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Author Topic: 52Anal-Busty-Mature Birmingham  (Read 3952 times)

2 review(s) for 52Anal-Busty-Mature (1 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]


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£100 for one hour

Intro: Since Carla left me in the lurch a replacement booking had to be made quickly. Went to the second on my list. Which brings us to this review.



Booking process was quick, easy and confirmed.



Found a parking spot and her place. Eventually.
Bedroom and bathroom were clean and decked out in Ikea finery.


Onstreet parking is one of those mythical things like unicorns or honest Romanian prossies.
Flat is by Hotel Indigo so the blocks of concrete aren't a lot of use as landmarks.



Looked like her pictures and has a nice figure.
Boobs are natural and firm.


Habla Espanol Senor?



Actually does anal!  :yahoo:
Boobs feel great to suck and fondle.
Pussy tastes clean

OWO is enthusiastic but lacking in sensation. Kept stopping to rest her jaw.
Language barrier is restrictive, turning the punt into a game of charades at times.
Shower has two temperatures: scalding and freezing.

Details: Started by standing up and playing with her pussy and boobs before slowly making her way over to the bed. Patricia started licking and biting my nipples, making her slowly down to where the action is. She then proceeded to lick the shaft and the head while maintaining eye contact. After a while I decided to get it was time to get on with matters in hand.

OWO was enthusiastic with the occasional break due to jaw ache. Only when it included wanking did it become enjoyable. Went down on here with Patricia guiding me on where she enjoys it most. Then it was on with the rubber and a dab of KY later it was time for anal. Patricia was tight and good take a good pounding and felt good, moaning all the time calling me Superman at times. Course I am.  :rolleyes: Condom quickly changed and it was onto doggy.

Not as tight as before but she could take a pounding and was enjoying it with more cries of Superman. After climaxing we cleaned up and a quick rest before she sat on my face while I played with myself. Patricia stood up and stood over me frigging herself before squirting a few drops into my face complete with her left leg shaking. I then showered and left.

As I left I saw her next client and told him to enjoy. He was nonplussed at this.


Enthusiastic in what she does
Wasn't rushed

Remember my 'Habla Espanol Senor?' comment from above? Would of been nice to have made small talk with her.


This was a good punt. Patricia provides the services listed (including anal!) is very pleasant and enthusiastic and would certainly see her again.


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Offline spz1234

I was considering her but the lack of English puts me off somewhat.


  • Guest
I was considering her but the lack of English puts me off somewhat.

I agree that's a problem and would make things awkward. It's the thing that stops me being a regular of hers.


  • Guest
At the time of writing, her profile page pics are totally bogus.

Offline Min_g79

her age is bogus too - no way is she 52  :unknown:

Offline bobby_dizzler

her age is bogus too - no way is she 52  :unknown:

In what way? Older or younger? Surly not older?

Online rnrn636

Yes totally different girl in the pics now. Has her profile been recycled so it's new girl with fake feedback that's not hers or is it still her but with fake photographs?