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Author Topic: Why do we do it?  (Read 4150 times)


  • Guest
Hi All.

Hopefully this won't be a controversial post but I think it may end up that way.

I was just wondering why people use working girls. I know it's a personal question but have always been intrigued.

Me; I haven't used a working girl for about 10 years. I used to be married to a very cold unemotional person and found myself punting for the interaction and closeness it provided. I have since been divorced and remarried and my new wife gives me all the love and emotional support I could ever need.

Having said that I still like to look. And this website is a hive of information and adverts and so far it has satisfied my need to "have a look" and appreciate the pics and reviews.

I have contacted a couple of wg's from adultwork in recent weeks but haven't gone ahead with anything.

During my punting days in Plymouth I was seeing on average 1 working girl a week, sometimes twice a week.

Your views and opinions please!


Offline easyp123

No excuses for me.  I do it for the pure thrill, and probably the fleeting feeling of power and control like most others.

For me punting is better than any drug and I'm sure more men would do it if they had the disposable cash! 

Even if my missus was a sex crazed supermodel I'd get bored of her sexually after a couple of years, you don't get that with punting.

Offline threechilliman

The thrill and to fulfill fantasies I can't get with the Mrs.


Offline dubs

No excuses for me.  I do it for the pure thrill, and probably the fleeting feeling of power and control like most others.

Each to their own, but that sounds a bit creepy to me.  If you visit a WG expecting to have power over her and to be able to control her you are probably doing it for the wrong reasons?

As for me, I just like shagging a variety of young pretty women.

Offline smartieshouse

The thrill and to fulfill fantasies I can't get with the Mrs.


Same here.

Ive been at this 25 years I think and for me paid sex is now pretty much engrained within me. K love the thrill and buzz of the scene and i dont think I will ever retire so to speak.


  • Guest
Hi All.

Hopefully this won't be a controversial post but I think it may end up that way.

I was just wondering why people use working girls. I know it's a personal question but have always been intrigued.

Me; I haven't used a working girl for about 10 years. I used to be married to a very cold unemotional person and found myself punting for the interaction and closeness it provided. I have since been divorced and remarried and my new wife gives me all the love and emotional support I could ever need.

Having said that I still like to look. And this website is a hive of information and adverts and so far it has satisfied my need to "have a look" and appreciate the pics and reviews.

I have contacted a couple of wg's from adultwork in recent weeks but haven't gone ahead with anything.

During my punting days in Plymouth I was seeing on average 1 working girl a week, sometimes twice a week.

Your views and opinions please!

So are you looking for excuses to rejoin the ranks ?

Just do it there is only one reason You Know You Want To !

Offline Happyjose

I think if you're looking for any kind of closeness or emotional connection, then in the main you're going to be bitterly disappointed with paid for sex.

Best to aim for is great sex with the type of partner you want.

As for why I do it, as I've said before it's because I can. It appears to be in my DNA to cheat and seek out different sexual partners. Punting is much easier and safer than having affairs. I have no problem reconciling what I do with WG's with my real life, and I reckon my real life is better for it
« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 10:26:15 am by Happyjose »

Online dizietsmae

As for why I do it, as I've said before it's because I can. It appears to be in my DNA to cheat and seek out different sexual partners. Punting is much easier and safer than having affairs. I have no problem reconciling what I do with WG's with my real life, and I reckon my real life is better for it

Couldn't have put it better myself  :drinks:

Offline claretandblue

Have a higher sex drive than the wife/am more sexually adventurous than the wife /enjoy shagging lots of girls on my terms /don't want the aggravation that comes with an affair,been there done that

That's my reasons

Offline Natwest

I started a year ago because I fancied the idea of getting to shag girls 40 years younger than me of the calibre I could never have pulled in my 20's and also quite frankly would not have known what to do with even if I had.

No worries about EAS when they are so much younger and I do it purely for downright dirty slutty sex.

Offline PLeisure

Each to their own, but that sounds a bit creepy to me.  If you visit a WG expecting to have power over her and to be able to control her you are probably doing it for the wrong reasons?
+1  :hi:

I do it for [...] the fleeting feeling of power and control like most others.
Don't bundle us in with your insecurities, thanks  :rolleyes:

Offline G.Raff

the fleeting feeling of power and control

This doesn't sound right.  :thumbsdown:


  • Guest
As for me, I just like shagging a variety of young pretty women.

I don't think about it anymore. I just love shagging young ladies.
Don't need excuses, line em up and fuck em and move on.
They get the money, I get..... well, obvious I suppose.  :yahoo:

Offline smiths

No excuses for me.  I do it for the pure thrill, and probably the fleeting feeling of power and control like most others.

For me punting is better than any drug and I'm sure more men would do it if they had the disposable cash! 

Even if my missus was a sex crazed supermodel I'd get bored of her sexually after a couple of years, you don't get that with punting.

Power and control, that's most certainly NOT why I punt, I punt for fun with seemingly willing WGs.

Offline Happyjose

and probably the fleeting feeling of power and control like most others.

I think you'll find that most of the members here do not agree with this.


  • Guest
I think you'll find that most of the members here do not agree with this.
If it was part of a BDSM role play then yes, this guy just sounds creepy

Offline AnthG

I do this because I am geeky, shy and socially awkward. And as such its either a choice of punting or enforced abstinence for me.

I had this crazy idea when I started punting that it would help with my confidence. It hasn't really. But its still fun.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral

Offline threechilliman

Have a higher sex drive than the wife/am more sexually adventurous than the wife /enjoy shagging lots of girls on my terms /don't want the aggravation that comes with an affair,been there done that

That's my reasons

Pretty much how it is with me.



  • Guest
I do this because I am geeky, shy and socially awkward. And as such its either a choice of punting or enforced abstinence for me.

I had this crazy idea when I started punting that it would help with my confidence. It hasn't really. But its still fun.
Who needs confidence when you can have fun instead.  Being geeky usually means you get more pleasure from simple things in life like your geekisms, something lots of confident people lack !

Swings and roundabouts !

Offline AnthG

Who needs confidence when you can have fun instead.  Being geeky usually means you get more pleasure from simple things in life like your geekisms, something lots of confident people lack !

But try chatting with a girl during a punt and trying to explain to her "My god how can you not have heard of The Princess Bride, its the best film ever. it stars Carey Elwes from the first Saw movie.

Then its my god, how can you not have seen Saw. Everyone has seen Saw. Well then the Princess Bride also stars Mandy Patinkin from Alien Nation and Homeland.

And then Jesus Christ how can you possibly not watch Homeland its brilliant and its got Claire Danes from Terminator 3 in it too as the star. Then its what were you doing during the 80s and 90s. How can you not have seen any of the Terminator films. Its like required watching.

I have had this exact same conversation so many different times with WGs. :)

So basically getting pleasure from the simple things often makes you look a bit nutty and eccentric to people not on your same wavelength of thought.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
So basically getting pleasure from the simple things often makes you look a bit nutty and eccentric to people not on your same wavelength of thought.
So you would rather have no pleasure to fit in ?  Its over rated !

Offline scoobyboy72

To do all of the things I cannot do with the Mrs.

You're only here once.
Banned reason: Requested in pm to Admin
Banned by: Head1

Offline AnthG

So you would rather have no pleasure to fit in ?  Its over rated !

No, and this was another one of the reasons I had an idea of a film night with a WG. to show her these films expecting a response of "My god that was epic, I am now a converted film fanatic".

But I did not get that exact response. :)
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
No, and this was another one of the reasons I had an idea of a film night with a WG. to show her these films expecting a response of "My god that was epic, I am now a converted film fanatic".

But I did not get that exact response. :)
Did you really expect that ?  Maybe you should have told her that's what you expected from the booking !

Have you cruised the IMDB forums ?

Sounds to me your climbing Jacobs ladder

Offline Cuntminion

Because I can't convince some to sleep with me for free

Offline Cuntminion

But try chatting with a girl during a punt and trying to explain to her "My god how can you not have heard of The Princess Bride, its the best film ever. it stars Carey Elwes from the first Saw movie.

Then its my god, how can you not have seen Saw. Everyone has seen Saw. Well then the Princess Bride also stars Mandy Patinkin from Alien Nation and Homeland.

And then Jesus Christ how can you possibly not watch Homeland its brilliant and its got Claire Danes from Terminator 3 in it too as the star. Then its what were you doing during the 80s and 90s. How can you not have seen any of the Terminator films. Its like required watching.

I have had this exact same conversation so many different times with WGs. :)

So basically getting pleasure from the simple things often makes you look a bit nutty and eccentric to people not on your same wavelength of thought.

I don't give a fuck what films an sp likes as I'm not there to discuss the finer points of shrek

If in discussion we stumble on common ground, great but don't have to happen

Also ant I seen loadsa films from Simpson's movie to schindlers list but never princess bride and I never will

Didn't like the trailer


  • Guest
Hi All.

Hopefully this won't be a controversial post but I think it may end up that way.

I was just wondering why people use working girls. I know it's a personal question but have always been intrigued.

Me; I haven't used a working girl for about 10 years. I used to be married to a very cold unemotional person and found myself punting for the interaction and closeness it provided. I have since been divorced and remarried and my new wife gives me all the love and emotional support I could ever need.

Having said that I still like to look. And this website is a hive of information and adverts and so far it has satisfied my need to "have a look" and appreciate the pics and reviews.

I have contacted a couple of wg's from adultwork in recent weeks but haven't gone ahead with anything.

During my punting days in Plymouth I was seeing on average 1 working girl a week, sometimes twice a week.

Your views and opinions please!


Jeez who was around to punt in Plymouth 10 years ago. Im assuming Lisa is the only one from that time.
Best punt back in the day?

Offline lostandfound

I do this because I am geeky, shy and socially awkward. And as such its either a choice of punting or enforced abstinence for me.

I had this crazy idea when I started punting that it would help with my confidence. It hasn't really. But its still fun.

A radical suggestion which IMO would help with confidence is attending parties. If there's one thing that would remove self consciousness and lack of confidence with attractive women it would IMO be being a regular at well run parties such as those run by Emma (TPC \ TLC). It would just shake it out of you. And what do you have to lose? You can always leave if you find it overwhelming. On the other hand if it works for you it could be life changing.


  • Guest
A radical suggestion which IMO would help with confidence is attending parties. If there's one thing that would remove self consciousness and lack of confidence with attractive women it would IMO be being a regular at well run parties such as those run by Emma (TPC \ TLC). It would just shake it out of you. And what do you have to lose? You can always leave if you find it overwhelming. On the other hand if it works for you it could be life changing.
Could take the princess bride, sure most party venues have dvd players !

Offline NIK

This topic has been done to death.  :dash:  Why I don't know when the answer is so blindingly simple - plenty of sex and usually with women we wouldn't get it from for free. :rolleyes:


  • Guest
Getting back to the OP opening gambit... Its less hassle a lot of the time than civvy birds. I pay prossies so I dont have to deal with constant text and whatsapp or twitter messages asking if I am ok as I havent bothered to contact them that day.

I am going to shock a few by saying the Princess Bride was an excellent film even if it did have fred savage in it. I would have thought being a geek was cool these days Anth G?

All the young pro's on AW all seem to have fav tv show down as The Big Bang Theory so I assumed you might be dripping in gash cos because of this... 

Offline unclepokey

Have a higher sex drive than the wife/am more sexually adventurous than the wife /enjoy shagging lots of girls on my terms /don't want the aggravation that comes with an affair,been there done that

That's my reasons

Totally agree although I do still adore my regulars.
Uncle Pokey

Offline stevedave

the answer is so blindingly simple - plenty of sex and usually with women we wouldn't get it from for free. :rolleyes:


End thread  :lol:

Offline anonymous1

I do this because I am geeky, shy and socially awkward. And as such its either a choice of punting or enforced abstinence for me.

I had this crazy idea when I started punting that it would help with my confidence. It hasn't really. But its still fun.
That's why I'm giving it a go for the first time next week, hoping it would give me confidence and more experience as I'm also shy and an awkward person in general , don't think it will but worth a try. 


  • Guest
That's why I'm giving it a go for the first time next week, hoping it would give me confidence and more experience as I'm also shy and an awkward person in general , don't think it will but worth a try.

Im actually very shy but faced with a naked girl on the bed legs apart the beast comes out and ..........oh just fucking enjoy yourself. Its a punt not a performance at the fucking Royal Albert Hall.   :dash:

Offline Cuntminion

Im actually very shy but faced with a naked girl on the bed legs apart the beast comes out and ..........oh just fucking enjoy yourself. Its a punt not a performance at the fucking Royal Albert Hall.   :dash:

I have come to terms that I won't be awesome in the sack

as for shyness, I'm not shy but people often confuse me not wanting to talk to them as shyness


  • Guest
The thrill and to fulfill fantasies I can't get with the Mrs.


slow and low

  • Guest
So I can get the best blowjob ever.


  • Guest
I am MGTOW so made a decision to never get married or be in a relationship again. This is due to many reasons such as everything a man has to lose when coming out of marriage. The law is in womens favour and many young guys like me do not want to take the risk. Plus there is child maintenance when everything goes tits up. I know many friends/people from work who have been royally fucked over by the system. That will not be me.

Plus women use SEX to get relationships and men use relationships to get SEX. When the woman gets her full commitment relationship it is normal for the woman to draw back on sex which is what many guys here experience. It does not make logical sense to me to commit to a woman who will not even look after me sexually 10 years into the relationship.

For me I mostly do punting because it is no strings fun and easy. Women nowadays (in the 20s-30s range) make the act of courtship extremely difficult. You have the mindgames and the playing hard to get bullshit that has gone out of control. One of the reasons why I believe that punting is becoming even more popular year by year. Many guys are leaving the courtship game. Just look at Japan where they are having a population crises. Guys over there have finally had enough of their shit. All of this is happening in UK due to Online Dating and men becoming bigger saps and white-knights in general. You have every guy looking like a copy of each other hitting the gym, getting the essex hairstyle and tattoos down their arms while women increased their standards. It won't be long until the majority of these guys have had enough and will go down the MGTOW route...

Women are spoilt for choice and actually are becoming total dickheads. The 100s of guys a day messaging them on their tinder/pof and white-knighting them to death are creating this 'super-ego' in women.

Me? Punting IS the cheapest, fastest way or having no strings fun with new people. Why would I waste £100s more dating and more TIME entertaining some broad who thinks she is the shit? My job takes up a lot of my time and I do not have time for it. Punting for me all the way. Which is why nowadays I refuse to chat up any new girls. In the modern age men choose punting. This can be seen by the dramatic increases in memberships and visitors to the site over the years.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2015, 05:27:37 pm by Ben4454 »

Offline cueball

It's the thrill for me, always has been. The thrill of podging good looking lasses that aren't messy affairs.

Offline PLeisure

Superbly articulated, Ben4454

I had a brief moment of incomprehension at 'MGTOW', thinking it could be a Midlands variant of TOWIE, but otherwise this post captures everything why punting deserves to be totally acceptable in the current social landscape. I'd gladly defend this position to anyone in civvy life that wishes to challenge me on it. (Except that we're not openly admitting it precisely because the current social mores frowns upon such activity)

Bottom line - you say we're living in a world of convenience culture. Good. This is my convenience.
Who wants to waste time, funds and emotional effort in a traditional 'courtship' ?
nah...  :unknown:

Two tone

  • Guest
Being single & not interested in dating, due to the many reasons Ben4454 quotes above, I find punting keeps me sexually active otherwise I would be celibate!

 As I'm ugly, nearly 50 & not a gym honed hunk, I find it also gives me the opportunity to pork women a lot younger than me & well out of my league.

If I did meet someone in civvy land, I don't think that I could give this up as just seeing so many hot women around me on a day to day basis would remind me of what I'm missing...this is so addictive, help  :D

Offline Grumpyoldman

Guy I knew through work calculated how much the divorce cost him, divided it by the number of times he got during the marriage and came to the conclusion that even the most expensive London Escorts were bloody good value by comparison.

Offline thefoxman

The problem with staying single / MGTOW is the socially "fitting in" aspect, particularly as you get older.
Not a problem in your 20s, but once you're over 30 it's expected you have a wife or partner
- and you're considered a bit weird if you don't.

I've been married, and got out relatively unscathed, but I know many who have lost alot in divorce
and more in very unhappy marriages....

but I also think you're missing out if you're avoiding relationships altogether...

Back on topic

1. "I pay to walk away" - civvy sex comes with strings attached
2. indulge in any sex without risking offending your partner - and you can be selfish if you want
3. much easier to arrange a punt than spending time and money on dates 

.and its nice to fuck women you thought we're out of your league :)

Two tone

  • Guest
The problem with staying single / MGTOW is the socially "fitting in" aspect, particularly as you get older.
Not a problem in your 20s, but once you're over 30 it's expected you have a wife or partner
- and you're considered a bit weird if you don't.

I've been married, and got out relatively unscathed, but I know many who have lost alot in divorce
and more in very unhappy marriages....

but I also think you're missing out if you're avoiding relationships altogether...

I've spent most of my life single, with just a couple of serious relationships at different points in my life, and your right, I have had the weird label thrown at me at various times but as I get older I find I don't give a shit.

Also I now find a lot of my work mates around the same age as me, getting shafted financially in divorce & swearing to remain single,  so I'm not the odd one out any more.

I'm more than happy to socialise in my own way & have a laugh, but apart from the intimacy I don't miss the nagging & demanding & manipulating that goes on with women & their mindgames.


  • Guest
Narcisstic supply. My ego demands it. I need to be adored. That and I am searching for the perfect blow job (Amy in Soho comes close).

Offline Sonny Crockett

I punt for pure escapism. Nothing better than delving into my fantasy world.

Offline Jbay3004

I think we all listened to that inner sex addict. Slowly dangling the WG bait in front of us.

Offline easyp123

+1  :hi:
Don't bundle us in with your insecurities, thanks  :rolleyes:

I was talking more on a psychological level, basically op was saying he did it for emotional attachment, i was counter arguing that at a base level there is a big element of power and control, not in a nasty way, more subconscious. Wgs should always be treated with respect and vice versa.

I tend to write my posts whilst on the bog, so done in a reflective mood lol.