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Author Topic: Kerb crawling laws  (Read 3346 times)

Offline Marmalade

It's a long time since I fucked British SWs but I remember sometimes they did use a first and second warning system (although I still seemed to manage several first warnings without a second warning).

I think they probably play a lot of the same scenarios:
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Here's quite an amusing one with some figures:
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Sounds like they're occasionally too busy fighting crime to piss off punters and providers.

But with no terror attacks in Bham and Wolverhampton seems they have fuck all else better to do there:
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The prossies themselves have highlighted the pattern and it keeps playing out in different cities. Edinburgh had the best record for a long time. The girls used a quiet, most non-residential area down Leith but it was patrolled by police which added safety, as it should. No-one got prosecuted unless they were out of order. I got politely moved on once cos the copper said it was too public a place down by the beach. He was quite apologetic. A semi-regular I saw would encourage me to drive quite a way to somewhere very safe and no rush or bother. I had the same with occasional art school students in Glasgow's day. It was all very laid back and civilised.

The other thing that helped Edinburgh was needle-exchange. Helped to keep the druggies off the street, slashed the hiv rate, and it all continued in an atmosphere of rational tolerance.

Then first some property developers revamped the area and residents moved in and complained. Then the Muslims got up in arms and started street policing themselves (as if these people didn't know it was a fucking RLD when they moved there ffs).

Then the heavy handed cops move in and everyone gets paranoid. There's no protection for the girls. The punter can't have a quiet word if he's robbed. Decent people tend to avoid the area and it fills up with criminals.

Glasgow had a series of murders. Instead of looking at how to fix the situation they think if they make more of the same mistake it will somehow disappear. Of course, threatening people with £1000 fines and big banners to that effect on the Western Approach no doubt did help them scare off a lot of punters. By that time it was all crims anyway.

Offline purple_t

any WG that cant work AW or for a parlour / agency or indy has issues not worth getting mixed up in

drugs / drink / just a fucking idiot - whatever , not worth going there


Offline Delfrommem

Then you should open your fucking ears. I've been shagging prostitutes probably longer than you've been having hot breakfasts. Couldn't tell one from another. It doesn't 'sound like' anything to you because you feel like starting a petty argument with phrases you've heard elsewhere that mean sod all in the present context.

I suggest you go and pack your satchel ready for tomorrow and come back when you have something mildly intelligent to contribute based on punting experience. If you have any.

I am wondering whether I could trouble you to borrow this phrase to put on my CV?  :hi:

Offline Plan R

I wouldn't fancy relying on  "a street hooker said first times ok M'lud  "    as a legal defense.. :bomb:

Having said that, I used street hookers a few times in early to mid 90s and yes its a buzz
Romantic encounters behind transit vans in side roads off Commercial Rd, Stepney.
I was (even) stupider and (even) hornier back then

Offline jonnycondom

Just checked your location - says it all  :lol:

Lay off the special brew and bobby  :dance:

Good grief!!

How old are you?

Offline Turtle1

As a late 30 year old man, I have not seen street walkers for well over 10 years. I am often driving through central London at night. Not that I'm Intrested but curious.

Stoke poges lane in Slough was notorious in the early 00's

Offline Mothball15

with the attacks in London ppl will be careful of suspicious activities. More chance of getting nabbed.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2017, 07:36:03 am by Mothball15 »

Offline Mothball15

As a late 30 year old man, I have not seen street walkers for well over 10 years. I am often driving through central London at night. Not that I'm Intrested but curious.

Stoke poges lane in Slough was notorious in the early 00's

Offline Marmalade

I wonder what the fuck is 'acceptable behaviour' when quietly JUST THINKING about arranging to have sex for money between two consenting adults  :rolleyes:

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A MAN was stopped by police on Monday night in Pill, Newport, after being seen kerb crawling.

The 60-year-old was issued with an Acceptable Behaviour Contract

Och aye.... thank goodness for AW and UKP.  :music:

Offline Marmalade

In the correct political climate it can be very pleasant. You get to wander about and see before committing yourself to buy. It's good that there's some slight deterrent as it shouldn't be a nuisance to other people. In Glasgow for instance all the whores knew which streets they could use and between which times. Years ago in parts of Germany, the streetwalkers were better dressed than the shoppers. Daytime in Geneva, they're quite friendly, laid-back and don't stick out like a sore thumb. The main trouble cones from heavy handed abolitionist policing. It whittles it down to the few crackheads who want to risk the fines, makes it impossible for prossies or punters to report crime, and generally sets up a needless and often dangerous antagonism.