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Author Topic: Have we met?  (Read 6958 times)

Online finn5555

So a little further information,  several people have been in touch with AW to ask how we return unwanted tips, including anonymous ones and there has been a reply.

AW have now replied, and confirmed that there is no way to return tips, so until they sort something out (and if enough people are objecting I think they'll have to) we're stuck with it.

I guess they didn't consider not all of you would be happy receiving these tips hence why no system to return them  :unknown:

Be interesting to see what action they take over this, if any.

Offline MissWolf

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This is all about the 30%

It's about the cut they get if we cash out and if you build up a lot of credits you have to cash out because they also find reasons to suspend accounts for trivial reasons and if they suspend you they strip your credits from you, they will be suspending accounts with 300+ credits for sure for any tiny misdemeanour., it's watch your back time.

Offline mills_and_bhuna

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This is all about the 30%

It's about the cut they get if we cash out and if you build up a lot of credits you have to cash out because they also find reasons to suspend accounts for trivial reasons and if they suspend you they strip your credits from you, they will be suspending accounts with 300+ credits for sure for any tiny misdemeanour., it's watch your back time.
This very thing has happened twice to Miriam who I reviewed twice before.
Her first profile was looted for £600 if I remember her right.
She's now given up after it reoccurred.

Offline MissWolf

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This very thing has happened twice to Miriam who I reviewed twice before.
Her first profile was looted for £600 if I remember her right.
She's now given up after it reoccurred.

That is disgusting of them and really stressful for the SP, she has my sympathy  :(

I would suggest in the strongest possible terms that ANYONE  thinking of using the Tip facility to send a gift messages the SP first to ask if they are accepting tips this way.

The best tip/gift anyone can give an escort is a booking and a repeat booking or if you only ever go once to any SP a cash tip in person.

Online scutty brown

This is all about the 30%

It's about the cut they get if we cash out and if you build up a lot of credits you have to cash out because they also find reasons to suspend accounts for trivial reasons and if they suspend you they strip your credits from you, they will be suspending accounts with 300+ credits for sure for any tiny misdemeanour., it's watch your back time.

Is there a tax consideration in this as well? Do these tips count as taxable income? Could become difficult to hide if  they do, especially if they're unwanted

Offline MissWolf

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Is there a tax consideration in this as well? Do these tips count as taxable income? Could become difficult to hide if  they do, especially if they're unwanted

Yes they do

Offline PaulRuff

Have noticed that a couple of the profiles I'd seen with 'please don't tip me' or similar in the profile details have now been amended to remove this statement...

Online scutty brown

Is there a reason why AW are moving over to the new format 🤷‍♂️

Any thoughts?

Because it pushes people into logging into the system, so they retain more control (e.g. phone numbers only visible logged  in)
Because it increases the visibility of the video sales / camming functions, which means more sales
Because it fucks us up: no visible profile numbers means indexing to this site is going to become bloody hard if not impossible, and if they switch everything to // and delete // then all the existing indexes will become orphaned
Because it also fucks up the plugins/extensions we use: neither Kuck's AWCiviliser or the AWImprovements Tampermonkey script are going to work on the new site without a major rewrite.

So they make more money, keep more control, stop us linking to the site and modifying or hotlinking to their data. And of course they do it just because they can, to piss us off
But ultimately they think it'll up their bottom line

Online scutty brown

Yes they do

So that's another unwanted complication. Having to pay tax on unwanted gratuities

Offline marc_hotsteppa

Maybe ILO is more tolerant of bullshit than me.

Perhaps you should look at how you go about things, try asking escorts if it's possible to return tips instead of saying they should be able to without giving any thought to any financial cost to them, you also claim AW are bound by various advertising regulations but you haven't shown where the actually advertise.

Can you link to the regulations that cover a website providing facilities for others to advertise on?

I asked you how a punter withdraws funds from AW should an SP return a tip and would AW take a cut as I genuinely don't know but again it's a question you can't answer. If you don't know anything about how escorts could return tips or how punters could withdraw funds why suggest it should be done? again ask if it's possible don't suggest people do it regardless, but all you want to do is continue with personal insults and that is something that has to stop.

Try having a reasonable debate and answer the question asked without any insults or suggestions that you know nothing about.


I should add I am open to discussions with or answer questions from anyone who has an issue with the way I conduct myself on the forum provided it is done in an adult manner without any petty name calling, abuse or anything of that nature.

Petty name calling/abuse?

Here's my last reply to you for clarity;

If you re-read what I posted, I didn't pretend to know anything.  I've never said I KNOW how to withdraw from AW as I've never done it.  Neither as a SS or SP (as I'm NOT an SP) again, for clarity.

You have a right attitude with a LOT of people and rub them up the wrong way in my opinion, like you're old and bitter about something.

You only have to look at how ILoveOral deals with people to see the VAST difference in behaviour.

If you have issues, maybe try some introspection or therapy?

Now, if I was abusing you or calling you petty names it'd look more like this;

You really are an obnoxious cretin of the highest order.

Daviemac, stop being a cunt.

See the difference?

You probably can't see the difference as you're too fucking stupid or too retarded to see the difference.

Why don't you fuck off to another forum for sad old gits where you belong.

Banned reason: Continued abuse despite warnings.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline MissWolf

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Offline daviemac

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Petty name calling/abuse?

Here's my last reply to you for clarity;
You are right that is your last reply.

I can do no more that tell you I'm willing to have a rational adult discussion with anyone who may have an issue with me on the forum as long as it doesn't include any abuse or derogatory comments but that is something you seem to be incapable of.

Offline Thephoenix

Looks like he's hotsteppad outta here.

Offline Kool Keef

Offline Ghost89

Offline Blackpool Rock

There goes the Hotsteppa
It was sort of like watching a car crash in slow motion and you could see what was coming, stupid fucker then put his foot on the gas  :rolleyes:

Offline PumpDump

Hardly tip when the waitress does fuck all but take the order and bring the food, damned if i'm tipping a bird on the net for doing nowt!

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