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Author Topic: Kerb crawling laws  (Read 3346 times)

Offline Solidrock

Just asked this question on a regional thread but probably better here.

I've heard on this site that it's a hefty fine and placement on the sex offenders register if you're caught kerb crawling.

A street hooker told me last week that the police will turn a blind eye the first time. Is this complete bullshit? Anyone have any experience of this?

Offline Jonestown

Even if what the hooker says has some validity you don't really want to rely on mr Plod turning a blind eye, do you - what if he has had a bad day and needs to take it out on someone ?

Offline Tecova

I would not take a chance nowadays.  It is titillating to drive through that part of my local city during twilight but the girls can generally be bettered by researching on the internet.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Just asked this question on a regional thread but probably better here.

I've heard on this site that it's a hefty fine and placement on the sex offenders register if you're caught kerb crawling.

A street hooker told me last week that the police will turn a blind eye the first time. Is this complete bullshit? Anyone have any experience of this?

I did this type of punting for many years in the eighties, it was a great source of girls ---- but bear in mind the Internet had not really taken off.

It is impossible to say what would happen if you got caught, you may just get a verbal warning, I doubt very much that you would be put on the sex offenders register but is it really worth the risk with so many other alternatives. :unknown:

Offline Goldfinch

Kerb crawling

Any person who attempts to solicit the services of a prostitute from a vehicle whilst driving on a street or in a public area will be breaking the law as per the legislation set out in the Sexual Offences Act 1985. What is more, this type of activity, often referred to as ‘kerb crawling' is an offence as per section 71 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 if it can be demonstrated that the activity caused grievance or annoyance to others who live in the area or if the behaviour is repetitive or persistent.

The penalties for those found guilty of kerb crawling include a top fine of £1,000 and a disqualification from driving under the Powers of the Criminal Courts Act 2000. As well as these punishments, offenders may be presented with an anti-social behaviour order (ASBO), a civil injunction or an acceptable behaviour contract.

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« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 05:22:35 pm by Goldfinch »

Offline Jonestown

Maybe best to park up some distanc away and do a recce on foot.

Offline Corus Boy

Maybe best to park up some distanc away and do a recce on foot.

I believe that you can still be guilty of an offence.

Inspector Leona Scurr, of Notts Police, said she was hopeful the new legislation would lead to more kerb-crawlers being caught. She said: "It makes it easier to catch kerb-crawlers and foot punters."
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 05:32:14 pm by Corus Boy »

Offline daviemac

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It all depends on the police authority for the area you're in, some places in England have a designated area where it's allowed, in others they'll make an example of you if you're caught.
There's no consistency throughout the country when it comes to prostitution. 

Offline Jonestown

I believe that you can still be guilty of an offence.

Bloddy CCTV !!'

Offline Jimmyredcab

Kerb crawling

Any person who attempts to solicit the services of a prostitute from a vehicle whilst driving on a street or in a public area will be breaking the law as per the legislation set out in the Sexual Offences Act 1985. What is more, this type of activity, often referred to as ‘kerb crawling' is an offence as per section 71 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 if it can be demonstrated that the activity caused grievance or annoyance to others who live in the area or if the behaviour is repetitive or persistent.

The penalties for those found guilty of kerb crawling include a top fine of £1,000 and a disqualification from driving under the Powers of the Criminal Courts Act 2000. As well as these punishments, offenders may be presented with an anti-social behaviour order (ASBO), a civil injunction or an acceptable behaviour contract.

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It's also against the law to smoke in your car with children present, so far not a single prosecution.

I did kerb crawling for around 10 years and got a couple of verbal warnings, that's all.

Offline Jonestown

I did kerb crawling for around 10 years and got a couple of verbal warnings, that's all.

Some areas were doing a name and shame in the local papers I seem to remember.

Offline Jimmyredcab

Maybe best to park up some distanc away and do a recce on foot.

That is a better option but you could still come unstuck, sometimes they plant policewomen out there. :scare:

nervous colin

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Why kerb crawl in this day an age, when aw is available?

Offline Jimmyredcab

Why kerb crawl in this day an age, when aw is available?

Maybe because you can see exactly what you are getting.

Adultwork is shit and getting worse, hundreds of Romanians or headless photos.

Online timsussex

I've never risked it in UK but have done so abroad

Its very different to an AW booking and in many ways adds something to the experience - and its not the risk factor or the fact that you can get a decent blow job from an attractive 20 something year old  for 15 quid !

Offline Jonestown

Why kerb crawl in this day an age, when aw is available?

If you've never done it, it's a high octane experience.

Offline lewisjones23

Just asked this question on a regional thread but probably better here.

I've heard on this site that it's a hefty fine and placement on the sex offenders register if you're caught kerb crawling.

A street hooker told me last week that the police will turn a blind eye the first time. Is this complete bullshit? Anyone have any experience of this?

a streek hooker desperate for the next fix saying everything will be ok if caught the first time

not just me who can see through it is it?

Offline Jimmyredcab

a streek hooker desperate for the next fix saying everything will be ok if caught the first time

not just me who can see through it is it?

So you assume that EVERY street hooker is a junkie, not sure that is the case.  :unknown:


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If you've never done it, it's a high octane experience.

How? These areas are always cesspits. It's like looking for shit in a sewer.

Offline Solidrock

a streek hooker desperate for the next fix saying everything will be ok if caught the first time

not just me who can see through it is it?

Don't worry I have learned to be very wary of these girls. Not taking her word for it, have come here for some decent advice. 

Offline Solidrock

So you assume that EVERY street hooker is a junkie, not sure that is the case.  :unknown:

She's not a junkie. She's an alcoholic  ;)

Offline smiths

Just asked this question on a regional thread but probably better here.

I've heard on this site that it's a hefty fine and placement on the sex offenders register if you're caught kerb crawling.

A street hooker told me last week that the police will turn a blind eye the first time. Is this complete bullshit? Anyone have any experience of this?

You will never know before doing it what may happen if the police catch you, you may get away with a verbal warning, or they may decide to nick you, and the law now says you only have to be caught once to get done. So its at the discretion of the police what they do.

Offline lewisjones23

So you assume that EVERY street hooker is a junkie, not sure that is the case.  :unknown:

any WG that cant work AW or for a parlour / agency or indy has issues not worth getting mixed up in

drugs / drink / just a fucking idiot - whatever , not worth going there


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Enforcement varies acceoss the country but most are clamping down hard.  With the exception of Holbeck in Leeds, the penalties far outway the rewards.

Its a shame coz thats where i cut my teeth and the buzz is unrivaled but youd be foolish to do it nowadays

Offline HarryZZ

Just asked this question on a regional thread but probably better here.

I've heard on this site that it's a hefty fine and placement on the sex offenders register if you're caught kerb crawling.

A street hooker told me last week that the police will turn a blind eye the first time. Is this complete bullshit? Anyone have any experience of this?

Unless it's the same plod he isn't going to know it's your first time, I doubt they keep records of people they've just moved along, it would have to be some sort of official warning and one that future plod could access, once it's recorded with the police then it's there forever, if you need a CRB check then it would be there as much as if you had a fine.

Wouldn't it?

Offline Dipper

Offline curry

Unless it's the same plod he isn't going to know it's your first time, I doubt they keep records of people they've just moved along, it would have to be some sort of official warning and one that future plod could access, once it's recorded with the police then it's there forever, if you need a CRB check then it would be there as much as if you had a fine.

Wouldn't it?

You couldn't be further from the truth. They know who the Kc are. They dont need to stop you. Yes it will show up on a self disclosure (AKA CRB) only if the chief constable believes its relevant for the reason of the CRB check in the first place.

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There are at least 10 beats in 20 miles radius of Birmingham

Notts have always been red hot on it and have a TV series about it

Walsall has a big problem due to police cuts

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Offline nervous1

The scene is almost non-existent here in Glasgow due to at least one sick fuck who was killing them.  Got a few BJs back in the day when absolutely pissed and was worried sick when a tabloid threatened to release CCTV footage of punters due to unsolved murders.  Ask me sober and I'm not even remotely interested but have been known to take a wander half-heartedly when drunk as I sometimes drink in that area near RLD (bad idea!).  Been approached a few times by a very plain girl who is very brazen and doesn't care how many people are around.  Last time was outside a well known gay bar and was easy to resist.  Then saw some guy get lifted 5 minutes later while, what looked like a hooker, walked away.  Surely they both get lifted in that situation?

Not worth the risk or embarrassment.  Don't be an idiot like me and drink near RLD's either.  I don't think there's any hidden gems on the streets in this day and age.

Offline Delfrommem

I've been on a bit of a run of it of late. Developed into bit of a habit. This thread has sobered me up a fair bit. That and a few horrible skanks I ended up picking ups  :thumbsdown:

Not worth it especially when there is a reasoable go to milf from Craigslist that would blow me for 20 quid.

Offline Marmalade

any WG that cant work AW or for a parlour / agency or indy has issues not worth getting mixed up in

drugs / drink / just a fucking idiot - whatever , not worth going there

And you know that how??

There are people on here that have have extensive experience of SWs. Some SWs say they do it for the element of choice. They get to see the punter first and don't have to get in the car if they don't like the look if them. Compared to that AW and parlour girls have a more limited choice if any.

My observation is that it is often when the law comes down very heavily that only junkies risk it. Otherwise I've had housewives and students. They do it a few times when they need to and pretend it never happened -- unlike when their pictures are on the Internet or when they have been holed up in a brothel.

I believe that you can still be guilty of an offence.

Inspector Leona Scurr, of Notts Police, said she was hopeful the new legislation would lead to more kerb-crawlers being caught. She said: "It makes it easier to catch kerb-crawlers and foot punters."

I could give Leona a tip on how to catch more punters: just make it a maximum £5 fine.  :cool:
« Last Edit: June 28, 2017, 02:06:35 am by Marmalade »


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Theses wgs are normaly low life

Offline Jimmyredcab

Theses wgs are normaly low life

So what are girls who work in Soho Walk Ups ------- ladies.     :rolleyes:

Offline lewisjones23

And you know that how??

There are people on here that have have extensive experience of SWs. Some SWs say they do it for the element of choice. They get to see the punter first and don't have to get in the car if they don't like the look if them. Compared to that AW and parlour girls have a more limited choice if any.

My observation is that it is often when the law comes down very heavily that only junkies risk it. Otherwise I've had housewives and students. They do it a few times when they need to and pretend it never happened -- unlike when their pictures are on the Internet or when they have been holed up in a brothel.

I could give Leona a tip on how to catch more punters: just make it a maximum £5 fine.  :cool:

from having the misfortune of going to uni based around the now ( thankfully ) very quiet street scene in Liverpool

Offline Marmalade

from having the misfortune of going to uni based around the now ( thankfully ) very quiet street scene in Liverpool

In other words, fuck all.

Offline lewisjones23

In other words, fuck all.

are you really trying to suggest drink / drugs arent a major issue with street girls?  :wacko:

Offline Marmalade

are you really trying to suggest drink / drugs arent a major issue with street girls?
I'm suggesting you are completely full of shit for burping on something you have zero experience of. You question is also annoying rubbish, and if all you can do is play games then I can't be bothered answering. You sound more like someone who wants to see prostitution banned.

Am I really suggesting a lot of SWs don't drink or do drugs? I've stated my thoughts quite clearly based on experience. All you've done is whine.

1. The extent to which SWs are a 'problem' for dickheads is very much down to police attitudes. Liverpool at various times has had some of the nastiest police attitudes towards prostitutes.

2. Some SWs will drink or take drugs - as a punter I have been more interested in prossies that don't. Some AW women are probably trafficked - as a punter I have been more interested in prossies that aren't.

3. You clearly have no experience of punting with SWs. You are only concerned with ones that have been a 'social nuisance' for you.

Offline lewisjones23

I'm suggesting you are completely full of shit for burping on something you have zero experience of. You question is also annoying rubbish, and if all you can do is play games then I can't be bothered answering. You sound more like someone who wants to see prostitution banned.

Am I really suggesting a lot of SWs don't drink or do drugs? I've stated my thoughts quite clearly based on experience. All you've done is whine.

1. The extent to which SWs are a 'problem' for dickheads is very much down to police attitudes. Liverpool at various times has had some of the nastiest police attitudes towards prostitutes.

2. Some SWs will drink or take drugs - as a punter I have been more interested in prossies that don't. Some AW women are probably trafficked - as a punter I have been more interested in prossies that aren't.

3. You clearly have no experience of punting with SWs. You are only concerned with ones that have been a 'social nuisance' for you.

absolute nonsense

Offline mr.bluesky

I can't imagine why anyone would kerb crawl nowdays when there are plenty of girls advertising on places like adultwork  ,viva street etc  and plenty of massage parlours about. Just seems too risky..

Offline Solidrock

I can't imagine why anyone would kerb crawl nowdays when there are plenty of girls advertising on places like adultwork  ,viva street etc  and plenty of massage parlours about. Just seems too risky..

Price, thrill, convenience, something different.

I use AW and parlours and street girls, I like to spread the wealth.

Offline Marmalade

absolute nonsense

A dog that barks :rolleyes:  very well, onto the silly-list you go. Bye

Offline Marmalade

I can't imagine why anyone would kerb crawl nowdays when there are plenty of girls advertising on places like adultwork  ,viva street etc  and plenty of massage parlours about. Just seems too risky..

Today in this country that's true, at least everywhere I'm aware of. Wasn't always the case. Glasgow and edinburgh had thriving scenes for a whole, so did northern England.

Switzerland still has thriving scene though overpriced. I hear the government have even introduced street signs for designated areas.

Offline Jonestown

There were good areas in London, many years ago it's true, but certainly nothing skanky about them.
Punting was immediate then, no hanging about, same when phone box carding started, you could phone up and be on the job 15 minutes later. Now it's all plan ahead, like applying for a mortgage, plan a, b & c. All because the business has expanded and there is so much rubbish about.

Offline lewisjones23

A dog that barks :rolleyes:  very well, onto the silly-list you go. Bye


sounds to me like you've got too close to a street girl an have convinced yourself they arent all lost souls :angelgirl:

Offline Marmalade

When MPs want to shag a cunthole or butthole for cash they don't want to be seen in a red light area -- bad for career. So AW or upmarket alternatives -- are the order of the day and banning bite they don't like makes for good publicity and helps their fight against "this terrible evil".

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Offline Marmalade


sounds to me like you've got too close to a street girl an have convinced yourself they arent all lost souls :angelgirl:

Then you should open your fucking ears. I've been shagging prostitutes probably longer than you've been having hot breakfasts. Couldn't tell one from another. It doesn't 'sound like' anything to you because you feel like starting a petty argument with phrases you've heard elsewhere that mean sod all in the present context.

I suggest you go and pack your satchel ready for tomorrow and come back when you have something mildly intelligent to contribute based on punting experience. If you have any.

Offline lewisjones23

Then you should open your fucking ears. I've been shagging prostitutes probably longer than you've been having hot breakfasts. Couldn't tell one from another. It doesn't 'sound like' anything to you because you feel like starting a petty argument with phrases you've heard elsewhere that mean sod all in the present context.

I suggest you go and pack your satchel ready for tomorrow and come back when you have something mildly intelligent to contribute based on punting experience. If you have any.

I think you've some serious issues - I'd suggest you stop trying to save / shagging crackheads   :thumbsup:

Offline lewisjones23

I think you've some serious issues - I'd suggest you stop trying to save / shagging crackheads   :thumbsup:

Just checked your location - says it all  :lol:

Lay off the special brew and bobby  :dance:

Offline Marmalade

I think you've some serious issues - I'd suggest you stop trying to save / shagging crackheads   :thumbsup:

I don't shag crackheads and resent the implication.  :diablo: You are just being an obnoxious little boy on a man's forum so I hope you find someone else to bother answering you. You've had enough of my time.

Offline lewisjones23

I don't shag crackheads and resent the implication.  :diablo: You are just being an obnoxious little boy on a man's forum so I hope you find someone else to bother answering you. You've had enough of my time.


Offline Thecunninglinguist

Unless it's the same plod he isn't going to know it's your first time, I doubt they keep records of people they've just moved along, it would have to be some sort of official warning and one that future plod could access, once it's recorded with the police then it's there forever, if you need a CRB check then it would be there as much as if you had a fine.

Wouldn't it?
All the time we are told that the police take action via "Intellgence lead policing". On all sorts of crime. THAT is the sort of intelligence they are acting on. So yes, all contact will be recorded, acted on at the time or not.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2017, 07:36:37 pm by Thecunninglinguist »