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Author Topic: friends who are SWs  (Read 7791 times)

Offline MerlinGray

Must have happened before but my ex of many years ago (we are talking the 90s) and we have been on and off mates since (she is now divorced as am I) is working in a parlour after getting made redundant. I went in, saw her and after a short while we decided to just have a quick chat and then just forget it ever occurred.

Before you ask, no I did not, although I was bloody well tempted it wasnt an option.Anyone ever dealt with like, girls they grew up with now being possible... bookings?

After all that I walked out, I won't go back either, too weird. What a fking experience tho. Shame about the parlour cos I had a few good regs.

Offline SamOmar

While not a punt , but an attractive girl from m my secondary school was rumored to be working in a central London strip club ( 5 years after finishing school) and me and couple friends from that school went to check her out and I went for a private dance with her but wouldn't have gone further if I had the opportunity as she wasn't my type.

For me if they were a close friend , I would feel to awkward to punt them, all my female friends know that I punt and also know of my past and so far have not judged me so if I ever encountered them in a parlour or on an escort agency website I would not judge them.
Banned reason: Undesirable, convicted sex trafficker / pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Rick2468

I was out with some friends years ago and a guy in my group saw a girl he knew at the bar we were at so they were chatting and she ended up having a few drinks with us. All seemed normal. Years later I was browsing escorts and saw the same girl. I was shocked and felt I wanted to share the discovery with my friend but obviously couldn't as it would reveal my habit. The SW has decent feedback on here
 I have no interest in seeing her myself. I doubt she would remember me but don't want to risk it. Regardless of that he is expensive and I didn't find her super attractive.

Also I saw a girl I dated very briefly on adult work advertising webcam services only. I actually bought her private gallery then a few days later she closed her profile. This made me super paranoid that she knew I had subscribed to it. My username is anonymous but I thought maybe adult work passed on some information. I looked into it and adultwork don't pass on any details but the timing was uncanny.

Offline Colston36

I was out with some friends years ago and a guy in my group saw a girl he knew at the bar we were at so they were chatting and she ended up having a few drinks with us. All seemed normal. Years later I was browsing escorts and saw the same girl. I was shocked and felt I wanted to share the discovery with my friend but obviously couldn't as it would reveal my habit. The SW has decent feedback on here
 I have no interest in seeing her myself. I doubt she would remember me but don't want to risk it. Regardless of that he is expensive and I didn't find her super attractive.

Also I saw a girl I dated very briefly on adult work advertising webcam services only. I actually bought her private gallery then a few days later she closed her profile. This made me super paranoid that she knew I had subscribed to it. My username is anonymous but I thought maybe adult work passed on some information. I looked into it and adultwork don't pass on any details but the timing was uncanny.

Why were you shocked? Weird. You see whores. Do you disapprove of them? Or yourself?

Offline Slow grinder

My eldest sons' ex girlfriend from 20 yrs ago ..... I met after seeing an ad on AW (about 10 yrs ago), not realising it was her till I arrived... we both had a bloody good laugh and 'carried on' and we kept 'carrying on', as business, for about 3 yrs till she moved to Spain (Malaga),,, Now I see her or used to, bloody Covid every year, well because of Covid, twice. On my yearly Sea Fishing trip.

Offline JontyR

all my female friends know that I punt and also know of my past and so far have not judged me

Yes, they have.

To be fair, I've judged you based just on this partial sentence. To think that your female friends haven't made any kind of judgement on what they know is unrealistic.

Offline 1599337

Not had any go into full escorting, but a girl i fancied the pants off back when i was 15 ended up becoming a camgirl about 5 years later. Was very strange to see, i bought it up with a friend when i was drunk and found it he had also discovered the same thing on the same site.

Offline Colston36

Yes, they have.

To be fair, I've judged you based just on this partial sentence. To think that your female friends haven't made any kind of judgement on what they know is unrealistic.

On what have you judged him? The sentence is not partial, just ungrammatical. Or do you think he is naive to think he is not judged by woman? I don't give a hoot what my female friends think about my antics. When my ex knows I've been off on a frolic she says something like "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Offline JontyR

Or do you think he is naive to think he is not judged by woman?

Exactly that.

I was attempting to illustrate how quickly folks can judge and on relatively trivial things. Forums like this are great for providing a platform when the matters contained probably could cause issues if discussed in the real world. The danger is that it normalises the discussions and give some punters an unrealistic impression of how they may be viewed by a less receptive audience.

Better a splash of cold water from one of your own than being drowned in the disapproval from someone else who may ostracise you publically.

Offline Jayj

I walked into a parlour about 30 miles from home to discover a friend of my daughter sat in her underwear 🙈 we looked at each other and I swear time stood still 😂

Online big-al93

I walked into a parlour about 30 miles from home to discover a friend of my daughter sat in her underwear 🙈 we looked at each other and I swear time stood still 😂

But did it end up being a good punt??  :rolleyes:  ;)

Offline davey.edwards1969

I walked into a parlour about 30 miles from home to discover a friend of my daughter sat in her underwear 🙈 we looked at each other and I swear time stood still 😂

Must have been awkward but it just goes to show what hang ups us Brits have about sex
An ex WG once told me she couldn't understand what all the fuss was about - she wasn't ashamed of " working as a whore in a brothel" - her words not mine and most people in the pub knew - she always admitted to it on the rare occasions it was brought up
As she put it - blokes want to have sex - I like having sex and I didn't  mind having sex with strangers for money - What's the problem ?

Seems like your daughters mate is just like her !
« Last Edit: March 13, 2022, 01:47:29 pm by davey.edwards1969 »

Offline chris9005

About 30 years ago I was back in my home town, visiting my mother who was by then in her mid-80s, and after the visit I decided to call in at a massage salon I'd visited a couple of times before, to get rid of some of the tension (my mother was hard work).

There was an attractive blonde woman working, about my (then) age, with a nice figure. She gave me a lovely back and legs massage, before getting me to turn over and offering me a full strip hand-relief, as they called it in those days. After a really nice rub and popping my load, she was cleaning me up and said "You're [my real name], aren't you?" Turned out we'd been to primary school together (about 35 years prior to that) and she'd realised just before she stripped off - didn't say anything because she didn't want to put me off. I could recognise her when she told me her name, though I probably wouldn't have done so if she hadn't mentioned she knew me.

I saw her a couple of times after that, but after my mother died I didn't visit much and we lost touch. Nice memories though

Offline The Owl

A friend of sorts married a younger woman. One day she followed my Twitter account so I followed hers back only to find out it was a profile to promote her camming. Eventually she must have turned to prostitution because I saw a review of her on here ( recognised her photos). Eventually she split up with my casual mate and she eventually met someone else. I stayed in touch with her and we're still mates but the friend fell by the wayside after spending 2 years crying on Facebook posts, sending me weird manipulative posts about their ex and being an utter twat. The escort has now retired but still uses he profile to sell old videos simply because she met someone else who didn't like her being a sex worker. I'm still mates with her, she knows I know about her past  and we're both cool with that. Although she's cute even when she was an escort I doubt I'd have booked her because it would have been too weird.

Offline davey.edwards1969

Well shortly after posting on this thread I discovered this lady

External Link/Members Only

Plenty of face pictures and some nice nude ones on her profile as well as plenty of online videos

External Link/Members Only

So she is definitely not shy or worried about being "outed"

Seems to be the epitome of the "happy hooker" and is obviously enjoying her decision to move into sex work in her late 40's

Good luck to her I say

Offline Bmwlover

Lass who i know as a civvy used to escort, i think shes left the game now, i fucked her a few years ago when she was working didn't cost me a penny  :yahoo: :drinks:

Offline SamOmar

Yes, they have.

To be fair, I've judged you based just on this partial sentence. To think that your female friends haven't made any kind of judgement on what they know is unrealistic.

Sorry I did not phrase it correctly , I find it quite easy to make friends with males / females but of course I naturally gravitate to more open minded people rather than ultra conservative but my past has not been enough of an issue to terminate the friendship and when I meet new people they are full of intrigue and questions. Relationships however are much more tricky for me and therefore have only had casual relationships in recent years.
Banned reason: Undesirable, convicted sex trafficker / pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Offline SamOmar

Exactly that.

I was attempting to illustrate how quickly folks can judge and on relatively trivial things. Forums like this are great for providing a platform when the matters contained probably could cause issues if discussed in the real world. The danger is that it normalises the discussions and give some punters an unrealistic impression of how they may be viewed by a less receptive audience.

Better a splash of cold water from one of your own than being drowned in the disapproval from someone else who may ostracise you publically.

Why let punting / prostitution remain so taboo? it's not my mindset. It's adult fun, and sure there will be those that drown me in disapproval  but that is me not you. Until it is something is discussed in the mainstream the taboo will never be lifted.
Banned reason: Undesirable, convicted sex trafficker / pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Offline SamOmar

On what have you judged him? The sentence is not partial, just ungrammatical. Or do you think he is naive to think he is not judged by woman? I don't give a hoot what my female friends think about my antics. When my ex knows I've been off on a frolic she says something like "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Excuse my poor spelling / grammar , Try as I might but I always struggle with it.
Banned reason: Undesirable, convicted sex trafficker / pimp
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Colston36

Excuse my poor spelling / grammar , Try as I might but I always struggle with it.

You need no excuse. Whoever taught you does.

On the matter of judgement the Bible put it well: "Judge not, lest ye be judged."

I don't think you can ever expect people not to be critical. Though attitudes have changed hugely in my lifetime.

Offline thenicz

I must have been a dirty dirty bastard when I was younger, probably still am if truth be told. I regularly used to go visit street walkers in the early hours of the morning, on my way home from work. I never had sex with any, just a hand job or a blow job. I had heard rumours that my niece worked as an SW in this area, who was very young, probably about 16/17, I recognised her one night, and although I'm sure she didn't recognise me, I did the usual deed. The reason I say she didn't recognise me is that many years later we met at a funeral, she had changed, off the game and had apparently balooned in weight but lost it all again and was now married and was working in a straight job. As everyone was cuddling each other, in sympathy we did the same, she smiled I smiled and little was said. Ten years on we still are in touch, but no touch obviously. I often wonder if she knew or knows.
Banned reason: Undesirable, proud of having sexual relations with his under age niece
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Stretfordender

I must have been a dirty dirty bastard when I was younger, probably still am if truth be told. I regularly used to go visit street walkers in the early hours of the morning, on my way home from work. I never had sex with any, just a hand job or a blow job. I had heard rumours that my niece worked as an SW in this area, who was very young, probably about 16/17, I recognised her one night, and although I'm sure she didn't recognise me, I did the usual deed. The reason I say she didn't recognise me is that many years later we met at a funeral, she had changed, off the game and had apparently balooned in weight but lost it all again and was now married and was working in a straight job. As everyone was cuddling each other, in sympathy we did the same, she smiled I smiled and little was said. Ten years on we still are in touch, but no touch obviously. I often wonder if she knew or knows.

I agree with you being a dirty dirty bastard if you purposely went and seeked a blowy from your 16/17 year niece

Offline oddson1970

I must have been a dirty dirty bastard when I was younger, probably still am if truth be told. I regularly used to go visit street walkers in the early hours of the morning, on my way home from work. I never had sex with any, just a hand job or a blow job. I had heard rumours that my niece worked as an SW in this area, who was very young, probably about 16/17, I recognised her one night, and although I'm sure she didn't recognise me, I did the usual deed. The reason I say she didn't recognise me is that many years later we met at a funeral, she had changed, off the game and had apparently balooned in weight but lost it all again and was now married and was working in a straight job. As everyone was cuddling each other, in sympathy we did the same, she smiled I smiled and little was said. Ten years on we still are in touch, but no touch obviously. I often wonder if she knew or knows.
WTAF  :unknown:

Offline isaac_gauss

Funny how some people think UKP is a safe place to confess any manner of depravity, legal or otherwise. There's a good illustration of the benefits of keeping the taboo about it: to maintain other taboos.

Offline Payyourwaymate

I must have been a dirty dirty bastard when I was younger, probably still am if truth be told. I regularly used to go visit street walkers in the early hours of the morning, on my way home from work. I never had sex with any, just a hand job or a blow job. I had heard rumours that my niece worked as an SW in this area, who was very young, probably about 16/17, I recognised her one night, and although I'm sure she didn't recognise me, I did the usual deed. The reason I say she didn't recognise me is that many years later we met at a funeral, she had changed, off the game and had apparently balooned in weight but lost it all again and was now married and was working in a straight job. As everyone was cuddling each other, in sympathy we did the same, she smiled I smiled and little was said. Ten years on we still are in touch, but no touch obviously. I often wonder if she knew or knows.

Reported, wtf. Why would you prey on your family member? What kind of shit is this.

Offline Punterperson1971

I must have been a dirty dirty bastard when I was younger, probably still am if truth be told. I regularly used to go visit street walkers in the early hours of the morning, on my way home from work. I never had sex with any, just a hand job or a blow job. I had heard rumours that my niece worked as an SW in this area, who was very young, probably about 16/17, I recognised her one night, and although I'm sure she didn't recognise me, I did the usual deed. The reason I say she didn't recognise me is that many years later we met at a funeral, she had changed, off the game and had apparently balooned in weight but lost it all again and was now married and was working in a straight job. As everyone was cuddling each other, in sympathy we did the same, she smiled I smiled and little was said. Ten years on we still are in touch, but no touch obviously. I often wonder if she knew or knows.
Now that’s creepy and going to far ffs :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline Colston36

Reported, wtf. Why would you prey on your family member? What kind of shit is this.

What is extraordinary and depressing is that he boasts about it.

Offline jeanphillipe

More than 10 years back, a famous story was doing the rounds. The now Defunct infamous formula 1 hotel in brum; a few Asian lads had booked a couple of escorts . One of the blokes was late so they started without him, when he turned up to join the action he realised one of the escorts was his sister... :vomit: :bomb: 

Offline daviemac

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What is extraordinary and depressing is that he boasts about it.
What the fuck is wrong with people, bragging about having sexual relations with his underage niece. Well he can go and brag about it somewhere else.

Offline myothernameis

What is extraordinary and depressing is that he boasts about it.

What about his user name, thenicz,

Offline JontyR

Why let punting / prostitution remain so taboo? it's not my mindset. It's adult fun, and sure there will be those that drown me in disapproval  but that is me not you. Until it is something is discussed in the mainstream the taboo will never be lifted.

Well I applaud you for the attitude. But I don't want someone who is worthy of such admiration to be sacrificed on the attitudes of others who do not share your open-mindedness.  There are plenty of actions and things which I have said over the years that I wouldn't repeat if i had my time again, where the benefit of saying / doing them wasn't worth the eventual price. It won't happen with punting chat, I certainly cannot see any benefit.

Offline bbwandy72

Anyone ever dealt with like, girls they grew up with now being possible... bookings?
No one I grew up with, but I'm friends with a few escorts and cam girls that I met later in civvie life. Some know that I know, some don't and I just stumbled across their profiles on AW. I haven't indulged with any of them, though - despite an obvious attraction in one or two cases. Somehow it would be a bit weird. Plus none of them know that I punt, and it's probably better to keep it that way.

Offline myothernameis

I must have been a dirty dirty bastard when I was younger, probably still am if truth be told. I regularly used to go visit street walkers in the early hours of the morning, on my way home from work. I never had sex with any, just a hand job or a blow job. I had heard rumours that my niece worked as an SW in this area, who was very young, probably about 16/17, I recognised her one night, and although I'm sure she didn't recognise me, I did the usual deed. The reason I say she didn't recognise me is that many years later we met at a funeral, she had changed, off the game and had apparently balooned in weight but lost it all again and was now married and was working in a straight job. As everyone was cuddling each other, in sympathy we did the same, she smiled I smiled and little was said. Ten years on we still are in touch, but no touch obviously. I often wonder if she knew or knows.

I cant believe this to be true, is it more likely thenicz was trolling us.   If it was true there would be legal ramifications for him, and a possible visit by the local police

Offline oddson1970

What about his user name, thenicz,
phoenix , rising from the ashes maybe equals previously banned troll

Offline Thephoenix

Thou shalt not take my name in vain. ;)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2022, 03:16:46 pm by Thephoenix »

Offline Silencio

I discovered that two girls I went to school with were escorting on AW years later, was so tempted to punt them but way too risky, I used to fancy one of them at school. They had a load of great videos on their AW profile though, so I made away with those, still watch them today sometimes.

Offline simping

I must have been a dirty dirty bastard when I was younger, probably still am if truth be told. I regularly used to go visit street walkers in the early hours of the morning, on my way home from work. I never had sex with any, just a hand job or a blow job. I had heard rumours that my niece worked as an SW in this area, who was very young, probably about 16/17, I recognised her one night, and although I'm sure she didn't recognise me, I did the usual deed. The reason I say she didn't recognise me is that many years later we met at a funeral, she had changed, off the game and had apparently balooned in weight but lost it all again and was now married and was working in a straight job. As everyone was cuddling each other, in sympathy we did the same, she smiled I smiled and little was said. Ten years on we still are in touch, but no touch obviously. I often wonder if she knew or knows.

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline MerlinGray

I discovered that two girls I went to school with were escorting on AW years later, was so tempted to punt them but way too risky, I used to fancy one of them at school. They had a load of great videos on their AW profile though, so I made away with those, still watch them today sometimes.

There's a few I went to school with I wish that'd happened! Hahaha

Offline myothernameis

Anyone ever dealt with like, girls they grew up with now being possible... bookings?

Yes, met an escort who I was at school with, and had repeated bookings

Offline simon07

I saw a gal at a parlour who said she had fallen out with her father. A mate of his saw her, fucked her and then told the dad about her. She soon left the parlour and became independent. What a prick for telling the dad.

Offline r1buoy

I was out once with a boss and some of his friends, we went into a strip club/ brothel and bumped into 2 girls I knew from work who where moonlighting! they spotted me asked who I was with, said the boss (who didn't live in that country). I disapeared with them for a while so they wouldn't be recognised in the office.

Boss thought I was shagging them, I did but not that particular night

Offline 1599337

Yes, met an escort who I was at school with, and had repeated bookings

Did she know it was you?

Offline myothernameis

Did she know it was you?

Only once we got talking, so at first we found out, we were from the same town, and soon found out we were in the same school and year.   She stopped escorting a few years, but we became very good friends, up till she past away, suddenly from a heart attack

Offline Ghost89

I found out recently that a girl I used to be in the same classes with at secondary school is now a WG. She used to work at a nearby shop and had a couple of distinctive tattoos on her wrist. When I was trawling AW I spotted a WG I liked the look of with her face blurred out as usual but when I looked at the movies section saw the same tatts displayed. To confirm it was her I bought a few credits to watch and found it was her giving a very nice bj. This was a girl that for many years I dreamed of fucking. Not sure if I should make arrangements as we were always quite good friends and it might just be weird if I was to turn up having made an appointment. Alternatively it could be an excellent booking because she’d know me!

Offline lillythesavage

I found out recently that a girl I used to be in the same classes with at secondary school is now a WG. She used to work at a nearby shop and had a couple of distinctive tattoos on her wrist. When I was trawling AW I spotted a WG I liked the look of with her face blurred out as usual but when I looked at the movies section saw the same tatts displayed. To confirm it was her I bought a few credits to watch and found it was her giving a very nice bj. This was a girl that for many years I dreamed of fucking. Not sure if I should make arrangements as we were always quite good friends and it might just be weird if I was to turn up having made an appointment. Alternatively it could be an excellent booking because she’d know me!

Only one way to get an answer to that question  :D, Me, I would go for it.

Offline Ghost89

I think I will. I’ve nothing to lose by trying.

Offline lillythesavage

I think I will. I’ve nothing to lose by trying.

Exactly, you are both in the same boat, you buying her selling, adults now, not kids. Hope it turns out a good un  :hi:

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

I think I will. I’ve nothing to lose by trying.

Let have a review when you do;)...

Offline stevedave

I found out recently that a girl I used to be in the same classes with at secondary school is now a WG. She used to work at a nearby shop and had a couple of distinctive tattoos on her wrist. When I was trawling AW I spotted a WG I liked the look of with her face blurred out as usual but when I looked at the movies section saw the same tatts displayed. To confirm it was her I bought a few credits to watch and found it was her giving a very nice bj. This was a girl that for many years I dreamed of fucking. Not sure if I should make arrangements as we were always quite good friends and it might just be weird if I was to turn up having made an appointment. Alternatively it could be an excellent booking because she’d know me!

As long as you're confident you have nothing to lose, go for it. Play dumb when she opens the door, don't be like "I knew it were you"  :lol: