward to it & excited!

Depends what you mean by safe. I guess you do have to consider you do not entirely know who you are hiring or dealing with so in that case, do lock away any items of value. Touch wood, I have never had any valuables taken however I have heard of horror stories where this has happened. In any case you have to be very very careful.


  • Guest
Great advice from everyone. I'll be more careful with the information I disperse from here on out.

It does seem outcall is too much of a risk, and outweights the benefits.
Also : I do intend on staying with her, just want to line a few more women with my sweet nectar before being locked in the cage. Don't judge me? haha. Bad I know, but then again I'm on a bloody punting forum. lol.  I love how active this place is. It's pretty awesome.
Seriously, if you think marriage is a cage now before your married I think you are pretty crazy to go through with it.  Most of us don't notice the bars until we're already well locked in and it's too late for anything other than divorce - which I'm going through right now.  It's really painful and destroys not only your relationship with your lady obviously but also often your own family / friends.  To be clear - I didn't cheat on her or get caught with an escort or anything, we just drifted apart but I had my doubts going in about whether we were 100% compatible for the long haul and I didn't listen. Really wish I had.

I'm "lucky" in that we didn't have kids but it would be 10 times worse if kids were involved. 

If you're playing away now, I doubt you will completely lose the urge to - ahem - "line a few more women with your nectar".  Maybe it won't come back for a few years, but then you'll have kids, the sex will drop right off and you'll be back here again.  Not saying there's anything wrong with that - it's a choice many on here make - but I'm not sure too many went into marriage knowing they'd end up here? 

Just because marriage is the default road for most people doesn't mean it has to be for you.  Lots of people have alternative / open relationships these days and you might want to seriously consider whether it's worth finding something that's more completely fulfilling/satisfying before tying yourself to a woman that you're cheating on before you're even married. 

Not judging, it's your life and all, just some food for thought.